The items on the Sheet Music Library (PDF) website are protected by United States copyright law (please, read the Fair Use Act Disclaimer, here). Users may download material from this site (one machine-readable copy and one print copy per page) for educational, personal, non-commercial use only. Except where otherwise specifically permitted, any further reproduction, sale, distribution, transmission, display, publication, or broadcast is not allowed.
We also support the European Copyright Directive. However, our servers are located in the United States, therefore Sheet Music Library (PDF) does not assume any sort of legal responsibility or liability for the consequences of downloading files that are not in the public domain in your country.
For members from USA, please read our Fair Use Act Disclaimer. For users from Australia, Brasil, Canada, Japan, Russia and other countries, please read our attached disclaimer.
Please note that the Sheet Music Library (PDF) makes no guarantee whatsoever that the information appearing on this page is legally accurate and assumes no liability or legal responsibility therefore.
One of our first members asked the following question via email:
“(…) I’m impressed with the large and diverse contents of your site. I will, for sure, register as a member of your great project. However, I’m a little concerned about the issue of the copyright, especially now that everybody is talking about the European directive on copyright. Could you, please, provide some clarification on it? Thanks.”
Our reply: “(…) Thanks for your email. (…) We are a Library, a digital online library, but a library in any case. (…) Do you also think about the copyright laws as you borrow a book from your neighbour library? The same applies for our Sheet Music Library. Rest assured that we support the European Copyright Directive. (…) Anyway, please read our Privacy Policy page to learn more in detail about digital copyright and some other important subjects.”
His answer: “(…) I am an user and a lover of libraries. On the other hand, my state Library of (…) has recently implemented a nice catalog of a digital collection, including books, magazines, graphic novels, etc., which I like to borrow as well. Never thought, anyway, about the copyright laws before, and I rest easy knowing you take care of this issue. (…) Now, I will be your next proud member! Thank you!”
Some other members also confessed that they would rather surf on the Internet, sometimes for hours or days (!), looking for FREE sheet music or FREE books, of course with no concern about copyright laws. Now, they have become full members of our Library and they can get lots of great piano and guitar sheet music in a minute, thus helping to promote Culture and creativity.
If you still have any concern about it, please read our above mentioned Privacy Policy page . And for users and members from the USA, please read our Fair Use Act Disclaimer. For users from Australia, Canada, Japan, Russia and other countries, please read our attached disclaimer.
The Sheet Music Libray (PDF) acknowledges to the E Legal Deposit organisation their leadership to contribute not only to understanding and developing digital collections for academic and public deposit libraries, but also to promote international debates on the future of libraries in the digital age.