Why should children listen to Jazz?

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Why should children listen to Jazz?

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The therapeutic and pedagogical properties of music are well known, and for this reason it has been present in the fields of health and education for a long time. However, there is a musical style that is particularly useful for achieving the full emotional and intellectual development of children: jazz. Of course, it is an easy-to-use resource that benefits the little ones without them directly perceiving it.

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What is the secret? Essentially, jazz is a musical style marked by improvisation and more or less accentuated virtuosity. Jazz performers try to reflect in music all possible nuances and sensations. They simply try to transmit emotions that come from the depths of their being and accompany them with melodies of marked vitality. Thus, listening to jazz appreciates life in freedom.

The peculiarities of jazz are clear, but what exactly does it bring to children? First, it shows them the beauty of improvisation in life in general. Focusing on what is happening to us right now without worrying about what the future brings is a valuable lesson that helps anyone move closer to happiness. In the same way, this also teaches them whenever something is not written they can write it themselves, gaining confidence and moving forward through experimentation.

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Second, it makes it easier to overcome traumatic episodes and helps prevent depressive behaviors. This is connected with the aforementioned vitality of this type of music, since listening to jazz appreciates the importance of enjoying each moment, regardless of the past or what is to come. Third, thanks to its changing nature and the search for surprise in both its rhythms and its melody, listening to jazz also predisposes the ear to learn languages.

From these three points, it is concluded that jazz has a very positive impact on the academic performance and general training of the little ones. This is explained because it speeds up cognitive functions to a greater extent than other musical styles. Some jazz pieces also help relaxation, allowing you to disconnect and rest after an intellectual exercise.

Logically, not all the properties of jazz are limited to the psychological realm, since its benefits for development are also evident. Dancing to the sound of jazz music stimulates mobility and allows coordination and motor skills to work. After all, in jazz there is no relationship of predetermined dance steps, so improvisation is also transferred to the realm of movement. Thus, listening to jazz constitutes an exercise in integral growth.

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