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Frederic Mompou (sheet music in the #smlpdf)

Mompou Cants mágics (piano)
Mompou L’hora grisa (voice and piano)
Mompou Préludes Pour Piano
Mompou Scènes d’enfants (piano)
Mompou Souvenirs de L’exposition
Mompou Suburbis (piano)
Mompou Impressions Íntimes – Impresiones Intimas
Mompou – 12 Canciones Y Danzas – PArt I
Mompou – 12 Canciones Y Danzas – PArt II
Mompou Paisatges – Paisajes – Paysages
Mompou Scenes D’enfants
Mompou Trois Variations
Mompou, Frederic – El Pont de Montjuïc (Piano)
Mompou, Frederic – Piano sheet music- Vol 163, including:
Mompou – 12 Canciones Y Danzas – Part 1 – no 1 to 4.pdf
Mompou – 12 Canciones Y Danzas – Part 2 – no 5 to 12.pdf
Mompou – Impresiones Intimas.pdf
Mompou – Prelude no 6 – For the Left Hand.pdf
Mompou – Variations sur un Theme de Chopin.pdf
Mompou, Música Callada
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Mompou: El Pont de Montjuïc

El pont de Montjuïc · Marcel Worms Mompou: Unpublished Works for Piano ℗ 2016 Zefir Records Released on: 2016-05-20 Artist: Marcel Worms Composer: Frederic Mompou
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Frederic Mompou (short bio)
He was born in Barcelona on April 16, 1893, and died, also in Barcelona, on June 30, 1987.
In the midst of his piano training with maestro Pere Serra, he discovered the music of his time at the Sala Mozart in Barcelona when he heard a recital by Gabriel Fauré and his composer’s spirit was awakened. Two years of trials will pass until he finds a chord of his own: the metal chord that recalls the familiar ringing of the bells of his grandfather’s Dencausse Foundry, and his creative vocation begins.
He goes to Paris for the first time in 1911, in October, and stays there for the whole year. He works with Ferdinand Motte-Lacroix (who will also, years later, be his main propagandist when his works are released), returns to the following courses but leaves Paris for the Great War and settles in with his parents in Barcelona. Composes Intimate Impressions , Nativity Scenes , Children’s Scenes , Suburbs , Magical Songs …
He deals with other young Catalan musicians: Blancafort, Toldrà, Gerhard, etc… who will later create the Group of Eight with B.Samper, A. Grau, Lamote de Grignon and Gibert Camins.
His public outburst was in Paris when F. Motte-Lacroix, his teacher, premiered his works at the concert on April 15, 1921, with great critical success, mainly due to the article by E. Vuillermoz in Le Temps . His name will sound as much as the French Ravel, Debussy, Fauré, Satie, etc… And also the social commitments that will last for several years.
But he, introverted and very shy, with many communication problems and faced with the new music, especially of the Viennese school, entered a creative crisis in 1933.
He fled the wars and returned to Barcelona in 1941 (and stayed there until the year of his death). He meets the one who will be his wife, the pianist Carme Bravo. And he composes again, closing the parenthesis of drought. He then began a creative period that would last until 1979, when a health problem cut his work off forever.
The musical world of Mompou is a world with an abundance of colors, sounds and images, the whole footprint of Catalonia that surrounds Mompou. A quiet and observant man, he listened and looked for a way to express the deep feelings that were hidden inside him. A shy and soft-spoken individual, his music reflects his thoughts and ideas that represent the man he once was.

His work has been mainly for the piano, due to his training as a concert player, with some of his pieces also for other instruments and, especially, for the human voice, of which he was a great cultivator. His songs have achieved worldwide fame.
He himself said: “The best word is the word not spoken, as you all know, I am a man of few words and a musician of few notes”. “The music is written for the inexpressible, I would like it to seem to come out of the shadows to return to it again. I find myself obliged to find new forms, I think I will never be able to close my music in a world that is too correct.”
Writing about his own “Silent Music”, Mompou said: “This music has no air or light. It’s a faint heartbeat. It is not asked to reach beyond a few millimeters in space, but the mission to penetrate the great depths of our soul and most secret regions of our spirit. This music is quiet because its hearing is internal. Containment and reservation. His emotion is secret and only takes sonorous form in its resonances under the great cold vault of our solitude. I wish that my quiet music, this newborn child, brings us closer to a new warmth of life and the expression of the human heart, always the same and always renewing.”
His work has earned him numerous awards, prizes and publications.