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Music for Piano and Orchestra: The Recorded Repertory (Nov. 2023) “C”
Compiled by Dr. Allan B. Ho
Professor emeritus, musicology
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
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Ca Lê Thuần (1938-2017) Vietnam
**Concerto in E-flat (1983)
Caamaño, Roberto (1923-93) Argentina
**Concerto No. 1, Op. 22 (1956-57)
Çabalette, Peio (1961- ) France
**Concerto (“Black Sun”) (premièred 2015)
Cabaniss, Thomas (1962- ) USA
**Double Rainbow for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2017)
Cabus, Peter Noel (1923-2000) Belgium
+Concertino (1953)
**Concerto grosso for 4 Clarinets, Harp, Piano, Strings, and Percussion (1965)
**Sinfonia concertante for Piano, Harpsichord, and String Orchestra (1973)
Cáceres, Eduardo (1955- ) Chile
**Siete Velos de un Prisma (Variaciones) for String Orchestra and Piano (1982)
Cáceres, Germán (1954- ) El Savador
Concerto (1981)
Cacciapaglia, Roberto (1953- ) Italy
+Ancient Evenings (rec. 2007)
+Atlantico for Piano, Voice, and String Orchestra (rec. 2007)
+Floating (rec. 2007)
+How Long for Piano, Voice, and String Orchestra (rec. 2007)
+Nuvole di luce (rec. 2007)
+Oceano (rec. 2007)
+Olimpica (rec. 2007)
+Outdoor (rec. 2007)
+Sarabanda for Piano, Voice, and String Orchestra (rec. 2007)
+Seconda navigazione (rec. 2007)
+Tema celeste (rec. 2007)
Cadman, Charles Wakefield (1881-1946) USA
**At Dawning (1906)
+Dark Dancers of the Mardi Gras (1931; orig. title “Scarlet Sister Mary”)
**From the Land of the Sky-blue Water (1909; from Four American Indian Songs, Op.

Cadwallader, Rex ( – ) USA
**There Will Be Dancing for Jazz Piano Trio and Orchestra (premièred 2022)
Caffrey, Greg (1963- ) Ireland
**Environments 1 (2011)
Cage, John (1912-92) USA
§Concert for Piano and Orchestra (1957-58)
§Concerto for Prepared Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1951)
§“Fourteen” for Bowed Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1990)
+Seasons for Orchestra with Piano Concertante (1947)
Çağlar, Kemal (1938-96) Turkey
**Variations (1974)
Caine, Uri (1956- ) USA
**Aria (2010)
Bach: Goldberg Variations (1999-2000)
Beethoven: Diabelli Variations (2001)
Mahler: Urlicht/Primal Light (1996)
Wagner (1997)
**Concerto for 2 Pianos and Chamber Orchestra (2006)
+Hamsa for Flute, Violin, Piano, and String Orchestra (2015; a “response” to Bach’s
Brandenburg Concerto No. 5)
**In Memoriam for Soprano, Piano, and String Orchestra (2012)
Caires, Carlos (1968- ) Portugal
**Pianissimo for Piano and Wind Orchestra (2017)
Calabrese, Agustín ( – ) Argentina/Mexico
**Infinite Lanes for Ensemble with Piano (2017)
Calabro, Louis (1926-91) USA
**Young Pianist’s Concertino for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 51 (1972)
Caland Cunha, André Messi ( – ) Brazil
**Concerto, Op. 30 (2023)
Calandrelli, Jorge (1939- ) Argentina
+Concerto for Jazz Clarinet and Orchestra with Piano (1984/89; piano mainly in II)
Calcagno, Elsa (1910-78) Argentina
**Tres corales argentinos (arr. for piano and string orchestra)
Caldarella, Juan (1891-1978) & Alejandro Scarpino (1904-70) Argentina
**Canaro en París (1925; arr. by Mariano Castro for bandoneon, piano, and string
Calder, Philip (1942- ) USA
**Concerto No. 1, Op. 6 (1966/2014)
Calì, Francesco (1966- ) Italy
**Sicilian Waltz for Piano, Bandoneon, and Orchestra
Califra, John ( – ) USA
**Ecstasy of St. Teresa (from the film “Ghostlight”)
**Grotesques [Cynicism & Sincerity]
Calisto, Philip ( – ) Germany
**Petite Rhapsodie in g for String Orchestra and Piano (2018)
Call, William Anson (1938- ) USA
**Fantasy: An Epic Romance (2000/08/20)
**Hometown Concerto (1997/2000/12; II, 2008)
Calleja, Jorge (1971- ) Mexico
**En Tierras Lejanas (premièred 2021)
Callender, Clifton ( – ) USA
**Chamber Concerto for 8 Players (1996)
Calligaris, Sergio (1941- ) Argentina
**Choreographic Scene for 2 Pianos and String Orchestra, Op. 30 (1993)
§Concerto, Op. 29 (1992-93)
**Double Concerto for Cello, Piano, and Orchestra, Op. 37a (1996; premièred 2007)
**Double Concerto for Flute, Piano, and Orchestra, Op. 37a (1996; premièred 2006)
+Double Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra, Op. 41 (2000)
+Double Concerto for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra, Op. 37 (1996)
Callister, Parker (1994- ) USA
**Machine Turn Quickly for 17 Instruments (2020-21)
Calmel, Olivier (1974- ) France
+Rhapsodie fantasmasgorique sur docteur Jekyll et M. Hyde (Double Concerto) for Alto
Saxophone, Piano, and String Orchestra (by 2019)
Calmel, Roger (1920-98) France
+Concerto No. 2 for Piano and String Orchestra (perf. 1972)
Camacho Vilegas, Marvin (1966- ) Costa Rica
**Concerto for Piano, Strings, and Percussion (2010)
+Concerto No. 1 (“Iniciático”) (2012)
+De Profundis (Concerto) for Clarinet, Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (2011)
+Fantasía No. 1 (2014)
Camarero, Cesar (1962- ) Spain
**Klangfarbenphonie (1993)
§Concerto in B-flat for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 15, No. 1 (1780)
§Concerto in G for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 15, No. 3 (1780)
Cambini, Giuseppe Maria (Gioacchino) (1746-1825) Italy
§Concerto in B-flat for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 15, No. 1 (1780)
§Concerto in G for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 15, No. 3 (1780)
Cambissa, Giorgio (1921-98) Italy
**Concerto for Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (1958)
**Wandering (1995)
Cameron, John (1944- ) England
+Romantic Concerto (c.1987; end title for the film “Transformations,” 1988)
Cameron, Liam
**Adagio for Strings and Piano (2019)
Cameron Wolf, R. [see Stetsyuk]
Camilleri, Charles (1931-2009) Malta
+Concertino No. 4 (“Summer Nights in Malta”) (orig. for piano and orchestra, 1960-
62; rev. in 1998 for 2 pianos and string orchestra)
§Concerto No. 1 (“Mediterranean”) (1948/78)
§Concerto No. 2 (“Maqam”) (1967-68)
§Concerto No. 3 (“Leningrad”) (1986)
Camilo, Michel (1954- ) Dominican Republic/USA
§Concerto No. 1 (premièred 1998)
**Concerto No. 2 (“Tenerife”) (premièred 2009)
**Concerto for Jazz Trio and Orchestra (2017)
§Suite for Piano, String Orchestra, and Harp (based on three pieces, 1989-93: “Tropical
Jam,” “In Love,” and “Journey”; orchestrated by Joseph Gianono, by 2001)
**Tropical Jam (c.1993)
Cammarota, Carlo (1905-90) Italy
**Concerto (1958)
**Preludio, Adagio e Toccata (1961)
Camp, Manel (1947- ) Spain
+Coratge for Piano and Cobla (1990s)
+Esclats for Cobla and Piano Jazz Trio
Campana, José Luis (1949- ) Argentina/France
*Ser… (To Be…), Concerto (2005)
Campanelli, Richard
**Concerto No. 1, III
Campanini, Paolo ( – ) Italy
**Lettre d’amore
Campbell, Hal Kirkhan (1927-2020) USA
**Concerto (1997)
Campbell, Henry (1926-2020) USA
•Andante and Allegro (by 1948)
Campbell, Mat (1992- ) USA
**Concerto for Piano and Percussion Ensemble (2019)
Campesato, Attilio ( – ) Italy
**Egloga for Piano and String Orchestra (premièred 2022)
Campo, Conrado del (1878-1953) Spain
**Fantasía castellana (1939)
Campo, Régis (1968- ) France
+Concerto (1998/99)
**Sounding (2011)
Campogrande, Nicola (1969- ) Italy
**R (Un Ritratto per Piano e Orchestra) (2012)
**Urban Gardens (2012)
Campos, Gilmar de
**Fantasia concertante for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2018), I-II
Campos-Parsi, Héctor (1922-98) Puerto Rico
**Duo trágico (in memoriam John F. Kennedy) (1965)
Camurdan, Atesh (2002- ) USA
**Concerto in D-flat (2019), I
Can, Esim (1969- ) Turkey/Germany
**Ballade in g
Canady, William (1995- ) USA
**Concerto, Op. 1, No. 1
Canaro, Francisco (1888-1964) Uruguay/Argentina
**La Tablada
Canaro, Juan (1892-1977) Uruguay/Argentina
**Ahí va el dulce
Cañete, Jesús (1987- ) Argentina
**Concierto (“Ordenes de Caballería”) for Piano 4-Hands, Strings, and Percussion (by
Canev, Blagoj (1937- ) Macedonia
**Concert Movement No. 1 for Piano and String Orchestra
Canfield, David DeBoor (1950- ) USA
§Concerto (1981)
**Concerto for Tenor Saxophone and Orchestra with Obbligato Piano (2007)
Canino, Bruno (1935- ) Italy
Concerto da camera for 2 Pianos and Orchestra
Cann, Melvyn Roy (1941- ) Australia
**Concerto (“From My Youth”) (by 2023)
Cannon, (Jack) Philip (1929-2016) England
**Concertino for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 2 (1948-51)
Cannon, Jaron (1993- ) USA
**Reflection in Rain (Fantasy) for String Orchestra and Piano (2010)
Cano, César (1960- ) Spain
**Concerto, Op. 29 (1992)
Cano, Ximo (1963- ) Spain
**Concerto for Piano and Wind Orchestra
Cano Pérez, Francisco (1939- ) Spain
**Concerto (“Sagitario”) (premièred 2006)
Canônico, Joe ( – )
**“Chuva” for Piano, Flute, Clarinet, and Strings (2013)
**“Guerra e Paz” for Piano and String Orchestra (2017)
Cantal Mariño, José Antonio (1978- ) Spain
**Diálogos for Flute, 2 Pianos, and Orchestra
Cantelon, Paul (1959- ) USA
**Conviction, main theme (from Tom Goldwin’s film, 2010)
Cantor Santiago, Lucas ( – ) USA
**Milvian Bridge
Cantoral, Roberto (1935-2010) Mexico
**El Reloj [The Clock] (1956; arr. by David Rodríguez De La Peña)
**Regálame esta Noche (1956; arr. by David Rodríguez De La Peña)
Canzano, Nicola ( – ) USA
**Concerto No. 35 in A, I
Cao, Jason ( – ) China
**Concerto in C (2018)
Caobelli, Federico ( – ) Switzerland
**Concerto (1994/2021)
Capanna, Robert (1952-2018) USA
*3 Variants for Flute, Clarinet, Cello, Piano, Percussion, and String Orchestra (2009; a
concerto grosso adaptation by Jan Krzywicki of 3 Pieces for String Orchestra, 1999)
Capdevielle, Pierre (1906-69) France
+Concerto del dispetto (1959)
Capelletti, Daniel (1958- ) Luxembourg/Belgium
**Concerto No. 1 (in one movement), Op. 8 (1978)
Cappello, Alessio (1987- ) Italy
**Concerto No. 1 (by 2020)
**Fantasia (by 2023)
Cappello, Giancarlo ( – ) Italy
**For Nida (by 2022)
Capperauld, Jay (1989- ) Scotland
**Endlings (2018)
Capponetto, Alfredo (1978- ) Italy/Scotland
**Baroque Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2017)
**Concerto (Konzertstück), I (2009)
Capyrin, Dmitry Yuryevich (1960- ) Russia
**Elegy (for the Rostov Academic Drama Theater’s production of Alexander
Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”)
Caramés Bohigas, Iván (1979- ) Spain/USA
**Bulerías Apócrifas (2012)
Caramuscio, Cesare (2001- ) Italy
**Concerto in B-flat (2018), I-II
Caratelli Surace, Sandra ( – ) Italy
**Fantasia da Concerto [No. 3] (by 1966)
Carbon, John (1951- ) USA
+Concerto (1998)
**Fantasy-Nocturne (Concerto No. 2) (2013)
Carbonell i Saurí, Albert (1972- ) Spain
**Concertone for Piano and String Orchestra (2003)
Carcamo, Felipe ( – )
**Concerto No. 1 (“Atlantic Seas”), Op. 149 (2023), I
Carcassas, Pedro ( – )
**Exercise One (2000)
Cardelús, Arturo (1980- ) Spain
**Buñuel in the Labyrinth of the Turtles for Piano, Orchestra, and Chorus (music from
the animated film, 2018)
+Buñuel in the Labyrinth of the Turtles for Piano, Orchestra, and Chorus (soundtrack
from the animated film, 2018)
**Concerto, I. Allegro molto (2011)
Cárdenas Gutiérrez, Gerardo (1957- ) Mexico
**Concerto No. 1 (by 2014), excerpts
**La Loba (based on a traditional Argentine melody)
Carder, Alan B. (1945- ) USA
**Concerto, II
**Tori’s Tune
Cardinaux, Michel (1962- ) Switzerland
+Concerto No. 1 for Piano and String Orchestra (2005)
Cardon, Roland (1929-2001) Belgium
**Concertino for Piano and Concert Band
Cardona, Alejandro (1959- ) Costa Rica
**RinoSONoronte (Homenaje a Benny Moré) for Piano and String Orchestra (1990)
Cardoso, Lindemberque (1939-89) Brazil
**Extreme for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (1970)
Cardoso, Mario ( – ) Argentina
**Concerto No. 4 (“Nuclear Reactors”), Op. 91
**Galaxia 2000 (Concerto) for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 15, No. 1
Cardoza, Don Benjamin ( – ) USA
**Silhouette (2012)
Carey, Christian (1973- ) USA
**Gilgamesh Suite for Flute, Harp, String Quartet, and Prepared Piano (2012)
Carey, John Galt ( – ) USA
**Concerto in c-sharp, Op. 5 (2006)
Carfi, Nahuel ( – )
**Emboscada (2010)
Carlander, Jarl (1991- ) United Kingdom
**Concerto No. 1 in c-sharp (2009)
Carles Lama (1970- ) & Sofia Cabruja (1965- ) Spain
**“…And the Winner Is” (by 2015; arrangements for piano 4-hands and string orchestra
of music from Academy Award winning films):
Barry: Out of Africa
Bernstein: West Side Story
Morricone: “Gabriel’s Oboe,” The Mission
Williams: Star Wars
Zimmer: Gladiator
Carlevaro, Álvaro (1957- ) Uruguay
**Camino al horizonte Road to the Horizon
Carlson, Luke (1983- ) USA
**Refraction for Flute, English Horn, Clarinet, Bassoon, Double Bass, Percussion, and
Piano (2009)
Carlson, Mark (1952- ) USA
**Concerto for Piano and Wind Ensemble (1994)
**Concerto for Trumpet, Piano, and Orchestra: No Escape, Elegy, Horn of Plenty
Carmichael, John (1930- ) Australia
+Concierto folklórico for Piano and String Orchestra (1965)
**Concierto folklórico for Piano and String Orchestra (1965; arr. for piano 4-hands and
string orchestra, 2011)
Carmody, Colin ( – ) USA
**Concerto, Op. 17 (2017)
Carneiro da Silva, Normando ( – ) Brazil
**Concertino (“Mandacaru”) (by 2014)
Caron, Don (1955- ) USA
+Concerto (2002)
Caroul, Marc ( – ) USA
**Symphonina No. 1 in E-flat (2022)
Carpenter, John Alden (1876-1951) USA
§Concertino (1915-17/47-48)
§Krazy Kat (jazz pantomime, 1921/40)
+Patterns (1932)
+Skyscrapers for Orchestra with 2 Pianos (ballet, 1923-24)
Carpenter, John Howard (1948- ) & Alan Howarth (1948- ) USA
**Main title; The Haunted House (from Carpenter’s film “Halloween,” 1978)
Carr, Edwin James Nairn (1926-2003) New Zealand
**Concerto No. 1 (1959)
§Concerto No. 2 (1985)
**Concerto Balabile (2001)
**Poems (1988)
Carr, Paul (1964- ) England
+Collage (Concerto in One Movement) for Alto Saxophone, Piano, and Chamber
Orchestra (1998)
Carr-Boyd, Anne (Elizabeth) (1938- ) Australia
+Concerto No. 1 (1990-91)
Carrabré, T. Patrick (1958- ) Canada
**Concerto for Piano and Small Orchestra (1991)
**Paganini vs. Chopin: The Practice Room Exposé (2005)
Carrapatoso, Eurico (1962- ) Portugal
**5 Reflections on “Peer Gynt” for Piano and String Ensemble (2011)
Carrara, Cristian (1977- ) Italy
+Destinazione del sangue for Piano, Cello, and Orchestra (2008)
+Icone (2006)
**Magnificat (Meditation) for Pedal Piano and Orchestra (2011)
+Magnificat (Meditation) for Pedal Piano and Orchestra (2011; version for piano and
**War Silence (2015)
Carrasco, Manolo (1971- ) Spain
+Atlántida for Violin, Cello, Piano, and String Orchestra (by 2014)
**Entre dos Maries (arr. for piano, guitar, percussion, bass, choir, and orchestra by
Jesus Bola)
**Vals Fantasia for Piano and String Orchestra
Carriço, Luís
**Concerto No. 1 in c (by 2018)
Carrieri, Massimo
**Pan-American Suite for Orchestra with Piano (2021)
Carrilho, Fred (1971- ) Brazil
**Brasilessência for Flute/Piccolo, Oboe, Bass Clarinet, Percussion, Harp, Piano,
Guitar, Mandoline, Violin, Viola, Cello, and Double Bass (2009)
Carrillo(-Trujillo), Julián (Antonio) (1875-1965) Mexico
**Balbuceos for 1/16th Tone Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1958)
**Concertino for 1/3 Tone Piano and Orchestra (1958)
Carro, Mario (1979- ) Spain
**Chamber Concerto for 13 Instruments (2005)
Carroll, Paul ( – ) England
§Cassation No. 1 for Orchestra with Piano (by 2011)
§Concerto No. 1 for String Orchestra and Piano (2010)
**Tango for Octet
Carruba Toscano, Concetta (1964- ) Italy
**Andante for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2017)
**Concerto No. 1 in g, Op. 1 (by 2017)
Carson, Milton [pseudonym for the British composing team of Harold Fields, Howard
Barnes, and Joseph Roncoroni]
**Destiny Theme (arr. by Alberto Semprini, 1957)
Carste, Hans Friedrich August (1909-71) Germany
**“Surprise de Valse,” Rondo for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1966)
Carter, Benny Lester, Bennett USA
**Central City Sketches (1987)
Carter, Elliott (Cook) (1908-2012) USA
+ASKO Concerto (1999/2000)
+Boston Concerto (2002)
+Concerto for Cello and Orchestra with Piano (2001)
§Concerto (1964-65)
**Conversations for Piano, Percussion, and Chamber Orchestra (2010)
+Dialogues (2003)
+Dialogues II for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2003)
§Double Concerto for Harpsichord, Piano, and 2 Chamber Orchestras (1961)
+Interventions (2007)
+Soundings for Orchestra and Piano (2005; piano only in the introduction and coda)
+Two Controversies and a Conversation for Piano, Percussion, and Chamber Orchestra
(2011; an expansion of “Conversations” [above], adding two brief prefatory
Caruso, Lucía N. (1980- ) Argentina/USA
+Clouds (2012)
+Concerto (“Light and Wind”) (by 2018)
**Folia for Portuguese Guitar, Piano, and Orchestra (with her husband, Pedro
Henriques da Silva; orig. for guitar and piano, 2005)
Carvalho, Dinorá de (1895-1980) Brazil
**Fantasia Fantasi-Concerto; Fantasia brasileira
Carvalho, Guilherme (1974- ) France
+Topologie faible (2004)
Carwithen, Doreen wife of William Alwyn England
§Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (1948)
Casablancas, Benet (1956- ) Spain
**In Modo di Passacaglia
**Petita Musica Nocturna
**Set Escenes de Hamlet (1988-89)
Casadesus, Axel (1957- ) France
**Concerto No. 1
Casadesus, Robert (Marcel) (1899-1972) France
+Capriccio for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 49 (1952-53)
§Concerto No. 2 in e, Op. 37 (1944)
+Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra, Op. 17 (1933)
§Concerto for 3 Pianos and String Orchestra, Op. 65 (1964)
+Nonetto in E-flat for String Quartet, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, and Piano, Op.
45 (1949)
Casagrande, Alessandro (1922-64) Italy
**Tempo sinfonico, Op. 42 (1962)
Casale, Emanuele (1974- ) Italy
**Concerto (2022)
Casali, Edoardo ( – ) Italy
**Concerto for Bassoon, Piano, String Orchestra, and Live Electronics, Op. 1 (2013-14;
piano parts mainly written by Carlo Boccaccini)
Casanelles, Sergi (1980- ) Spain
Casanova, André (1919-2009) France
**Concertino, Op. 8 (orig. for piano and 8 instruments, 1952; revised for piano and
chamber orchestra, 1958/62)
Casanova, Fermina (1936- ) Argentina
**Concerto (1962)
**Concerto for Piano 4-Hands and Orchestra (1997)
Casas, Pere (1957- ) Spain
+4 Pieces for 11 Instruments (1997)
Casavecchia, Stefano (1990- ) Italy
**The Happy Ending for Piano, Chorus, and Orchestra (2022)
Cascioli, Gianluca (1979- ) Italy
**Fantasia (2010)
Casella, Alfredo (1883-1947) Italy
+A notte alta, Op. 30bis (1921)
§Concerto for Piano, Violin, Cello, and Orchestra, Op. 56 (1933)
§Concerto for Strings, Piano, Timpani, and Percussion, Op. 69 (1943) [slow movement
after that in the Harp Sonata, Op. 68]
§Partita, Op. 42 (1924-25)
+Pupazzetti for Orchestra with Piano, Op. 27bis (1920)
§Scarlattiana for Piano and Small Orchestra, Op. 44 (1926)
Casesa, Valentina (1981- ) Italy
**Mushin (2018)
Cashian, Philip (1963- ) England
+Concerto (2006; III revised c.2013)
**Concerto No. 2 (“The Book of Ingenious Devices”) (2016)
Casimiro Almeida, João
**Concerto in f-sharp, Op. 1, I
Casken, John (Arthur) (1949- ) England
**Concerto (1980-81)
Caskie, Maya ( – ) England
**Fantaisie (2017; reworked from the solo piano piece “La Vague,” 2015)
Cassadó i Valls, Joaquim (1867-1926) Spain
**Hispania (Fantasía) (1910)
Cassano, Joseph
**Suite for Orchestra with Piano (2015)
Cassidy, Aaron (1976- ) USA
**Concerto (2021-23)
Cassú, Francesc (1965- ) Spain
**Quasi vals
Cassuto, Álvaro (1938- ) Portugal
+Song Of Loneliness for Orchestra with Piano (1972)
+Visiting Friends (1986)
Castagnoli, Giulio (1958- ) Italy
+Cloches en noir et blanc (1991)
**Concerto (2003)
+Double Quintette (1988)
+Tre Poesie de T’ang (1995)
Castaldi, Paolo (1930-2021) Italy
**Refrains (2000-2001)
Castaldo, Joseph (1927-2000) USA
**Epigrams (Concerto) (1959)
**Theoria for 15 Winds, Piano, and Percussion (1971)
Castangia, Sebastiano
**Concerto No. 1 in e (2023), I
Castellanos, Evencio (1915-84) Venezuela
+Concerto in A (1944)
**Mañanitas Caraqueñá, Waltz (orig. for piano, premièred 1979; orchestrated for
“popular” orchestra with piano by Daniel Milano Mayora [b. 1926])
Castellon, Deavon
**Concerto for Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (2021), I-III
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario (1895-1968) Italy
§Concerto No. 1 in G, Op. 46 (1927)
+Concerto No. 2 in F, Op. 92 (1936/37)
Castérède, Jacques (1926-2014) France
+Concertino for Trumpet, Trombone, String Orchestra, Piano, and Percussion (1958)
+Concerto No. 1 for Piano and String Orchestra (1954)
Casti, Fabrizio (1960- ) Italy
**L’Ottavo Cielo (1994)
Castiglioni, Niccolò (1932-96) Italy
**Arabeschi for Flute, Piano, and Orchestra (1971)
**Concerto for 3 Pianos and Orchestra (1983)
+Fantasia concertata (1991)
+Fiori di Ghiaccio (Concerto) (1982-83)
+Gorgheggio for Piano and 8 Instruments (1988; note: mainly for piano; the other
instruments enter only at the end)
§Inverno in-ver (1973)
+Movimento continuato for Piano and Ensemble (1958-59)
§Quodlibet for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1976)
Castillo, Manuel (1930-2005) Spain
§Concerto No. 1 (1958)
§Concerto No. 2 (1966)
+Concerto No. 3 (1996-97)
+Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1954)
Castillo, Ramón ( – ) USA
**Paroxysm for Horn, Piano, Percussion, and Strings (2003)
Castillo Araujo, Martín ( – ) Ecuador
**Concerto No. 1 (2019), III
Castillon (de Saint-Victor), (Marie-)Alexis Vicomte de France
§Concerto in D, Op. 12 (1871)
Castro, José María (1892-1964) Argentina
**Falarka Ballet Suite (1950)
Castro, Juan José (1895-1968) Argentina
+Concerto (1941)
Castro, Washington (1909-2004) Argentina
**Concerto (1960)
Castro Herrera, Ricardo (1864-1907) Mexico
§Caprice-valse, Op. 1 (1901)
+Concerto, Op. 22 (1904)
Castro Ortiz, Juan ( – ) Ecuador
**Angel de Luz
+Anita Liz
**Tulio Busto: Muñequita Morena
+Hugo Cifuentes: Toro Barroso (Bomba Ecuatoriana)
+Cristóbal Ojeda Dávilla & Emiliano Ortega: Alma Lojana (Pasillo Ecuatoriano)
**Bach: Variación del Preludio en Do menor
+Cóndor Imperial
**Insomnio (version for piano, string orchestra, and percussion)
+A la Sombra del Inca, Rapsodia Ecuatoriana (by 2012)
**En Medio del Bosque Brilla una Luz
+Mi Pais, Mi Lugar
**Pasacalles de mi Tierra
**Piano Mágico
+Si No Estás
+Tema de Yayé (1992)
Castro-Robinson, Eve de [see De Castro-Robinson]
Cataldo, Giacomo (1977- ) Canada
**Concertato for 15 Instruments (2015)
Catoire, Georgy L’vovich (1861-1926) Russia
+Concerto in A, Op. 21 (1909)
Cattaneo, Francesco
**Tempesta Overture (Concerto) (2022), I. Quiet Before the Storm
Caturla, Alejandro García (1906-40) Cuba
**Cuban Suite No. 1 for Piano and 8 Winds (1930)
Cavalcanti, Adalberto a.k.a. Betto do Bandolim Brazil
**Concerto barroco for Mandolin and String Quartet (2015; arr. by Dadá Malheiros for
piano and string orchestra, 2021)
Cavallaro, Carmen (1913-89) USA
Eddy Duchin Story (works by various popular and classical composers, from the
soundtrack for the film, 1956)
**Romance d’Amour
Cavanagh, Dan (1978- ) USA
**Divining Reverence on the Far 80 (Concerto) (2013)
Čavlović, Ivan (1949-2021) Bosnia & Herzegovina
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2018)
Cawrse, Anne (1981- ) Australia
**Musaic for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (2007)
Cazaban, Costin (1946-2009) Romania/France
**Naturalia II (1980)
Cazurra, Anna (1965- ) Spain
**Atlántida for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 16 (2004)
**Invitacion al Tango for Piano and String Orchestra (from the Suite Americana, IV;
**Norteña for Piano and Winds
Ceballos, Joseph ( – ) USA
**Concerto for Piano and Wind Ensemble (2015), II. Prayer
Cebić, Dario (1979- ) Croatia
**Thinking of You (by 2020)
Cecchetti, Paul (1990- ) Ireland
**Borealis (2011)
**Concerto in E (2009)
Cecconi, Raffaele (1947- ) Italy
**Concerto No. 1 for Piano and String Orchestra (by 1990)
**Concerto No. 3 (“Concerto del mare”) for Piano and String Orchestra (1999)
**Concerto No. 4 (“Amoroso”) for Piano, Brass, Timpani, and Double Bass (2003)
Cech, Christoph (1960- ) Austria
+Concerto No. 1 (1992/93)
Cedeño, Antonio
**Rapsodia Rampante for Guitar, Piano, and Orchestra (2022)
Ceferova, Lale (1984?- ) Azerbaijan
Čekovská, L’ubica (1975- ) Slovakia
**Concerto (“Two Portraits”) (2003)
**Fractal for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2000)
**Silent Waltz for Violin, Piano, and String Orchestra (2019)
Cella, Carmine Emanuele (1976- ) Italy/France/USA
**Upside-down (2004/16)
Cellitti, Venanzio (1972- ) Italy
**Concerto (2007)
**Fusa (2010)
Cendo, Raphaël (1975- ) France
+Action Painting for 15 Instruments (2004-5)
+Corps (Concerto) for Piano and Ensemble (2015)
+Graphein for Piano and Ensemble (2014)
Ceremuga, Josef (1930-2005) Czech Republic
**Symphony No. 4 (“Concertante”) (1986)
Cerha, Friedrich (1926-2023) Austria
§Concerto (1951-54; premièred 1998)
Černík, Vratislav Petr (1941- ) Czech Republic
**Concerto for Oboe, Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (by 1983)
Cervantes, Ignacio (1847-1905) Cuba
+Entreacto Capricho (1887)
+Fusion de Ritmos (arr. U. Hernandez)
+Serenata Cubana
Cervellò, Jordi (1935- ) Spain [Catalonia]
**Concerto di maggio (2010)
Cervetti, Sergio (1940- ) Uruguay/USA
+Concertino for Piano, Woodwinds, and Timpani (2013)
Cervo, Dimitri (1968- ) Brazil
**Aiamguabê for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 19 (2002)
•Concerto No. 1 for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 32 (2009-10)
**Passacaglia Fantasia, Op. 3 (1991-93/2007)
**Rapsódia Maracatu, Op. 53 (2016)
**Toccata Amazônica (1998-99)
**Toronubá for Strings, 5 Percussionists, and Piano, Op. 16 (2000)
**Uguabê for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 26 (2008)
Cesa, Mario (1940- ) Italy
+Concerto (1986)
Cesana, Otto (1899-1980) USA
+Devotion (arr. for 2 pianos and orchestra by Ferrante & Teicher)
+Starlight (1951)
Cesar [Prado Pereira] de Souza, Julio ( – ) Brazil [see also Rota]
**Concerto jogadas da Vida for Piano and String Orchestra
Cesari, Antoine
**Nocturne for Piano and String Orchestra
**Rondo for Piano and String Orchestra
Cha, Spencer (2005- ) USA
**Climbing (Concerto) (2020)
Chaabane, Sami
**Concerto No. 1 (2020)
Chabab, Mohammed ( – ) Morocco
**Rose de l’aube (by 2019)
**Tango des noces for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (by 2020)
Chachanov [see Khakhanov]
Chagas Rosa, António Manuel (1960- ) Portugal
**A ascensão de Ícaro Ascension of Icarus
Chagrin, Francis (1905-72) Romania/England
**Dialogue (“Four Arguments on One Theme”) (1957?; publ. 1971)
Chaimovits, Avraham (1963- ) Brazil
**Ruach HaKodesh (Concerto) for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 32
Chaitkin, David (1938-2011) USA
**Serenade for Piano and 7 Players (1976)
Chajes, Julius (1910-85) Poland/USA
**Concerto in E, Op. 48 (1953/56)
Chakraboty, Utsyo (2001- ) India
**Concerto (in progress. 2020-21)
Chalaev, Shirvani Ramazanovich (1936- ) Dagestan
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra
Chałapuk, Maciej ( – ) Poland
**Take Heart (2022)
Challan, René (1910-76) France
+Concerto pastoral, Op. 20 (1943)
Challulau, Tristan-Patrice (1959- ) France
§Concerto No. 4 (“Ne la città dolente, 9 Images d’Enfer, d’après Dante”) (1991-92)
Chaminade, Cécile (Louise Stéphanie) (1857-1944) France
+Automne (No. 2 from 6 Études de concert, Op. 35 [1886], for piano solo; arr. by
Semprini, rec. 1957)
§Concertstück in c-sharp, Op. 40 (1888)
Champagne, Claude (Adonai) (1891-1965) Canada
**Concerto in d (1948)
Chan Hing-yan ( – ) Hong Kong
**Illusions for Amplified Piano and Chinese Instrument Orchestra (2001)
Chan, James (1997- ) Hong Kong/England
**Leaden Circles for Orchestra with Piano (by 2017)
Chan Wai Lok Ricky Hong Kong/England
**Concerto No. 1 (“How Elegant the Sorrow”) (2020)
Chan Wing-wah (1954- ) Hong Kong [China]
**My Own Rhythm for Piano and Chinese Instrument O (premièred 2018)
Chance, John Barnes (1932-72) USA
+Introduction and Capriccio for Piano and 24 Winds (1966)
**Variations on a Korean Folk Song (orig. for concert band, 1965; arr. for string
orchestra and piano by Ken Selden)
Chandler, Christopher (1986- ) USA
**Deep in Liquid Indigo for Flute, Clarinet, Percussion, Harp, Piano, Violin, Viola, and
Cello (2012)
Chang, Dorothy (1970- ) USA/Canada
**Gateways (Concerto) for Erhu, Piano, and Orchestra (2017-19), excerpts
Chang Hsiao-Feng ( – ) Taiwan
**Concerto (“Adventure”) (premièred 2012)
**Concerto (“Chinese Festivals”) (by 2015)
Chang, Jen-Kuang ( – ) Taiwan/USA
**Bodisattva for 8 Players (2006)
**Chakra for 11 Players (2007)
**Statements for Piano, Wind Quintet, and String Quartet (2005)
Chang, Rick ( – ) Taiwan
+Concerto No. 1 (“The Dark World”) in f (2017/23; orchestrated by Ann Chia-Ying
Lee), I
Chang, Sebastian (1988- ) USA
*PulSaR (2001)
Chanin [see Khanin]
Chany, Philippe
**Fin, Baiser (from Alain Chabat’s film “Didier,” 1997)
Chaplin, Charles (“Charlie”) (1889-1977) USA
§Smile (from the film “Modern Times,” 1936)
**Terry’s Theme (from the film “Limelight,” 1952)
Chapman, Erie
**Concerto No. 1 (2011)
Chapman, Evan ( – ) USA
**Woven And Worn
Chapple, Brian (1945- ) England
**Concerto (1977)
Chappot, Édouard (1957- ) Switzerland
**Concerto for Chamber Winds and Percussion (2006), excerpts
Charles, Ana Maria (1888-1947)
+Vals “Piedad”
Charles, Orlan (1980- ) Brazil
**Reverie—Dreams and Landscapes (2014), 12. Infernal Dance; 13. Between Life and
Death; 16. Epilogue
Charpentier Herrera, Eduardo (1904-92) Panama
**La Dama de la Pollera (song, arr. for piano and string orchestra)
Charpentier, Jacques (1933-2017) France
**Concerto No. 4 for Piano and String Orchestra (1971)
Chartron, Louise (c.1998- ) Wales
**Concerto (2014-16), I-II
Chase, [J.] Newell (1904-55) USA
**Concerto for Louise, Op. 3 (1945)
Chasins, Abram (1903-87) USA
•Concerto No. 2 in f-sharp, Op. 15 (1931-32/37)
Chatman, Stephen (1950- ) Canada
**Concerto (1990)
**Variations on a Canadian Folk Song for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1988)
Chaun, František (1921-81) Czechoslovakia
+Ghiribizzo Caprice
**Kafkovská Trilogie (1964-69)
**Obrázek [Picture] for Orchestra with Piano (1981)
Chauris, Yves (1980- ) France
**…solitude, récif, étoile for Piano and Ensemble (2002)
Chaushyan [Chaushian], Levon (1946-2022) Armenia
**Concerto No. 1 for Piano, String Orchestra, and Timpani (1964)
Chauvet, Alexis (1997- ) France
**Concerto No. 1 in F, I (2013)
Chausson, (Amédée-)Ernest (1855-99) France
§Concerto for Piano, Violin, and String Orchestra, Op. 21 (1889-91; orig. for piano,
violin, and string quartet)
+Concerto for Piano, Violin, and String Orchestra, Op. 21 (1889-91; orig. for piano,
violin, and string quartet, arr. by Levon Ambartsumian)
**Concerto for Piano, Violin, and String Orchestra, Op. 21 (1889-91; orig. for piano,
violin, and string quartet, arr. by Timur Sergeyenia)
**Concerto for Piano, Violin, and String Orchestra, Op. 21 (1889-91; orig. for piano,
violin, and string quartet, arr. by Victor Simonov, premièred 2014)
+Concerto for Piano, Violin, and String Orchestra, Op. 21 (1889-91; orig. for piano,
violin, and string quartet, arr. by Dmitry Sitkovetsky)
Chavanton, Fabien ( – ) France
**Concerto (“Si petits”) for Piano, Female Choir, and String Orchestra (premièred
Chávez (y Ramírez), Carlos (Antonio de Padua) (1899-1978) Mexico
§Concerto (1938-40/69)
Chaynes, Charles (1925-2016) France
**Concerto (1966)
+Concerto for Trumpet and String Orchestra with Piano (1995)
Chechetko, Sergey Mikhailovich (1971- ) Russia
**Scherzo-Decimed for String Quartet, Double Bass, Flute, Oboe, Piano, Harp, and
Percussion (by 2012)
Chediak, Enan
**Concerto No. 2 in G, Op. 33 (2023)
Chemberdzhi [Tchemberdji], Yekaterina Katia Russia/Germany
**Double Concerto for Violin, Piano, String Orchestra, and Percussion (premièred
Chen, Ashlee (1988- ) Taiwan
**Concerto-Fantasy (2012)
Chen Gang (1935- ) China
**“Butterfly Lovers” (arr. by Danny Dong from the Concerto [below] composed with
He Zhanhao, 1958)
+“Butterfly Lovers” Concerto (composed with He Zhanhao; orig. for vn and orchestra,
1958; arr. for piano and orchestra by Chen Gang, 1985)
+“Butterfly Lovers” Concerto (composed with He Zhanhao; orig. for violin and
orchestra, 1958; arr. for piano and orchestra by Chen Gang and edited by Chen Jie)
“Butterfly Lovers” Concerto (composed with He Zhanhao; orig. for violin and orchestra,
1958; arr. for piano and Chinese traditional instruments by Rueibin Chen)
Chen, [Haosi] Howard
**Toccata for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2013)
Chen, Hsien-Lei ( – )
**Concerto for Clarinet, Piano, and String Orchestra
Chen, Jen-Shuo ( – ) Taiwan/USA
**Concerto No. 1 (by 2016)
**Concerto No. 2 (by 2016)
Chen, Kuanfan
**Concerto in A-flat (2020)
Chen, Lang ( – ) China
**“Passacaglia, Huh?” (Concerto) for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2019)
Chen Mao-Shuen (1936-2023) Taiwan
**Concerto No. 1
Chen, Michael Brandon
**2 National Songs (2019)
Chen, Qigang (1951- ) China/France
+Coming Home (from Zhang Yimou’s film, 2014; arr. by Shi Lei Chang & Zhiyi Wang)
+Er Huang (Concerto) (2009)
Chen Xiaoyong (1955- ) China/Germany
**Invisible Landscapes for Guzheng, Percussion, Piano, and Ensemble (1998)
Chen, Yi (1953- ) China/USA
Concerto (1992)
Chen, Ying-Lung ( – ) Taiwan
**Concerto (“Hakka Feelings”) (premièred 2017)
Chen, Yongjia
**Concerto Sangreal (by 2018)
Chen, Yuang a.k.a Seycara Canada
**Deemo’s Flight (Concerto No. 1) (2021), Piano; Rain; Flower
Chen Yu-Peng a.k.a. Zhiyi Chen China
**Genshin Impact: Reflections of Spring for Piano, Chinese Instruments, Singer, Choir,
and Orchestra (2021)
**Tales from the Snow Mountain for Piano, String Orchestra, and Girls Chorus (from
Genshin Impact’s “Dragonspine,” 2021)
Chen Zheng Wei
**Concerto No. 2 in d, Op. 120 (2019)
Cheney, Lisa (1987- ) Australia
**Turbulence for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (2012)
Cheong, Simplicius (1942- ) Singapore/Australia
**Variations on Harold Arlen’s “Over the Rainbow” (1970)
Cherezov [Tcherezov], Sergey ( – ) Udmurt Republic
Chernakov, Aleksey (1988- ) Russia
**Concertando Concerto, I
Cherney, Brian (1942- ) Canada
**“Et j’entends la nuit qui chante dans les cloches” (1990)
Chernitsov, Nikita
**Romance (by 2019)
Chernoff, John Aaron ( – ) USA
**Concerto (by 2015), II-III
**Concerto in c (2017-18), I
**Concerto in a (by 2018), I
**Concerto in B-flat (by 2018), I
**Concerto in B (by 2018), I
**Concerto in G (“Clown Fiesta”) (by 2018)
Chernos, Ariella M. (1991- ) USA
**Duet in C for Piano and Strings
Chernousov, Miroslav
**Triple Concerto for Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (by 2020)
Chesky, David (1956- ) USA
§Concerto No. 1 (c.2006)
+Concerto No. 2 (by 2017)
+Concerto No. 3 (by 2017)
Chetvertakov, Vladimir ( – ) Russia
**Concerto in D for Piano and Russian Folk Orchestra
Cheung, Anthony (1982- ) USA
**A Line Can Go Anywhere (Concerto) for Piano and Ensemble (2019)
Cheung, HoYin ( – ) Hong Kong
**Concerto No. 1 for Piano and String Orchestra (2017), I
Cheung, Kenny
**Concerto in d (by 2022)
**Concerto in g (by 2022)
Cheung, Owen
**Concerto in g (“University”) (by 2017), I
Cheverie, Brian ( – ) USA
**Concerto No. 1 (“The Romantic”) (2014-15)
Chevochet, George (1941- ) USA
T-TT-TC for Celesta, Saxophone, Piano, and Chamber Ensemble
Chevreuille, Raymond (1901-76) Belgium
**Concerto No. 2, Op. 50 (1951)
**Concerto No. 3, Op. 88 (1968)
**Concerto for Piano, Alto Saxophone, and Orchestra, Op. 34 (1946)
**Concerto for Piano, Viola, and Orchestra, Op. 34 (1946)
Cheyron, Guy du ( – )
**Adagio (by 2019)
Chia, Isaac ( – ) Malaysia/France
**Green Tea Concert Suite (by 2008; based on the musical “Green Tea”)
Chiam, Lily ( – ) Brunei
**Transformation (perf. 2019; arr. by Shian Li Chiam and orchestrated by Tan
Chiang Wen-Yeh [see Jiang Wen-Ye]
Chibane, Ilyes ( – ) Algeria
**Concerto in e (by 2016), I
Chien Nan-Chang Quien Nan-Zhang Taiwan
**Concerto (“Dragon”) (premièred 2022)
?/Taipei SO
Chigadaev, Stanislav (1991- ) Hungary/Russia
**Concerto No. 1 (by 2022), 6’ excerpt
**Concerto No. 2 for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2022)
Chihara, Paul (1938- ) USA
+Concerto-Fantasy (2019-21)
Chilcott, Bob (1955- ) England
**Tandem for 2 Orchestras with Piano
Chin, Gordon Shi-Wen (1957- ) Taiwan
**Concerto No. 1 (2009)
**Triple Concerto for Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (2013)
Chin, Kelvyn ( – )
**Concerto No. 1 in f (2007/12)
**Concerto No. 2 in g, Op. 20 (2018)
Chin, Unsuk Chin (1961- ) S. Korea
**Concerto (1996-97)
+Double Concerto for Piano, Percussion, and Orchestra (2002)
+Xi for Ensemble and Electronics (1997-98)
Chinchay Silupú, Alexander ( – ) Peru
**Concierto (“Heroica Villa”) para piano de música Peruana) (by 2020)
Chinese Composer(s)
**“Hope Be Betrayed” (from Chinese film score)
**“New Shanghai” Concerto (theme music for the Shanghai World Expo., 2010)
§Youth Concerto (collaborative work; anonymous Chinese composers [Liu Shi-kun
(1939- ), Sun Yi-lin (1935-2015), Pan Yi-ming, Huang Hsiao-fei], Central
Conservatory, 1958-59)
Chinese Popular Hits
+Always Parting On Rainy Days
+Awakening Moment (Li Zhong-Sheng)
+Don’t Leave Me Tonight (Toshiaki / Yasushi)
+I May Be Ugly But I Am Tender (Zhao Quan)
+In Carefree Steps (Chen Da-li, Chen Xiu-nan)
+Neverending Flow (Ka Fai Joseph Koo)
+On An Evening Flight (Jungrobert-Segeler)
+Right Here Waiting (R. Marx)
+You Are The Best Afterall (Kome Kome Club)
Chinese Popular Hits (2)
+Answer Of Sadness (Chen Wing Leung/Poon Uuen Leung)
+Don’t Mention About Our Love (Chen Da-li, Wang Shu-quan)
+End Of Our Love (Kwung-Ting Lo)
+Girl From Yeliya (Tong An-ge)
+I Won’t Regret (Iskandar Ismail)
+If This is Love (K. Tamaki/G. Matsui)
+I’m Sorry, I Love You (Lo Tung-lei, Chan Kim-wo)
+Love You Everyday (Kuwata Keisuke)
+Miss You Much (Yu Cheng-qing)
+Song Of A Wanderer (Sam Hui)
+You Are My Beloved (Eric Mo/Poon Wai Yuen)
Chinese Songs
**Moon Represents My Heart
**Rose I love You
**Shanghai Beach
Chinese Traditional Melodies (1)
+Ballad Of Horse Driving
+Ballad Of A Purple Bamboo
+Boxwood Shoulder-Poles
+Driving Sheep Slowly
+Embroidering A Purse
+Fifth Brother Tending Sheep
+Midu Mountain Song
+Picking Flowers
+Plucking A Flowering Reed
+Seeing Wheat-Ears Turn Yellow
+Single Bamboo Bends Easily
Chinese Traditional Melodies (2)
**Fishermen’s Song of the South China Sea
**Joy-bringing Water
**Making Milk Tea
**Merry Loso
**New Song of the Tianshan Mountains
**Peacocks Welcome Spring
Chinese Traditional Melodies (3)
**Embroidery Lantern (folk song from Hebei Province, China; arr. by Claudia Yang and
Artem Vasiliev)
§Love Song (Up the Mountain Where Horses Gallop)
**The Rain (Hakka folk song)
**Silver [Colorful] Clouds Chasing the Moon (arr. for piano and orchestra)
§Somewhere Far Away
Ching, Michael (1958- ) USA
+Concerto (1996)
Chini, André (1945- ) France/Sweden
**L’Indie (Concerto) (1999)
Chino Toledo, Josefino (1959- ) Philippines
**Tikladong Hirang for 5 Pianos and Orchestra (2008)
Chiodo, Alessandro ( – ) Italy/Germany
**Tra i Marosi Ribelli for Piano, Clarinet, and String Orchestra (by 2023)
Chiriac, Mircea (1919-94) Romania
**Symphonic Variations on a Popular Song (1978)
Chirinashvili, Revaz [Rezo] Mikhailovich (1950-2010) Georgia
Chisholm, Erik (1904-65) South Africa/Scotland
§Concerto No. 1 (“Pìobaireachd”) (1930/37)
+Concerto No. 2 (based on Hindustani themes) (1948-49; reorchestrated 1953)
+Dance Suite for Orchestra and Piano (1932)
Chitchyan [Chitchian], Geguni Oganesovna Geghuni Hovannesi Armenia
**Concerto (“Youth”) (1984)
Chiu Ming-ching ( – ) Taiwan
**Downfallen Golden Town for 9 Players (2004)
**Three Times, Act 3 Of Water Ghost, City God for 10 Players for 10 Players (2006)
Chivers, Derek (1958- ) England
who are you, little i (1982)
Chizhik, Leonid (1947- ) Russia/Germany
§Fantasy Variations on a Theme by Mozart (K. 331) (c.2000)
Chkolnik, Ilia (1963- ) Moldavia/Switzerland [see Piano Schloss Concerto Series 11-
**Concerto No. 1 for Children (1993)
+Concerto No. 2 for Chidren (“To My Father”)
Chlaidze, Giorgi (1943- ) Georgia
**Tbilisi Rhapsody (by 2017)
Chmielarz, Bernard (1958- ) Poland
**“Mazur” (arr. for piano and string orchestra from Moniuszko’s opera “Straszny
Dwór” [The Haunted Manor], 1861-64)
Chmielewska, Aleksandra (1993- ) Poland
+Trans-4-mation for Ensemble with Piano (2015)
Chmielewski, Andrzej (1990- ) Poland?
**Concerto in a (2011)
**Double Concerto in d for Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (by 2023)
Chmykov, Alexander (1966- ) France
**Concerto (“Carpe Diem”) (premièred 2017)
Cho, Eun-Hwa (1973- ) S. Korea/Germany
**Deixis for Ensemble with Piano (2004-5)
**Deixis (2004-5; revised for piano and chamber orchestra, 2007)
Cho, GunHee ( – ) Austria
**Concertino (by 2012)
Cho Hie Chu Cho Hee-ju S. Korea
**Concerto (by 2018)
**Triple Concerto for Violin, Oboe, Piano, and Orchestra (by 2018)
Cho HyunSeo (2012- ) S. Korea
**Concerto No. 1 (2021), Prologue
Cho, Timothy
**Concerto in c-sharp, Op. 20 (2020-21)
Chodos, Asher Tobin (1978- ) USA
**Concertino for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2017)
Choe, Claude ( – ) S. Korea
+Concerto No. 2 (“Reminiscence”) (rec. 2014)
+Concerto No. 3 (“Dreams”) (rec. 2014)
+Works: Faint Memory; Love is Just a Dream; I’d Follow You Anywhere; It’s Time to
Forget; Concerto (from “Dazzling Day”); Paris Promenade; My Fault; Perhaps This
is Love
Choe Foajeon (1954- ) Japan
**Concerto Manyo
Choe, Uzong (1968- ) S. Korea
**San for Piano, Percussion, and 6 Instruments (1999)
Chohawno, Jordan
**Haunting of Norr Hill for Sopranos, Altos, Solo Voice, Clarinet, String Orchestra, and
Choi, Arnold (2009- ) S. Korea
**Concerto (“Wings”) (2021-23)
Choi, Jaehyeok ( – ) S. Korea
**Concerto No. 1 (“At the Moment”) (2020-21)
Choi, Jaewon (2002- ) S. Korea
**Concerto No. 2 (“Jazz” in D, Op. 7 (2020)
Choi, Youngmin ( – ) S. Korea
**Beethoven Variations (on “Für Elise,” in Jazz Style) for Orchestra with Piano (by
**Fantasy from “Arirang” (arr. for piano and string ensemble, by 2021)
**Paganini Variations for Orchestra and Piano (orig. for solo piano, 2013; orchestra
and piano version by 2016)
Cholley, Pierre (1962- ) France
Fantaisie concertante for Piano, Soloists, Choir, and Orchestra
Chong Kee-Yong (1971- )
**Hidden Eternity for Piano 4-Hands and Ensemble
Chonkushov, Petr Ochirovich (1930-98) Kalmykia [Russia]
**Concerto (late 1960s-early 1970s)
Choo, Shaun (1991- ) Singapore/Germany
**Valsenchanté (orig. for piano 4-hands, 2021; arr. for piano and orchestra, premièred
Choongman, Jang (1991- ) S. Korea
**Concerto No. 1 in c (2011-13/15)
Chopin, Fryderyk Franciszek Frédéric François Poland [see also Allan;
Gordon Robinson; Yoo]
+Allegro de concert in A, Op. 46, B. 72 (1832-41; arr. Konrad Binienda)
§Allegro de concert in A, Op. 46, B. 72 (1832-41; arr. Alan Kogosowski [see Concerto
No. 3 below])
§Allegro de concert in A, Op. 46, B. 72 (1832-41; arr. Jean-Louis Nicodé [1853-1919]
in the 1880s, with @70 mm. of additional music, including a development section after
m. 205 and a third tutti)
§Allegro de concert in A, Op. 46, B. 72 (1832-41; arr. Kazimierz Wiłkomirski [second
version, made after orig. version destroyed during WWII])
+Allegro de concert in A, Op. 46, B. 72 (1832-41; arr. Ingolf Wunder)
§Andante Spianato in G, B. 88 (1834), and Grande Polonaise in E-flat, B. 58 (1830-31;
combined 1834 as Op. 22)
+Berceuse, Op. 57 (1843-44; arr. Richard Abel & Guy St-Onge)
+Berceuse, Op. 57 (1843-44; arr. Peter Breiner)
+Berceuse, Op. 57 (1843-44; arr. Marek Wieroński)
**Bolero, Op. 19 (1833; arr. Busoni)
**Bolero, Op. 19 (1833; arr. for flute, piano, and orchestra)
§Concerto No. 1 in e, Op. 11, B. 53 (1830)
+Concerto No. 1 in e, Op. 11, B. 53 (1830; reorchestrated and revised by Balakirev,
**Concerto No. 1 in e, Op. 11, B. 53 (1830; reorchestrated by Paul Chihara, 2000)
+Concerto No. 1 in e, Op. 11, B. 53 (1830; reorchestrated by Mikhail Pletnev, by 2017)
§Concerto No. 1 in e, Op. 11, B. 53 (1830; reorchestrated and revised by Tausig, 1850s)
+Concerto No. 1 in e, Op. 11, B. 53 (1830; reorchestrated and revised by John Yaffé,
2012, starting from Balakirev’s edition)
Concerto No. 1 in e, Op. 11, B. 53 (1830; arr. for piano and string orchestra by Roy
+Concerto No. 1 in e, Op. 11, B. 53 (1830; arr. for piano and string orchestra by Richard
Hofmann, 1877)
+Concerto No. 1 in e, Op. 11, B. 53 (1830; arr. for piano and string orchestra)
§Concerto No. 2 in f, Op. 21, B. 43 (1829-30)
§Concerto No. 2 in f, Op. 21, B. 43 (1829-30; revised by Alfred Cortot)
+Concerto No. 2 in f, Op. 21, B. 43 (1829-30; reorchestrated by Karl Klindworth)
+Concerto No. 2 in f, Op. 21, B. 43 (1829-30; reorchestrated by Mikhail Pletnev, by
**Concerto No. 2 in f, Op. 21, B. 43 (1829-30) (adapted for piano and string orchestra
from the arr. for piano and string quintet by Ilan Rogoff)
**Concerto No. 2 in f, Op. 21, B. 43 (1829-30) (arr. for piano and string orchestra)
**Concerto No. 2 in f, Op. 21, B. 43 (1829-30), II (arr. for 2 pianos and string orchestra
by Gloria Yin)
§“Concerto No. 3 in A” (arranged and orchestrated by Alan Kogosowski, 1999. I is
based on the Allegro de concert, Op. 46, II on the Lento con gran espressione
[Nocturne] in c-sharp, Op. posth., and III on the Bolero, Op. 19)
**Etude in E, Op. 10, No. 3 (1832; arr. Carmen Dragon)
§Etude in E, Op. 10, No. 3 (1832; arr. E. L. Jefe)
+Etude in E, Op. 10, No. 3 (1832; arr. Marek Wieroński)
+Etude in a, Op. 25, No. 11 (arr. Marek Wieroński)
**Etude in a, Op. 25, No. 11 (orchestrated by “nagiha” from Godowsky’s arr.; by 2023)
**Etude in c, Op. 25, No. 12 (orchestrated by Y. Zlatkouski, by 2023)
**Fantaisie-impromptu in c-sharp, Op. 66 (1835; arr. Alexander Laszlo [1895-1970])
**Fantaisie-impromptu in c-sharp, Op. 66 (1835; arr. Bill Snyder)
§Fantasia in A on Polish Airs, Op. 13, B. 28 (1828)
**Fantasy in f, Op. 49 (1841; arr. for piano and orchestra by Stephen Francek, 2019)
§Grand duo concertante in E on themes from Meyerbeer’s “Robert le diable,” B. 70
(1832, orig. for cello and piano; arr. Bohdan Jarmołowicz)
+Grande valse brillante in E-flat, Op. 18 (arr. Marek Wieroński)
+Grande valse brillante in a, Op. 34, No. 2 (arr. Marek Wieroński)
§Krakowiak [Rondo] in F, Op. 14, B. 29 (1828)
+Mazurka in D, Op. 33, No. 2 (arr. Marek Wieroński)
+Mazurka in a, Op. 68, No. 2 (arr. Marek Wieroński)
+Nocturnes (arr. for piano and string orchestra by Minkyung Kim & Texu Kim, rec.
Nocturne in b-flat, Op. 9, No. 1 (1830-32)
Nocturne in E-flat, Op. 9, No. 2 (1830-32)
Nocturne in B, Op. 9, No. 3 (1830-32)
Nocturne in F, Op. 15, No. 1 (1830-32)
Nocturne in F-sharp, Op. 15, No. 2 (1830-32)
Nocturne in g, Op. 15, No. 3 (1830-32)
Nocturne in B, Op. 32, No. 1 (1837)
Nocturne in G, Op. 37, No. 2 (1839)
Nocturne in c, Op. 48, No. 1 (1841)
Nocturne in f-sharp, Op. 48, No. 2 (1841)
Nocturne in f, Op. 55, No. 1 (1842-44)
Nocturne in E, Op. 62, No. 2 (1846)
Nocturne in e, Op. 72, No. 1 (c.1829)
Nocturne in E-flat, Op. 9, No. 2 (1830-31; arr. Breuer)
§Nocturne in E-flat, Op. 9, No. 2 (1830-31; arr. Jack Byfield for piano and string
**Nocturne in E-flat, Op. 9, No. 2 (1830-31; arr. Carmen Dragon)
§Nocturne in E-flat, Op. 9, No. 2 (1830-31; arr. E. L. Jefe)
+Nocturne in E-flat, Op. 9, No. 2 (1830-31; arr. Marek Wieroński)
**Nocturne in E-flat, Op. 9, No. 2 (1830-31; arr. for 2 pianos and orchestra)
+Nocturne in F, Op. 15, No. 1 (arr. Marek Wieroński)
**Nocturne in D-flat for Piano and Strings, Op. 27, No. 2 (1830-31; ?arranger)
+Nocturne in A-flat, Op. 32, No. 2 (1832; ?arranger)
*Nocturne in c, Op. 48, No. 1 (arr. Esther Allan)*Polonaise (arr. Carmen Cavallero)
**Polonaise in A, Op. 40, No. 1 (arr. by J. F. Diethe)
**Polonaise in A-flat, Op. 53 (arr. George Greeley)
+Prélude in e, Op. 28, No. 4 (arr. Marek Wieroński)
**Prélude in e, Op. 28, No. 4 (arr. Vladimir Michelet & Antônio Carlos Jobim)
+Prélude in A, Op. 28, No. 7 (arr. Richard Abel & Guy St-Onge)
+Prélude in D-flat, Op. 28, No. 15 (arr. Marek Wieroński)
+Prélude in D-flat, Op. 28, No. 15 (arr. for 2 pianos and band by Ralf Schmid)
**Prélude in A-flat, Op. 28, No. 17 (arr. Carmen Dragon)
+Prélude in A-flat, Op. 28, No. 17 (arr. Marek Wieroński)
**Rondo in c, Op. 1 (orig. for piano solo, 1825; arr. by Dirk Schneiderheinze, by 2022)
**Rondo in C, Op. 73 (orig. for 2 pianos; arr. for 2 pianos and orchestra by Tomer Lev
& Aryeh Levanon)
+Sonata No. 2, Op. 35 (1839), III (middle section; arr. Richard Abel & Guy St-Onge)
§Sonata for Cello and Piano in g, Op. 65, B. 160, 1845-46; arr. Kazimierz Rozbicki as
his Sinfonia concertante)
§Variations in B-flat on Mozart’s “Là ci darem la mano,” Op. 2, B. 22 (1827)
Chopra, Andrew (1984- ) USA
**Dies Irae (2005)
Chou, Jay Jie-Lun Taiwan
**Chrysanthemum Terrace (from the film “Curse of the Golden Flower,” 2006; arr. for
piano and cello orchestra)
Chou Wen-Chung (1923-2019) China/USA
§Pien for Piano, 10 Winds, and Percussion (1966)
§Yü Ko for Violin, Winds, Piano, and 2 Percussion (1965)
Chouchkov [see Chuchkov]
Chouraki, Ilan (1963- ) France/Israel
**Concerto Legend for Piano, Tenor, Chorus, and Orchestra (2018), I-II
Choveaux, Françoise (1953- ) France
**Winter Concerto, Op. 126 (2004)
Chow, Evan ( – ) USA
+Frozen for Piano, Orchestra, and Brass, Op. 11 (based on music from Disney’s
animated film “Frozen” [2013] composed by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert
+Human Nature for Piano, Orchestra, and Synthesizers, Op. 12 (2022)
Chow, Lora ( – ) Hong Kong
**Sympathy (2019; a setting of Emily Brontë’s poem scored for orchestra with a soloist
who sings and plays the piano and harp)
Chowne, Steve ( – ) United Kingdom
**Concerto in b (2023)
Choyce, Alex ( – ) USA
**Concerto No. 1 for Piano and String Orchestra (2018-23), I-II
Christensen, Bernhard (1906-2004) Denmark
**Concerto (1945)
Christensen, Christian Winther (1977- ) Denmark
**Concerto for Piano, Midi Piano, and Orchestra (2018)
Christensen, Mogens (1955- ) Denmark
**Château d’étoile (Concertino) for Piano, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, 2
Violins, Viola, Cello, and Double Bass (2006-7)
Christensen, Simon (1971- ) Denmark
•Concerto, I (1998-99)
**Octet for Flute, Clarinet, Percussion, Piano, and String Quartet (2012)
Christie, Tom [Tomos]
**Concerto No. 1 in A (2021), I-II
Christodoulou, Alex ( – ) England
**Concertino for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2023)
Christoff, Dimiter [see Khristov]
Christoff, Ves
**Fantasy for Piano and Small Orchestra (by 2016)
**Fantasy in b-flat (by 2016)
**My Stupid Little Variations (2018)
**Rhapsody No. 0 (“Initiation”) (by 2018)
**Rhapsody No. 1 in d (by 2016)
**Rhapsody No. 2
**Rhapsody No. 3 for Piano, Organ, and Orchestra (2015)
**Rhapsody No. 4
**Rhapsody No. 5 (2016)
**Rhapsody No. 6 (2017)
**Rhapsody No. 9 (2017)
**Rhapsody No. 10 (“Turkish”) (2018)
**Variation on an Unknown Theme (2021)
**Variation on Beethoven’s Fantasia in c (2015)
Christou, Jani (1926-70) Greece
+Praxis for 12 (11/40 strings, piano-cond., 1966)
+Toccata (1962)
Chuchkov, Viktor (1946- ) Bulgaria
**“Amadeus Fantasia,” Variations for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2005)
**Clementiana for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (rec. 2007)
**Concertino (1968)
**Fantasie romantique for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (2009)
**Paraphrase after “Rachenitsa” (2002; No. 2 from Petko Staynov’s Thracian Dances
Suite, 1925)
**Trio Concerto for Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (2005)
Chudovský, Daniel (1991- ) Slovakia
**Concerto (ibi)Moralibus(non)Dicio(est) (2012), excerpt
**Sussurro (2015)
Chue, Anthony (1973- ) Hong Kong/Canada
**Concerto (“Graduation”) (1990)
Chumbley, Robert Edward (1954- ) USA
**Permutations (premièred 2023)
Chun, Erika E. a.k.a. RikaC S. Korea
**Tanz – Es war einmal Dance – Once Upon a Time for Piano and Big
Band (2008)
Chung, Il-Ryun ( – ) S. Korea
Chung, Sundo (1969- ) S. Korea
**Et in Arcadia Ego for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (by 2008)
Chung, Yiu-Kwong (1956- ) Hong Kong/Taiwan
**Concertino (1999)
**Concerto (“Red Cliff”) for Piano and Chinese Orchestra (2016; complete version,
**Concerto (“Red Cliff”) (2016; abbreviated version, 13’18”, with erhu ad lib. part)
+Concerto No. 2 (“Confluence” [“Conflux”]) for Piano and Chinese Orchestra (2018)
Chymkov, Alexander (1966- ) France
**Concerto (“Carpe Diem”) (premièred 2017)
Chyrzyński, Marcel (1971- ) Poland
**Ukiyo-e [Reflection] No. 4 for Clarinet, Horn, Piano, and String Orchestra (2018)
Ciach, Brian (1977- ) USA
**Einstein Slide for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (2012)
Ciampi, Gabriele ( – ) Italy/USA
+Concerto No. 1 in A (2012)
**Concerto (different from above)
Ciarlantini, Paola (1960- ) Italy
**E Quinci il mar da lungi e quindi il monte [And, far off, the sea here and the mountain
there] for Flute, Piano, and String Orchestra (2009): Alba estiva sull’Adriatico
[Summer dawn on the Adriatic]; Il Sabato del villaggio [Saturday in the village];
L’antro della Sibilla [The Sibyl’s Cave]; Beniamino, l’usignolo del campanile
[Beniamino (Gigli), the nightingale of the bell tower]
Cicchelli Velloso, Rodrigo (1966- ) Brazil
**Música Noturna (premièred 2018), III. Sonhos Vívidos [Vivid Dreams] for Piano and
String Orchestra
Cicchese, David ( – ) USA
Ciccone, Marco (1960- ) Italy
**Il racconto del mare for Piano and String Orchestra (2012)
Cienciała, Wiesław (1961- ) Poland
**Variants No. 5 for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (2000)
Ciervo, Mario (1955- ) Italy
**Romanza for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2022)
Cieślik, Kamil (1991- ) Poland
+Multimirrors (2021)
Cihelka, Michal (1979- ) Czech Republic/New Zealand
**Prelude, Op. 2 (2021)
Cikker, Ján (1911-89) Slovakia
+Concertino, Op. 20 (1942)
Cilenšek, Johann (1913-98) Germany
§Concerto (1950)
§Konzertstück (1966)
Cilona, Giulio (1996- ) Belgium
**Concertino (2012-14)
Cimarosa, Domenico (1749-1801) Italy
+Concerto in B-flat (1767)
Cinema [see Film Themes]
Ciobanu, Daniel (c.1999- ) Romania/Germany
**Romance in g (“Eternal Beloved”) (by 2023)
Ciobanu, Ghenadie (1957- ) Moldova
**Moment Bacovian (1998)
Cioffari, Richard (1947- ) USA
**Concerto (2016)
Ciolac, Vladimir (1956- ) Moldova
**Iuvenis Concert (2015)
Ciortea, Tudor (1903-82) Romania
**Variations on the Theme of a Carol (Variations on a Popular Theme) (1969)
Cipra, Milo (1906-85) Yugoslavia
+Aspalathos – Son et lumière (1974), II. Stavak [410, +1295]
Sun’s Path for Wind Orchestra, Piano, Harp, and Percussion (1958-59)
Cipriani, Stelvio (1937-2018) Italy
+Adagio Concert (from the film “Dedicato a una stella” [a.k.a. “The Last Concert”],
Cipriani, Vincenzo (1969- ) Germany
Piazzolla: Inverno Porteño (from “Las Cuatro Estaciones Porteñas,” arr. for
saxophone, violin, piano, and string orchestra)
+Ave Maria for Soprano, Children’s Chorus, Piano, and String Orchestra
**Doctor Elio for Piano and String Orchestra
**Eclectic Inside I, II, III
+From Dawn to Dusk
+Goodnight for Children’s Voices, Piano, and String Orchestra
**My Father’s Eyes for Piano and String Orchestra (2013)
+Night is Long for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2017)
**Time Goes By for Piano and String Orchestra
+Walking Dreaming
+Weke for Piano and String Orchestra (2013)
Ciravolo, Giuseppe Maria ( – )
**Bomboukryttya [Bomb Shelter] (orig. for piano solo, 2022; arr. by Joe DiRienzo, 2023)
Cirigliano, Juan Carlos (1939- ) Argentina
**El Sonido de la Ciudad
Cīrulis, Edgars (1996- ) Latvia
**Fantasia on Bizet’s “Carmen” for Piano, Double Bass, Drums, and Orchestra (by 2021)
Ciry, Michel (1919-2018) France
**Concerto for Piano, 16 Wind Instruments, and Percussion (1948; premièred 1957)
Citaraipasti, Muhammad Jaga a.k.a. Jaga Cita Indonesia
**Fallen Playground for Piano and Chamber Orchestra, Op. 47 (2009)
+Odyssey, Op. 54 (2016)
+Symphony No. 4 (“Quin”) in f-sharp for Orchestra and Piano, Op. 58 (2017)
+Unsterbliche Geliebte (Ballade), Op. 53 (2012)
Ciubuc, Lidia ( – ) Moldova
**Interferences (Concerto) (by 2013)
**Scherzo for String Ensemble and Piano (by 2010)
Ciupiński, Jakub (1981- ) Poland/USA
**Morning Tale (2009)
Civil i Castellví, Francesc (1895-1990) Spain [Catalonia]
**Concerto in D (1962)
Cirkovic, Marko (1993- ) Germany
**Poème d’noir (2019)
Claflin, (Alan) Avery (1898-1979) USA
+Concerto (“Concerto giocoso”) (1956-57)
Clanton, Aidan
**Concerto No. 1 (“Purgatory”) in E (2019), I. Allegro giocoso con moto (abandoned?)
**Concerto No. 1 in E (2019), I. Allegro maestoso (different from the above)
Claoué, Yves (1928-2001) France
+Rengua-2 for Flute, 2 Oboes, 2 Bassoons, 2 Horns, String Quintet, and Piano (1998)
Clapp, Philip Greeley (1888-1954) USA
**Concerto in b for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1941; orig. for piano and orchestra,
**Norge, Symphonic Poem for Orchestra with Piano (1908-9/19)
Clapperton, James Chalmers (1968- ) Scotland
**Network of Stoppages (after Marcel Duchamp) for Piano and String Orchestra (1986)
Clark, Chris ( – ) England
**Impressions of Huizhou (2014)
Clark, J. C. ( – ) England
**Variations (1990)
Clark, Joseph Leonard
**Concerto No. 3 (2019), I
**Concerto No. 4 (2021)
**Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2018), I
Clark, Michael Charles ( – ) Australia
+Arrangements for piano and orchestra:
Bach: Orchestral Suite No. 3, Air on the G-string
Bach: Sheep May Safely Graze
Brahms: Hungarian Dance No. 5
Grieg: Peer Gynt, Anitra’s Dance
Grieg: Peer Gynt, Solveig’s Song
Mozart: Eine klein nachtmusik, I
J. Strauss: Tritsch Tratsch Polka
Tchaikovsky: Nutcracker, Waltz of the Flowers
Tchaikovsky, Swan Lake, closing theme
Wagner: Die Walküre, Ride of the Valkyries
Clarke, Daniel ( – ) England
**“Melancholy” for Piano and String Orchestra (2010)
**“A Simple Composition” for Piano and String Orchestra (2009)
Clarke, James (1957- ) England
**Untitled No. 2 for Piano and Large Orchestra (2006-8)
**Untitled No. 8 (2016)
Clarke, Simon G. ( – ) England
**Concerto No. 1 in B-flat (2020)
Class, Sarah (1978- ) England
*Cantamus Aurora for Voices and Orchestra with Piano Clayderman, Richard (1953- ) France +Arrangements (arr. by Oliver Toussaint & Gerard Salesses)
Addinsell: Warsaw Concerto*
Bach: Aria
Bach: Suite in b, Badinerie (arr. by Regis Dupré)
Bath: A Cornish Rhapsody*
Beethoven: Bagatell in a (“Für Elise”), WoO 59*
Beethoven: Romance
Beethoven: Sonata, Op. 13, II*
Beethoven: Sonata, Op. 27, No. 2, I
Beethoven: Symphony No. 6
Beethoven: Symphony No. 9, “Ode to Joy”
Binge: Elisabethan Serenade
Borodin: Nocturne
Brahms: Waltz in A-flat
Chopin: Nocturne, Op. 9, No. 2*
Debussy: Arabesque No. 1 in E*
Debussy: Suite bergamasque, III. Clair de lune*
Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue*
Gounod: Ave Maria
Grieg: Concerto, Op. 16, I*
Handel: largo
Liszt: Liebestraum No. 3, S541/R211*
*Lloyd-Webber: Love Changes Everything; High Flying; Seeing is Believing Mascagni: Cavalleria Rusticana Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 4 Mozart: Concerto No. 21, II
Offenbach: Barcarolle
Rachmaninoff: Concerto No. 2, Op. 18, II*
Rachmaninoff: Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, 18th variation*
Saint-Saëns: “The Swan” from Carnival of the Animals
Satie: Gymnopédie No. 1*
Schubert: Serenade
R. Schumann: Reveries
Tchaikovsky: Concerto No. 1, I*
Williams: Dream of Olwen*
**Concerto pour une jeune fille
Claypole, Edward (1883-1952) USA
**Raggin’ the Scale (1915)
Cleare, Ann (1983- ) Ireland
**Dorchadas for Bass Flute, Bass Clarinet, Bassoon, Trombone, Percussion, Piano,
Viola, and Double Bass (2007)
Clem, Braden (c.2006- ) USA
**One in Infinity for String Orchestra and Piano (by 2023)
Clementi, Aldo (1925-2011) Italy
**Concerto for Piano and 7 Instruments (1970)
+Concerto for Piano and 14 Instruments (1986)
§Intermezzo for 14 Winds and Prepared Piano (1977)
Clementi, Muzio (1752-1832) Italy [see also Blacher, B.; Yamawaki; Zavallone]
§Concerto in C (probably late-1780s; premiered 22 February 1790 in London at one of
the “professional” concerts; surviving manuscript, 1796 [written by Johann Baptist
Schenk], kept in the Library of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, Vienna; also arr. for
solo piano as Sonata, Op. 33, No. 3, 1794)
**Sonatina in C, Op. 36, No. 1 (orig. for piano solo, 1797; arr. for piano and orchestra)
**Sonatina in C, Op. 36, No. 1 (orig. for piano solo, 1797; arr. for piano and orchestra),
III. Vivace
**Sonatina in G, Op. 36, No. 2 (orig. for piano solo, 1797; arr. for piano and orchestra)
**Sonatina in C, Op. 36, No. 3, I & III (orig. for piano solo, 1797; arr. for piano and
**Sonatina in F, Op. 36, No. 4 (orig. for piano solo, 1797; arr. for piano and orchestra)
**Sonatina in G, Op. 36, No. 5, III (orig. for piano solo, 1797; arr. for piano and
orchestra with cadenza by Dirk Schneiderheinze, by 2023)
**Sonatina in D, Op. 36, No. 6 (orig. for piano solo, 1797; arr. for piano and orchestra
by Douglas Townsend)
**Sonatina in D, Op. 36, No. 6 (orig. for piano solo, 1797; arr. for piano and string
orchestra by David See), I
**Sonatina in G, Op. 38, No. 1 (orig. for piano solo, 1797; arr. for piano and orchestra)
Clérin, Philippe ( – ) Belgium
**Concertino (by 2015)
**Concertino for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (by 2018)
**Elegie for Piano, String Orchestra, and Percussion
Cleve, Halfdan (1879-1951) Norway
**Concerto No. 1 in A, Op. 3 (1902)
**Concerto No. 2 in b-flat, Op. 6 (1904) [with cuts by the performers]
**Concerto No. 3 in E-flat, Op. 9 (1906)
+Concerto No. 4 in a, Op. 12 (1910)
**Concerto No. 5 in c-sharp, Op. 20 (1916)
Clift, Paul (1978- ) Australia/USA
**Infinite Regress for 10 Players (2012)
Clifton, Arthur Corri, P(hilip) Antony England/USA
**Concerto da camera (publ. 1812; perf. in NY, 1818)
Cloërec, René (1911-95) France
**Concerto (from the film “Le Meurtrier,” 1962)
Clothier, Stephen ( – ) New Zealand
**Concerto in b-flat, II “A Tone Poem (for Alex)” (2010)
Coari, Leonardo
**Concerto No. 1 (2020)
Coates, Albert (1882-1953) England
**Concerto in c/C (1933)
Cobián, Juan Carlos (1896-1953) Argentina
+Los Mareados
**Niebla del Riachuela
Cobb, George Linus (1886-1942) USA
**Russian Rag (1918)
Cobo, Luis Andrei (1972- ) USA
**Concerto No. 1 (1988-89), expos. of I
**Concerto No. 2, in 2 movements
**Scherzo for Piano and Orchestra (1994)
Cochrane, Donald Alexander (1928- ) Canada
**Concerto No. 1 (II, 1960; I, 1983)
**Concerto No. 2 (1994)
**Concerto No. 3 (1995)
**Concerto No. 4 (1997)
**Concerto No. 5 (1999)
**Concerto No. 6 (2001)
**Concerto No. 7 (2002)
**Concerto No. 8 (2004)
**Concerto No. 9 (2005)
**Concerto No. 10 (2005)
**Concerto No. 11 (2007)
**Concerto No. 12 (2008)
Cochrane, Joyce (1908-88) England
+Prelude to Peace (1953)
Codd, William
**Concerto No. 1 in D (2019)
**Concerto No. 2 in c (2020-21)
Codina, Jacinto (c.1770-1818) Spain
**Concerto in B-flat (c.1798; the first concerto for piano and orchestra by a Spanish
Codina, Marc (1987- ) Catalonia, Spain
**Prägnanz for Piano, Perfussion, Wind Quintet, and String Quintet (2010)
Coedès, Pierre-Marie ( – ) France
**Concerto No. 2 (2008)
**Concerto No. 3 (2008)
**Concerto No. 4 (2008)
**Concerto No. 5 (2014)
**Concerto No. 6 (2016)
**Concerto No. 7 (2010)
**Concerto No. 8 (2011)
**Concerto No. 9 (2011)
**Concerto No. 10 (“Eire”) (2012)
**Concerto No. 11 (2014)
**Concerto No. 12 (2014)
**Concerto No. 13 (2014)
**Concerto No. 14 (2014)
**Concerto No. 15 (by 2016)
**Irish Fantasy (by 2014)
**Rhapsodie “Chimères” (2008)
Coelho, Ruy (1889-1986) Portugal
**Concerto No. 1 in G (1934)
**Noites nas Ruas da Mouraria Nights in Rua da Mouraria (before 1943)
Rapsódia Portuguesa (1958)
Coelho, Tristan (1983- ) Australia
**Glass Canvas for Orchestra with Piano (2005)
Coelho de Souza, Rodolfo (1952- ) Brazil
+Chuva Oblíqua (1993)
**Galáxias (1987-88)
Coëllo Ortega, Hitalo ( – ) Ecuador
**Concerto No. 2 (premièred 2018)
Coën, Alexandre ( – ) France
**Concerto No. 1 (2015)
Coetzee, Jean-Jacques ( – ) United Kingdom
**Concerto in C for Piano, Syring Orchestra, Oboes, and Bassoon (2004)
**Concerto in b for Piano, String Orchestra, Oboes, and Bassoon (2018)
**Concerto in E-flat for Piano, String Orchestra, Oboes, and Bassoon (2018)
Coff, Elie (1925-2014) France
+Concerto No. 1 in e (1986)
+Concerto No. 2 in c (1989)
+Concerto No. 3 (“Korczak”) (1999)
Coffey, Tim ( – ) USA
**Concerto (“Walk the Ocean”) (2017)
Cofie, Joe Sebastian ( – ) England/Turkey
**Marmaris Concerto in E-flat (c.2007, 2 mvts, 20’)
**Marmaris Concerto in C-sharp (by 2011; different from the above), II (10’)
**Sunrise Concerto (by 2021)
Cogan, Philip (1748-1833) Ireland
**Concerto in C, Op. 5 (1790)
Cohen, Alla Elana ( – ) Russia/USA
**Inner Temple, Vol. 1, Series 4: Sveti-Tshoveli for Piano and Chamber Orchestra
Cohen, Avishai (1970- ) Israel
+Two Roses for Double Bass, Voice, Drums, Piano, and Orchestra (by 2021)
Cohen, Denis (1952- ) France
+Jeux for Piano and Ensemble (1984/89)
Cohen, Edward ( – ) USA
Cohen, Fred ( – ) USA
**Concerto No. 1 (2009)
Cohen, Graham (1999- ) USA
**Concerto grosso No. 2 for Eclectic Trio [Violin, Saxophone, Piano] and Orchestra (by
Cohen, Nissim Israel
**Concerto for Flute, Piano, and Orchestra 0305 D028 (2019)
**Concerto in E-flat for Flute, Piano, and Orchestra 2001-1101 (by 2020)
**Concerto Above Berlin (2019)
**Concerto (“Claudia”)
**Concerto (dedicated to Moshav Zipori) (by 2017)
**Concerto 1001 A07 (by 2017)
**Concerto 1301 A01 (by 2021)
**Concerto 1701 13 (by 2017)
**Concerto 1705 3 (by 2017)
**Concerto 17 34 (2018), I
**Concerto 1010 B020 (2019)
**Concerto 2004 2201 (by 2020), I
**Concerto 2007 2101 (by 2020), I
**Concerto 2008 0302 (by 2020), I
**Concerto in A-flat 0811 A017 (by 2017)
**Concerto in A-flat 1102 A007 (2019)
**Concerto in a 1004 A006 (by 2018)
**Concerto in B-flat (by 2014)
**Concerto in B-flat (different)
**Concerto in B-flat 1005 A20 (by 2016), I
**Concerto in B-flat 1212 A021 (by 2017)
**Concerto in B-flat 1305 B07 (by 2017)
**Concerto in B-flat 0912 A021 (by 2018)
**Concerto in B-flat 0403 B011 (by 2019)
**Concerto in B-flat 0904 A007 (by 2019)
**Concerto in B-flat 1101 A014 (by 2020)
**Concerto in B-flat 1102 A008 (by 2020)
**Concerto in B-flat 1104 B021 (by 2020), I
**Concerto in B-flat 0305 A017 (by 2021)
**Concerto in B-flat 2011 05 C13 (by 2021), I
**Concerto in B 1012 B14 (by 2014)
**Concerto in C-flat 0907 24 1 (by 2017)
**Concerto in C 0306 E007 (2017)
**Concerto in C 0708 C016 (by 2020)
**Concerto in C 1007 1 (by 2016)
**Concerto in C 1004 A006 (by 2018)
**Concerto in C (different)
**Concerto in D (by 2014)
**Concerto in D 1706 1901 (by 2017)
**Concerto in D 0706 A007 (by 2019)
**Concerto in D 2004 1702 (by 2020), I
**Concerto in D 0901 A021 (by 2022)
**Concerto in D 2307 20 (by 2023)
**Concerto in d 2005 1 (by 2020)
**Concerto in E-flat (by 2015)
**Concerto in E-flat 1008 181 (by 2016), I
**Concerto in E-flat 0802 A005 (by 2020), I
**Concerto in E 0312 B028 (2019)
**Concerto in E 2103 30 (by 2021), I-II
**Concerto in F 1105 A013 (by 2020)
**Concerto in G 1301 A01 (by 2016)
**Concerto W26 008 (2020), I
**Instanbul Concerto (by 2011), I
**Rhine River Concerto 1012 A018 (2023)
**South Africa Days Concerto (by 2018)
Cohen, Shai (1968- ) Israel
**Automata Piano Machine (2020)
**“A Deafening Silence” for Chamber Orchestra with Narrator and Piano (2016)
Cohen-Hadar, Merav ( – ) Israel
**Tragic Ballad (2021)
Cohn, James (1928-2021) USA
+Concerto, Op. 79 (2000)
Coiteux, Francis (1944- ) France
**Piano espiègle, Fantasy for Piano and Concert Band (1993)
**Romance à l’Etoile, Concertino for Piano and String Orchestra (2011), I only
Coke, Roger Sacheverell (1912-72) England
+Concerto No. 3 in E-flat, Op. 30 (1938)
+Concerto No. 4 in c-sharp, Op. 38 (1940)
+Concerto No. 5 (“The Orton” [after the dedicatee F. Orton]) in d, Op. 57 (1947-50;
“Andante piacevole” only; the other movements lost or never composed)
Cole, John ( – ) Canada/Japan
**After Menu for Sunset for Chamber Orchestra and Piano (2005)
Cole, (Frances) Ulric (1905-92) USA
•Divertimento for Piano and String Orchestra (1932/34-35)
Coleman, Albert (1910-2007) France/USA
+Open Spaces, Concertino (1954)
Coleman, Charles (1968- ) USA
**Young Words (1994)
Coleman, Lawrence Larry USA
**Brownstone Concerto (begun 1953, publ. 1961; arr. by Claus Ogerman for 2 pianos
and orchestra, rec. 1964)
Coleman, Linda Robbins (1954- ) USA
+The Celebration! (A Symnphonic Jubilee) for Orchestra with Piano (premièred 2000)
Coleman, Michael ( – ) USA
**Arman [Dream] for Piano and String Orchestra (2016)
Coleman, Randolph (1937- ) USA
**Apparitions for Piano and String Ensemble (2003)
*Concerto (1994)
“Portals…Where Birds Fly Still” for Flutes, Clarinets, Violin, Cello, Piano, Percussion,
and Electronics (2000)
Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel Taylor, Samuel Coleridge England
+Nonet for Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, and Piano,
Op. 2 (1894) [516, +1292]
+Valse de la Reine, Op. 22, No. 3 (1899)
Coles, Paul (1952- ) Wales/England
**Concertino (theme and variations in the style of various composers; by 2020)
Colgrass, Michael (1932-2019) USA
**Crossworlds for Flute, Piano, and Orchestra (2002)
**Memento for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1982; previously titled “Miami”)
+Side by Side (2006)
Colina, Michael (1948- ) USA
**Concerto (1965?)
Coll, Francisco (1985- ) Spain
**Concertino (“No seré yo quien diga nada”) for Piano and Small Orchestra (2011)
Colla, Alberto (1968- ) Italy
**Concerto No. 1 (1997; based on Grieg’s sketches for a Concerto in b, 1882-83)
**Concerto No. 3 for Piano, Strings, and 2 Horns
Collet, Henri (1885-1951) France
§Concerto Flamenco in C (1950)
Collins, Brendan (1965- ) Australia
**Narrabeen Hustle for Piano and Wind Band (2019)
Collins, Edward Joseph (1889-1951) USA
§Concert Piece in a Concerto No. 2
§Concerto No. 1 in E-flat (1924)
§Concerto No. 3 in b (1942)
Collins, Matthew Alexander ( – ) Norway
**Concerto No. 1
**Concerto No. 2 (“Five Movements for Mankind”)
**Concerto No. 3 (“Three Trinities”)
Collins, Trevor
**Andante in D
**Concerto No. 1 in d
Collomb, Cedrick
**Concerto (by 2021; orchestrated by Anthony Halliwell)
Colombier, Michel (1939–2004) France
**Un monsieur distingué (from Jean-Pierre Melville’s film “Un flic,” 1971)
Colomé, Delfin (1946-2008) Spain
**Concerto Classico for Piano and String Ensemble (1994)
Colomina i Bosch, Òscar (1977- ) Spain/England
**Clothes Crying Slow, Dirty Tears (Nocturne No. 2) for Chamber Orchestra with Piano
Colson, Matthew (1989- ) USA
**Concerto No. 1, Op. 10 (2008)
Concerto No. 2, Op. 18 (2010)
Coltrane, John (1926-67) USA
**Spiritual (Tone Poem) for Piano and Orchestra
Coman, Nicolae (1936-2016) Romania
**Concerto (1959/84)
Comeau, Ben (1993- )
**Jazz Patchwork for Piano and String Orchestra (2011)
Cömert, Attila ( – ) Turkey
**Memories of Varèse – Wave -Musical Finale for Flute, Piano, and Orchestra (by 2019)
Comitas, Alexander (see Eduard de Boer)
Compeán, Javier (1978- ) Mexico
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (2016)
Compton, James A. F. (1949- ) USA
**Concertino No. 1 in C
**Concertino No. 2 in B-flat
Cón, Peter (1949-92) Slovakia
**Concert Piece
Conde, Alex ( – ) Spain/USA
**“Barrio del Carmen” Suite for Piano, Flamenco, and Orchestra (2013): Barrio del
Carmen (Alegrías); Plaza de la Virgen (Fandango); Vas diciendole a la gente (Bulería)
**Flamenco Concerto (by 2016; arr. by Brian Adame McCune)
Confalonieri, Giulio (1896-1972) Italy
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (1957)
Confrey, Zez Edward Elzear USA
**Dizzy Fingers (oriug. for piano solo; arr. for piano and orchestra by Lucas Gonzalez,
+Kitten on the Keys (1921)
**Nickel in the Slot (1923)
Connesson, Guillaume (1970- ) France
+Concertino (2013)
**L’espérance de l’aube (Poème concertant) for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2021)
**Jurassic Trip for Flute, Clarinet, 2 Pianos, Percussion, and String Quintet (1998):
Paysage marécageux, Chasse marine du plésiosaure, Attaque des raptors, Petit
carnivore, Vol en rase-mottes des ptérodactyles, Déjeuner du brontosaure, Combat des
+The Shining One (2009)
Connolly, Justin (1933-2020) England
**Concerto, Op. 42 (2003)
Connor, Bill (1949- ) England
**Concerto for Piano and Brass Band (1990)
Connors, Mark ( – ) Australia
**Concerto No. 1
Connors, Ryan ( – ) USA
**Concerto, Op. 21 (1991/96-97)
Conors, Fed pseudonym of Federico Contreras Illán Spain
**Concerto No. 1 (by 2020)
Consolacion, Alejandro D. (1980- ) Philippines
**Divertimento (orig. for organ and orchestra, 2009), II & III
Constant, Franz (1910-96) Belgium
§Concerto for Piano and Winds, Op. 114 (1984)
Constant, Marius (1925-2004) France/Romania
**Concerto (1954-57)
+Nana-symphonie (1975-80; piano mainly in III)
Constantinescu, Dan (1931-93) Romania
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 19 (1963)
**Concerto for 2 Pianos and Chamber Orchestra (1972)
Constantinescu, Paul (1909-63) Romania
§Concerto (1952)
**Triple Concerto for Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (1962-63)
Constantinides, Dinos (1929-2021) Greece/USA
+Concerto, LRC 252 (2010)
+Concerto No. 2 (“Grecian Variations”) for Piano and Chamber Orchestra, LRC 261
**Diakos Suite for 2 Pianos and String Orchestra, LRC 265 (orig. for 2 pianos, 1985;
extracted from incidental music to the Greek play “Diakos,” 1961)
Conti, Louis Fujinami (1968- ) USA
**Movements (2018), I & II
Conti, William Bill USA
**Excerpts from “Rocky I” (film score)
Continanza, Rafael Eduardo ( – ) Argentina/England/Italy
+Concerto No. 3 (“The Comet”) in c-sharp for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2021)
+Concerto No. 5 in F (by 2021)
+Concerto No. 7 (by 2023)
Contreras, Hiram ( – ) Mexico
**Concerto (“Hombre en Llamas” [Man on Fire]) for Piano and String Orchestra
(premièred 2022)
Contreras, Juan Pablo (1987- ) Mexico/USA
**Concerto (“Pirámide del Sol” [Sun Pyramid]) (2015)
Contreras Vega, Alma Sira ( – ) Mexico
**Búsqueda (Concerto) for Piano, Clarinet, and String Orchestra (by 2005)
**Majister dixit (Concerto) (1993)
Conway, Russ pseudonym of Trevor Herbert Stanford England
**Alone Again
**Concerto for Dreamers (1959)
**Concerto for Lovers (1959)
**My Concerto for You for Piano, Women’s Choir, and Orchestra (1960; abridged
version of the “Bristol Concerto,” without choir, 1959)
**Snow Coach (1959)
Conyngham, Barry (1944- ) Australia
§Monuments—Concerto for Piano, DX7, and Orchestra (1989)
+Recurrences for Large Orchestra with 2 Pianos (1986)
§Southern Cross—Double Concerto for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (1981)
Cooke, Arnold (Atkinson) (1906-2005) England
**Concerto in D, Op. 11 (1939-40)
Cooke, Michael (1970- ) USA
**Ha-Me’aagel (One Who Draws Circles) (2007)
Cooman, Carson (1982- ) USA
**Concertino for Piano, 2 Oboes, and Strings, Op. 78 (1998)
+Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 649 (2005)
+Enchanted Tracings (Concerto No. 2) for Piano and Wind Ensemble, Op. 762 (2008)
**Foresight Spinning: Meditations for Contrabass and Ensemble with Piano, Op. 549
**The Great Wilno for Piano and Wind Ensemble, Op. 163 (1999)
Coonan, David (1987- ) Ireland
**Toten Tanzen (2011)
Cooney, Cheryl Lee (1953- ) Canada
**Northern for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2002)
Cooper, Gæl ( – ) USA
**Images de la nuit (Suite) (2021)
Cooper, Paul (1926-96) USA
Concerto for Winds, Percussion, and Piano (1968)
Cooper, W(alter) Thomas Gaze (1895-1981) England
**Concerto No. 3 in C for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 71 (1953-54)
**Concerto No. 4 in c, Op. 91 (1967; finale only recorded)
Čop, Viktorija (1979- ) Croatia
**Taba for Flute, Clarinet, Violin, Viola, Cello, Piano, Harp, and Percussion (premièred
Cope, Alan ( – ) USA
?Concerto grosso for Strings, Solo Clarinet, Trumpet, Piano, Violin, Viola, and Cello
(by 1945)
Cope, David (Howell) (1941- ) USA
+Concert (1980)
§Concerto (after Mozart, 1995)
+Concerto (after Rachmaninoff, rec. 2005)
+Mozart in Bali for Piano, Orchestra, and Gamelan (1988)
**Thresholds and Visions for Orchestra, 2 Pianos, and Electronics
**Variations for Piano and Wind Orchestra (1965)
Copeland, Russell G. (1985- ) England
**Concerto in F
Copland, Aaron (1900-90) USA
+Appalachian Spring (orig. chamber version for 13 instruments, 1943-44)
§Concerto for Clarinet, Strings, Harp, and Piano (1947-48)
§Concerto (1926)
+Danzón cubano for Orchestra with Piano (orig. for 2 pianos, 1942; orchestrated 1946)
**Fantasia Mexicana (based on his “El Salón México”; arr. by Johnny Green for the
film “Fiesta,” 1947)
§Our Town (1940, orig. suite, including previously unreleased music; reorchestrated by
Kevin Kaska for chamber orchestra with piano, by 2002)
Copley, Peter (1962- ) England
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (2014), II
Coppens, Mathias (1988- ) Belgium
**Over vertes van nabij III (Concerto) (2011), excerpts
Coppieters, Francis (1930-90) Belgium
Coral, Giampaolo (1944-2011) Italy
**Raps VI for 9 Winds and Piano (1982-90)
Coral García, Leonardo Flaviano (1962- ) Mexico
**Arquetipos (2004)
+Concerto for Piano and Chamber Ensemble (1996/97/2003)
**Concerto No. 1 (“Hálito de viajes y de sueño”) (1998/2003)
**Concerto No. 3 (2007)
Corbelli, Alessandra (1970- ) Italy
Piccolo Concerto No. 1 for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (1997)
Cordal García, Ariadna ( – ) Spain
**Fantasia alla Marcia for Piano, Chorus, and Orchestra
Cordero, Roque (Jacinto) (1917-2008) Panama
**Concerto in e (1944)
Cordogan, Alex
**Concerto No. 1 (2019), II
Corea, Chick Armando Anthony USA
§Concerto No. 1 (1984-95/99)
+Continents (Concerto No. 2) for Jazz Quintet and Chamber Orchestra (2006/10)
**La Fiesta (by 1975; arr. For vibraphone, piano, and orchestra by Vitor Gorni)
**No Mystery (arr. by John Beasley for piano and big band, by 2022)
+Origin: Say It Again (1), Say It Again (2), Double Image, Dreamless, Molecules,
Soulmates, It Could Happen to You
§Spain (1971; arr. of the song for sextet and orchestra, 1995)
**Spain (1971; arr. of the song for piano and orchestra by Gregory Fine)
Corghi, Azio (1931-2022) Italy
**Un Petit train de plaisir (after Rossini) for 2 Pianos and Orchestra
Corigliano, John (Paul) (1938- ) USA
§Concerto (1968)
+Fern Hill for Chorus and Chamber Orchestra with Piano (orig. for Mezzo-soprano,
chorus, and chamber ensemble, 1961; revised with orchestra accomp., 1965, and
chamber orchestra, 1999)
Cork, Peter (1926-2012) England
+Through the Looking Glass (2004)
Cornejo, Rodolfo Soldevilla (1909-91) Philippines
**Concerto No. 1 in d (1933)
**Concerto No. 3 in b (1968)
**Divertimento for Strings, Winds, Percussion, and Piano (1973)
**Oriental Fantasy for Piano, String Orchestra, and Percussion (1944)
**Philippine Rhapsody No. 2 (1942)
Cornell, Klaus (1932- ) Switzerland/USA
§Réclère: Metaphor (1997)
Corner, Elliott (1994- ) United Kingdom
**Concerto No. 1 in d, Op. 3, I (2010-11)
Cornish, Jane Antonia (1975- ) England
**Seascapes I, II, III for Piano and String Orchestra (premièred 2019)
Corona, Alejandro (1954- ) Mexico
**Xibalbá for Piano, Percussion, and Orchestra, Op. 24 (premièred 2013)
Corona, Beatriz (1962- ) Chile
**Momentos for Piano, Violin, and String Orchestra (2021)
Corp, Ronald (1951- ) England
+Concerto No. 1 (1997)
Corrêa, Alex (1981- ) Brazil/Netherlands
**Concerto for Piano and Universe (2018; orchestrated by Christophe Schweizer)
Correa, James (1968- ) Brazil
**As Cidades de Calvino II for Piano, Computer, and String Orchestra (by 2011)
Corrêa de Oliveira, Willy (1938- ) Brazil
**Concerto (1978)
Correddu, Giovanni
**Concerto No. 1, Op. 39 (by 2019)
**Concerto No. 2, Op. 139 (by 2019)
**Concerto No. 3, Op. 142 (by 2019)
**Concerto No. 4, Op. 156 (by 2020), II-III
**Concerto No. 5, Op. 634 (by 2022)
**Concerto No. 6, Op. 752 (by 2023)
Correggia, Enrico (1933- ) Italy
**Elegia in Memory of 5 Martyrs
Corrette, Michel (1907-95) France
**Concerto in d, Op. 26, No. 6 (c.1751), I
Corri, Philip Antony [see Clifton]
Cors, Scott Murray
**Concerto (“Trencadís”) for Piano and 9 Instruments (2020)
**Concerto (“Trencadís”) for Piano and 9 Instruments (2020; version for piano and
orchestra, 2022)
Corsair, Lunar (1976- ) Ukraine
**Fantasia (2009)
Cortázar, Ernesto (1940-2004) Mexico
**Be My Valentine
**Beethoven’s Silence
**Between Thorns and Roses
**Just for You
**Immortal Melodies
**Intimate Liaison
**Leaves in the Wind
**Lives of Innocence
**Night of Silk and Tears
**On the Top of the World
**Once Upon a Time
**Our Love Never Dies
**River of Dreams
**Secret Feelings
**The Sky Lives Among Your Eyes
**Tic Tac Blues
**Tonight You’ll Be Mine
**Without a Father
Côrte-Real, Nuno (1971- ) Portugal
**Andarilhos, Musica de Bailado, Op. 23
**Elegia, Op. 33b (2019; orig. for piano and ensemble, 2008)
**Todo o teatro é um muro branco de música, Op. 45 (2013)
**Wellington Suite for Bagpipes, Piano, and Orchestra (premièred 2016)
Cortés, Ramiro, Jr. (1933-84) USA
**Concerto, Op. 115 (1975)
Cortés Álvarez, Francisco (1983- ) Mexico
**No Llores for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (2011)
Côrtes Macedo, Maria Apparecida Côrtes (1937- ) Brazil
**Concerto in F (1982; orchestrated by Otávio Simões in 2012)
Cortez, Elidamaris
**Consolation for Horn, Piano, and Orchestra (by 2017)
Cortinas, César (1890-1918) Uruguay
**Concerto in d (1918; only the first movement, in a version for 2 pianos, was completed
at the time of the composer’s premature death; at the request of the latter’s sister, the
orchestration was realized by Bernardino Terés from indications left by Cortinas)
Cortot, Alfred [see Chopin, F.]
Cory, Eleanor (1943- ) USA
**Octagons (1976)
Cosacchi, Stephan until 1949 Isztván Kozáky Hungary/Germany
**Concerto, Op. 115 (c.1960)
Cosentino, Saúl (1935- ) Argentina
**La Depre (with Osvaldo Tarantino [1927-91], 1970; arr. for 2 pianos and string
orchestra, by 2021)
**El Nuevo Tango (by 2000; arr. for 2 pianos and string orchestra, by 2021)
Cosma, Vladimir (1940- ) Romania/France
+Le château de ma Mère (music from Yves Robert’s film, 1990): main title; Les vacances
– Ragtime; La belle Isabelle
+Mistral’s Daughter (music for the TV series, 1984): L’amour en heritage; Je me
souviens; Thème de Teddy; Fauve, la fille de Mercuès
Cosman, Blair (1918-2011) USA
•Concertino (1940)
Cosmas, Kyriacos
**Three Pieces for Small Orchestra [String Quartet, Oboe, Flute, Harp, and Piano] (by
Cosme, Luís (1908-65) Brazil
**Lambe-lambe (1948)
Cosmi, Gabriele (1988- ) Italy
**Concerto for Piano and Ensemble (premièred 2017)
Cossetto, Emil (1918-2006) Croatia
**Concert Suite No. 2 for Oboe and String Orchestra with Piano (1968)
Cossu, Scott (1951- ) USA
**Islands for Piano and Ensemble
Costa, Luiz Luís Ferrera da Portugal
**Fantasia, Op. 20 (1951; premièred in 1954 by his daughter, Helena Sá e Costa)
Costa, Tynnôko Antonio Carlos Vieira Costa Brazil
+Tajá-Panema (suite) (1999)
Costa Lima, Paulo (1954- ) Brazil
**Bahia Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (2012)
**Sete Flechas: um batuque concertante (2014-15)
**Ubabá, o que diria Bach! for Chamber Orchestra with Piano, Op. 15 (1983)
Costa Roldán, Eduardo (1967- ) Spain
**Concertino for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (by 2015)
Cota González, Santos (1960- ) Mexico
**Concertino for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2016)
**Concerto (by 2015)
Cotarelli, Álvaro ( – ) Brazil
**Trilogia (Suite) for Piano and Wind Orchestra (by 2019)
Côté, Benoît (1981- ) Canada
**Only When the Tide Goes Down Do You Know Who Has Been Swimming Naked
Cote, Sergio (1987- ) Colombia/England
**Takay (Rhapsody) (2013)
Cotel, Morris (1943-2008) USA
**Concerto (1968)
Cotta Aldaña, Alberto ( – ) Mexico
**Rhapsody for Piano, Cello, and Orchestra
Cottrau, Teodoro & Alessandro Marcello
§Santa Lucia (+ Oboe Concerto, II; arr. John Bayless)
Couëdic, Gilles du [a.k.a. “Coudic”]
**Concerto (by 2020)
Coueffe, Corentin
**Concerto (2018)
Coult, Tom (1988- ) England
**Ex Machinis, Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2011)
Coulter, Phil (1942- ) N. Ireland
**Arrangements of Traditional Songs
**Green Leaves of Summer (Tiomkin)
**Home Away from Home
**Nantucket Sunrise
**Pier Avenue
**Suita Irlandeza for Flute, Piano, Percussion, and Orchestra
Coulthard, Jean (1908-2000) Canada
§Burlesca for Piano and String Orchestra (1977)
+Concerto (1963/67)
**Excursions for Orchestra with Piano (ballet suite, 1940)
**Fantasy for Violin, Piano, and Chamber Orchestra (1961)
Couto, Fernando Manuel (1994- ) Portugal
**Fantasia (2011)
Cowell, Henry (Dixon) (1897-1965) USA
§Concerto (1928)
*Concerto piccolo for Piano and Band (1941)
§Concerto piccolo for Piano and Band (1941; arr. for piano and orchestra, 1945)
+Irish Suite: A Concerto for String Piano and Small Orchestra (1928-29; arr. of 3 piano
pieces: “The Banshee,” “The Leprechaun,” and “The Fairy Bells”)
§4 Irish Tales [Tales of Our Countryside] for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1940; arr.
of 4 from piano pieces: “The Tides of Manaunaun”; “Exultation”; “The Harp of Life”;
and “The Lilt of the Reel”)
Cowell, Stanley (1941-2020) USA
**Asian Art Suite (2005)
**Concerto (“A Tribute to Art Tatum”) (1992)
Cowen, Frederic Hymen (1852-1935) England
+Concertstück (1900)
Cowie, Edward (1943- ) England
**Concerto (1976-77)
Cox, Boudewijn (1965- ) Netherlands/Belgium
**Concerto (2011-12)
Cox, Cindy (1961- ) USA
**“Pianos” (Concerto) for Piano/Keyboard Sampler and 12 Performers (2013)
**Transfigurations of Grief for Ensemble with Piano (2011)
Cox, Erin ( – ) England
**Concerto (2017)
Cox, Michael Thomas (1948- ) USA
**Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1984)
Cozens, James (c.2000- ) United Kingdom
**Concerto (by 2016), I
**Concerto No. 4 (“Arctic Symphony”) (2018)
**Land of the Midnight Sun for Piano and String Orchestra (2018)
Craens, Alain (1957- ) Netherlands
+3 Summer Pieces for Wind Quintet, String Quintet, Piano, and Percussion (2008)
Crafter, Matthew ( – ) Australia
**Concerto in b, Op. 4 (2022-23)
**Concerto No. 1 in c, Op. 18 (2021)
Crain, Brian ( – ) USA
+Symphony No. 1 (2005)
+Symphony No. 2 (2005)
Cramer, Henri (fl. 1840-80 [?1818-77]) France [Germany]
**Le désir, Op. 14 (publ, 1879)
Cramer, Johann [John] Baptist (1771-1858) Austria/England
+Concerto No. 1 in E-flat, Op. 10 (c.1792; publ. 1795)
§Concerto No. 2 in d, Op. 16 (c.1796; publ. 1797)
+Concerto No. 3 in D, Op. 26 (c.1796; c.1801)
+Concerto No. 4 in C, Op. 38 (1804; publ. 1806)
§Concerto No. 5 in c, Op. 48 (1807; publ. 1811)
+Concerto No. 6 in E-flat, Op. 51 (c.1812-13)
§Concerto No. 7 in E, Op. 56 (publ. 1816)
§Concerto No. 8 in d, Op. 70 (c.1819; publ. 1825)
**Concerto da camera in B-Flat for Piano, Flute, and String Quartet (1813)
Crandall, Thomas
**Concerto in c-sharp (by 2020)
Cras, Jean (Emile Paul) (1879-1932) France
§Concerto in B-flat (1931)
Crassus, Ramon Emilio ( – ) Venezuela
Crausaz, Florian
**Concerto for Piano, Harp, and Wind Orchestra (2015)
Craven, John
**Rondo (by 2020)
Crawford, Michael Shingo (c.1995 – ) USA
**First Snowfall for Piano and String Orchestra (2018)
Crawford (Seeger), Ruth (Porter) (1901-53) USA
+Music for Small Orchestra (1926)
+Three Songs (1930, 1932)
+Two Movements
Crépin, Alain (1954- ) Belgium
**Celine Mandarine for Saxophone and String Orchestra with Piano
**Greetings from Dinant for Saxophone and Orchestra with Piano
**Sax in the City for Saxophone and Orchestra with Piano
Cresswell, Lyell (1944-2022) New Zealand/Scotland
+Concerto No. 1 (2010)
**Concerto No. 2 (“Ach wie flüchtig, ach wie nichtig”) (2017)
Creston, Paul Guttivergi, Giuseppe USA
**Concerto, Op. 43 (1949)
§Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra, Op. 50 (1951)
•Dawn Mood, Op. 36 (1944, withdrawn)
§Fantasy, Op. 32 (1942)
**Lydian Ode for Orchestra with Piano Obbligato, Op. 67 (1956)
+Two Choric Dances for Orchestra with Piano, Op. 17b (1938)
Crețu, Cătălin (1971- ) Romania
**Passaccona Helix (premièred 2023)
Criddle, Reed (1981- ) USA
**John Muir in Utah (Concerto) (2018)
Crockett, Donald (1951- ) USA
**“And the River” (Concerto) for Duo-Pianists (Piano 4-hands and 2 Toy Pianos) and
Chamber Orchestra (2018)
**Antiphonies for Double Reeds, Horns, Piano, and Strings
**Concerto for Piano and Wind Ensemble (1988)
+Wet Ink for 9 Instruments [2 Flutes, 2 Clarinets, Piano, and String Quartet] (2009;
orig. for violin and piano, 2008)
Cronin, Stephen (1960- ) Australia
§Concerto (1989)
Crosse, Gordon (1937-2021) England
**Play Ground for Orchestra with Piano, Op. 41 (1978)
Crot, Anthony (1994- ) Switzerland
**Concertino in d for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 4 (2007)
**Concerto-Rapsodie for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 11 (2008)
Crouse, Edward ( – ) USA
**Concerto No. 1 in G, I
**Concerto No. 2 in F, I
Crowett, Zoey
**Concerto No. 1 in b (2021)
Crowl, Harry (1958- ) Brazil
§Concerto (1997)
Crowley, James (1963- ) USA
Cruixent, Oriol (1976- ) Spain
**El Gran Parío for Percussion, Piano, and Orchestra, Op. 44 (2011), excerpts
**Triple Percepció del món for 2 Pianos, Percussion, and Orchestra, Op. 19 (2003)
Cruixent, Oriol (1976- ) Spain
**El Gran Parío for Percussion, Piano, and Orchestra, Op. 44 (2011), excerpts
**Triple percepció del món for 2 Pianos, Percussion, and Orchestra, Op. 19 (2003)
Crump, Stephen ( – ) Australia
+Considering Life (a musical meditation on the poem by environmentalist Dr. Bob
Brown; orig. for piano, expanded and orchestrated by Jabra Latham, by 2022)
+Thoughts While Staring at the Sky (a musical meditation on the poem by
environmentalist Dr. Bob Brown; orig. for piano, expanded and orchestrated by Jabra
Latham, by 2022)
+Winter Night at Liffey (a musical meditation on the poem by environmentalist Dr. Bob
Brown; orig. for piano, expanded and orchestrated by Jabra Latham, 2018)
Cruz, Manuel Ivo (1901-85) Brazil/Portugal
**Concerto português No. 1 (“Coimbra”) (1945)
**Concerto português No. 2 (“Lisboa”) (1946)
Cruz, Mari ( – ) Brazil
Cruz de Castro, Carlos (1941- ) Spain
+Sinfonia No. 1 (“Canarias”) for Orchestra with Piano (1998)
Crzellitzer, Franz (1905-79) Germany/Israel
**Capriccio for Piano and Chamber Orchestra
**Concerto, Op. 26 (1953)
Csalog, Gábor (1960- ) Hungary
**Nagy Cirkusz [Circus] (by 2016)
Csemiczky, Miklós (1954- ) Hungary
**Laterna magica (1983)
Csengery, Daniel ( – ) [see also Piano Schloss Concerto Series 9-10, 13-14]
**Concertino, Op. 89a
**Concertino for Piano and String Orchestra
+Concertino infantile No. 2
+Concertino infantile No. 3
Cube, Felix-Eberhard von (1903-88) Germany
**Concerto in E-flat for 2 Pianos and Orchestra, Op. 16 (1949)
**Rondo-Burleske in b-flat, Op. 9 (1939)
Cuclin, Dimitrie (1885-1978) Romania
**Concerto in g (1939)
Cucurullo, Dante (1957- ) Dominican Republic
**Un Piano en el Caribe (premièred 2023)
Cudalbu, Grigore (1967- ) Romania
**Concerto (1992/96)
Cuéllar, Arturo (1960- ) Colombia/Switzerland
**Concerto No. 1 in C (premièred 2001)
**Concerto No. 2 in Three Dances for Piano and String Orchestra
Cui [Kyui], César Antonovich (1835-1918) Russia
+Orientale, Op. 50, No. 9 (1893; orig. for violin and piano; arr. for 2 pianos and
orchestra by Ferrante & Teicher)
Cummins, James (1981- ) Canada
+Concerto No. 1 (by 2006)
+Concerto No. 2 (by 2006)
+Concerto No. 3 (by 2011)
Cummings, Conrad (1948- ) USA
**“I Wish They All Could Be….” (Octet) (1986/2012)
Cummings-Knight, Geoff (1947- ) United Kingdom
**Concerto in C
Cundick, Robert (1926-2016) USA
+A Full House for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (rec. 2008)
Cundy, David
**Concerto No. 1 (2016-18), I-II
Cunha, Beetholven (1978- ) Brazil
**Concertino (“Dança dos Caboclinhos”) for Piano and String Orchestra (1996)
Cunha, Vagner (1973- ) Brazil
+Concerto for Viola and String Orchestra with Piano (2012)
Cuniot, Laurent (1957- ) France
**To Deep And Deeper Blue (2010)
Cunliffe, Bill (1956- ) USA
**Bernstein: West Side Story
**Gershwin: Concerto in F
**Gershwin: I Got Rhythm
+Prokofiev: Concerto No. 3, I
+Overture, Waltz, and Rondo for Jazz Piano, Trumpet, and Orchestra (2012)
§Romantic Fantasy (1998-99)
Cunningham, Michael G. (1937- ) USA
+Concerto (1968)
Cupertino, Fernando (1959- ) Brazil
**Canção para a lua cheia for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (by 2008)
**Lamento for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2022)
Curiel Barba, Gonzalo (1904-58) Mexico
+Concerto No. 1 in D-flat (1948)
**Concerto No. 2 in d (1950)
**Concerto No. 3 in E-flat (only one movement ocompleted; premièred posthumously in
Curnow, James (1943- ) USA
Baroque Suite for Piano and Band, I. Bach: Minuet in F; II. Handel: Harmonious
Curran, Alvin (1938- ) USA
**The Book of Beginnings for Orchestra, Youth Orchestra, 2 Self-Playing Pianos
[Disklaviers], and Smartphone Application (2015)
Currie, David ( – )
**Fantasy in d (by 2016)
Currier, Nathan Kind (1960- ) USA
**Concerto (“The Cow”) for Piano and Wind Orchestra (2009)
Curry, Wesley Lawrence, II ( – ) USA
**Concerto No. 1 in A-flat (“The Chilton”) (by 2017)
**Concerto No. 5 (“The Bumblebee”) (2017-18), excerpt
**Concerto No. 6 in C-sharp, I
**Concerto No. 7 in D (2018), I-II
**Concerto No. 8 in D (2018), I
**Concerto No. 13 in F (2020), excerpts
Curtice, Sean (1990- ) USA
**Concerto in F, III (2012)
Curtis, Aaron James ( – ) Australia
+Ballade (by 2018)
Curtis, Anthony Paul (1933- ) England/Germany
**Hello Pinocchio (2009)
Curtis-Smith, Curtis Otto Bismarck (1941-2014) USA
**Concerto for Piano Left-Hand and Orchestra (1990/94)
**Concerto for Violin, Piano, and String Orchestra (2005)
Curzon, (Ernest) Frederic (1899-1973) England [see also Litolff, Henry]
§Saltarello (1951)
Cutler, Joe (1968- ) England
**Sal’s Sax (1996)
**September Music (2009)
Cutting, Michael (1987- ) England
**Pilgrim (2011)
Cvitanović, Josip (1963- ) Croatia
**U Registraturi [In the Register] (concert suite in honor of the Croatian singer Arsen
Dedić, c.2008)
Cwik, Stefan (1987- ) USA
**Concerto (“The Sword in the Stone”) for English Horn and Orchestra with Piano
**Concerto (2010)
**The Illusionist for Orchestra with Piano (2012)
Cwojdziński, Andrzej (1928-2022) Poland
**Concertino for Piano and Small Orchestra, Op. 83a (2005)
Cymber, Bob ( – )
Concerto in b, I (incomplete)
Cywiński, Tomasz ( – ) Poland
**pra-pre-pro (Little Concerto) for String Orchestra with Piano (2022)
Czajkowski, Andrzej [see Tchaikowsky, André]
Czarnecki, Sławomir (1949- ) Poland
+Concertino – Affetuoso (1975)
**Divertimento for String Orchestra with Piano (by 2017)
**Symphony concertante (“Baltic”) (2015)
Czarnowski, Mateusz (1987- ) Poland
**Concerto (“Hommage a Edward Mojsak”) (2021)
Czerny, Carl (1791-1857) Austria [see also Beethoven, L. v.]
+Concertino in C, Op. 78 (1824)
+Concertino in C, Op. 210/213 (manuscript Op. 197) (1829)
+Concertino in C, Op. 650 (1841)
+Concerto No. 1 in d (1811-12)
+Concerto No. 2 in E-flat (1812-14)
+Concerto in F, Op. 28 (?1820; according to a writer in “The Musical World” [17 Nov.
1837] and Rosemary Tuck [in 2017], this is an arrangement of Hummel’s
instrumentation of Mauro Giuliani’s Concerto No. 3, Op. 70 for guitar and orchestra
§Concerto in a, Op. 214 (publ. 1830)
§Concerto in C for Piano 4-Hands and Orchestra, Op. 153 (1825; publ. 1827)
§Divertissement de concert in A, Op. 204
+Études de mécanisme, Op. 849 (1856; arr. for piano and orchestra), Nos. 1-20
+Fantaisie et variations brillantes sur une romance de Blangini for Piano and String
Orchestra, Op. 3 (1819)
+Grand nocturne brillant in E-flat, Op. 95 (publ. c.1826)
§Grande sérénade concertante, Op. 126 (1827)
+Grandes Variations de Bravura sur deux motifs de l’Opéra “Fra Diavolo” de D. F. E.
Auber, Op. 232 (1830)
+Introduction and Rondo brillante in B-flat, Op. 233 (c.1831)
+Introduction et Variations brillantes sur le Marche favori de l’Opéra “Gli Arabi nelle
Gallie” de Pacini, Op. 234 (1831)
+Introduction, Variations et Polacca dans le Style brillant sur la Cavatina favorite “Tu
vedrai la sventurata” chantée par M. Rubini dans l’Opéra “Il Pirata” de Bellini, Op.
160 (1828)
+Introduction, Variations et Presto Finale sur un Thème Favori de l’Opéra “Norma”
de Bellini, Op. 281 (1833)
+Introduction, Variations, and Rondo on Weber’s Hunting Chorus from “Euryanthe,”
Op. 60 (1824)
§Nonet (1850)
+Rondino sur un thême favori de l’opéra “Le Maçon” de Auber, Op. 127 (orig. for 2
violins, viola, cello, and piano, 1826)
+Sonata pastoral, Op. 121 (orig. for piano 4-hands, “with accompaniment of violin and
cello ad libitum composed for the use of advanced students,” 1826; arr. for piano 4-
hands and string ensemble by Shimon Cohen)
§Variations in G on a Theme of Haydn [“Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser”], Op. 73 (1824)
+Variations de concert sur la Marche des Grecs de l’Opéra “Le Siège de Corinthe” de
Rossini, Op. 138 (publ. 1827)
**Variations on a Favorite Viennese Waltz by Schubert, Op. 12 (orig. for piano solo,
arr. for piano and orchestra)
Czura, Roman (1989- ) Germany/Poland
•Kraftfelder (Concerto) (2012)
Czyż, Henryk (1923-2003) Poland
+Burleska [see Concertino, III]
+Concertino (1949-62; first movement originally an independent work, “Impression,”
1949 )
+Symphonic Variations on a Folk Song Theme for Orchestra with Piano (1950-52)
Young Engineers (film score, 1952)
Copland: Appalachian Spring – Philharmonia Orchestra
Philharmonia Orchestra