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Sidney Bechet + Louis Armstrong + Django Reinhardt 1952, La Route Du Bonheur (excerpt) Sheet Music
8:16 music excerpt; 1952, ©53(F/I), LA ROUTE DU BONHEUR, Maurice Labro, Giorgio Simonelli (fdir); Claude Luter (cl) at son Orch.: Sidney Bechet (ss) Guy Longnon (t) Bernard Zacharias (tb) Raymond Fol (p) Claude Philippe (bj) Roland Bianchini (b) François “Moustache” Galepides (d):
01:44 Buddy Bolden stomp / Django Reinhardt (g) et sa Formation: Hubert Rostaing (cl) Fats Sadi (vib) Maurice Vander (p) Pierre Michelot (b) Pierre Lemarchand (d): 1:49 Nuits de Saint Germain-des-Prés / Oct.52 filmed in Roma, Louis Armstrong (t) & All-Stars: Trummy Young (tb) Bob McCracken (cl) Marty Napoleon (p) Arvell Shaw (b) Cozy Cole (d) Velma Middleton:
3:00 Struttin’ with some barbecue / leave out credit separated clips from this film are already uploaded – here together in context with credit. I regret that one of the coryrightholders SME has not tolerated this non-commercial excerpt for jazz-historical reasons to show these important jazz-greats together in one film ( as also wanted by this film-producer).
They canceled the complete film in Germany for the soundtrack of the Django Reinhardt part – for this reason I´ll upload the two clips with Sidney Bechet & Armstrong again for Germany – look