Final Fantasy VII Aerith’s Theme エアリスのテーマ with sheet music

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Final Fantasy VII Aerith’s Theme エアリスのテーマ by Nobuo Uematsu with sheet music

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Final Fantasy Guitar Solo Official Best Collection) 14- Aerith’s Theme — Final Fantasy VII

Aerith’s Theme

Although “Aerith’s Theme” is nearly unmatched in popularity, I found that I was never in love with the track. Though the piece can be performed in a very emotional and heartfelt way, the arrangement of the track fails to uphold the melancholy and heart-wrenching emotion that the original gave us. Much like “Final Fantasy VII Main Theme,” the disappointment might come from the fact that “Aerith’s Theme” has been arranged so many times that the track begins to lose its majesty. Perhaps Hamaguchi’s goal in the two tracks was simply to reinforce, by means of piano, the beauty of the original track without adding the great arranged harmonies that exist within other Piano Collections tracks. (Track 7/10)

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