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Fauré – Les 13 Nocturnes (Complete), Thème et variations Op.73 (Century’s recording: Éric Heidsieck) (Piano)
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Track List:
13 Nocturnes
No.1 en mi bémol mineur Op.33 No.1 (00:00) No.2 en si majeur Op.33 No.2 (08:09) No.3 en la bémol majeur Op.33 No.3 (13:33) No.4 en mi bémol majeur Op.36 (18:39) No.5 en si bémol majeur Op.37 (24:56) No.6 en ré bémol majeur Op.63 (32:05) No.7 en do dièse mineur Op.74 (40:53) No.8 en ré bémol majeur / Pièces brèves (49:07) No.9 en si mineur Op.97 (50:55) No.10 en mi mineur Op.99 (55:14) No.11 en fa dièse mineur Op.104 No.1 (59:16) No.12 en mi mineur Op.107 (1:03:33) No.13 en si mineur Op.119 (1:08:02)
Thème et variations en Do dièse mineur Op.73 Thème (1:15:47) Variation I (1:18:03) Variation II (1:19:15) Variation III (1:20:04) Variation IV (2:20:43) Variation V (1:21:29) Variation VI (1:22:21) Variation VII (1:24:22) Variation VIII (1:25:17) Variation IX (1:26:25) Variation X (1:27:59) Variation XI (1:29:05)
Piano: Éric Heidsieck Recorded in 1960-62, at Paris
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The 13 Nocturnes constitute the first major cycle of Fauré’s work. They cover most of his output, from 1882 to 1921. They are only occasionally related to the characteristic form of Field’s or Chopin’s Nocturnes (ornate singing over an accompaniment of arpeggios), but they are imbued with the same quiet, sorrowful evening poetry. Éric Heidsieck, very young at the time of this recording, imposed himself by a kind of instinct in these magnificent poems that are the nocturnes of Fauré. The French school has spoiled us with a number of first-rate performers, but it is without doubt Eric Heidsieck who best conveys the dreamy and poetic aspect of these nocturnes. It is a very personal interpretation and it works wonderfully.