Traditional Christmas Carols – Chants de Noël sheet music, partitions

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Many traditional Christmas carols focus on the Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus, while others celebrate the Twelve Days of Christmas that range from 25 December to 5 January or Christmastide, which ranges from 24 December to 5 November.

As a result, many Christmas Carols can be related to St Stephen’s Day (26 December), St John’s Day (27 December), Feast of Holy Innocents (28 December), St Sylvester’s Day (31 December), and the Epiphany.

Examples of this are “We Three Kings” (an Epiphany song), and “Good King Wenceslas” (a carol for St. Stephen’s Day).

Nonetheless, some other categories of Christmas music, both religious and secular have become associated with the Christmas season even though the lyrics may not specifically refer to Christmas – for example, “Deck the Halls” (no religious references) and “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” (an Advent chant).

Other Christmas music sung by carolers focus on more secular Christmas themes, and winter carols and novelty Christmas songs often refer to winter scenes, family gatherings, and Santa Claus (“Jingle Bells”, “O Christmas Tree”, “Home for the Holidays”, “Jolly Old Saint Nicholas”, “Frosty the Snowman”, “Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town”, etc.).

List of Christmas Carols over the World (acc. to the Wikipedia)

Title Composer / lyricist Year Notes
“Somerkersfees” Koos du Plessis Title translation: “Summer Christmas”

Title Composer / lyricist Year Notes
“Away in a Manger” First two stanzas unknown, often erroneously attributed to Martin Luther; third stanza written by John McFarland (1904) 1882 More than 40 settings are known. Most popular US version is by James R. Murray (1887); The most popular UK version is by another American, William J. Kirkpatrick (1895)
“Beautiful Star of Bethlehem” Robert Fisher Boyce 1940
“Children, Go Where I Send Thee” traditional African American spiritual
“A Christmas Carol” words and music: Charles Ives 1897[2]
“Christmas Song”
(“Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire”)
(“Merry Christmas to You”) Robert Wells and Mel Tormé 1945
“Do You Hear What I Hear” Lyric: Noël Regney, Music: Gloria Shayne 1962
“Go Tell It on the Mountain” African American spiritual dating at least to 1865

Lyrics by John W. Work
“I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day” words: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Several settings of music have been popular:

Joseph Mainzer (1845) John Baptiste Calkin (1872) Johnny Marks (1956)
“I Wonder as I Wander” John Jacob Niles 1934 Based on a fragment collected by Niles in Murphy, North Carolina in 1933.
“It Came Upon the Midnight Clear” words: Edmund Hamilton Sears 1849 music (US): “cCarol” Richard Storrs Willis music (UK): “Noel”, melody arranged and adapted by Arthur Sullivan
“Jingle Bells” James Lord Pierpont 1857 Originally titled “One Horse Open Sleigh”; and written for a school Thanksgiving pageant.
“The Little Drummer Boy”
(“Carol of the Drum”) written by Katherine K. Davis 1957
“Mary’s Boy Child” Jester Hairston[3] 1956
“O Little Town of Bethlehem” words: Phillips Brooks 1867 music (US): Lewis H. Redner, music (UK): traditional tune: “Forest Green” (a.k.a. “The Ploughboy’s Dream”)
“Rise Up Shepherd and Foller” African American spiritual[4] ca. 1909 Also known as “Rise Up Shepherd and Follow”
“Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” Johnny Marks 1947
“Silver Bells” Jay Livingston and Ray Evans 1950
“Star of the East” written by Alfred Hans Zoller, translation by George Cooper in 1890, music by Amanda Kennedy in 1883 1890 Not to be confused with the English carol titled “Star of the East” or “Brightest and Best”
“Sweet Little Jesus Boy” Robert MacGimsey 1934 Imitates the African American spiritual-style.
“We Three Kings of Orient Are” (“Three Kings of the Orient”) written by Rev. John Henry Hopkins 1863 An Epiphany carol

Title Composer / lyricist Year published Notes
“Laylat Al-Milad” Traditional Maronite Hymn Title translation: “Christmas Eve”

Title Composer / lyricist Year published Notes
Huron Carol (“Jesous Ahatonhia”) Jean de Brébeuf 1643 “Jesus, he is born”. Also known as “Twas in the Moon of Wintertime” after English translation (1926) by Jesse Edgar Middleton.

Title Composer / Lyricist Year published Notes
“Fum, Fum, Fum” (“El vint-i-cinc de desembre”) Traditional 16th century The word “fum” may imitate the sound of a drum (or perhaps the strumming of a guitar). “Fum” means “smoke”(noun) in Catalan.
“El cant dels ocells” (lit. “Song of the Birds”) Traditional; Pablo Casals arranged the song for cello Lyrics are printed in 17th century also known as “Carol of Birds”
“El Noi de la Mare” (lit. “The Son of the Mother”) Traditional 17th-18th century Also known as “Carol of the Gifts”[5]
“A Betlem me’n vull anar” (lit. “I want to go to Bethlehem”) Traditional
“El dimoni escuat” (lit. “the devil with no tail”) Traditional
“Ara ve Nadal” (lit. “Christmas is coming”) Traditional
“Les dotze van tocant” (lit. “Ringing twelve o’clock”) Traditional
“Descanseu ben alegres” (lit. “Rest very happy”) Traditional
“Pastorets de la muntanya” (lit. “Shepherds from the mountain”) Traditional
“El desembre congelat” (lit. “Frozen December”) Traditional
“Sant Josep i la Mare de Déu” (lit. “Saint Joseph and the Virgin Mary”) Traditional
“La pastora Caterina” (lit. “Caterina, the shepherd”) Traditional
“Anem a Betlem” (lit. “We’re going to Bethlehem”) Traditional
“El rabadà” (lit. “The shepherd”) Traditional


The English titles are taken from the Hymns of Universal Praise and the Chinese New Hymnal.
Title Composer / Lyricist Year published Notes
聖誕歌 Shèngdàn Gē (The Moon and Stars of Christmas Eve) Bliss Wiant (Chinese name: 范天祥 Fàn Tiānxiáng) / 田景福 (Tián Jǐngfú) 1934 / 1933 Title from the Hymns of Universal Praise. Also called “一輪明月歌” Yīlún Míngyuè Gē by its first line in the Chinese New Hymnal.
明星燦爛歌 Míngxīng Cànlàn Gē (Midnight, Sleeping Bethlehem) 梁季芳 (Liáng Jìfāng) / 楊鏡秋 (Yáng Jìngqiū) 1934 / 1930
聖夜靜歌 Shèngyè Jìng Gē (Crystal Night, Stilly Night) 史奇珪 (Shǐ Qíguī) / 朱味腴 (Zhū Wèiyú) and 吳敬人 (Wú Jìngrén) 1982 / 1921
聖誕感恩歌 Shèngdàn Gǎn’ēn Gē (Jesus Our Saviour, Word Incarnate) 林聲本 (Lín Shēngběn) / 任大齡 (Rén Dàlíng) 1981
歡樂佳音歌 Huānlè Jiāyīn Gē (Shout the Glad Tidings) Chinese traditional melody / Anonymous 20th century The version in the Chinese New Hymnal is revised from the Chinese Hymnary (頌主聖歌).
聖誕敘事 Shèngdàn Xùshì (Idyll of Christmas) 段毓貞 (Duàn Yùzhēn) 1954
拜謁聖嬰 Bàiyè Shèngyīng (Worship the Holy Infant) 史奇珪 / 徐曉鴻 (Xú Xiǎohóng) 2007 / 2004
馬槽耶穌 Mǎcáo Yēsū (Jesus in the Manger) 史奇珪 1952, revised 2009
佳音歌 Jiāyīn Gē (Song of Good Tidings) 吳安娜 (Wú Ānnà) / 王賢軍 (Wáng Xiánjūn) 1999

Carol Composer / Lyricist Year

“U to vrijeme godišta” (“At that time of the year”) Traditional 12th century
“Svim na Zemlji, mir, veselje” (“All on Earth, peace, joy”) Franjo Langer/Adam Alojzij Baričević 18th century
“Radujte se narodi” (“Nations rejoice”) Franjo Langer/Adam Alojzij Baričević 18th century
“Narodi nam se” (“Born unto us”) Traditional 13th century
“Tri kralja jahahu” (“Three kings were riding”) Traditional 1912. From Istria
“Veselje ti navješćujem” (“Joy I preach you”) Franjo Langer/Adam Alojzij Baričević 18th century
“O Betleme” (“Oh, Betlehem”) Franjo Langer/Adam Alojzij Baričević 18th century
“Oj, pastiri” (“Oy, shepherds”) Traditional
“Djetešce nam se rodilo” (“A child was born unto us”) Traditional
” Veseli se Majko Božja” (“Rejoice, Mother of God”) Vladoje Bersa 1906. From Knin

Title Composer / Lyricist Year published Notes
“Nesem vám noviny” (“We bring you good news, hark!”) traditional from Bohemia “Come, All Ye Shepherds” (Mari Ruef Hofer, 1912)
German: “Kommet, ihr Hirten” (Carl Riedel, ca. 1870)
“Půjdem spolu do Betléma” (“Let’s all go to Bethlehem.”) traditional from Bohemia
“Štědrý večer nastal” (“Christmas Eve has come.”) traditional from Bohemia
“Pásli ovce valaši” (“The Wallachians were grazing their sheep.”) traditional from Bohemia
“Narodil se Kristus pán” (“Jesus was born”) traditional from Bohemia 1505
“Den přeslavný jest k nám přišel” (“The glorious day has arrived”) traditional from Bohemia
“Jak si krásné neviňátko” (“How beautiful you are, baby (means Jesus)”) traditional from Bohemia
“Zither Carol” Czech folk tune – Sedlák, sedlák 1958 English lyrics by Malcolm Sargent, set to a traditional tune.[6] “Girls and boys, leave your toys…”
“Svatý Václave” (religious hymn from XII century) words: John Mason Neale, music: tune from Piae Cantiones 1853 rendered in English as “Good King Wenceslas”


The list is based primarily on carols and hymns mentioned in the Song Book for the Danish Folk High School.

Where possible, a carol title is linked to its (Danish) Wikipedia entry, where the carol can be heard. Otherwise, a carol title has been linked to its entry at the Danish Hymn Book Online.

Carolling, i.e. dancing around, is practised – probably unintentionally – in Danish Christmas tradition, when a Christmas party join hands forming a chain around the family Christmas tree and walk, dance or run around the Christmas tree depending on the Christmas carol or song sung.
Carol Composer/Lyricist Year published Notes
“Blomstre som en rosengård [da]” J.P.E. Hartmann / N.F.S. Grundtvig 1861 / 1837, 1853 Advent
“Dejlig er den himmel blå [da]” J.G. Meidell / N.F.S. Grundtvig ca. 1840 / 1853, 1864 Epiphany
“Dejlig er jorden [da]” Silesian tune / B.S. Ingemann 18th century / 1850
“Den yndigste rose er funden [da]” tune Joseph Klug / H.A. Brorson 1542 / 1732
“Det første lys er Ordet talt af Gud” Bjarne Haahr / Johannes Johansen 1978 / 1974 Advent
“Det kimer nu til julefest” C. Balle / N.F.S. Grundtvig 1850 / 1817, 1837
“En rose så jeg skyde” Cöln / trans. from Praetorius by Th. Laub 1599 / 1609 trans.1920 “Es ist ein Ros entsprungen”
“En sød og liflig klang” Trier, Joseph Klug / German trans., Martin Luther, Hans Thomissøn, N.F.S. Grundtvig 1482, 1533 / 14th century, 1529 and 1545, 1569, 1837
“Et barn er født i Betlehem [da]” German tune / N.F.S. Grundtvig Ca. 1600 / 1820 Based on a medieval Latin hymn “Puer natus in Bethlehem”, publ. in Danish in the hymn books of Hans Tausen and Hans Thomissøn in 1553 and 1569, resp.

A children’s favourite.
“Et lidet barn så lysteligt” C. Balle / N.F.S. Grundtvig 1855 / 1843
“Hjerte, løft din glædes vinger” Joh. Crüger / Paul Gerhardt, trans. C.J. Brandt 1653 / 1653, trans. 1878
“I denne søde juletid” C. Balle / H.A. Brorson 1855 / 1732, 1739
“Ind under jul” Morten Eskesen / Jonas Lie 1876 / 1865
“Julebudet til dem, der bygge” J.P.E. Hartmann / J. Chr. Hostrup 1890 / 1881,1884
“Julen har bragt velsignet bud” C.E.F Weyse / B.S. Ingemann 1841 / 1839
“Julen har englelyd” A.P. Berggreen / N.F.S. Grundtvig 1852 / 1845, 1851
“Kimer, I klokker [da]” H. Rung / N.F.S. Grundtvig 1857 / 1856
“Lad det klinge sødt i sky [da]” Pre-Reformation tune / N.F.S. Grundtvig and Th. Laub Pre-Reformation / 1837, 1873 and 1890
“Mit hjerte altid vanker” Carl Nielsen / H.A. Brorson 1919 / 1732
“Lille Guds barn, hvad skader dig?” Traditional / N.F.S. Grundtvig / 1870 Advent
“Velkommen igen, Guds engle små” A.P. Berggreen alt. C.E.F. Weyse / N.F.S. Grundtvig 1834 alt. 1836 / 1825, 1850 Lyrics written the night before Christmas Day
“Vær velkommen, Herrens år [da]” A.P. Berggreen / N.F.S. Grundtvig from a medieval Danish Advent hymn 1852 / 1849, 1852 Advent
“Vær velkommen, Herrens år [da]” A.P. Berggreen / N.F.S. Grundtvig from a medieval Danish Advent hymn 1852 / 1849 Epiphany

Title Composer / Lyricist Year published Notes
“Nu Syt Wellekome”[9][better source needed] Traditional melody Probably 15th Century First found in Begijnhof Manuscript (ca. 1600)
“In dulci jubilo” 15th Century First found in Utrecht Sint-Agnes Manuscript
“Een kind geboren in Bethlehem” Dutch traditional 15th Century Oldest find: Deventer Song Manuscript
“O, Kindeke klein, o, Kindeke teer” 1508 First published in Dit is een suverlijc boecxken
“Het was een maged uitverkoren” Dutch traditional 1508 First published in D. Coelde van Munster – “Dit is een suverlijc boecxken”
“Herders, hij is geboren” Dutch traditional 1645 First published in “Den blijden wegh tot Bethleem”
“Hoe leit dit kindeke” Dutch traditional ca. 1650 First published in Wilhelm Schepping, Die Wettener Liederhandschrift (Song Manuscript)
“Eer zij God in onze/deze dagen” a.k.a. “Engelkens, door het luchtruim zwevend” Attributed to F.A. Schultz, who translated ancient Latin carol, “Gloria in excelsis Deo,” into German 1857, possible previous publication ca. 1730 translation of “Gloria in excelsis Deo” into Dutch by Isaac Bikkers (often confused with “Ere zij God”)
“De Herdertjes lagen bij nachte” Dutch traditional 1852 First print in J. en L. Alberdingk Thijm, ‘Oude en Nieuwere Kerst-Liederen’
“Maria die zoude naar Betlehem gaan” Dutch traditional 1852 First printed in J. Alberdingk Thijm, Oude en Nieuwere Kerst-Liederen
“Ere zij God”[10] Dutch original (often confused with “Eer zij God in onze/deze dagen”) 1857 First print in Isaac Bikkers, Het nachtegaaltje – rendered into English as “Glory to God”
“Er is een kindeke geboren op aard” Dutch traditional 1879 First published in Lootens en Feys, Chants populaires flamands
“Geen wiegje als rustplaats” Dutch traditional
“Kling/Luidt, klokje/-s, klingelingeling” Dutch traditional
“Komt allen tezamen” From Latin hymn “Adeste Fideles”
“‘t Is geboren het Goddelijk Kind” From French noël
“Midden in de winternacht” 1943 Dutch text: Harry Prenen, melody: old Catalan carol
Title Composer / Lyricist Year Notes
“The Twelve Days of Christmas” Traditional with additions by Frederic Austin c 1780
“Adam lay ybounden” Set by numerous composers, most notably by Boris Ord and Peter Warlock 15th century
“A Great and Mighty Wonder” lyrics: The words of St Germanus were translated by John Mason Neale (1818–1866)

tune: Michael Praetorius (1571–1621) written originally to the lyrics of Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming.
“Angels from the Realms of Glory” lyrics: James Montgomery; music: Henry Thomas Smart, 1867, to the tune of “Regent Square”. In the UK a slightly different arrangement of “Angels We Have Heard on High” (“Gloria”) 1816
“Angels We Have Heard on High” based on traditional hymn “Gloria” (a French traditional carol “Les Anges dans nos Campagnes”); English translation by Bishop James Chadwick, tune arranged by Edward Shippen Barnes 1862
“As with Gladness Men of Old” William Chatterton Dix 1867 Set to same tune as “For the Beauty of the Earth”
“Bethlehem Down” Peter Warlock (composer)
Bruce Blunt (poet) 1927 Mostly used in Christmas and Epiphany services of the Anglican church
“Boar’s Head Carol” English traditional 15th century
“Brightest and Best” (“Star of the East”) written by Reginald Heber 1811 Not to be confused with the American “Star of the East”
“Calypso Carol” (“See him lying on a bed of straw”) Michael Perry 1969 Written in 1964 for a college concert
“Candlelight Carol” John Rutter 1984
“Carol of the Bells” Mykola Leontoyvch, Peter J. Wilhousky 1904 The song is based on a folk chant known in Ukrainian as “Shchedryk”.
“The Cherry-Tree Carol” English traditional
“Christians, awake, salute the happy morn” John Byrom, music by John Wainwright c. 1750 Based on a poem of three 16 line stanzas, originally for the author’s daughter, which was later reworked into singable verses.
“Come and I will sing you” English traditional Early 19th Century or before Musicologist Cecil Sharp, influential in the folklore revival in England, noted in his 1916 One Hundred English Folksongs that the words are “so corrupt, indeed, that in some cases we can do little more than guess at their original meaning”
“Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus” Charles Wesley 1749 Set to Hyfrydol
“Coventry Carol” (“Lullay, Thou Tiny Little Child”) English traditional
“Ding Dong Merrily on High” music: Jehan Tabourot, words: George Ratcliffe Woodward
“Down in Yon Forest” English traditional The “Corpus Christi Carol”
“Do You Hear What I Hear?” written by Noël Regney and Gloria Shayne 1962
“Far, Far Away on Judea’s Plains” words and music: John Menzies Macfarlane 1869
“The First Noel” (“The First Nowell”) English traditional 1823 First published in Carols Ancient and Modern by William Sandys
“The Friendly Beasts” French Traditional 12th century English by Robert Davis 1934
“Gabriel’s Message” translated into English by Sabine Baring-Gould from the Basque traditional carol “Birjina gaztettobat zegoen”
“Gloucestershire Wassail” English Traditional 18th century or earlier Numerous publications of the present-day music were published in the 1800s along with variations of lyrics. It’s known to have been sung at least as far back as the late 1700s.[11]
“Good King Wenceslas” English traditional 1853 John Mason Neale, Thomas Helmore
“God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen” English traditional c. 1760 Published by William Sandys; author unknown
“Good Christian Men, Rejoice” Heinrich Seuse 1328 English lyrics fitted to the Latin hymn-tune “In dulci jubilo”; also known as “Good Christian Friends, Rejoice”
“Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” *music: Felix Mendelssohn, words: Charles Wesley, amended by George Whitefield and Martin Madan 1739 originally as part of Festgesang, adapted and harmonised by William Hayman Cummings; descant for verse 3 added in 1961 by Sir David Willcocks for the Carols for Choirs books
“Here We Come A-wassailing” English traditional c. 1850
“The Holly and the Ivy” English traditional
“I Saw Three Ships (Come Sailing In)” English traditional 1833 Published by William Sandys; parent tune “Greensleeves” dates to 17th century
“In the Bleak Midwinter” words: Christina Rossetti, music: versions by Gustav Holst and Harold Darke
“Infant Holy, Infant Lowly” (“W żłobie leży”) Polish traditional
“Jesus Christ the Apple Tree” Elizabeth Poston
“Joy to the World” words: Isaac Watts based on Psalm 98, music: arranged by Lowell Mason based on themes in Handel’s Messiah 1719
“Judea” music: William Billings
“Little Donkey” written by Eric Boswell 1959
“Love Came Down at Christmas” words: Christina Rossetti, music: various 1885
“The Lord at first did Adam make” words: West Country traditional
“Mary’s Boy Child” (Mary’s Little Boy Child) written by Jester Hairston 1956
“Masters in This Hall” written by William Morris c. 1860
“Night of Silence” words and music: Daniel Kantor 1981 written to be sung simultaneously with “Silent Night”
“O Come, All Ye Faithful” (Adeste Fideles) 17th century carol. English translation by Frederick Oakeley in 1841.
“O Holy Night” words: Placide Cappeau de Rouquemaure, translated by John Sullivan Dwight, music: Adolphe Adam 1847
“Of the Father’s Heart Begotten” (“Of the Father’s Love Begotten”) music: tune from Piae Cantiones
“Once in Royal David’s City” words: Cecil Frances Humphreys Alexander, music: Henry John Gauntlett (Irby)
“Past Three O’Clock” (or “Past Three a Clock”) English traditional, with verses written by George Ratcliffe Woodward first published in The Cowley Carol Book with a harmonisation by Charles Wood
“The Rocking Carol” Loose translation of Czech traditional carol “Hajej, nynej, Ježíšku” by Percy Dearmer 1928 First published in the Oxford Book of Carols (1928)
“Sans Day Carol” Cornish traditional
“See, amid the Winter’s Snow” words: Edward Caswall, music: John Goss
“The Seven Joys of Mary” English traditional
“Shepherds Arise” anon., Dorset 19th century published 1926 by W. A. Pickard-Cambridge
“Sir Christèmas” composed by Rev. Richard Smart 15th century
“Sussex Carol” (“On Christmas Night All Christians Sing”) English traditional
“The Babe in Bethlem’s Manger” Kentish traditional
“This Endris Night” Traditional 15th century
“There Is No Rose” written by Benjamin Britten From “A Ceremony of Carols”
“Torches” composed by John Joubert 1951
“Unto Us a Boy is Born” (“Unto Us is Born a Son”) English traditional
“A Virgin Unspotted” (“A Virgin Most Pure”) English traditional
“What Child Is This?” music: traditional English song “Greensleeves”, words: William Chatterton Dix 1865
“Whence Is That Lovely Fragrance Wafting” (“Whence Is That Goodly Fragrance Flowing?”) (“Quelle est cette odeur agréable?”) French traditional
“While by My Sheep I Watched at Night”
“While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks” words: Nahum Tate, music (UK): “Winchester Old” from Este’s Psalter adapted from Christopher Tye, music (US): adapted from Handel, 1728; arranged in Harmonia Sacra, 1812. 1700
“With Wondering Awe”, the Wisemen Saw… music and verse: Anon
“Wolcum Yole” Written by Benjamin Britten From “A Ceremony of Carols”
“Zither Carol”

Title Composer / Lyricist Year published Notes
“Kelgusõit” (“Sled Ride”) based on a 1905 poem by Reinhold Kamsen. 1913 Based on a Ukrainian folk tune.
“Läbi lume sahiseva” (“Through the Rustling Snow”) words by Juhan Aavik, melody by J. Janson. 1924 Based on an Estonian folk tune.
“Tiliseb, tiliseb aisakell” (“Tinkling, Tinkling Sleigh Bell”) words by Leonhard (Leo) Virkhaus, melody by Julius Oengo (J. Oro). 1934 The song has spread to over 70 countries, making it the most spread Estonian Christmas carol.
Main article: List of Filipino Christmas carols
Title Composer / Lyricist Year published Notes
“Ang Pasko ay Sumapit” (Christmas Has Come) Tagalog lyrics by Levi Celerio: adapted from Cebuano lyrics by Vicente Rubi, Mariano Vestil 1933 A loose translation of the original Cebuano Kasadya ni’ng Táknaa

Title Composer / Lyricist Year published Notes
“En etsi valtaa, loistoa” (“Give Me No Splendour, Gold, or Pomp”) words by Zachris Topelius (1887; Finnish translation by Martti Korpilahti, 1909); music by Jean Sibelius (1895) Translated from Finland Swedish “Giv mig ej glans, ej guld, ej prakt”
“Joulun kellot [fi]” (“Christmas Bells”) words by Helmi Auvinen (1897); music by Armas Maasalo (1914)
“Joulupuu on rakennettu” (“Christmas tree has been built”) words by Gustaf Oskar Schöneman [fi];[12][13][14] music Finnish folk melody[15] 1876
“Tonttu” words by Viktor Rydberg; Finnish translation by Valter Juva; music by Lyyli Wartiovaara-Kallioniemi
“On hanget korkeat, nietokset ” words by Ilkku Joukahainen; music by Jean Sibelius
“Varpunen jouluaamuna” (Sparrow on Christmas Morning) words (Swedish) by Zachris Topelius (1859); Finnish translation by Konrad Alexis Hougberg; music by Otto Kotilainen (1913)
“Sylvian joululaulu” (Sylvia’s Christmas song) words by Zachris Topelius; music by Karl Collan translated from Finland Swedish “Sylvias hälsning från Sicilien”

Title Composer / Lyricist Year published Notes
“Noel Bourguignon” (“Burgundian Carol”) Bernard de La Monnoye c. 1700 Translated into English by Oscar Brand
“Il est né, le divin Enfant” Traditional French c. 1875 Translated into English as “He Is Born, the Divine Christ Child”
“Les Anges dans nos campagnes” Translated into English as “Angels We Have Heard on High”
“Minuit, Chrétiens” (“Cantique de Noël”) lyrics: Placide Cappeau, music: Adolphe Adam 1843 (lyrics), 1847 (music) Translated into English as “O Holy Night”
“Noël nouvelet” 15th century[16] Translated into English as “Sing We Now of Christmas”
“Patapan” (“Guillô, pran ton tamborin!”) Bernard de La Monnoye Title translation: Willy, take your tambourine
“Petit Papa Noël” lyrics: Raymond Vincy; music: Henri Martinet 1946
“C’est Noël” lyrics: Jean Manse; music: Henri Betti 1956 Song written for the movie Honoré de Marseille with Fernandel
“Quelle est cette odeur agréable?” Translated into English as “Whence Is That Goodly Fragrance Flowing?”
“Un flambeau, Jeannette, Isabelle” 1553 Translated into English as “Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella”
“La Marche Des Rois Mages” 13th century traditional Translated into English as “March of the Kings” or “Sing Noel: A Christmas Fanfare” with words by Jay Althouse
“Entre le bœuf et l’âne gris” 13th or 16th century Title translation: “Between the ox and the grey donkey”
“Çà, bergers, assemblons-nous” music 15th/16th century; published 1701 with words by Simon-Joseph Pellegrin Title translation: “Here, shepherds, let us gather”. Adapted from “Où s’en vont ces gais bergers”.
“Venez divin Messie” music 16th century; published 18th century with words by Simon-Joseph Pellegrin Translated in English as “O Come, Divine Messiah”.
“D’où viens-tu, bergère?” Traditional French Title translation “Where are you coming from, shepherdess?”
“Dans cette étable” words 19th century Title translation: “In this stable”. It is sung to the same music as “Es ist ein Ros entsprungen”

Title Composer / Lyricist Year published Notes
“Da Ulla a meu cabo veño” Melchor López 1790
“En Belén hai moita festa” José Pacheco 1829
“Nadal De Luíntra”
(“Luintra Carol”) Traditional
“Null’ome per ren non-deve” Alfonso X of Castile 13th century One of the Cantigas de Santa Maria (CSM 50)
“Pois que dos reys Nostro Sennor [pt]”
(Since Our Lord chose to descend from the lineage of kings) Alfonso X of Castile 13th century, One of the Cantigas de Santa Maria (CSM 424). It is the oldest Iberian Christmas carol written in a vernacular language

Title Composer / Lyricist Year published Notes
“Alle Jahre wieder” (“Every Year Again”) Friedrich Silcher /Wilhelm Hey 1837
“Am Weihnachtsbaum die Lichter brennen [de]” (“literal: On the Christmas Trees the lights burn”) traditional /Hermann Kletke 1841 Translated into English as “Light the Christmas tree candles”
“Auf, Christen, singt festliche Lieder” (“literal: Come on, Christians, sing festive songs”) August Erthel [de] / in Fulda 1778 Translated into English as “O Christians, Come Join in the Singing”
“Die Könige” (The Kings) Peter Cornelius 1856 & 1870 (rewrote) Translated into English as “The Three Kings” or “Three Kings From Persian Lands Afar” by W. G. Rothery in 1916
“Der Morgenstern ist aufgedrungen” (The morning star is risen) Daniel Rumpius / Michael Praetorius 1587
“Es ist ein Ros entsprungen” (“A Rose Has Sprung Up”) Anonymous 16th century Translated into English as “Lo, How A Rose E’er Blooming”, “Lo, There A Rose Is Blooming”, “There Is A Flower Springing”, “A great and mighty wonder”
“Es ist für uns eine Zeit angekommen” (“The Time Has Arrived for Us”) Swiss traditional 19th century
“Es kommt ein Schiff, geladen” (“A Ship is Coming, laden”) Andernach songbook 1608
“Es wird scho glei dumpa [de]” (“It’ll be dark soon”) Anton Reidinger 1884 Tirolean dialect song
“Freu dich, Erd und Sternenzelt” (Be joyful, Earth and starry sky) 1844 based on a Czech model
“Fröhliche Weihnacht überall [de]” (“Merry Christmas Everywhere”) German and English traditional
“Fröhlich soll mein Herze springen” (“Merrily my heart shall leap”) Paul Gerhardt /
Johann Crüger · Johann Georg Ebeling 1653 (lyrics)/
1553 (Crüger) · ? (Ebeling)
“Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ” (“Praise be to You, Jesus Christ”) Martin Luther 1524
“Herbei, oh ihr Gläubigen” (“O Come, All Ye Faithful”) Translation of “Adeste fideles” by Friedrich Heinrich Ranke in 1823. 17th century
“Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier” (“I stand here by your manger”) Paul Gerhardt /
Martin Luther · Johann Sebastian Bach 1653 (lyrics)/
1542 (Luther melody) · 1736 (Bach melody)
“Ihr Kinderlein, kommet” (“Oh, Come, Little Children”) Johann Abraham Peter Schulz /
Christoph von Schmid 1794 (music)/
1798 (lyrics)/
1832 (combination of text and music)
“In dulci jubilo” (“In Sweet Rejoicing”) Gerhard Tersteegen / Joachim Neander 1731
“Jauchzet, ihr Himmel” (“Rejoice, you Heavens”) traditional 14th century
“Kling Glöckchen” (“Ring Little Bell”) traditional /Karl Enslin 19th century
“Kommet, ihr Hirten” (“Come, you shepherds”) Carl Riedel after Czech “Nesem vám noviny” c. 1870
“Kommt und lasst uns Christus ehren” (“Come, let us praise Christ”), from Latin “Quem pastores laudavere” Bohemian traditional 15th century “Come, and Christ the Lord be praising”, “He whom joyous shepherds praised”, and more
“Lasst uns das Kindlein grüßen” (“Let Us Greet the Little Child”) traditional
“Lasst uns das Kindlein wiegen” (“Let Us Cradle the Little Child”) Munich 1604
“Lasst uns froh und munter sein” (“Let Us Be Happy and Cheerful”) traditional from the Hunsrück this song is traditionally sung at Nicholas Eve on 6 December
“Leise rieselt der Schnee” (“Softly Falls Every Snow Flake”) Eduard Ebel / Eduard Ebel about 1900
“Lobt Gott, ihr Christen alle gleich” (“Praise God, you Christians equally”) Nikolaus Herman 1560
“Maria durch ein Dornwald ging” (“Mary Walks Amid the Thorns”) traditional from Hesse 16th century
“Menschen, die ihr wart verloren” (“Humans, you who were lost”) Christoph Bernhard Verspoell 1810
“Morgen, Kinder, wird’s was geben [de]” (“Tomorrow, Children, Something Will Happen”) Carl Gottlieb Hering / Philipp Bartsch 1850
“Morgen kommt der Weihnachtsmann [de]” (“Tomorrow comes Santa Claus”) A. H. Hoffmann von Fallersleben 17th century
“Nun liebe Seel, nun ist es Zeit” (“Now, dear Soul, it is the time”) Georg Weissel 1642
“O du fröhliche” (“Oh You Joyful”) Johannes Daniel Falk / Heinrich Holzschuher 1816 “Oh, how joyfully”, Christopher Wren, Together in song #330; “Oh thou joyful”, Henry Katterjohn, Chalice Hymnal#169
“O Tannenbaum” (“O Christmas Tree”) German traditional/ E. Anschütz, A. Zarnack 18th century translated into English as “O, Christmas Tree”, 1824
“O Tannenbaum, du trägst ein grünen Zweig [de]” (“O Christmas Tree, you Wear a Green Branch”) Westphalian traditional
“Schneeflöckchen, Weißröckchen” (“Little Snow Flake, Little White Coat”) Hedwig Haberkern 1869
“Stern über Bethlehem” (“Star above Bethlehem”) Alfred Hans Zoller 1964 star singers’ song
“Still, still, still” (“Hush, hush, hush”) Maria Vinzenz Süß / Georg Götsch 1865
“Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht” Josef Mohr / Franz Xaver Gruber 1818 “Silent Night”, in the English translation by John Freeman Young
“Süßer die Glocken nie klingen” (“The Bells Never Sound Sweeter”) traditional /Wilhelm Kritzinger
“Tausend Sterne sind ein Dom” (“Thousands of Stars form a dome”) Siegfried Köhler 1946
“Tochter Zion, freue dich” (“Daughter Zion, Rejoice!”) George Frideric Handel
“Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her” (“From Heaven Above to Earth I Come”) traditional / Martin Luther 1539 “From heaven high I come to you”, by Catherine Winkworth, Trinity Psalter Hymnal #304
“Vom Himmel hoch, o Engel, kommt” (“From Heaven Above, o Angels Come”) traditional from Cologne 1623
“Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern” (“How Lovely Shines the Morning Star”) Philipp Nicolai 16th century
“Zu Bethlehem geboren” (“Born in Bethlehem”) Friedrich Spee / French melody 1638

Title Composer / Lyricist Year published Notes
“Βυζαντινά” (“Byzantine Carol”) Traditional carols from the Byzantine Era 11th century (Byzantine Greek: Άναρχος θεός καταβέβηκεν, Ánarkhos Theós katabébēken, “God, who has no beginning, descended”)
“Απόψε Χριστός γεννήθηκε”

(“Tonight Christ was born”)
Greek Traditional
“Κάλαντα Χριστουγέννων”

(“Christmas Carol”)
Greek Traditional Also known simply by its first verse: “Καλήν Εσπέραν Άρχοντες”. There exist many local variations of the same carol with changes in the lyrics( ex. Smyrnian, Anatolian, Cretan, Cappadocian, Pontic, Thracian and others)
“Κάλαντα Πελοποννήσου”

(“Carols of Peloponnese”)
Traditional from Peloponnese “Christoúgenna, Prōtoúgenna” (“Christmas, Firstmas”)
“Κάλαντα Πρωτοχρονιάς”

(“New Year’s Carols”)
Greek Traditional “Archimēniá ki archichroniá” (“First of the month, first of the year”).
“Των Φώτων” (“Epiphany Carols”) Greek Traditional (Greek: Σήμερα τα φώτα κι ο φωτισμός, “Today is the Epiphany and the Enlightenment”)

Title Composer / Lyricist Year published Notes
“An Angel This Night”[17][18] words by Fr. Luke Waddinge 17th century Irish traditional, Part of “The Kilmore Carols”
“The Angel Said to Joseph Mild”[19][18] words by Fr. Luke Waddinge 17th century Irish traditional, (Short Carol)
“Behold Three Kings Come From the East”[19][18] words by Fr. Luke Waddinge 17th century Irish traditional, (Short Carol)
“Christmas Day Is Come” (also known as “The Irish Carol”)[17][18] words by Fr. William Devereaux, 18th Century Irish traditional, Part of “The Kilmore Carols”
“An Ciarrí Carúl Nollaig” (“The Kerry Christmas Carol”) Irish traditional
“Curoo Curoo” (“The Carol of the Birds”) Irish traditional
“The Darkest Midnight in December”[17][18] words by Fr. William Devereaux 18th century Irish traditional, Part of “The Kilmore Carols”
“Don Oíche Úd i mBeithil” (“That Night in Bethlehem”) Irish traditional
“The First Day of the Year”[17][18] words by Fr. Luke Waddinge 17th century Irish traditional, Part of “The Kilmore Carols”
“Hail Ye Flowers of Martyrs”[17][18] words by Fr. Luke Waddinge 17th century Irish traditional, Part of “The Kilmore Carols”
“Jerusalem, Our Happy Home”[17][18] words by Fr. William Devereaux 18th century Irish traditional, Part of “The Kilmore Carols”
“Now To Conclude Our Christmas Mirth”[17][18] words by Fr. William Devereaux 18th century Irish traditional, Part of “The Kilmore Carols”
“Oíche Nollag” (“Christmas Eve”) Irish traditional
“St John did Lean on Jesus’ Breast”[19][18] words by Fr. Luke Waddinge 17th century Irish traditional, (Short Carol)
“St Stephen Had an Angel’s Face”[19][18] words by Fr. Luke Waddinge 17th century Irish traditional, (Short Carol)
“Suantraí na Maighdine” (“The Virgin’s Lullaby”) Irish traditional Also known as “The Christ Child’s Lullaby” or “Mary’s Lullaby”
“Sweet Jesus Was the Sacred Name”[19][18] words by Fr. Luke Waddinge 17th century Irish traditional, (Short Carol)
“Sweetest of All Names, Jesus”[17][18] words by Fr. William Devereaux 18th century Irish traditional, Part of “The Kilmore Carols”
“This Christmass Day You Pray me Sing”[19][18] words by Fr. Luke Waddinge 17th century Irish traditional, (short Carol)
“This Feast of St Sylvester So Well Deserves a Song”[17][18] words by Fr. William Devereaux 18th century Irish traditional, Part of “The Kilmore Carols”
“This is our Christmas Day”[19][18] words by Fr. Luke Waddinge 17th century Irish traditional, (Short Carol)
“This is St Stephen’s Day”[17][18] words by Fr. Luke Waddinge 17th century Irish traditional, Part of “The Kilmore Carols”
“To Greet Our Saviour’s Dear One”[17][18] words by Fr. Luke Waddinge 17th century Irish traditional, Part of “The Kilmore Carols”
“A Virgin Queen in Bethlehem”[17][18] words by Fr. William Devereaux 18th century Irish traditional, Part of “The Kilmore Carols”
“Wexford Carol” (also “Enniscorthy Carol”) Irish traditional
“Ye Sons of Men with Me Rejoice”[20][18] words by Fr. William Devereaux 18th century Irish traditional, Part of “The Kilmore Carols”

Title Composer / Lyricist Year published Notes
“Gesù bambino” (“The Infant Jesus”) Pietro Yon 1917 “When Blossoms Flowered” in English
“Tu scendi dalle stelle” (“From Starry Skies Thou Comest”) Italian traditional
“Dormi, dormi, bel Bambin”
Title Composer / Lyricist Year published Notes
“Adeste Fideles” (“O Come, All Ye Faithful”) attributed to John Francis Wade, Latin words translated by Frederick Oakeley c. 1743
“Angelus ad Virginem” 13th-c., or older.
“Dona nobis pacem” Perhaps Mozart A 3-voice round.
“Gaudete” (“Rejoice”) sacred Christmas carol 1582 re-popularized by Steeleye Span (1973)
“Hodie Christus natus est” Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck 1619 Originally published in Cantiones Sacrae
“In dulci jubilo” Heinrich Seuse 1328 Macaronic carol known in several translations; melody is also used for the English song “Good Christian Men, Rejoice” (aka, “Good Christian Friends, Rejoice”).
“Laetabundus” attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux 12th-c.
“O Sanctissima” (“O du Fröhliche” or “Oh, How Joyfully”)
Personent hodie 1582 Originally published in Finland, but with Latin lyrics
“Psallite, unigenito” Michael Praetorius 1609 First published in Musae Sioniae, sechster Theil
“Puer Natus in Bethlehem” Text early 13th-c. (or older); melody 14th-c. Sped up version of a Gregorian chant.
“Pueri Concinite” Johann von Herbeck 1868 First performed in the Imperial Chapel, Vienna, on Christmas.
“Resonet in laudibus” 14th-c.

Title Composer / Lyricist Year published Notes
“Anak Yesus dilahirkan” (“Little Jesus has Born”)
“Kelahiran Penebus” St Dominic
“Malak Bergemar” (“Angels Sings”)

Title Composer / Lyricist Year published Notes
“Musevisa” Alf Prøysen 1946 Lyrics are by Prøysen, set to a traditional tune

Title Composer / Lyricist Year published Notes
“La Cambo me fai mau” (“My leg hurts”) Nicolas Saboly / anonymous

Title Composer / Lyricist Year published Notes
“Ach, ubogi żłobie” (“Oh, the humble manger”) Piotr Studziński / anonymous 17th century
“Ach, witajże pożądana” (“Oh, to be greeting desired”) Traditional <1908
“Anioł pasterzom mówił” (“The angel told the shepherds”) Traditional 1551-1555
“A wczora z wieczora” (“And yesterday on evening”) Traditional <1630
“Będzie kolęda” (“It will be a carol”) Andrzej Zieliński [pl] / Wojciech Młynarski 1968 Skaldowie
“Bóg się rodzi” (“God Is Born”) Franciszek Karpiński 1792
“Bracia patrzcie jeno” (“Brothers let you look on how the sky is burning”) Franciszek Karpiński <1825
“Do szopy, hej, pasterze” (“To the shed, hey, shepherds”) Traditional
“Dzisiaj w Betlejem” (“Today in Bethlehem”) Traditional 1878
“Gdy się Chrystus rodzi” (“When the Christ’s being born”) Traditional 1843
“Gdy śliczna Panna” (“As the beautiful Virgin [cradled Her Son]”) Traditional beginning of 18th century
“Gore gwiazda Jezusowi” (“A star is shining to Jesus”) Traditional 18th century
“Hej, w dzień narodzenia” (“Hey, on the day of the Nativity”) Traditional
“Jest taki dzień” (“There is such a day”) Seweryn Krajewski / Krzysztof Dzikowski 1966 Czerwone Gitary
“Jezus malusieńki” (“The wee baby Jesus”) Traditional
“Kolęda dla nieobecnych” (“A carol for absent”) Szymon Mucha 1997
“Lulajże, Jezuniu” (Sleep now, baby Jesus”) Traditional 1738 Frédéric Chopin used this Christmas carol in the Scherzo in B minor, Op. 20
“Mędrcy świata, Monarchowie” (“O, Sages of the world, Monarchs”) Traditional 17th century
“Jezusa narodzonego” (“Born Jesus [let’s all greet]”) Traditional 18th century
“Mizerna, cicha” (“Humble and quiet [shabby little stable]”) Jan Gall / Teofil Lenartowicz 1849
“Nie było miejsca dla Ciebie” (“There was no place for You”) 1940-1944 by Polish anonym in nazi’s death camp
“Nowy Rok bieży” (“New Year is coming”) Traditional 17th century
“Nużeśmy chrześcijanie” Traditional
“O gwiazdo betlejemska” (“O betlehem star”) Zygmunt Odelgiewicz, Alojzy Orszulok 19th century
“Oj, Maluśki, Maluśki, Maluśki” (“Oh, Tiny Little [like a little glove]”) Traditional highland-style <1808
“Pasterze mili coście widzieli” (“Kind shepherds what you’ve seen”) Traditional <1752
“Pójdźmy wszyscy do stajenki” (“Let us go to the little shed”) Traditional <1842 in Cracow
“Północ już była” (“Midnight was already [when it appeared]”) Traditional ~1843
“Przybieżeli do Betlejem” (“To Betlehem came [the shepherds]”) Traditional 17th century
“Skrzypi wóz” (“The cart creaks”) Karol Miarka 1904
“Tryumfy Króla Niebieskiego” (“The Triumphs of the Heaven’s King”) Traditional 1754
“Wesołą nowinę” (“The joyous news [hear, o my brothers]”) Traditional / Józef Wygrzywalski
“Uciekali, uciekali” (“They ran away, ran away”) Agata Miklaszewska, Maryna Miklaszewska 1991
“W kropki zielone” (“With green dotted”) Krzesimir Dębski / Jan Twardowski 1998 sung by Ewa Małas-Godlewska
“Wśród nocnej ciszy” (“In the night silence”) Traditional <1853
“W żłobie leży” (“Infant Holy, Infant Lowly”) Piotr Skarga 17th century
“Z narodzenia Pana” (“Because of the Lord’s birth [it’s a joyful day]”) Traditional 1842
“Zdrów bądź, królu anjelski” Traditional 1424

Title Composer / Lyricist Year published Notes
“A todos um Bom Natal”
(“Merry Christmas To You All”) César Batalha/Lúcia Carvalho 1980
“Alegrem-se os Céus e a Terra [pt]”
(“Rejoice, You Heavens And Earth”) Traditional 18th century
“Beijai o Menino [pt]”
(“Give Infant Jesus A Kiss”) Traditional 1934
“Eu hei de dar ao Menino [pt]”
(“I Shall Give The Boy”) Traditional 18th century
“Eu hei de m’ir ao presépio [pt]”
(“I Shall Visit The Manger”) Traditional 19-20th century Translated into English as “I See Your Cradle is Bare” by Lorenz Maierhofer
“José embala o Menino [pt]”
(“Joseph Cradles The Infant Jesus”) Traditional 1947
“Natal africano [pt]”
(“African Christmas”) Traditional
“Natal da Índia Portuguesa [pt]”
(“Portuguese India Carol”) Traditional 18th century
“Natal dos Simples [pt]”
(“Carol of the Poor”) José Afonso 1968 A New Year’s carol
“O Menino está com frio [pt]”
(“The Infant Jesus Is Cold”) Traditional 16th century
“O Menino está dormindo”
(“The Infant Jesus Is Sleeping”) Traditional 18-19th century
“Oh bento airoso [pt]”
(“O Blessed And Graceful Mystery”) Traditional 15-16th century
“Pela Noite de Natal [pt]”
(“It Was Christmas Night”) Traditional 16th century Translated into English as “All That Wondrous Christmas Night” by Eduardo Marzo
“Roxozinho está deitado [pt]”
(“The Rosy-cheeked Boy Is Lying”) Traditional 1889
“Sã qui turo zente pleta”
(“All Here Are Black People”) Anonymous 1643

Title Composer / Lyricist Year published Notes
“O, ce veste minunată!” D.G. Kiriac
“Pluguşorul” Traditional related rather to New Year’s Eve
“Deschide uşa, creştine!” Traditional
“Linu-i lin” Traditional
“Florile dalbe” Traditional
“Domn, domn sa-năltăm!” Gheorghe Cucu
“Leganelul Lui Iisus” Valentin Teodorian
“Asta-i seara de Craciun” Traditional
“Mos Craciun cu plete dalbe” Ioan D. Chirescu
“Cantec de craciun” Traditional
“Trei Pastori” Timotei Popovici
“Sus la Poarta Raiului” Emil Montia

Title Composer / Lyricist Year published Notes
“Taladh Chriosda” (“Christ’s Lullaby”) Traditional known among English speakers as “The Christ-Child’s Lullaby”, as popularized by Marjory Kennedy-Fraser
“Baloo, Lammy” (“Lullaby, Little Lamb”) Traditional

Title Composer / Lyricist Year published Notes
“En un burrito orejón” Castulo Castillo, Victor Schichter
“Ríu Ríu Chíu” Mateo Flecha
“Arre borriquito” Traditional
“Hacia Belén va una burra” Traditional
“Ay del chiquirritín” Traditional
“Ande, ande, ande la marimorena” Traditional
“Dime niño de quién eres” Traditional
“Canta, ríe y bebe” Traditional
“Las doce palabritas” Traditional
“No hay tal andar” Traditional
“Los campanilleros” Traditional
“Una pandereta suena” (also known as “Sal mirandillo”) Traditional
“Ya vienen los Reyes Magos” Traditional
“Madre, en la puerta hay un niño” Traditional
“Ya viene la vieja” Traditional
“La virgen fue lavandera” Traditional
“Campana sobre campana” Traditional
“Los peces en el río” Traditional
“Alepún” Traditional
“Alegría, alegría, alegría” Traditional
“Pastores venid” Traditional
“Mi burrito sabanero” Traditional
“A la Nanita Nana” Traditional 18th century
“Vamos todos a Belen”
“Salve, reina y madre” Traditional
“Zagalillos” Traditional
“Tutaina” Traditional
“¿Dónde será, pastores?” Traditional
“No sé, niño hermoso” Traditional
“Ya viene el niñito” Traditional
“Yo soy Vicentico” Traditional
“Sopa le dieron al niño” Traditional
“Tan tan de los Reyes” Traditional
“Gatatumba” Traditional

Title Composer / Lyricist Year published Notes
“Giv mig ej glans, ej guld, ej prakt” (“Give Me No Splendour, Gold, or Pomp”) words by Zachris Topelius (1887); music by Jean Sibelius (1895) Finland Swedish song
“Gläns över sjö och strand” (“Shine Over the Lake and the Shore”) words by Viktor Rydberg (1891) music by Alice Tegnér (1893)
“När det lider mot jul” (“When Christmas Has Come”) words by Jeanna Oterdahl; music by Ruben Liljefors (1909)
“Nu har vi ljus här i vårt hus” (“We have Kindled the Candles in Our House Now”) in Sweden it is tradition to dance around the Christmas tree and sing, this being one of the traditional songs sung
“Nu tändas tusen juleljus” (“We Have Kindled Thousands of Christmas Lights Now”) words and music by Emmy Köhler
“Räven raskar över isen” (The Fox Is Sliding Over the Ice) in Sweden it is tradition to dance around the Christmas tree and sing, this being one of the traditional songs sung
“Sankta Lucia” (“Santa Lucia”)
“Var hälsad, sköna morgonstund” (“All Hail to Thee, O Blessed Morn”) words by Johan Olof Wallin; music by Philipp Nicolai

Title Composer / Lyricist Year published Notes
“Бог предвічний народився”
“Boh predvičnyj narodilsja”
(God Eternal is Born) 1790[22] Probably considered the quintessential Ukrainian carol
“Небо і земля нині торжествують”
“Nebo i zemlia nyni torzhestvuiut” [uk]
(Heaven and Earth Rejoice Today) 1790[22] Refrain is often sung as a round.
“Бог ся рождає”
“Boh sia rozhdaie” [uk]
(God is Born) Остап Нижанківський (1862–1919)
“Ostap Nyzhankivs’kyi” [uk]
“Во Вифлиємі нині новина”
“Vo Vyfleiemi nyni novyna” [uk]
(In Bethlehem today there are tidings) Остап Нижанківський (1862–1919)
“Ostap Nyzhankivs’kyi” [uk]
“Добрий вечір тобі”
“Dobryi vechir tobi”
(Good Evening to You) Sung when caroling, upon arrival at a house; not used in church.
“Нова радість стала”
“Nova radist’ stala” [uk]
(A New Joy Came) 1790[22]
На небі зірка ясна засяла
“Na nebi zirka yasna zasiala”
(In the Heavens a Bright Star Shone)
По всьому світу стала новина
“Po vsiomu svitu stala novyna”
(Over all the Earth a New Event Occurred)
“Виді Бог, виді Сотворитель”
“Vydi Boh, vydi Sotvorytel” [uk]
(God, the Creator, Sees) apocryphal
arr. Кирило Стеценко (Kyrylo Stetsenko) 1790[22]
Спи, Ісусе, спи
“Spy, Isuse, spy”
(Sleep, Jesus, Sleep)
“Днесь поюще” “Dnes poyusche” (Singing Today) arr. Кирило Стеценко (Kyrylo Stetsenko)
“Shchedryk” Микола Леонтович
Mykola Leontovych Not truly a Christmas carol, but rather, a secular song of good wishes for prosperity, traditionally sung on Щедрий Вечір (Shchedryi Vechir, i.e. Theophany Eve). Melody used for the English “Carol of the Bells” and, in the 1970s-1980s, for André champagne commercials.

See also: Список українських колядок і щедрівок [uk] (List of Ukrainian carols on the Ukrainian Wikipedia)

Title Composer / Lyricist Year published Notes
“Ar Hyd y Nos” (“All Through the Night”) Edward Jones (Composer) / John Ceiriog Hughes (Welsh lyrics) 1784 translated into English as “All Through the Night” with English lyrics by Harold Boulton (English Lyrics)
“Oer yw’r gŵr sy’n methu caru” Thomas Oliphant (English lyrics) 1862-74 rendered in English as “Deck the Hall”
“Tua Bethlem Dref” David Evann (composer) / Wil Ifan (lyricist) 1934 rendered in English as “Towards Bethlehem Town”

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