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Music for Piano and Orchestra: The Recorded Repertory (Nov. 2023) “N”
Compiled by Dr. Allan B. Ho
Professor emeritus, musicology
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Table of Contents

NeJanko, Komar
**Concerto (by 2018)
Neklyudov, Oleg ( – ) Ukraine
**“Das ferne leuchtfeuer” (Elegie) for Piano and String Orchestra (2016)
Nelhýbel, Václav (1919-96) Czechoslovakia/USA
**Cantus et ludus for Piano, 17 Winds, Double Bass, and Percussion (1973)
**Concertino for Chamber Orchestra and Piano (rec. 1965)
**Two Movements for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (1970)
Variants on a Czech Love Song (“Louceni, louceni” [Parting, parting]) for Piano and
Woodwinds (1973)
Nellemose, Christian ( – ) Denmark
**Concerto in e
Nelson, Derrik (1988- ) USA
**Suite for String Orchestra and Piano (2019), Allegro
Nelson, Havelock (1917-96) Ireland
**Concertino in g for Piano and Strings (1955)
Nelson, Oliver (1932-75) USA
**African Suite
Nelson, Robert (1941- ) USA
**Concertino for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (premièred 2011)
Nemeth, Joseph C. ( – ) USA
**Concerto No. 1 in f (1985-2003)
Németh, Zoltán ( – ) Hungary
**Concertino (2020)
Németh-Šamorínsky, Štefan (1896-1975) Slovakia
**Concerto (1957-58)
Nemtin, Aleksandr (1936-99) Russia
§Nuances (1975; ballet on Skryabin’s late piano music, orchestrated by Nemtin)
§Preparation for the Final Mystery [Mysterium] for Large Orchestra, Wordless Chorus,
Piano, Organ, Soprano, and “Light Keyboard” (Universe, 1970-72; Mankind, 1976-
80; Transfiguration, 1996; realized by Nemtin using Skryabin’s sketches)
§Universe (1970-72; based on 30 pages of poetic text and 53 pages of disconnected
fragments of themes and harmonies for Aleksandr Skryabin’s Mysterium: see above)
Nenov, Dimitar (1902-53) Bulgaria
+Ballade No. 2 for Piano concertante and Orchestra (1942-43)
§Concerto (1932-36)
§Toccata (1932-39; arr. for orchestra with piano by Lazar Nikolov, 1980)
Nepomuceno, Alberto (1864-1920) Brazil
**6 Valsas humorísticas (1903)
Nero, Peter (Bernard) (1934- ) USA [see also Lloyd Webber]
§Arrangements: “Classic Connections”
Scratch My Bach (after Bach, Bizet, and Gershwin)
Pick Yourself Up (after Jerome Kern and Jaromir Weinberger)
Night and Day (after Cole Porter and Beethoven)
Variations on “I Got Rhythm” (after Gershwin, Rachmaninoff, Beethoven, Mozart,
Liszt, and Prokofiev)
As Long as He Needs Me (after Lionel Bart and Rachmaninoff)
All the Things You Are (after Jerome Kern and Bach)
The Yellow Rose of Texas (after traditional and Mozart)
Take the “A” Train (after Ellington and Chopin)
I Can’t Get Started (With You) (after Vernon Duke and Rachmaninoff)
West Side Story Suite (after Bernstein)
§Fantasy and Improvisations (“Blue Fantasy”) (1968)
**Love Theme (from Romeo and Juliet)
Neselovskyi, Vadim (1977- ) Ukraine/USA
**Comprovisation on a Theme of J. S. Bach for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2019)
**Last Snow (by 2015)
**Songs My Parents Sing (Fantasia on a Theme of Nikita Bogoslovsky) for Piano and
String Orchestra (by 2019)
**Spring Song (by 2014)
Ness, Jon Øivind (1968- ) Norway
**Concerto (premièred 2021)
**1-2-3 Happy Happy Happy (1998)
+Sunburst (Concerto) (2005)
Nessler, Robert (1919-96) Austria
**Chamber Concerto for Piano, Clarinet, and String Orchestra (1962)
**Concerto (1961)
Nesterov, Sergey Yuryevich (1997- ) Russia
**Eternal Life, Phantasmagoria for Ensemble of Soloists (2020)
Nesterova, Svetlana (1976- ) Russia
**Concerto (2019)
**Solaris (Fantasy) for Theremin, Piano, and String Orchestra (2017)
Netshivhambe, Evans ( – ) S. Africa
Netto [see Paiva Netto]
Netzel [née Pistolekors], Laura Constance (1839-1927) Finland/Sweden
+Concerto in e, Op. 84 (by 1897, under the pseudonym N. Lago; manuscript missing last
10 pages; completed by Peter Friis Johansson in the critical ed. by Klas Gagge publ.
by Levande Musikav)
**Concerto in e, Op. 84 (by 1897, under the pseudonym N. Lago; manuscript missing
last 10 pages; completed by Petteri Nieminen)
Neubert, Günter (1936- ) Germany
§Concerto ritmico (1977-78)
Neuburger, Jean-Frédéric (1986- ) France
**Chanson (2013)
**Concerto (2017)
Neugasimov, Vitalij (1978- ) Lithuania
**Concerto in G for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2022)
Neukomm, Sigismund von (1778-1858) Austria/United Kingdom/France
+Grande Concerto in C, Op. 12
Neumann, Erika ( – )
**Concerto No. 1 for Piano, String Orchestra, Drums, and Horn
**Romanticist Overture for Orchestra with Piano (2013)
Neumann, Věroslav (1931-2006) Czech Republic
**Symphonic Dances (1984)
Neuringer, Keir ( – ) USA
**Concerto (after Kundera) for Piano, 15 Strings, and 5 Percussionists (2000)
Neuwirth, Olga (1968- ) Austria
**Locus…Doublure…Solus for Piano and Ensemble in Seven Parts (2001)
Neve, Jef (1977- ) Belgium
§Concerto No. 2 (2012)
**Fantasy for Violin, Pianom, and String Orchestra (2018)
Neves, Fábio (1985- ) Brazil
**Allegro scherzando, Op. 19 (premièred 2022)
Neves Carvalho, Hudson (1965- ) Brazil
**Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2021)
Newberry, Stirling S. (1967- ) USA
**Concerto No. 3 in B-flat (“Tiannanmen”) (1999), III only
**“Hyperion,” Koncertstück in D-sharp (1995)
“Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” Koncertstück in G (1998)
Newell, John (1949- ) USA
**Concerto (2002)
Newell, Robert M. (1940-2019) USA
**Concerto (1964)
Newman, Alfred (1901-70) USA
**Song of Bernadette
**Street Scene (film score, 1931)
**Theme from “The Robe”
Newman, Anthony (1941- ) USA
§Adagio and Rondo (1989; later used as mvts. II [retitled “Largo”] & III of his
Concerto, but with the former shortened from 8:02 to 3:45)
+Concerto (1989; see also the Adagio and Rondo above)
§Concerto for Viola, String Orchestra, and Timpani, with Piano (1985)
+Quadruple Chamber Concerto (by 2015)
Newman, Chris (1958- ) England/Germany
**Concerto No. 2 (2006), Part 2
Newman, David (1954- ) USA
**“Once Upon a December” for Piano and String Orchestra (from the film “Anastasia,”
Newman, Thomas Montgomery (1955- ) USA
**“Valley of the Shadow” (from David Lowell Rich’s film “Little Women,” 1978)
Newsome, Roy (1930-2011) England
Concertino for Piano and Brass Band (premièred 2009)
**Concerto for Piano and Band
Neyrinck, Frederik (1985- ) Belgium
**Contr’action II for Ensemble with Piano (2009)
Nez, Ketty (1965- ) USA
**Beyond Release or 2 Cellos and Chamber Orchestra with Piano (2007)
+Thresholds, Concerto for Piano and Winds (2011)
Nezeritis, Andreas (1897-1980) Greece
•Concertino in c, Op. 53 (1938)
Nəzərov, Saleh ( – ) Azerbaijan
Nezhigay [see Nezhyhay]
Nezhyhay [Nezhigay, Nezhigaj], Alexander Mykolayovych (1955- ) Ukraine
**Concerto (by 2016)
Nezkusil, Tomáš ( – ) Slovakia
**Gargoyle (Ballade) (by 2017)
Ng, Jeremy
**Fantasy (by 2012)
Ng, Martin [Ting Wing]
**A Pianist’s Air for Orchestra with Piano, Dancers, and Vocal Soloist (2017)
Nguyen, Michel ( – ) France
**Prélude: Un après midi de juin à Saïgon for Orchestra and Piano (2017)
Nguyễn Mạnh Duy Linh (1980- ) Vietnam
**Concerto grosso for Violin, Piano, Percussion, and String Orchestra, Op. 16 (2006-
**Suite Symphony (“Reminiscence”) for Orchestra with Piano, Harpsichord, and
Celesta (by 2017)
Nguyen Thu Trien ( – )
**Concerto No. 2, I
Nguyễn Văn Thương (1919-2002) Vietnam/France
**Return to Mother Earth (orig. for cello and piano)
Nguyen Van Ty, Louise (1915-?) Vietnam/France
**Fêtes du Têt Nguyên Dán
Nica, Grigore (1936-2009) Romania/USA
**Concerto, Op. 72 (premièred 2000)
Nichelmann, Christoph (1717-62) Germany
+Concerto per il Cembalo concertante in c, D-B M. TH. 169
Nichifor, Şerban (1954- ) Romania
**Concerto GRIEGoriano (1997; based on Grieg’s sketches for a Concerto in b, 1882-
**Concerto No. 2 (“Anna”) (2016)
§Symphony No. 4 (“From West to East”) [American Symphony II] for Piano, Trumpet,
and Orchestra (c.1982)
Nichols, Charles (1967- ) USA
**Beneath the Veneer (1. Mounting Tensions; 2. Cadenza; 3. Release) (2009)
Nicholson, Jeff
**Elegy for Doc (in honor of the composer’s father, Dr. John A. Nicholson) (by 2019)
Nick, Edmund (1891-1973) Austria/Germany
**Die Blaue Mondnacht (from the film Sechs Tage Heimaturlaub, 1941)
**Tanzrhapsodie (Dance Rhapsody) on “Ein Abend auf der Heide”
**Valse triste for Piano and Small Orchestra (orig. for piano solo [publ. 1962])
**Wunderschön ist es, Verliebt zu sein for Piano and Small Orchestra
Nickels, Ken ( – ) USA
**Capriccio in 3 Movements: Fantasia; Anthem; Scherzo (by 2015)
Nicodé, Jean Louis [see Chopin, F.]
Nicodemowicz [see Nikodemowicz]
Nicolai, (Carl) Otto (Ehrenfried) (1810-49) Germany
§Fantasie et variations brillantes in F on Themes from Bellini’s “Norma,” Op. 25 (1834;
orchestra part lost; reconstructed by Jurgen Hinz from the piano score)
Nicolas, François (1947- ) France
**Lignes d’ombre for 11 Players (1988)
**Ricercare hétérophonique for 12 Strings and Piano (2017)
Nicolau, Dimitri (1946-2008) Greece/Italy
§Concerto for Piano and Sax Orchestra with Obbligato Drum, Op. 77 (1988)
§Zuki’s Dance (1999; version for ensemble with piano, 2000)
Nicoli, Andrea (1960- ) Italy
**Verso tracce di blu for Piano, Percussion, and String Orchestra (2004)
Nicolosi, Salvatore
**Variations and Fugue (by 2020)
Nicolson, Alasdair (1961- ) Scotland
**Dansmusik (2000)
Niculescu, Stefan (1927-2008) Romania
**Synchrony I (1979)
Nie Er (1912-35) China
+Graduation Song (from the film “The Pupil to be a Thief,” 1934)
+Song of the Newsboy (from the drama “Storm Over the Yangtze River,”1934)
Niedermaier, Edward “Teddy” (1983- ) USA
**Concerto for Piano and Winds (2015)
Niederste-Schee, Wolfgang (1910-86) Germany
Concertino (by 1953; rehearsal broadcast)
Niël, Jozef Mathieu (“Matty”) (1918-89) Netherlands
**Rückblicke for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1983)
Nielsen, Svend Hvidtfelt (1937- ) Denmark
**Song for Piano and Ensemble (2007)
Nielsen, Tage (1929-2003) Denmark
+Konzertstück for Piano and 11 Instruments (1998)
Nielsen, Thomas
**Concerto in E, Op. 4, I (2009)
Niemann, Walter (1876-1953) Germany
**Kammerkonzert No. 1 in C for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 153 (publ. 1941)
**Kammerkonzert No. 3 in F (“Die drei Terrassen”) for Piano and Small Orchestra,
Op. 165 (1944)
**3 Poetische Walzer, Op. 182 (1951): Blauer Flieder; Bunte Astern; Wicken und
Nieto, José Luis ( – ) Spain
**Nine Thumbnails [Miniatures] (music for an unrealized film), Op. 8 (premièred 2003)
Nieto, Manuel ( – ) France
**Enero (by 2022)
Nieuwenhove, Ernest van (1880-1968) Belgium
Nigg, Serge (1924-2008) France
§Concerto No. 1 (1954)
+Concerto No. 2 (1970-71)
**Scènes concertantes (1976)
Niigaki, Takashi (1970- ) Japan
+Concerto (“Shinsei” [Rebirth]) (2015)
Niimi, Tokuhide (1947- ) Japan
**Concerto No. 1 (1984)
Nikiprowetsky, Tolia (1916-97) Ukraine/France
**Concerto (1977)
Nikisch, Mitja (1899-1936) Germany
§Concerto (1936)
Nikodemowicz, Andrzej (1925-2017) Ukraine/Poland
**Concerto No. 3 (“Lviv”) (2002-3)
**Concerto No. 5 (2004)
**Concerto No. 6 (2007)
Nikodijevic, Marko (1980- ) Serbia
**Abyss/Antifona for Ensemble (2003)
**Cvetić, Kućica [Little Flower, Little House] … La Lugubre gondola (Trauermusik
nach Franz Liszt) for Orchestra with Piano (2009)
**Gesualdo Dub—Raum mit gelöschter Figur for Piano and Ensemble (2012)
Nikolayev, Aleksandr
**Waltz (“Poetry of the Night”)
Nikolayev, Aleksey Aleksandrovich (1931-2003) Russia
**Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1985)
Nikolayev, Vladimir (1953- ) Russia
**Poem (1981)
Nikolayeva(-Tarasevich), Tat’yana Petrovna (1924-93) Russia
**Concerto No. 1 in B, Op. 10 (1950)
**Concerto No. 2 in E-flat, Op. 32 (1966)
Nikolov, Angel ( – ) Bulgaria
**Theme from Brahms’s Symphony No. 4, Op. 98 (composed for Brahms Remixed
Composing Competition, Bulgaria, 2016)
Nikolov, Lazar (1922-2005) Bulgaria
**Concertino (1964)
**Concerto No. 2 (1954-55)
**Symphony No. 2 for Orchestra with 2 Pianos (1959/62)
Nikolovski, Vlastimir (1925-2001) Macedonia
**“Crnila” for Bass Voice, Piano, and String Orchestra

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Nikonov, Anton (1992- ) Russia
**Concert Fantasy on “Un poso gradioso” for Piano and Russian Folk Instrument
Orchestra (2013)
Nilović, Janko (1941- ) Montenegro/France
+Concerto pour piano compressé (rec. 1972)
Nilson, Göran W. (1941-2007) Sweden
Light-Rhapsody (1960)
Nilsson, Anders (1954- ) Sweden
+Cadenze for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (1989)
+Concerto (1997)
Nilsson, Bo (1937-2018) Sweden
**Arctic Air for Winds, Strings, and Piano
**Plexus (1979)
Nilsson, Ivo (1966- ) Sweden
**Rapiditá (2014-15; from “6 Proposals,” II)
Rotorelief for Speaking Conductor and Ensemble with Piano (2001)
**Rotorelief Suite for Speaking Conductor and Ensemble with Piano (2001)
Nilsson, Torsten (1920-99) Sweden
§Concerto No. 1 for Piano and Strings, Op. 63 (1974-78)
§On the Threshold [Concerto No. 2] for Piano, Winds, and Percussion, Op. 67 (1975)
Nin-Culmell, Joaquín María (1908-2004) Germany/USA
§Concerto in C (1946)
+Homenaje a Falla for Orchestra with Piano (1933-90)
Nishikaze, Makiko (1968- ) Japan
**Piano Breathing (2007)
Nishimura, Akira (1953- ) Japan
**Concerto No. 1 (“Guren”) (1979)
§Concerto (“A Shaman”) (2003)
**Le Corps d’Arc en Ciel
+Double Concerto (“A Ring of Lights”) for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (1991)
§Heterophony for Two Pianos and Orchestra (1987)
+A Stream—After Dark for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1997)
Nishimura, Takuma ( – ) Japan
**Sea for String O and Piano (by 2019)
Nishimura, Yukie (1967- ) Japan
**Concerto No. 3 in D (rec. 1983 as part of the Yamaha Music Foundation’s Junior
Original Concerts, a showcase for composers no older than age 15)
Nishonov, A.
**Concertante Piece
Nissen, Gideon ( – ) United Kingdom
**Concerto in a, Op. 26 (2005)
Nitibhon, Anothai (1978- ) Thailand
**Prayer’s Cave for Viola, Piano, and Strings
Nitzberg, Alex ( – ) USA
**Concerto (2016)
Niu, Naomi ( – ) Japan [see Piano Schloss Concerto Series 7-8]
+Concertino in the Style of Poulenc
Nivet, Olivier (1956- ) France
**Passé simple (by 2011)
Nixon, Henry Cotter (1842-1907) England
+Concert-Stück in c/E-flat, Op. 14 (1883)
Nizami, Myrto ( – ) Greece
**Fifth Wheel for Piano, Bayan, Percussion, and String Orchestra (2017)
Nizamov, Elmir (1986- ) Tatarstan
**Dixi for String Orchestra and Piano (2012)
**Music for Harmonica and Orchestra
**Other Music
Niziurski, Mirosław (1932-2015) Poland
Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1962)
Noack, Kurt (1893-1945) Germany
+Heinzelmännchens Wachtparade, Op. 5 (1924-25)
Nobre, Marlos (1939- ) Brazil
+Concertante do Imaginário, Op. 74 (1989)
**Concertino for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 1 (1959)
§Concerto breve, Op. 33 (1968-69)
**Desafio VII for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 31, No. 7 (1968)
§Divertimento, Op. 14 (1963)
§Ukrinmakrinkrin for Voice, Winds, and Piano (1964)
Nóbrega e Sousa, Carlos (1913-2001) Portugal
**Sol de inverno (1965; arr. by Rocha Oliveira for piano and orchestra, 1972)
Nobuyoshi, Koshibe (1933-2014) Japan
**Tango (No. 1 from “3 Dances”)
Nocci, Fabrizio (1974- ) Italy/Germany
**Il Satiro Danzante (Concerto) (2004)
Nock, Mike Michael Anthony New Zealand
•Aotearoa, Suite for Jazz Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1981)
+Raff Riff (arr. by Dave Lisik)
Noda, Teruyuki (1940- ) Japan
§Concerto (in one movement, 1977)
Nodaira, Ichiro (1953- ) Japan
**Concerto (2001)
Nogales Almagro, Alejandro (2003- ) Spain
**Concerto in c-sharp, Op. 1 (premièred 2023)
Nogueira, Marcos (1962- ) Brazil
**Concertino (“A Lírica de Pindaro”) for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2019)
Nohl, Katharina (1973- ) E. Germany/Switzerland
**By the Baltic Sea for String Orchestra and Piano (2019)
**Rhapsody (“Spices”) (2022)
Nollman, Cameron (c.1998- ) USA
**Conversations (Concertino) (2019)
Noneth-Semorinsky, Stephan [see Nemeth-Samorinsky]
Nono, Luigi (1924-90) Italy
§Como una ola de fuerza y luz for Soprano, Piano, Orchestra, Tape (1971-72)
Noon, David (1946- ) USA
+Concerto for Piano and Percussion Ensemble
Noona, Walter (1932- ) & Carol ( – ) USA
**Concertino in d
**Concerto No. 1 in d
**Little Concertino in C
Norby, Erik (1936-2007) Denmark
§Capriccio for Trumpet, String Orchestra, and Piano (1978)
Norcross, Todd ( – ) USA
+Concerto (by 2010)
Nordal, Jón (1926- ) Iceland
+Adagio for Flute, Harp, Piano, and String Orchestra (1965)
**Concerto (1956)
+Langnætti [Long Night/Mid-winter] for Orchestra with Piano (1975-76)
+Tvísöngur [Twinsong], Double Concerto for Violin, Viola, String Orchestra, Piano,
and Percussion (1979)
Norden, Maarten van (1955- ) Netherlands
**Cookie Girl
**East Rock
**Square Roots for Piano, Saxophone, and Orchestra (2001)
Nordensten, Frank Tveor (1955- ) Norway
**Concerto No. 1 (1983-84)
Nordgren, Pehr Henrik (1944-2008) Finland
+Concerto No. 2 for Piano, String Orchestra, and Percussion, Op. 112 (2001)
§Concerto No. 3 (“The Corpse-Rider”) for Piano Left-Hand and Chamber Orchestra,
Op. 129 (2004)
**Symphony No. 3 (1993)
Nordoff, Paul (1909-77) USA
**Concerto for Piano, Violin, and Orchestra (1948)
Nordqvist, Eliot (1999- ) Sweden
**Water (from “The Four Elements,”orig. for piano solo, by 2015; version for piano
and orchestra, premièred 2016)
Nørgård, Per (1932- ) Denmark
§Concerto in due tempi (1994-96)
**Prelude to Breaking (1986)
**Spaces of Time for Orchestra with Piano (1991)
**Symphony No. 8 (2011)
Norman ( – )
*The Bullfrog
Norman, Andrew (1979- ) USA
**Suspend (2014; titled “Release” at the time of the première)
**Try for Large Chamber Ensemble with Piano (2011)
Norman, James D. (1980- ) USA
•Like Social Elephants for 14 Instruments
Norman, (Fredrik Vilhelm) Ludvig (1831-85) Sweden
§Konsertstycke in F, Op. 54 (1850/75/80)
Norman, Karl-Erik Albert “Charlie” (1920-2005) Sweden
**Foreign Intrigue Concerto (from the TV series “Foreign Intrigue,” 1951; later used
in the film, 1956)
Norman, Philip (1953- ) New Zealand
•Concerto for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (1995)
Normile, Josephel-Padraig ( – ) USA
**Concerto No. 4 (2015; revised from a ballet, “Mystic,” 1982)
**Concerto No. 5 (“For Paris”) (2015)
**Concerto No. 6 (“Shards of Time”) (2017)
**Concerto No. 7 (“Ergo Sum!”) (2020)
Norris, David Owen (1953- ) England
+Concerto in C (2014)
Norris, Marcus (1991- ) USA
+Mambacita for Piano and String Orchestra (2020)
Norris, Michael (1973- ) New Zealand
**From the Lonely Margins of the Sea for Piano and Small Orchestra (2001/5)
+Volti (2006/9)
North, Alex (1910-91) USA
+“Antony & Cleopatra” and “Caesar & Cleopatra” Themes (from the film, 1963; arr.
for 2 pianos and orchestra)§Blues (Lament for Gershwin) (1939; later used as II in the
Concerto for Piano, Trumpet, and Orchestra [see below])
**Rhapsody for “Four Girls in Town” for Piano, Trumpet Obbligato, and Orchestra
(from the soundtrack for the film, 1956; orchestrated by Henry Mancini)
§Rhapsody [Concerto] for Piano, Trumpet Obbligato, and Orchestra (from the film
“Four Girls in Town,” 1956; II, 1939; I and III, 1950s; reconstructed by Mark
McGurty from the composer’s sketches)
**The Misfits: Main title (from the John Huston film, 1961)
**Streetcar Named Desire for Orchestra with Obbligato Piano (complete score for Elia
Kazan’s film, 1951)
**Unchained Jazz (from Hall Bartlett’s film “Unchained,” 1995)
**Wall Street Ballet: “Trick or Treat”
North Korean composer(s)
**Cantata to Comrade Kim Jong Il
**Concerto “The Blizzard of Baekdu Mountain”
**North Korean Concerto
Nortman, Roger Lasher (1941- ) USA
+Concerto No. 1 in e, Op. 16
+Concerto No. 2 in g, Op. 25 (1988-89)
+Concerto No. 3 in B-flat, Op. 40 (1993-94)
Norton, Christopher (1953- ) New Zealand/England
•Concerto for Piano and Small Orchestra (1977)
Norton, Spencer (1909-78) USA
+Partita for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1959)
Nostrand, Peter F. (1947- ) USA
+Little Concerto in E-flat (by 2011)
+Little Concerto in e (“The Duchess”) (by 2011)
+Little Concerto in G (“Ravello”) (by 2011)
+Little Concerto No. 11 (“Snowfall Concerto”) (by 2013)
+Little Concerto No. 13 (“Young Pianist’s Concerto”) (by 2013)
+Little Concerto No. 14 (“The Oxford Don”) (by 2013)
+Little Concerto No. 15 (“The Happy Vicar”) (by 2013)
+Little Concerto No. 16 (“The Happy Woo”) (by 2013)
+Little Concerto No. 18 (“Reflections”) (by 2014)
+Little Concerto No. 19 (“The Tiny Concerto”) (by 2019)
+Little Concerto No. 23 (“The Happy Gossip”) (by 2019)
+“Classy Music” (collection of pieces, by 2019): An Awkward Waltz; Ballerina; An
Elegant Turn; 4 Fantasies; Little Concerto No. 19 (“The Tiny Concerto”); Little
Concerto No. 23 (“The Happy Gossip”); A Mother’s Touch; The Warmth from a Waltz;
The Window
+“The Duchess” (collection of pieces, by 2011): Come Home; End of 7 Summers;
Gentle Rain; Last Waltz; Little Concerto in E-flat; Little Concerto in e (“The
Duchess”); Little Concerto in G (“Ravello”); Ode to Schubert; Spires of Prague;
Sunrise; To Nancy’s Heart
+“The Happy Vicar: (collection of pieces, by 2013): Duchess II; Little Concerto No. 13
(“Young Pianist’s Concerto”); Little Concerto No. 14 (“The Oxford Don”); Little
Concerto No. 15 (“The Happy Vicar”)
+“Miss Muse Collection” (collection of pieces, by 2013): Dearly Miss Muse; Faireweall
Miss Muse; Miss Muse & the Delightfully Dead; Miss Muse & the Survivor; Miss Muse
Meets Alice; Miss Muse Meets the Belgian; Miss Muse’s Cottage
+“Romantic Piano” (collection of pieces, by 2014): Anniversary Waltz; Complete; Dear
Carol; The Divinity; 4 Sisters; Left Unsaid; Little Concerto No. 11 (“Snowfall
Concerto”); Little Concerto No. 16 (“The Happy Woo”); Little Concerto No. 18
(“Reflections”); A New Beginning; Peace; Regrets; Simplicity
Nosyrev, Mikhail (1924-81) Russia
§Concerto (1974)
Notasreschi, Loretta (1977- ) USA
**Gnomic Concerto for Piano and Ensemble (by 2020)
Nour Al-Mayhani, Mohammed ( – )
**Concerto No. 1 in C (“Le petit Mozart”), Op. 3, I
**Langsam in D (on a popular theme “Oh, Sinan”), Op. 4
Novák, Jan (1921-84) Czechoslovakia
+Concentus Biiugis for Piano 4-Hands and String Orchestra (1976)
+Concentus biiugis for Piano 4-Hands and String Orchestra (1976; new ed. revised by Dora
Novák-Wilmington, 1977)
+Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (1947-49; orchestration completed by
Copland; score at the Brno Conservatory)
+Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1954-55)
Novak, Milan (1927-2021) Slovakia
**Concertino for Trumpet, Piano 4-Hands, Percussion, and String Orchestra (1964)

Novak, Paul (1998- ) USA
**As the Light Begins to Drift for Chmaber Orchestra with Piano (2019)
Novák, Roman Z. (1967- ) Czech Republic
**Wrap Up Softly, Tenderly, No End for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (1999)
Novák, Vítězslav [Viktor] (Augustín Rudolf) (1870-1949) Czechoslovakia
+Concerto in e, Op. 10 (1895)
Novosedlíkova, Lenka ( – ) Slovakia
**Music for 9 Players (2013)
Nowak, Aleksander ( – ) Poland
**Concerto (“Król Kosmosu znika” [King of the Cosmos Disappears]) (2009-10)
+Naninana for Amplified Keyboard Instrument [Rhodes Piano] and String Orchestra
Nowakowski, Mark ( – ) USA
Nowka, Dieter (1924-98) Germany
§Concerto for Piano Left-Hand and Orchestra, Op. 71 (1963)
Nowowiejski, Feliks (1877-1946) Poland
+Concerto in d (“Slavic”), Op. 60 (1941; ed. by Kazimierz Nowowiejski [1917-72],
including “numerous abridgements”)
+Symphony No. 3 for Orchestra with Piano, Op. 53 (1936-40)
Noyes, Brian ( – ) Wales
**Concerto (“Dinas Emrys”), Op. 30 (2011-12)
Ntertimanis, Charis (1978- ) Greece
**Concertino No. 1 (2001)
**Concerto No. 3, in 2 movements (2009-10)
Nuez Montesdeoca, Luis (1939-2016) Canary Islands
**Fantasía Brasileña in D (1998)
Numan, Toek (1971- ) Netherlands
**Burnout (1996)
Nunes-Gentile, Pauxy (1963- ) Brazil
**Átimo for Piano and Chamber Orchestra
Nuñez, Claudio (1959- ) Argentina
+Pieces for Piano and Orchestra (by 2021): Abit; Batus; Codex; Dedux; Eccum; Fugit;
Gyrat; Halos
Núñez Allauca, Alejandro (1943- ) Peru
**Concerto (“Wiesbaden”) (premièred 1994)
**Omaggio a Piazzolla (1998), Part 1
Núñez Montes, Francisco (1945- ) Mexico
+Ilusión y Remembranza for Psaltery, Piano, and Orchestra (premièred 2009)
+Timbres (1973)
Nuriyev [Nuriev], Durdy (1933-1992) Turkmenistan
**Overture for Piano, Strings, and Timpani (1969)
Nurulla-Khoja, Farangis (1972- ) Tajikistan/Canada
**Rustle of Memory (Concerto) for Piano and Sinfonietta (2022-23)
Nurulloeva, Orzu ( – ) Russia
**Navruz for Alto Saxophone, Percussion, Piano, and String Orchestra (2022)
Nurymov, Chary (1941-93) Turkmenistan
**Concerto (1973)
**Concerto (1973; arr. for 2 pianos and orchestra), I
**Destan Concerto No. 1 for Flute, Oboe, String Orchestra, Piano, and Percussion
**Destan Concerto No. 2
**Destan Muqam
**Gazelles [Concerto] for Oboe, String Orchestra, Piano, and Percussion (1975)
Nuss, Benyamin (1989- ) Germany
**Lea’s Song (2010)
Nussbichler, Ludwig (1963- ) Austria
**Il Primo Angelo (Traumbildfragmente V) for Piano and Ensemble (2004)
**Schattenspiele IV—jeu de mime for Flute, Oboe, 2 Clarinets, Percussion, Piano, and
String Quartet (1996/98)
Nussgruber, Walther (1919-2012) Austria
**Rondo extatico for Piano, String Orchestra, and Timpani (1971)
Nuttall, M. J.
**Concerto in A-flat, Op. 4 (by 2022)
Nuyts, Frank (1957- ) Belgium
+Fetish (Symphony No. 5) for Soprano and Orchestra with Piano (2009)
+Innocence in Admiration (Concerto) for Piano and Ensemble (Flute, Oboe, Bassoon,
Percussion, Violin, Viola, Cello, and Double Bass) (2008)
Nyaga, Stefan (Stepan Timofeyevich) (1900-57) Russia
**Moldavian Fantasy for Violin, Piano, and Strings (1941)
Nydesjö, Jonas ( – ) Sweden
+An Arkeology (2008; based on 8 songs by the Swedish band “The Ark” [Ola Salo])
Nykänen, Jukka (1976- ) Finland
**Vappusikermä [May day Medley] (2021; arr. of traditional melodies and others by
Rosas, Taube, and Vivaldi)
Nylander, Ben (c.1997- ) USA
**Concerto No. 1 (2014)
Nyman, Michael (1944- ) England
§The Piano (film score, 1991)
§The Piano Concerto (1993; reworked from music to the film “The Piano,” 1991)
**The Piano: Suite
+The Piano: Gloomy Winter for Tenor, Piano, and Orchestra
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The Heart Asks Pleasure First / The Promise (from the film The Piano)
The Heart Asks Pleasure First / The Promise (Edit) · Michael Nyman The Piano: Music From The Motion Picture ℗ 1993 Michael Nyman Ltd Released on: 1993-01-01 Producer: Michael Nyman Composer Lyricist: Michael Nyman