Astor Piazzolla album no 1 has been added to our sheet music Library

Astor Piazzolla album sheet music

Astor Piazzolla album no 1 has just been added to our sheet music Library, ready to download. Partitura disponible.

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Astor Piazzolla album sheet music sheet music pdf

Track List:

01. Libertango: 00:00 02. Boda Real, Maxima Zorreguieta: 5:24 03. Oblivion: 9:58 04. Adios Nonino: 13:30 05. Soledad: 19:02 06. Romance del Diablo: 23:27 07. Invierno Porteno: 30:20 09. Escualo: 36:42 10. Verano Porteno: 39:51 11. Persecuta: 46:04 12. La Muerte del Angel: 48:43 13. Los Suenos: 51:49 14. Extasis: 56:32

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