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Best of Clifford Brown In Paris (1953)

00:00 – Blue and Brown 03:09 – The song is you 06:01 – Minority 11:31 – Keepin’ up with Jonesy 18:40 – Strictly romantic 23:00 – You’re a lucky guy 25:46 – Brown skins 31:54 – Come rain or come shine 36:07 – Salute to the band box 41:52 – It might as well be spring
46:51 – Goofin’ with me 51:41 – All the things you are 55:35 – Baby 01:01:22 – All weird 01:06:39 – Conception 01:10:00 – I cover the waterfront 01:14:02 – Deltitnu 01:17:39 – Quick Step 01:20:23 – Bum’s Rush 01:23:36 – No Start No End 01:35:22 – Venez donc chez moi
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Clifford Brown is one of the greatest trumpet players in jazz history. He died at the age of 25 in a car accident, but his influence on generations of trumpet players and musicians has been considerable.
Clifford Brown was a virtuoso, an amazing and brilliant technician of the trumpet. His music is modern and completely timeless.
This is a “best of” the songs that he recorded in Paris during memorable sessions that featured some of the greatest talents of all time: Gigi Gryce, Quincy Jones, Art Farmer, Jimmy Cleveland. The sound on this program has been digitally re-mastered to achieve what is perhaps the finest sound quality ever.
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Clifford Brown
The trumpeter, Clifford Brown (October 30, 1930, Wilmington, Delaware, United States – June 26, 1956, Turnpike, Pennsylvania, United States), was born 30 October 1930, and at 22 years old, already was a star of the trumpet and had worked with Tadd Dameron, Art Blakey, and Lionel Hampton. With the vibraphonist was even a European tour of which, fortunately, are testimonies record.
At the age of 23, he made the first recordings to his name (especially significant, was the topic of: “Easy Living” for the label, Blue Note), and the following year he was already in the training that gave him fame and prestige in the world of jazz: the quintet that formed in the drummer, Max Roach.
The year was 1954 and the quintet that both musicians have put in place, and that lasted until the tragic death in a traffic accident in the trumpeter the June 28, 1964, was one of the props must-haves of the hard bop, a style that was born as a result of the summation of the bebop and the need to recover the roots of jazz, and in a certain way remade by certain instrumentalists white tucked under the formula of cool on the West Coast of the U.S. The impression that you made that quintet was extraordinarily positive. The first recordings for the label: Emarcy, was made on 2 August 1954 and the last on February 17, 1956.
What contributed, Clifford Brown jazz? Based on the concise formal Fats Navarro had been applied to the bebop, Clifford released his music of the bands metric, applied to the variability of the volume, and it solved the problem of the subject in the sense of recovering the “story to tell” as the basis of the just, an item quite lost in the abstractions of the bebop; he created a sound open, sensual and virile, more of a tenor sax that of a trumpet, and helped to restore the figure of the soloist, composer, very important from then on, and what is fundamental, with a sound exquisitely trumpet-like. After the untimely and tragic death of Clifford – was only 26 years old – his albums are included among the best albums of the hard bop.