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Music for Piano and Orchestra: The Recorded Repertory (Nov. 2023) “K”
Compiled by Dr. Allan B. Ho
Professor emeritus, musicology
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Table of Contents
Kabalevsky, Dmitry Borisovich (1904-87) Russia [see also Schubert]
§Concerto No. 1 in a, Op. 9 (1928)
+Concerto No. 2 in g, Op. 23 (1935)
§Concerto No. 2 in g, Op. 23 (1935/73)
§Concerto No. 3 in D (“Youth”), Op. 50 (1952)
§Concerto No. 4 in c (“Prague”), Op. 99 (1979)
§Rhapsody on the Theme of “The School Years” Song, Op. 75 (1963)
**Rhapsody on the Theme of “The School Years” Song, Op. 75 (1963; arr. for piano and
chamber orchestra by Dimitar Karaminkov)
Kabelác, Miloš (1908-79) Czechoslovakia
§Metamorphoses II of the Oldest Czech Hymn “Hospodine, pomiluj ny” [Lord, have
mercy on us], Op. 58 (1972-79)
Kaboyev, Nikolay (1954- ) Ossetia
**Concertino (by 2016), excerpt
Kachesov, Vladimir (1962- ) Russia
**Capriccio No. 1 (2015)
**Capriccio No. 2 (“Chinese”) (by 2017)
**Capriccio No. 3 (“Kuban”) (by 2017)
**Capriccio No. 4 (“Bashkir”) (by 2019)
**Capriccio No. 5 (“Chechen”) (by 2019)
**Capriccio No. 6 (“Jewish”) (2019)
**Capriccio No. 7 (“Chuvash”) (by 2019)
**Capriccio No. 8 (“Ossetian”) (by 2019), excerpt
**Capriccio No. 9 (“Kazakh”) (by 2018)
**Capriccio No. 10 (“Crimean Tatar”) (by 2019)
**Capriccio No. 11 (“Adyghe”) (by 2020)
**Capriccio No. 12 (“Kalmyk”) (by 2020), excerpt
**Capriccio No. 13 (“Nizhny Novgorod”) (by 2020)
**Capriccio No. 14 (“Ingush”) (by 2020), excerpt
**Capriccio No. 16 (“Moscow”) (by 2022), excerpt
**Capriccio No. 17 (“Kamchatskoye”) (by 2022)
**Concerto (2012)
**Concerto grosso No. 2 for Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra
**Russian in New York
Kačo, Tomáš ( – ) Czech Republic/USA
**Silnější než včera [Stronger than Yesterday] (premièred 2022)
Kaczmarek, Jan A. P. (1953- ) Poland
**“Unfaithful” theme (from the film, 2002)
Kaderova, Natal’ya ( – ) Russia
**Concerto (by 2021), I-II
Kadima, Hagar (1957- ) Israel
**Dreams about Hyacinth for 14 Players (by 2018)
Kadomtsev, Igor (1949- ) Russia
**Concertino (“Fiaba”) for Piano and String Orchestra
Kadosa, Pál (1903-83) Hungary
§Concertino [Concerto No. 2], Op. 29 (1938/69-70)
+Concerto No. 3, Op. 47 (1953/55)
+Concerto No. 4, Op. 63 (1966-67)
Kael, Aydan
**Concerto No. 1 in c (2016), I-II
Kael, Norbert ( – ) Hungary
**“A Munkászubbony” [Working Jacket] (by 2021; music newly composed for Béla
Zsitkovszky’s 1915 Hungarian silent film, rediscovered in 2017)
Kagel, Mauricio Maurizio (1931-2008) Argentina/Germany
+The Compass Piece for Flute, Piano, and Salon Orchestra
**1896 (1972/73)
**“Ludwig van” for Piano and Large Ensemble (1970)
§Music for Keyboard Instruments and Orchestra (1987-88)
+Phantasiestuck for Flute, Piano, and Ensemble
Kahane, Gabriel (1981- ) USA
**19-Concerto (“Heirloom”) for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2019-20)
Kahowez, Günter (1940-2016) Austria
**Plejaden II: Sinfonisch-tachistische Malerei for Piano and 61 Orchestra-players
Kaikkonen, Juha ( – ) Finland
**Autumn Impromptu (2018)
Kaipainen, Jouni (1956-2015) Finland
Concerto, Op. 55 (1997)
Kaiser, Justin M. ( – )
**Concerto No. 1
Kakhidze, Vakhtang (1959- ) Georgia
**Bruderschaft [Brotherhood] for Viola, Piano, and String Orchestra (1996)
+Concerto in C in One Movement (1980/91)
Kako, Patrik (1998- ) Slovakia/Czech Republic
**14_93 (Concerto) (2018-19)
Kalabis, Viktor (1923-2006) Czech Republic
§Concerto No. 1, Op. 12 (1953-55)
§Concerto No. 2 for Piano and Winds, Op. 64 (1985)
Kalavská Faltusová, Eva (1976- ) Czech Republic
**Ludus naturae (Suite) for Orchestra and Piano (2003)
Kalb, Alfred (1932-2019) Germany
+Concerto No. 1 in a, Op. 1 (premièred 2019)
Kalčić, Josip (1912-95) Serbia
**Concertante Music for Violin, Piano, and String Orchestra
**Concerto (1961)
Kaleli, Emre Sihan (1987- ) Turkey
**Semper idem (ma non eodem modo) for Piano and Ensemble (premièred 2011)
**17 Thoughts on a Chamber Concerto No. 9:2
**Tribute to Richard Ayres and Bent Sørenson for Solo Piano and Chamber Orchestra
No. 9:3
Kalimullin, Rashid (1957- ) Russia [Tatarstan]
**Concerto (2006)
**Concerto for Trumpet, Piano, and Orchestra
**Symphony No. 2 for Orchestra with Piano (2009)
**Symphony No. 3 for Orchestra with Piano (2012)
Kalinin, Sergey ( – ) Russia
**Concert Fantasia B-A-C-H (in memory of Liszt) (2020)
**Reflections (2020)
**Transformations (2019)
Kalischnig, Walter (1926- ) Slovenia/Netherlands & Rinus van Galen (1930-89)
+Continental Concerto for Piano and Concert Band (c.1960)
Kalitzke, Johannes (1959- ) Germany
+“Hände im Spiegel” (Concerto for Piano, Orchestra, and Live Electronics, and 2
Flanking Soloists) (1992-93)
+Salto – Trapez – Ikarus, Concerto for 13 Instruments (1990)
+4 Toteninseln for Piano, Baritone, and Orchestra (2002-3)
Kalkbrenner, Frédéric Friedrich Wilhelm Michael Germany
+Adagio ed Allegro di bravura, Op. 102 (1828)
§Concerto No. 1 in d, Op. 61 (1823)
+Concerto No. 2 in e, Op. 80 (1826)
+Concerto No. 3 in a, Op. 107 (1829)
§Concerto No. 4 in A-flat, Op. 127 (1835)
Grande Marche, Orage, et Polonaise, Op. 93 (orig. for piano, 2 violins, vola, cello, and
double bass [ad lib], 1828)
+Le rêve (“Grande fantaisie”) in f-sharp, Op. 113 (1833)
Kallenberg, Joshua a.k.a. JKComposerWolf Sweden
**Concerto No. 1 (“Laniakea”) (2022)
**Concerto No. 2 (“Forest Spirit”) (2022)
**Concerto No. 3 (“Avian”) (2022)
**Concerto No. 4 (“Starlit Absence”) (2022)
**Sky of Diamonds (Rhapsody) (2023; piano part composed by “Starkeeper”)
Kallionpää, Maria (1981- ) Finland
**Zahir (Concerto) (2006)
Kallmeyer, Ulrich (1963- ) Germany
**Jazz Concertino No. 2 (2013)
Kalliwoda, Johans Wenzel Kalivoda, Jan Křtitel Václav Bohemia
**Adagio and Rondo facile, Op. 82
Kallstenius, Edvin (1881-1967) Sweden
**Concerto (“Sinfonia concertata”) in C, Op. 12 (1922)
Kálmán, Charles (1929-2015) Austria/USA/Germany
§Concerto No. 1 (“Hudson”) (orig. for piano solo, 1948; orchestrated 1960)
**Concerto No. 2 in b (“Panamericana”) (1965)
**“Faites vos jeux” (Concert Waltz)
**3 Moods (c.1960?)
Kálmán, Emmerich (1882-1953) Austria
+Potpourri from “Die Czardasfürstin” (operetta, 1915)
+Potpourri from “Gräfin Mariza” (operetta, 1924; arr. Luis Grinhauz)
Kalmár, László (1931-95) Hungary
**Chamber Concerto (1986)
**Toccata concertante for Piano and String Orchestra (1968-70)
Kalninš, Jānis (1904-2000) Latvia
**Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1984)
Kalogeras, Alexandros (1961- ) Greece
Kalogridou, Maria (1922-2001) Greece
**Concerto (“Byzantine”) (1965)
Kaloian, Alexander (1962- ) USA
+Concerto (2017)
Kalomiris, Manolis (1883-1962) Greece
§Symphonic Concerto in c (1934-35)
Kalpouzos, Ilias ( – ) Greece
**Concerto No. 1 (by 2016), fragment
Kalsons, Romualds (1936- ) Latvia
§Symphonic Variations (1978)
Kam Kee Yong (1938- ) Malaysia/Singapore/Canada
**Chinatown Suite for String Orchestra with Piano (1985)
**Marine Parade Suite for String Orchestra with Piano (1985)
Kamal, Ilyas ( – ) Russia [Tatarstan]
**Idel-Ural Suite on Motives from Tatar and Bashkir Folklore (orig. for trumpet and
piano), IV. Agidel [the name of a river] & V. Bayik [a Bashkir dance]
Kamen, Michael (1948-2003) USA
*Music from Stephen Herek’s film “Mr. Holland’s Opus,”1995): An American
Symphony; Iris and Glen; Practice, practice, practice; Rush to the hospital
Kameron-Vol’f, R. [see Stetsyuk]
Kaminski, Heinrich (1886-1946) Germany
+Concerto grosso for Double Orchestra with Piano (1921-23; piano in parts of II and
Kaminsky, Dmitry Romanovich (1907-89) Belorussia
**Concerto No. 1 (1948)
**Concert Fantasy in E-flat on Belorussian Themes (1958)
Kaminsky, Laura (1956- ) USA
+Concerto (2011)
Kaminsky [Kamiński], Viktor Wiktor Ukraine
**Concerto (in memory of Vasyl Barvinsky) (1995)
**Souvenir of Lviv for 2 Pianos, String Orchestra, and Percussion (by 2019)
Kämmerling, Andreas ( – ) Germany
**Klavierkonzert für junge Leute [Piano Concerto for Young People] for Piano and
String Orchestra (2018)

Kancheli, Giya Aleksandrovich (1935-2019) Georgia/Belgium
+Bridges to Bach for Violin, Piano, Vibraphone, and String Orchestra (2010)
**Largo and Allegro for String Orchestra, Piano, and Timpani (1963)
+A Little Daneliade for Violin, Piano, and String Orchestra (2000; from the film “Kindza-
dza” directed by Georgiy Daneliya)
+Sio [Breeze] for String Orchestra, Piano, and Percussion (1998)
+Valse Boston for Piano and String Orchestra (1996)
**When Almonds Blossomed, Sherekli, Blue Mountains
Kane, Brian (1973- ) USA
**Anaphora for Harp, Piano, and Strings (excerpts) (2005-6)
Kanershtein, Oleksandr (1933-2006) Ukraine
**Concerto (1967-68)
Kang, H.
**Concerto in b-flat (2015), I
Kang Jian-Dong (1955- ) China
**Qilianshan Rhapsody (c.2000)
Kang, Sugi Sukhi? S. Korea
**I Will Always be Your Son for Piano and Small Orchestra (by 2017)
Kang, Sukhi (1934-2020) S. Korea
**Concerto (1996)
**Mosaicum Visio (2001)
**S. S. Bach for Piano and String Ensemble
Kangro, Raimo (1949-2001) Estonia
Cat Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1985)
§Concerto for Two for Flute, Clarinet, and Chamber Orchestra with Piano, Op. 48
**?Concerto No. 1 (1975-76)
§Concerto No. 2, Op. 60 (1999)
**Concerto No. 1 for 2 Pianos and Chamber Orchestra, Op. 22 (1978)
§Concerto No. 2 for 2 Pianos and Orchestra, Op. 36 (1988)
§Display VIII: Portrait of Schubert for Orchestra with Piano, Op. 42 (1998)
Kangur, Jüri-Ruut (1975- ) Estonia
**Trio for Violin Piano, Flute, and Orchestra (1997)
Kania, Emanuel (1827-1887) Poland
Concerto in e (I only)
Kaňka, Jan [Johann] Nepomuk (1772-1863) Bohemia
**Concerto in D (publ. 1804)
Kanno, Mitsuaki (1939-83) Japan
+Suite “Destiny” [Shukumei] (from Yoshitaro Nomura’s film “The Castle of Sand,”
Kanno, Yoko (1963- ) Japan
+Naotora: The Lady Warlord (symphonic poem from music for the TV series, 2017)
+Turn A Gundam Symphonic Suite, Felicity – Back to the River (1999)
Kanno, Yugo (1977- ) Japan
**Concerto (“Flower”) for Trombone and Orchestra with Piano (2011)
Kano, Akihiro ( – ) Japan
**The Fifth Station for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (c.2007)
Kant, Paul [see Kont]
Kantelinen, Tuomas (1969- ) Finland
**Concerto (2002)
Kantor, Ariela
**Poema sinfónico (“Salvaje Corcel” [Wild Stallion])
Kao, Sean
**Concerto No. 1 (2018-19), I-II
Kapeika, Anna ( – ) Ecuador
**Concerto (2021)
Kaper, Bronisław (1902-83) Poland/USA
**Butterfield 8, theme (from Daniel Mann’s film, 1960)
**Invitation (from Gottfried Reinhardt’s film, 1952)
A Life of Her Own (film score, 1950)
**The Power and the Prize, theme (from Henry Koster’s film, 1956)
**Two Loves, theme (from Charles Walters’ film, 1961)
Kapilow, Robert (1952- ) USA
+Green Eggs and Ham for Piano, Soprano, Boy Soprano, and Ensemble+You and Hugh
for Piano, Soprano, Boy Soprano, and Ensemble
Kaplan, José Alberto (1935-2009) Argentina/Brazil
§Concerto (1990; an unacknowledged reworking of Shostakovich’s Concerto No. 2)
Kapp, Artur (1878-1952) Estonia
+Concerto-Rhapsody (1943)
Kapp, Eugen (1908-96) Estonia
**Concerto (1968)
Kapr, Jan (1914-88) Czechoslovakia
**Symphony No. 5 (“Olympic”) for Brass, Percussion, 2 Pianos, Organ, Violins, and
Double Basses (1959/63)
Kaprálová, Vítĕzslava (1915-40) Czechoslovakia
+Concerto in d, Op. 7 (1934-35)
§Partita for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 20 (1938-39)
**Partita for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 20, I (1938-39; arr. by S. D. Cisco with
added brass and timpani)
Kapustin, Nikolai (1937-2020) Russia
**Aquarium Blues for Piano and Jazz Orchestra, Op. 12 (1967)
**Big Band Sounds for Piano and Jazz Orchestra, Op. 10 (1966/86)
**Closed Curve for Piano and Jazz Orchestra, Op. 35 (1982)
+Concerto No. 2 for Piano, Strings, and Jazz Orchestra, Op. 14 (1972)
**Concerto No. 2, Op. 14 (1972; arr. for piano and string orchestra by Rustem Abiazov?)
**Concerto No. 3, Op. 48 (1985)
+Concerto No. 4, Op. 56 (1989)
+Concerto No. 5, Op. 72 (1993)
**Concerto No. 6 for Piano and Jazz Orchestra, Op. 74 (1993)
**Concerto for 11 Instruments Op. 90 (1998)
+Concerto for Violin, Piano, and String Orchestra, Op. 105 (2002)
**Concert Rhapsody for Piano and Jazz Orchestra, Op. 25 (1976)
**Concert Rhapsody for Piano and Jazz Orchestra, Op. 25 (1976; arr. by Rustem
Abyazov for piano and string orchestra)
**Daybreak for Piano and Jazz Orchestra, Op. 26 (1976)
**Etude for Piano and Jazz Orchestra, Op. 19 (1974)
**Impromptu for Piano and Jazz Orchestra (1997?)
**March for Piano and Jazz Orchestra, Op. 24 (1975)
**Meridian for Piano and Jazz Orchestra, Op. 34 (1982)
**Minuet for Piano and Jazz Orchestra, Op. 21 (1974)
**Nocturne for Piano and Jazz Orchestra, Op. 16 (1972)
**Nocturne for Piano and Jazz Orchestra, Op. 20 (1974)
**Toccata for Piano and Jazz Orchestra, Op. 8 (1964)
**Variations for Piano and Jazz Orchestra, Op. 3 (1962)
Kar, Aroop ( – ) USA
**Fantasy for String Orchestra and Piano (2015)
Karabits, Ivan (1945-2002) Ukraine
**Concertino for 9 Performers (1983)
**Concerto No. 2 (1972)
**Five Musical Moments (1999)
Karaindrou, Eleni (1941- )
+Elegy of the Uprooting for Piano, Soprano, Choir, and Orchestra
+Kodserto – Thema Alexandrou for Piano, Oboe, and String Orchestra (from Theo
Angelopoulos’s film “Voyage to Cythera,” 1984)
+Kodserto (I Apofasi – To Kalesma – To Taxidi) for Piano, Oboe, Violin, and String
Orchestra (from Theo Angelopoulos’s film “Voyage to Cythera,” 1984)
Karakusheva, Maria (1985- ) Bulgaria
**Ash for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2019)
**Blue Moon for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2017)
**Cassiopeia for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2019)
**Lagrange Points for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2019)
**Love is Art for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2019)
**Rain for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2019)
**Red Planet for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2019)
**Solaris for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2019)
**Two Light Years for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2019)
Karałow, Andrzej (1991- ) Poland
**Concerto (“Denudation”) (2022-23)
Karamanov, Alemdar Sabitovich (1934-2007) Russia
**Concerto No. 1 (1958)
**Concerto No. 2 (“Cosmic”) (1961)
§Concerto No. 3 (“Ave Maria”) (1968/96)
Karamian, Patrick
**Concerto No. 1 in a, Op. 1 (2021-22)
Karastoyanova-Hermentin, Alexandra (1968- ) Russia/Bulgaria/Austria
**Concerto (2000)
Karataş, Tuğrul (1950- ) Turkey
+Japatolian Concerto (2012)
Karavaev, Yuri
**Lullaby “To the Memory of a Friend” for Viola, Piano, and Chamber Orchestra (by
Karayev, Faradzh (1943- ) Azerbaijan
**Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1974)
Karayev, Kara Abul’faz ogly (1918-82) Azerbaijan
In the Path of Thunder: Maiden’s Dance (1957; arr. Saborov)
**Eskiz [Sketch] (orig. for piano solo; arr. for piano and string orchestra)
**Melody for Piano and String Orchestra
+Preludes (3) for Piano and String Orchestra
+Symphony No. 3 for Chamber Orchestra with Piano and Harpsichord (1964)
Kardanov, Khasan [see Qarden]
Kardoš, Dezider (1914-91) Slovakia
+Concerto No. 1, Op. 40 (1969)
+Concerto No. 2, Op. Posth. (completed and revised by Vladimir Bokes, 1993)
**Concerto for Orchestra, Op. 30 (1957; piano in V)
Kardoš, István (1891-1975) Hungary
**Concerto (1956)
Karel, A.
**Sunny Day
Kari, Jonathan (1998- ) USA
**Concerto in a (2016), III
Karimov, Airat (1941-2016) Ufa, Russia
**Concerto-Rhapsody (1981)
Karja, Kirke (1989- ) Estonia
**Concertino for Piano, Vibraphone, and Orchestra (by 2016)
**Concerto (premièred 2022)
Karjalainen, Ahti (1907-86) Finland
**Suolahti Suite for String Orchestra and Piano, Op. 94 (1974)
Karkoff, Maurice (Ingvar) (1927-2013) Sweden
**Concerto, Op. 28 (1957/60)
Karl, Patrik B. ( – ) Sweden
**Autumn in E-flat (2005/14)
**Dusk in e (2002-4)
**Tendencies in e-flat (2010)
Karlash, Vladimir ( – ) Ukraine
**Concerto breve for Guitar, Piano, and String Orchestra (by 2023; a reworking of the
first movement Andantino of his Concerto for Guitar and Orchestra, by 2013)
Karle, Ronald James ( – ) USA
**Concerto No. 1 (2016)
**Nocturne No. 297 (“Sleep Among the Stars”) (orig. for piano solo, 2023; arr. by Stefan Kraus)
Karlela, Kim ( – ) Sweden
**Fantasy (2011)
Karlibel, Aydın (1957- ) Turkey
**Fantasie for Büyükada (1974)
Karlsons, Juris (1948- ) Latvia
**Concerto for Cello, Piano, Percussion, and Orchestra (2015)
§Concerto No. 1 for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1974)
§Concerto No. 2 (1983)
**Concerto-Symphony for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2002)
**Fantasy (“Voices of the Night Sky”) for Piano, String Orchestra, and Percussion
+Gliese 581 (Liepāja Concerto No. 9) for Orchestra with Piano (2014)
**Symphony No. 2 for Orchestra and Piano (2019)
Karmanov, Pavel (1970- ) Russia
**Baikal Music for Ensemble with Piano (2000)
**City I Love and Hate (orig. for piano sextet, 2012; version for piano and string
orchestra, 2019)
**D-Dur III (1992) for Piano, Vibraphone, and String Quintet (1992)
**Intermezzo (2004)
+Michael music (2004; arr. for piano and string orchestra)
**Musica con cello for Cello and Orchestra with Piano (2015)
**“My Soul” for Voice, Strings, Drums, and Keyboard Instruments (2000)
**Spring in January for Viola, Piano, and Orchestra
Karmazin, Yevgeny (1978- ) Russia
**Concerto (by 2023)
Karnitskaya, Nina Andreyevna (1906-81) Ukraine
**Concerto in d (1959)
Karotkina, Hanna [see Korotkina, Anna]
Karousos, Panayoti (1970- ) Greece/Canada
**Adagio (by 2013)
**Concerto for Peace (2000), III
Karozas, Alexandros ( – ) Greece/Germany
+Der Traum des Ikaros (by 2008)
Karpenko, Yekaterina Ivanonva (1974- ) Ukraine/Russia
**Concerto (“Tears of the Demon”) (by 2022)
Karras, Hans-Dieter (1959- ) Germany
**Symphony No. 2 in A (“Dresdner”; a requiem for his mother) for Orchestra with Piano
and Organ, Op. 91 (1974/97)
Karshkov, Alexander (1977- ) Moldova
+Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2011)
Karski, Dominik (1972- ) Poland/Australia
+Les éruptions du rêve (1999)
**Source Within for Piano and 3 Instrumental Groups (2006)
Kartun, Léon (1895-1981) France
Poeme rapsodique for Piano and Jazz Orchestra (1935)
Kasemets, Udo (1919-2014) Estonia/Canada
**Fractal fibONaCciERTO (1996)
**Poetic Suite for Soprano, Piano, and String Orchestra (1954)
Kashlyuk, Oleksandr
**Concerto in g (2016), III
Kashperova, Leokadiya Aleksandrovna (1872-1940) Russia
**Concerto in a, Op. 2 (1900)
Kasilag, Lucrecia Roces (1918-2008) Philippines
+Divertissement (1960)
**Orientalia for Piano, Wind Ensemble, and Percussion (1981)
**Toccata for Muslim and Western Percussion Instruments and Winds (1958)
Kaska, Kevin (1972- ) USA
+Fantasy for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (by 2011)
§Prelude for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (by 2002)
+Romanza for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2011)
**Triple Concerto for Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (2001)
Kašlík, Ivan (1947- ) Czech Republic
**Concerto for Piano, String Orchestra, and Timpani (1980)
Kasparov, Yury (1955- ) Russia
**Echoes of Silence for 10 Performers
**Hommage à Honegger for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Piano, 2 Violins, Viola,
and Cello (2005)
**The Devil’s Trills, Vars. on a theme by Tartini for Piano and Ensemble
**Nevermore! (1992; overture to the opera-monodrama for 16 performers based on
Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Raven”)
**Reminiscence for Piano, Prepared Piano, Live Electronics, and Ensemble
**Seven Illusory Images of Memory for Piano and Ensemble (1995)
Kasprak, Nick ( – )
**Concerto No. 1 in D
**Concerto No. 2 in F (2009), I only
Kasschau, Howard (1913-94) USA
**Concerto in C (1940)
**Country Concerto (1971)
Kassern, Tadeusz Zygfryd (1904-57) Poland
**Teen-age Concerto No. 1 in F for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1952)
Kastle, Leonard (Gregory) (1929-2011) USA
**Concerto (1980)
Kastle, Richard (1958- ) USA
§Concerto No. 5 (“Royce Concerto”) (1988)
§Concerto No. 6, II only
**Concerto No. 8 (premièred 2003)
Kaszycki, Jerzy (1926-2020) Poland
**Triptych concertante (1974-89)
Kátai, László (1940- ) Hungary
**Concerto (premièred 2009)
Katides, Chris a.k.a. Chris Crush USA
**Concerto No. 1 (2021), I
Kato, Yutaka ( – ) Japan [see also Piano Schloss Concerto Series 13-14]
+Concerto (“Romantic”)
Kats-Chernin, Elena (1957- ) Uzbekistan/Australia
+Cadences, Deviations, and Scarlatti (1995)
+Clocks (1993)
+Concertino for Violin and 11 Instruments (1994)
+Concerto No. 2 (“Ragtime”) (2001)
**Concerto No. 3 (“Lebewohl”) (2017-18)
+Displaced Dances (2000)
+Fantasy on an Anthem (1996)
**Force majeure for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2022)
+Purple Prelude (1996)
**Redmyre Suite (2009/11)
**Seasons for Violin, Piano, and String Quintet (2010)
**Selenite City, Concerto for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (2011)
**Slow Down Lady (2007)
+Torque for Piano, Accordion, and String Orchestra (2002)
**Village Idiot (2007)
+Wild Swans for Soprano, Piano, and Orchestra (2004)
Katscher, Robert (1894-1942) Austria/USA
+When Day is Done (1926)
Katsoulis, Vangelis (1949- ) Greece
**Double Image (1980, orig. for piano and large ensemble; rev. 1984 for piano and
Katt, Friedemann [see Frenzel]
Kattenburg, Dick (1919-44) Netherlands
**Romanian (Hebrew) Melody (orig. for violin, cello, and piano, composed under the
name “K. van Dunsen” on 27 Nov. 1941; arr. by Mark Arnest for piano and string
orchestra, by 2022)
Kattnigg, Rudolf (1895-1955) Austria
**Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra, Op. 15 (1934)
**Concerto [Concertino] for Flute, Piano, and String Orchestra, Op. 28 (1940)
**Exotic Shepherd Ballade [Maxixe]
**Fantastic March
**Des Teufels Spaziergang
**“Thermenquellen,” Konzertwalzer
Katz, Martin Jeffrey ( – ) USA
**Pacific Palisades (orig. for piano solo, 2016; arr. for piano, violin, and string
orchestra, 2018)
Kauderer, Emilio (1950- ) Argentina/USA [see also Jusid]
**El Desquite (2011)
**Imágenes de Buenos Aires for Bandoneon, Piano Trio, and Orchestra (2016)
Kaufman, Christopher ( – ) USA
**Rieppelmusic for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1990; composed for pianist Daniel
Kaufman, Frederick (1936- ) USA
+“Guernica” Concerto (2011)
Kaufman, Jeffrey (1947- ) USA
**“Court and Jester” for Piano, Winds, and Percussion (2018)
Kaufmann, Armin (1902-80) Austria
**Concerto, Op. 95 (1968-69)
**Concertante Music for Flute, Piano, and String Orchestra, Op. 104 (1977)
Kaufmann, Dieter (1941- ) Austria
+For Clara—A Romantic Piano Concerto (1985)
Kaumann, Tõnis (1971- ) Estonia
Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1994)
Kaun, Hugo (1863-1932) Germany
+Concerto No. 1 in e-flat, Op. 50 (1901)
**Concerto No. 2 in c, Op. 115 (1923), I-II, III (incomplete, up to p. 55 of the 2-piano
Kawalla, Szymon (1949- ) Poland
**Lament and Toccata for Violin and Orchestra with Piano (2009)
Kawano, Mitsuaki ( – ) Japan
**Concerto No. 1 in E-flat (by 2015)
Kawarsky, J[ay] A. (1959- ) USA
**Episodes (2001)
Kawasaki, Etsuo (1959- ) Japan [see also Piano Schloss Concerto Series 9-10]
+Concerto for Children (“Adventures in Wonderland”)
Kawashima, Motoharu (1972- ) Japan
§Manic-Depressive III for Piano, Prepared Piano, and Orchestra (1999)
Kay, Donald (1933- ) Australia
**Concerto (1992)
Kayali, Francis (1979- ) France/USA
**Concerto for Piano and Band (2001)
**Croquis du Nil for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (2007)
Kayama [see Kosaku]
Kazandjiev, Vassil (1934- ) Bulgaria
**Concerto for Piano, Saxophone, and Orchestra (1958)
**Divertimento for Orchestra with Piano (1957)
Kazanecki, Waldemar [see Lenczowski]
Kazarin, Vyacheslav ( – ) Russia
**Concerto (“Along Irij Heavenly”) for Piano and String Orchestra
Kazemi, Babak (1986- ) Iran/England
**Midnight Sonata (by 2021)
Kazenin, Vladislav (1937-2014) Russia
**Concerto No. 2 (“Improvisations”) (2007)
**Concerto No. 3 (“Constructions”)
+Symphonic Variations [Concerto No. 1] in d (2002)
Kazerouni, Mehdi ( – )
**Tâ for Bass Clarinet, Trumpet, Horn, Piano, and 4 Percussion
Kazhgaliyev, Tles (1949-96) Kazakhstan
**Concerto [No. 1] for Piano, String Orchestra, and Percussion (1976)
+Concerto No. 2 (1982; publ. 1986)
**Concerto for Violin, Flute, Piano, and Chamber Orchestra (1970)
**Konzertstuck for Chamber Orchestra and Piano
Kazhiloti, Ruben (1948- ) Georgia/Israel
**Suite for a staging of Shakepeare’s “Hamlet” by the State Drama Therater of Rustavi
(1975), Prologue; Galliard; Pavana
Kazimov [Kazımi], Oqtay Ogtay Azerbaijan
**Konsert ballada [Concert-Poem (1993)?]
Keats, Donald (Howard) (1929-2018) USA
**Concerto (1981-85)
Keay, Nigel 1955- ) New Zealand
**Diffractions for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1986)
Kecskés, Balázs (1993- ) Hungary
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (2021)
Keeley, Robert (1960- ) England
+Concerto for Piano and 12 Instruments (2010)
**Entourages (Concerto No. 1) for Piano and Small Orchestra (1999-2000)
Keenan, Paul (1956-2001) England
**Concerto for Groups of Instruments (1974-76)
Keezer, Geoffrey (1970- ) USA
**Concerto for Orchestra and Piano (premièred 2000)
Kefeli, Abraham (1972- ) Ukraine/Israel
+Concerto on Crimean Karaim’s Liturgy Fragment Qumu Barehu (1995-97)
+Dreams of the “Gypsy Baron”(after Johann Strauss) for String Orchestra and Piano
Kehl, Walter ( – ) Switzerland
**Concerto No. 1 (“Yellow Piano”) in D-flat (premièred 2021; arr. by Michael Kuenstle)
Kehn, Conrad ( – ) USA
**Concerto grosso No. 1 (“Playgrosso”) for Piano, Flute, Violin, Bass Clarinet, and
Orchestra (2012)
Kehrer, Willy (1902-76) Germany
**Cassazione (Concerto No. 3) in A for Piano, Winds, Percussion, and Timpani, Op. 128
(rec. 1955)
Keiser, André ( – )
**Concerto in b (“Maledictis”)
Keith, Steven A.
**Concerto No. 2 in D-flat (2017)
Kelemen, Milko (1924-2018) Croatia/Germany
§Composé for 2 Pianos and 3 Orchestral Groups (1967)
+Concerto (1953)
§Mirabilia for Piano, Ring Modulator, and 2 Orchestral Groups (1973)
+Transfigurations (1961-62)
Kelkel, Manfred (1929-99) France
**Concerto for Cello and String Orchestra with Piano, Op. 4 (1955)
Kell, Ville-Markus (1960- ) Estonia
**Concerto (1987), I
**Concerto con moto for 2 Pianos & Chamber Orchestra (premièred 1989), I
Keller, Hermann (1945-2018) Germany
§Concerto No. 1
+Concerto [No. 2] for Piano and 13 Instruments (2006)
Keller, Homer Todd (1915-96) USA
**Concerto (1949)
Keller, Max Eugen (1947- ) Switzerland
•Das ganze Leben (Concerto) (1989-90)
Keller, Wolfgang ( – ) Germany
**Concerto (2016)
Kelley, Anthony M. (1965- ) USA
**Africamerica: Sound Images (1999)
Kelly, E. Harry (1879-1955) USA
**Peaceful Henry (1901)
Kelly, Ethan J. ( – ) Canada
**After Winter Second for Orchestra and Piano (2019)
Kelterborn, Rudolf (1931-2021) Switzerland
+Chamber Symphony No. 3 for 2 Pianos and 3 Groups of Instruments (2007)
**Music for Piano and 8 Wind Instruments (1970)
Kemény, Gábor (1954- ) Hungary
**Concertino for 2 Pianos, String Orchestra, and Percussion (1980)
**Ragtime in F for Orchestra with Piano (1981)
Kemenyash, Artem ( – )
**The Goal
Kemirtlek, Taner ( – ) England/Scotland
**Concerto for Piano and Chamber Ensemble
Kemmer, Jean-Pierre (1923-91) Luxemboug
**Rapsodie Rotarienne for Piano and Wind Orchestra
Kempf, Davorin (1947- ) Croatia
**Concerto corale for Piano and Large Orchestra (2013)
Kempff, Wilhelm (1895-1991) Germany
**Legende, Op. 65 (1947)
§Ein Totentanz—Concerto [No. 2] in the Form of a Suite for Piano, String Orchestra,
Percussion, and Mixed Chorus, Op. 37 (1931)
Kemularia, Ramaz (1939- ) Georgia
**Concerto No. 1 (1965)
Kendlinger, Matthias Georg (1964- ) Austria
+Concerto No. 1 (“Larissa”) in C, Op. 7 (by 2014)
Kenealy, Martin
Ķeniņš, Tālivaldis (1919-2008) Latvia/Canada
+Concerto for Piano, String Orchestra, and Percussion (1990)
**Concerto for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (1987)
+Concerto di camera No. 1 for Piano, Flute, Clarinet, and String Orchestra (1981)
**Fantaisies concertantes (1968)
**Little Concerto [Concertino] for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1987; commissioned
by the 2nd Latvian World Music Camp)
Kenlon, William (1983- ) USA
**Desire Paths (Chamber Symphony) for Double Wind Quintet and Piano, Op. 69 (2016-
**Suite for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (2011)
Kenmuir, Callum (1945- ) Scotland
§Concerto (1995)
§Rhapsody on Themes by Grieg (1997; based on Grieg’s sketches for a Concerto in b,
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Kennan, Kent Wheeler (1913-2003) USA
**Concertino for Piano and Winds (1963; orig. for piano and orchestra, 1946)
§Night Soliloquy for Flute, String Orchestra, and Piano (1936)
Kennan, Paul ( – )
**Concerto for Groups of Instruments
Kennedy, Christophe ( – )
**Concerto No. 1 in e (2016)
Kennedy, Martin (1978- ) USA
+Concerto (2008)
Kennedy, Michael ( – ) USA
**Concerto No. 3 (“The Emily Michelle”)
**Concerto No. 5 (by 2005)
**Concerto for 10 Upright Pianos, 2 Baby Grand Pianos, Orchestra, and Percussion
(by 2017)
**Concerto for 20 Upright Pianos, 4 Baby Grand Pianos, Double Orchestra, and
Percussion (by 2017)
Kenstad, David ( – ) USA
**Permutations (2019)
Kenton, Stanley USA
**Adventures in Time (A Concerto for Orchestra with Piano and Other Instruments; arr.
by Johnny Richards, 1962)
**Peanut Vendor
**Theme for Sunday (1950-51)
**Theme to the West (1958)
Ķepitis, Jānis (1908-89) Latvia
**Concerto No. 3 (“Youth”) in A-flat (1973)
**Concert Variations on the Latvian Folk Song “Where are you going, boy?” for 2
Pianos and Orchestra (1973-74)
Keprt, Marek (1974- ) Czech Republic
**ČtverJho chořních dob for Piano, Soprano, and Orchestra (2013)
Kern, Jerome (1895-1945) USA
+All the Things You Are (from the musical comedy “Very Warm for May,” 1939; arr.
Morton Gould)
+They Didn’t Believe Me (from the musical comedy “The Girl from Utah,” 1914)
**Waltz in Swing Time (from the film “Swing Time,” 1936)
Kern, Kevin (1958- ) USA
**Le Jardin
**The Enchanted Garden
**Return to Love
Kernis, Aaron Jay (1960- ) USA
**Concerto for Toy Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2002)
+Three Flavors (2002; piano-and-orchestra version of the Concerto for Toy Piano and
Chamber Orchestra [above])
**Too Hot Toccata
Kerr, Marshall Munger
**Concerto No. 1 (on a Purpose-selected Tone Row), Op. 22 (2012)
**Concerto No. 2 (on a Purpose-selected Tone Row), Op. 66 (2017)
Kerschek, Wolf (1969- ) Germany
**Concerto for Piano, Trumpet, and Orchestra (c.2011)
Kersters, Willem (1929-98) Belgium
**Concert Music for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 28 (1964)
+Concerto, Op. 69 (1977-78)
**Meditation on the Name BACH for Trumpet and String Orchestra with Piano, Op. 46
**Symphony No. 3 for Orchestra with Piano, Op. 39 (1967)
Kessler, Minuetta (1914-2002) Canada/USA
§Alberta Concerto, Op. 24 (1947)
Kessler, Thomas
**My Lady Soul for Ensemble with Piano (2019)
Kessner, Daniel (Aaron) (1946- ) USA
**Chamber Concerto for Soprano, Recorder, Oboe, String Quartet, Piano, and
Percussion (1972)
§Lyric Piece (1994)
**Romp (2009)
Ketèlbey, Albert W(illiam) (1875-1959) England
**Caprice pianistique (publ. 1947)
§The Clock and the Dresden Figures (1930)
§Dance of the Merry Mascots
**In a Persian Market for 2 Pianos and Orchestra
+Wedgwood Blue (publ. 1920 for orchestra; rec. 1930 with the composer playing a piano
part that is not in the publ. score)
Ketting, Otto (1935-2012) Netherlands
**Chamber Concerto (2005)
**Concertino for Orchestrra and Jazz Quintet Trumpet, Tenor Saxophone, Piano, Double Bass, and Percussion
**Monumentum for 4 (or 8) Horns, 6 Trumpets, 6 Trombones, 2 Tubas, Piano, and 4
Percussionists (1983)
**De Provincie (film score)
Keuris, Tristan (1946-96) Netherlands
**Concertante Music for 9 Instruments (1982)
§Concerto (1980)
**Divertimento for Violin, Wind Quintet, Piano, and Double Bass (1982)
Kevorkov, Vitaly (1937- ) Russia
**Romantic Waltz (1982)
Key, Jordan Alexander ( – ) USA
**Threnody on the Death of Children for Flute, Clarinet in E-flat, Vibraphone, Piano,
Violin, Viola, Cello, and Double Bass (2018)
Keyes, Christopher J. (1963- ) USA/Hong Kong
+An Inescapable Entanglement for Piano, Orchestra, and 8 Loudspeakers (2010)
Keyes, Timothy P. USA
+Concerto (“American Coastlines”) for Piano, Orchestra, and Choir (2008)
Keys, Andrew
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2021)
Khabalova, Zinaida Savelievna real name Miriam Savelievna Ashkinazi
**Concerto Poem (“Friendship”) (based on Ossetian, Abkhazian, Adjarian, and
Georgian folk song and dance intonations and motives)
Khachatryan, Irina ( – )
**Dedication for Oboe, Piano, and String Orchestra (by 2014)
**Nvirum for Small Orchestra and Piano
Khachaturian, Aram Il’ich (1903-78) Georgia [see also Mikhnovich; F. Weigel]
**Anthem of Soviet Armenia (jazz arr. by Vahagn Hayrapetyan)
**Concertino for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (an arr. of the Sonatina for solo piano,
1959, by Peter Petrof, 1999)
§Concerto in D-flat
§Concerto-Rhapsody (1965/68)
+Gayane, Lullaby and Sabre Dance (1942; arr. by Oscar Levant)
**Gayane, Sabre Dance (1942; arr. by François Weigel for piano and string orchestra)
+Gayane, Sabre Dance (1942; excerpt, arr. by HomeOrchestra)
**Gayane, Sabre Dance (1942; arr. for violin, piano, and orchestra by Mikhail
**Gayane, “Sabre Dance Boogie” (arr. by Freddy Martin, 1948)
**Masquerade, Waltz (1941; arr. by François Weigel for piano and string orchestra)
**Ode to Joy (jazz arr. by Vahagn Hayrapetyan)
**Spartacus, Adagio of Spartacus and Phrygia (1954; opening piano solo arr. by Villi
Sargsyan combined with orchestral score)
**Valencian Widow Suite (1940; arr. for chamber orchestra with piano by Walter
Mnatsakanov, by 2017)
Khaet, Veniamin Arnoldovich (1896-1975) Russia
**Concerto, I-II (1918)
Khaïrat, Abu Bakr (1910-63) Egypt
**Concerto in c, Op. 10 (1944)
Khaïrat, Omar (1948- ) Egypt
+Egyptian Overture
**Fortune-teller and the Magical Perfumes (1989)
**100 Years of Cinema
**In the Serenity of the Night
**Night of Fatima’s Arrest
**Second Meeting
**Take Care of Your Mind
**3 Pieces, Op. 6
**3 Pieces (different from above)
**Uncle Ahmed
Khakhanov [Hahanov], Dudar Solomonovich (1921-95) Ossetia [Georgia]
**Symphony-Concerto No. 10 (1988)
Khalifé, Rami (1981- ) Lebanon/France
**Chaos (orig. for piano solo, 2009; piano and orchestra version by 2012)
+Stories (2016)
Khalilov, Rufat (1974- ) Azerbaijan [see also Ismail Hajibeyov and Khalilov]
**No Comment for String Orchestra, Piano, and Tape (2011; not much piano)
Khamassi, Selim ( – ) France
**Piano Dream (by 2015)
**Theme and Variations
Khan [see Inayat-Khan]
Khangal, Zunduin (1948-96) Mongolia
**Concerto No. 2
Khanin [Khanon, Hanon], Yury pseudonym of Yury Feliksovich Solov’yev- Savoyarov Russia
§A Certain Concerto for Piano, Orchestra, and Maile Voices, Op. 31 (1986)
§Five Smallest Orgasms, Op. 29 (1983)
§Middle Symphony, Op. 40 (1990)
+Miserable Score in 2 Parts
Khasanshin, Danil Davletshinovich (1937- ) Republic of Bashkortosan [Bashkiria]
**Concerto (“Sabantay”) (orig. a “Youth Concerto” for 2 pianos, early 1980s; arr. for
piano and orchestra, early 1990s)
Khataee, Amir ( – ) Ukraine
**Theme and Variations, Op. 16, excerpt (2009-10)
Khatibi, Ehsan (1979- ) Iran
**Assonanz for Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (2015)
Khayam, Hooshyar ( – ) Iran
**Stained Glass for Piano and String Orchestra (premièred 2007)
Khevelev, Aleksey Aleksandrovich (1979- ) Russia
**Judas and Christ (Concerto) (2009)
Khisamutdinov, Ildar Izilevich (1959- ) Belarus
**Concert Piece for Piano and Russian Folk Instrument Orchestra
**Concert Waltz
Khmara, Yevgeny [Zhenya]
**Tango for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2017)
Khodosh, Vitaly Semyonovich (1945-2016) Russia
**Concertino (“May”) for Piano and String Orchestra (2009)
**Concerto (1991)
Khodosko, Oleg (1964- ) Belarus
**Light of the Burning Out Spark Plug
Kholopov, Igor Andreyevich (1984- ) Russia
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2012)
Khoo, Brian Chatpo ( – ) Australia
**Concerto (2014)
Khoury, Houtaf (1967- ) Lebanon [see also Harfouch]
**Concerto da camera for Piano and String Orchestra (1996)
**Concerto No. 2 (“Angel of Light”) (2012)
Khovunts, Khaikh [see Hovunts]
Khrennikov, Tikhon Nikolayevich (1913-2007) Russia
+Concerto No. 1 in F, Op. 1 (1932-33)
§Concerto No. 2 in C, Op. 21 (1971)
§Concerto No. 3 in C, Op. 28 (1982)
+Concerto No. 4 for Piano, String Orchestra, and Percussion, Op. 37 (1991)
**Lullaby and Shura’s Theme from “A Hussar Ballad,” Op. 25 (ballet suite, 1978)
Khristov [Christoff, Hristov], Dimitar Dimitŭr Bulgaria
**Concert Variations for Strings and Piano on a theme from Beethoven’s “Eroica”
Symphony (2002)
**Concerto No. 1 in C, Op. 3 (1954)
**Concerto No. 2 for Piano and Wind Orchestra (1982)
Khromushin, Oleg Nikolayevich (1927-2003) Russia
**Concerto No. 2 (in one movement) for Piano and Chamber [String] Orchestra (publ.
Khrushcheva, Nastasya (1987- ) Russia
**Book of Sorrow and Joy for Piano and String Orchestra (2018)
**Slowly and Incorrectly for String Orchestra and Piano (2015)
**This and That for Darbuka, String Orchestra, and Piano (2021)
Khubeev, Aleksandr (1986- ) Russia
**Game Over for 2 String Quartets and Piano (2016)
Khumalo, Andile (1978- ) S. Africa
**Broken Mirrors of Time for Piano and Large Ensemble (2021)
Ki, Hyun-Jung ( – ) S. Korea
**Concerto No. 1 (“Diary”)
Kiazim, Memnune ( – ) Greece
**Anatolian Fugue
**Feast of the Swarm Bee
**Greek Breath
**Little Turkish Suite
**Passion: Paso doble; Balero; Tango
**Thunders of Spring
Kidd, Ronald Alvin (c.1948- ) USA
Kiefer, Bruno (1923-87) Germany/Brazil
+Diálogo (1966)
Kieffer, Olivia (1980- ) USA
**Double Concerto for Toy Pianos and Chamber Orchestra (2023)
Kiel, Friedrich (1821-85) Germany
§Concerto in B-flat, Op. 30 (1864)
Kielland, Olav (1901-85) Norway
**Concerto, Op. 27 (1977)
Kiermeir, (Ludwig) Kurt (1906-?) Germany
**“Von einem Tag zum andern,” Suite
Kiessling, Heinz (1926-2003) Germany
**Concert Caprice
**Piano mobile (1965)
**Spanische Impressionen for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1953)
Kievman, Carson (1949- ) USA
**Concerto (“Prisoners of Conscience) (1975)
Kikou, Evangelia ( – ) Greece
**Antikatoptrismos for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (1994)
**Elegy for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (2006)
Kikta, Valery (1941- ) Russia
§Revelations for Piano, Cello, Choir, and Orchestra (ballet, 1990)
**Safonov – Concerto grosso for Piano, Organ, Harpsichord, and Orchestra (by 2020)
Kil, Gihyun (1994- )
**Concerto for Piano and Ensemble (2014; rehearsal)
**Concerto No. 2 (“Sand Castle”) for Piano and Ensemble (2016)
Kilar, Wojciech (1932-2014) Poland [see also Lenczowski]
§Concerto No. 1 (1998)
+Concerto No. 2 for Piano, Strings, and Percussion (2010-11)
**Death and the Maiden (from the Roman Polanski film)
Diphtongos for Chorus, 2 Pianos, Percussion, and String Orchestra (1964)
+Film Music
**Oda (in memoriam Béla Bartók) for Violin Solo and Orchestra with Piano (1957)
+Portrait of a Lady (1996): End Credits; Love Remains
**Sortie du port (from Andrzej Wajda’s film “Shadow Line,” 1976)
**Symphony No. 2 (“Sinfonia concertante”) (1956)
**Theme from the TV Series “Shadow Line” (1976)
§Themes from Film Music: “Taste of the Black Earth” (1970), “Balance” (1973),
“Jealousy and Medicine” (1973), “Leper” (1976), and “Polaniecki Family” (1978)
Kilin, Andrey (1988- ) Russia
**Concertino (“Musica affanatta”) for Piano and Chamber Ensemble (2015)
**Concertino for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2020; different from the above)
Killey, Paul ( – ) Isle of Man, United Kingdom
**Concerto for Piano and Orchestra with Choir, Op. 58 (by 2020), I
Killmayer, Wilhelm (1927-2017) Germany
**Concerto in One Movement (1954)
**Encore for Orchestra with Piano (1970)
Kilpiö, Lauri (1974- ) Finland
**Concerto (“Shades of Light”) (2017)
Kim Bong-ho ( – ) S. Korea
**The Market Circus (by 2018)
?Kim, Boumki ( – ) S. Korea
**Screaming from the Abyss for Orchestra with Piano (by 2013)
Kim, Byungjin ( – ) S. Korea/USA
**Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2019)

Kim, Cecilia Heejeong (1968- ) S. Korea
**Nocturnal Mosaic (1996/2004)
Kim Daeseong Dae-sung S. Korea
**Concerto No. 1 (“Korean Capriccio”) (1997)
**Concerto No. 1 (“Korean Capriccio”) (1997/2015)
**Concerto (“Chohon” [Call of Soul]) for Piano and Korean Traditional Orchestra (2023)
**Rhapsody (“Taehangsan” [Mountain Taehang])
**Sanjo (Concerto) for Piano and Korean Folk Instrument Orchestra (by 2015; piano
part composed with Laurent Guanzini; arranged and orchestrated by Kim)
Kim, Dan
**Concerto No. 1 (by 2017), I
Kim Donghak (1967- ) S. Korea
**Snowfall Landing for Piano and 13 String Players (2020)
Kim, Dongwoo ( – ) S. Korea
**Alice in Wonderland for Piano, Narrator, and Orchestra (by 2017)
Kim, Earl (1920-98) USA
+Dialogues (1959)
Kim, Euiyoung ( – ) S. Korea
**Concerto based on “Arirang” (by 2020)
Kim Eun-hye (1956- ) S. Korea
**Concerto (“Dance of the Animals”) (2020; a reworking of material from her“Zodiac”
suite for piano solo, 2007)
Kim Geon-il [see Kim Kon Il]
Kim, Grace
**Concerto (by 2020)
Kim Hoàng Huy
**Concerto No. 1 in C, Op. 3
Kim Hye-yeon
**Concerto No. 1 in c (2017)
Kim, Jinho ( – ) S. Korea
**Festival on the Glass Cliff (Concerto) (by 2007)
Kim, Johann born Myung Whan Kim S. Korea/USA
**Concertino (“How Great Thou Art”) (after the old Swedish folk tune used in the well-known
hymn, premièred 2023)
**Concerto alla Campana (1991)
**Concerto No. 2 (“The Praise”), Op. 56 (after the hymns “Crown Him with Many
Thorns,” “Jesus I Have Promised,” and “A Might Fortress is Our God”; 2005)
Kim, Joseph ( – ) USA
+Farewell Concerto (2017)
Kim Kon Il Kim Geon-il N. Korea
**Snowstorm on Mount Paektu [Baekdu] (orig. for voice, chorus, and orchestra, 1986;
arr. for piano and orchestra by Han Yong Sang, by 2009)
Kim, Minji
**Full Moon for Piano, Percussion, and String Orchestra (by 2018)
Kim Ok Song (1916-65) N. Korea
**Concerto (“To A Decisive Battle”)
Kim Sehyung (1987- ) Kazakhstan
**Nachklang vom Schlee (2012)
Kim, Seongjae
**Concerto No. 1 in E (by 2017)
Kim, Seul-ki ( – ) USA
**Fixed for Large Ensemble with Piano (2012)
Kim, Sunbin (1989- ) S. Korea/USA
**Fantasy Concerto (“Visions in the Night Forest”) for Piano and Small Orchestra
Kim, Sunnam (1917-83) S. Korea
**Concerto, I (1946; the first piano concerto from Korea; lost during the Korean War
except for a two-piano reduction of the first movement)
Kim Tae-hyung ( – ) S. Korea
**Concertino (by 2019)
Kim, Texu (1980- ) S. Korea/USA
**Monastic Sceneries for 10 Players (2012-13)
Kimble, Charles D.
**Chasing Ghosts (Concerto) (by 2020)
Kindred, Kyle (1978- ) USA
Concerto No. 1 (2000)
•Concerto No. 2 (“Beautiful Day”) for Piano/Celesta and Orchestra (2004)
King, Max Alpha born Akinola B Akinyele Nigeria/England
**Concerto No. 1 (“Ode to Mozart”) in B-flat (2000)
**Concerto No. 2 (“Ode to Beethoven”) in e (2000/20)
**Concerto No. 3 (“Ode to Humanity”) (2023)
King, Reginald (1904-91) England
**Fantasy (1945; incorporates material from an earlier concerto in f, 1923)
**Theme from “Runnymede Rhapsody” (1947)
Kingman, Nicolas (c.1976- ) England
**Dance Interludes (1998)
**Venezia – The Bells of St. Mark’s for Piano, Harp, and String Orchestra (2011)
Kingsland, Chappell ( – ) USA
**Kashmir Concerto (2019; based on music by Led Zeppelin [i.e., Jimmy Page & Robert
Plant] and quotations of Kashmiri and related folk music), I. “Immigrant Song” & II.
“Rain Song”
Kinney, Gordon (1905-81) USA
•Concert Piece (1936)
Kinnunen-Ivanovic, Neo (c.2001- ) Australia
**Concerto No. 1 in d (premièred 2018), I
Kinoshita, Makiko (1956- ) Japan
**Concerto No. 1 (2012)
+Concerto No. 1 (2012/19)
Kinzé, Jos (1918-2003) Luxembourg
**Concertino (1954)
Kipp, James C. (1948- ) USA
**Concerto in a (rec. 1957), I
Kipp[-Ozbolt], Sheila ( – ) USA
**Teen-Age Concerto (rec. 1957)
Kiprsky, Eduard (1986- ) Russia
**5 Études-tableaux (by 2022)
Király, Ádám ( – ) Hungary
**Concerto No. 1, Op. 7 (2016-18)
Kirby, Luke ( – ) USA
**Concerto No. 4 in C (by 2018)
Kirby, Rick ( – ) USA
**Different Voices for Wind Ensemble with Piano (2002)
Kirby, Robert (1970- ) USA
**Concerto No. 1 in D, I & III
Kirby-Smith, Trevor ( – ) United Kingdom
**Concerto No. 1, Op. 1 (2005)
**Concerto No. 2, Op. 12 (2005)
Kirchner, Leon (1919-2009) USA
§Concerto No. 1 (1953)
+Concerto No. 2 (1963)
Kirchstein, Harold Manfred a.k.a. Henri René USA
+Die Muse
**Suite in Swing
Kirculescu [Kirkulescu], Nicolae (1903-85) Romania
+Moment Muzical (1946)
**Rapsodia I (1953)
Kirenkov, Symeon ( – )
**Music for 2 Pianos and Orchestra
Kireyko [see Kyrejko]
Kirk, Keith van ( – ) USA
**Seventh Second (Concerto) (2020)
Kirk, Steve ( – ) USA
**Tango (by 2014)
Kirko [see Jirko]
Kirkpatrick, Daniel (1995- ) USA
**Adapt for Ensemble with Piano (2021)
Kirnberger [Kernberg], Johann Philipp (1721-83) Germany
**Concerto in c for Piano and String Orchestra (formerly attributed to Wilhelm
Friedemann Bach; ?before 1763)
Kirschbaum, Werner (1956- ) Germany
Phoenix, 3 Movements for Orchestra and Free Improvised Piano (2014)
Kirst Adami, Felipe [see Adami]
Kirsten, Amy Beth ( – ) USA
**Lightgirl (and the Interference of Her Human Shadow) (2008)
Kiryła, Jakub
**Concertino No. 1 (2023; a revision and expansion of Concerto No. 1, I)
**Concerto No. 1 (2021), I
Kiselev, Sergey ( – ) Russia
**Absolute Delight (by 2021)
Kishino, Malika (1979- ) Japan
**Danse du Zéphyr for 17 Musicians (2002-3)
**Oud (Double Concerto) for Marimba, Piano, and Ensemble Flute, Clarinet, 2 Violins, Viola, Cello, and Double Bass
Kisiel, Dominik ( – )
**Concerto in g
Kisielewski, Stefan (1911-91) Poland
+Concerto (1980-91)
Kissine, Victor (1953- ) Russia/Belgium
+“Between Two Waves” (Concerto) for Piano and String Orchestra (2006/8)
Kitamura, Yui (1983- ) Japan/USA
**Asagiiro for Piano, Double Bass, Glock, and Orchestra (2007)
Kitazume, Michio (1948- ) Japan
**Concertino for Piano and Wind Ensemble (premièred 2021)
Kittler, Richard (1924-2009) Austria
**Concerto (1978)
Kittos, Haris (1971- ) Greece/England
•Vessel Tales (in Memory of Susan Bradshaw) (2005-7)
Kiviranta, Lauri ( – ) Finland
**Concerto (2015-20), I-II
**Suite for String Orchestra and Piano (by 2014), I
Kiyanitsya, Vitaly ( – )
**… for 16 Strings and Piano (2016)
Kiyose, Yasuji (1900-81) Japan
§Concerto (1954)
Kladnitsky, Vladislav Ivanovich (1932-2015) Russia/Czech Republic
**Concerto (perf. 1998)
Klami, Uuno (Kalervo) (1900-61) Finland
**Concerto No. 1, Op. 8 (“A Night on Montmartre”) (1925)
§Concerto No. 2 for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 41 (1950)
§Four Finnish Folk Songs, Op. 12 (arr. for piano and string orchestra by Klami, 1930)
§Hommage à Handel for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 21 (1931)
Klanac, Petar-Kresimir (1971- ) Canada
**La Joie éclatante des jeunes époux (1999)
**Trois ou quatre variations en espérant toujours plus cette joie qui ne finira jamais for
2 Pianos and Chamber Orchestra (2007)
Klaren, Ron ( – )
**Steph’s Theme
Klartag, Yair (1985- ) Israel
**Concerto grosso for 6 Soloists [Flute, Clarinet, Bassoon, Piano/Synthesizer, Violin,
Cello] and Orchestra (2019)
Klatt, Mark (1967- ) Germany
**Concerto No. 1 (1986-2005), I
Concerto No. 2 for Piano, Organ, Mixed Choir, and Orchestra (1986-2004)
**Interludium (2011)
Klatzow, Peter (James Leonard) (1945-2021) South Africa
**All People Become Spirit People When They Die for Chorus, Piano, and Orchestra
(premièred 2015)
+Concerto for Piano and 8 Instruments (1995)
**Concerto (by 2020)
**Interactions for Piano, Percussion, and Chamber Orchestra (1971)
Klebe, Giselher (1925-2009) Germany
**Poèma concertante for Piano and Small Orchestra, Op. 144 (2004)
+Poèma drammatico for 2 Pianos and Large Orchestra, Op. 130 (1999-2000)
**Poèma lirico for Violin, Piano, and String Orchestra, Op. 136 (2001)
Klebniczki, György (1980- ) Hungary
**Concerto (2019; different versions with piano part improvised by composer)
**Night Music (2022)
**Piano Relax, Improvised Music (2019-20)
Klein, Fritz Heinrich (1892-1977) Austria
+Das Maschine: Eine extonale Selbstsatire, Op. 1 (1921; version for ensemble)
Klein, Lothar (1932-2004) Germany/Canada
**Untitled Work for 17 Solo Instruments (1980s)
Klein, Richard Rudolf (1921-2011) Germany
**Capriccio concertante for Violin, Piano, and String Orchestra (1982)
**Fioretti for Chamber Ensemble with Piano (1989)
Klemens, Adam (1967- ) Czech Republic
**Concerto (1994)
**Sinfonia Lacrimosa for Strings, Piano, Timpani, and Bells (1990)
Klenau, Paul von (1883-1946) Denmark
+Concerto (1944)
Klepper, Leon (1900-91) Romania/Israel
+Concertino for Flute, Piano, and String Orchestra (1961)
+Concertino for Piano 4-Hands and Orchestra (1964)
Klepper, Walter Michael Mihai Germany/Romania
Concertino for Winds, Piano, and Percussion (1977)
Kletzki, Paul (1900-73) Poland
+Concerto, Op. 22 (1930; reconstructed by John Norine from indications of the
instrumentation in the two-piano score)
Klevitsky, Aleksandr Leonidovich (1954- ) Russia
**Concerto (premièred 2021)
Klimov, Pyotr (1970- ) Russia
Concertino for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1998)
**Fantasy [Variations] on Themes by Sergey Nikitin for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (by
Klinda, László ( – ) Hungary
**Apology (by 2016)
**Autumn Journey (by 2013)
**Bygone World (by 2015)
**Concerto No. 1 for Piano and String Orchestra (2012), I-II
**Concerto No. 2 (by 2012)
**Concerto in c (2017), I
**Concerto No. 3 (by 2013), I. Burning Desire
**Connections, Fantasy in d (by 2014)
**Emotional Expressions (Concerto) (by 2012)
**Explanation (Concertino) (by 2012)
**Forming Rings (by 2012)
**From Soul to Soul (by 2016)
**Human Abstract (by 2014)
**Infatuation (Concerto) (by 2012)
**Joy and Sorrow (by 2016)
**Memory of 23 Oct. 1956 (by 2013)
**Merciless Beautee (by 2013)
**Tenderly, Rondino (by 2013)
**Winter Journey (by 2015)
Klindworth, Karl (1830-1916) [see Alkan, (C.-) V.]
Kling, Henri (1842-1918) France/Switzerland
**Kitchen Symphony for Piano, Trumpet, Funnel Trumpet, Wine Glass, Bottles, Sauce
Pan, Fire Irons, Milk Jug, and Tin Covers, Op. 445
Klinichev, Leonid (1938- ) Russia
**Concerto in One Movement (1998)
Klink, Steve (1967- ) USA/Germany
**Blues Poem for Symphonic Orchestra and Jazz Piano Trio (by 2014)
Kliphuis, Tim (1974- ) Netherlands
**Phoenix Reborn (Triple Concerto) for Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (2021)
Klísich, Esteban (1955- ) Uruguay
**Concertino del Oeste (2018)
Kljaić, Alan
**Concertino grosso for Solo Violin, String Orchestra, and Piano (by 2022)
Klöckl, Christian (1967- ) Austria
**Concerto (2004)
Klose, Katrin (1990- ) Germany
**Concerto for Piano, 2 Singers, and Ensemble (2022)
Kłosowicz, Jakub
**Concerto in g (by 2017), I-II
Klova, Vytautas (1926-2009) Lithuania
**Concertino (1965)
**Concerto No. 2 (1984)
**Concerto for 2 Pianos, String Orchestra, and Timpani (1977)
Kluge, Kim Allen ( – ) & Kathryn Vassar Kluge ( – ) USA
+American Concerto (2015)
Klupák, Jaroslav (1920-83) Czechoslovakia
Fascinace (1980)
Kmiťová, Jana (1976- ) Slovakia
**Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (premièred 2021)
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Knaggs, Daniel J. (1983- ) USA
**Ancient Ruins for Piano Quartet (Violin, Viola, Cello, Piano) and String Orchestra
Knapik, Eugeniusz (1951- ) Poland
**La Flûte de jade for Soprano and Orchestra to texts of Chinese Poets (1973; song 3,
“Farewell,” with piano)
Knapp, Adam ( – )
**Fantasia in d
Knehans, Douglas (1957- ) Australia/USA
**Hell—Cantus for 14 Solo Instruments (1993)
Knešaurek, Ante (1978- ) Croatia
**Concerto (2015)
Knight, Morris (1933-2013) USA
**Concerto (1971)
Knittel, Krzysztof (1947- ) Poland
**Vagante for Soloists, Orchestra, and Tape (2005)
Knochenhauer, Thomas ( – ) Germany
Knockaert, Peter (1980- ) Netherlands/Belgium
**Micantia [Twinkling] (by 2021)
Knowles, Matthew Lee ( – ) England
**Concerto (2016)
**Concerto in 5 Movements for Piano and String Orchestra (2022)
Knowlton, Phil ( – )
**Concerto in b for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2013)
Knudsen, Kenneth Dahl (1984- ) Denmark
**Fanfare for a Broken World for Piano, Double Bass, Percussion, & Orchestra (2022)
Knupffer, Alexei ( – ) England
**Concerto No. 2 (2008)
**5 Lyric Pieces (premièred 2008)
Knussen, [Stuart] Oliver (1952-2018) England
+2 Organa for Large Chamber Ensemble, Op. 27 (1994)
Knutsson, Tony ( – ) Sweden
**Concerto No. 1 in f for Piano and String Orchestra (2010)
Ko, Harry ( – ) Hong Kong
**Fantasy on Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 for Flute, Violin, Piano, and String
Orchestra (2022)
Ko, Kent Liaong (1948- ) Taiwan/USA
+Concerto No. 1, Op. 1 (2010-11)
**Concerto No. 2 (“The Nation of Taiwan”), Op. 2
**Triple Concerto (“Washington, Lincoln, and Kennedy”) for Trumpet, Trombone,
Piano, and Orchestra (by 2019)
**Triple Concerto for Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (“Hollingsworth, Alston, &
Allvin”), Op. 4 (by 2016)
**Triple Concerto (“Ostrava”) for Violin, Viola, Piano, and Orchestra (2014)
Kobekin, Vladimir (1947- ) Russia
**Concerto No. 2 (by 2022)
**Spring Toccata
**Symphony “with 3 Soloists” for Piano, Trumpet, Bassoon, and Orchestra (1971/79)
Kobu [Kubu], Mayer [see Mayako Kubo]
Kobza, Piotr
**Concerto in E (2020)
Koc, Marcelo (1918-2006) Argentina
**Concerto, Op. 37 (1989)
Koch, Frederick (1923-2005) USA
**612 [Concertino] for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1980)
Koch, (Sigurd Christian) Erland von (1910-2009) Sweden
**Concerto No. 2 (1962)
§Concerto No. 3 (orig. for piano and winds, 1970; arr. for piano and orchestra, 1972)
**Double Concerto for Piano, Violin, and Orchestra (1974)
Koch-Raphael, Erwin (1949- ) Germany
**Concerto No. 1, Op. 38 (1986-87)
Kochan, Günter (1930-2009) Germany
§Concerto, Op. 16 (1957/58)
**Variations on a Theme by Mendelssohn Variations sérieuses
Kocsár, Miklós (1933-2019) Hungary
+Capricorn Concerto for Flute and Chamber Ensemble with Piano (1978)
Kocsis, Krisztián Zoltán ( – ) Hungary
**Fantasy for Chamber Orchestra and Piano (by 2019)
Koczalski, Raoul [Raul] (Armand Georg) (1884-1948) Poland
+Concerto No. 1 in b, Op. 79 (c.1905; premièred 2016)
+Concerto No. 2 in G, Op. 83 (c.1914; premièred 2017)
+Concerto No. 3 in C, Op. 125 (by 1938; premièred 2018)
+Concerto No. 4 in B-flat, Op. 130 (by c.1938; premièred 1946)
+Concerto No. 5 in d, Op. 140 (1942)
+Concerto No. 6 in E, Op. 145 (premièred 1946)
Koechlin, Charles (Louis Eugène) (1867-1950) France
§Ballade, Op. 50 (1911-15; orchestrated 1919; recast from an earlier symphonic poem
La Forêt, 1897-1907)
+Berceuse phoque for Chorus, Orchestra, and Piano (from Trois Poèmes, Op. 18, of the
Jungle Book)
**Paysages et marines for Piano, Flute, Clarinet, and String Quartet, Op. 63bis (orig.
for piano, 1915-16; arr. 1917)
Koehne, Graeme (John) (1956- ) Australia
§Capriccio for Piano and String Orchestra (1987)
Koellreutter, Hans-Joachim (1915-2005) Germany/Brazil
**Acronon for Piano, Winds, and Percussion (1978-79)
Koene, J. Peter ( – ) Austria
**…with trees that weep for Chamber Ensemble with Piano (by 2019)
Koering, René (1940- ) France
**Concerto No. 2 (“Sprachgitter Ephrem”) (2015)
**Triple et trajectoires for Piano and 2 Orchestras (1965)
Koerts, James ( – ) USA
**Christmas Fantasy for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2022, including arrangements of
“Joy to the World,” “Angels We Have Heard on High,” “It Came Upon a Midnight
Clear,” “Silent Night, Holy Night,” and “O Come, All Ye Faithful”; orchestrated by
Mac Lynch)
Koetsier, Jan (1911-2006) Netherlands
**Concertino, Op. 15, No. 2 (1938/54)
**Concerto capriccioso, Op. 6 (1935/75)
**Homage to Gershwin, Op. 54: Musical Sketch (1948/56); Blues Fantasy (1969); 3.
Rhapsody in Waltz (1969)
**Kreisleriana, Metamorphoses on Songs by Georg Kreisler for 2 Pianos and Orchestra,
Op. 46 (1965)
Koetz, John ( – ) USA
**Little Years Rhapsody (by 2023)
**Tango This for Orchestra and Piano (2012)
Kofanov, Aleksey ( – ) Russia
**Concerto (2017)
Koffler, Józef (1896-1944) Poland
+Concerto, Op. 13 (1931-32)
Kofroň, Petr (1955- ) Czech Republic
**E.S.T. (Concerto) (1987)
**Trojice [The Trinity] for Prepared Piano and String Orchestra (1988)
Koh Cheng Jin (1996- ) Singapore
**Fantasy in b (“Inferno”), Op. 6, No. 1 (2011)
Koha [Kokha], Jaan (1929-93) Estonia
**Concerto No. 1 in C, Op. 6 (1958)
**Concerto No. 2 (1972-73)
Kohjiba [see Kojiba]
Kohler, Julius (2001- )
**Concerto No. 1 (2012)
**Concerto No. 2 in E-flat (2015), I
**Rhapsody for Orchestra with Piano (2016)
Köhler, Siegfried (1923-2017) Germany
+Ballet Music and Globetrotters Boogie (from the operetta “Alles Kapriolen,” 1952)
Köhler, Siegfried (1927-84) Germany
**Concerto, Op. 46 (1971-72)
Kohn, Karl (1926- ) Austria/USA
**“An Amiable Piece” for 2 Pianos, Winds, and Percussion (1987)
Kohoutek, Ctirad (1929-2011) Czech Republic
+Festivals of Lights, Symphonic Poem for Baritone, Organ, and Large Orchestra with
Piano (1975-75)
Kohsaku, Dan [see Kosaku]
Koikson, Liisi (1983- ) Estonia
+Sind Vaid Kiidan [I Only Praise You] for Vocalist, Piano, and Orchestra (by 2021;
orchestrated by Ülo Krigul)
Koivuneva, Sami ( – ) Finland
**Concerto (2015), I. The Knowing; II. The Abyss
**Concerto (“Fractions”) (2015-19)
**Concerto (“Invidia”) (2020)
Kojiba [Kohjiba], Fumiko Tomiko Japan [see also Piano Schloss Concerto
Series 13-14]
+Concerto “do”
**Sept profils non érodés [7 Unweathered Profiles] (premièred 2005)
Kokaji, Kunitaka (1953- ) Japan
§Chant d’amour II (1999)
Kokha [see Koha]
Kokkonen, Joonas (1921-96) Finland
**Opus sonorum (1964)
**Through a Glass Darkly for Prepared Piano and Strings
Kokoity, Tatarkhan Yasanovich (1908-80) Ossetia
**Azau, Concert Fantasia (1950)
Köksal, Füsun (1973- ) Turkey
**Moire for 2 Pianos and Ensemble (2010-11)
Kokzhayev, Mikhail Artemovich (1946- ) Azerbaijan/Armenia
**Concertino à la Blues for Piano and String Orchestra (2011)
**Concerto for Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (premièred 2012)
**Concerto for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (2013)
Kõlar, Margo (1961- ) Estonia
Setting [Loojang] for Piano and String Orchestra (2005)
Yearning [Igatsus] tfor Flute, Oboe, Horn, Piano, and String Orchestra (2009)
Kólar, Róbert ( – ) Slovakia
**Fragility (Requiem) for Orchestra with Piano (by 2021)
Kolarovski, Goce (1959- ) Macedonia
**Concerto (1987)
Kolat, Yiğit (1984- ) Turkey
**Concerto, I (c.2012)
Kolkovich [Kolkovič], Joseph (1957- ) Czechoslovakia/USA
**Concerto for Piano, String Orchestra, and Timpani (2007)
Kollontay, Mikhail Georgiyevich a.k.a. Mikhail Yermolayev Russia
+Concerto No. 1 (“White Concerto”), Op. 13 (1984/85/2010)
+Concerto No. 2, Op. 45 (2008-9/11; first mvt. also known as “Ode to the Emperor Peter
the Great”)
**Grand Andante, Op. 13, No. 1 (1984; first part of Concerto No. 1)
Kolodub, Zhanna (1930- ) Ukraine
**Concerto No. 1 (1971)
**Concerto doloroso for Violin and String Orchestra with Piano (1998)
**Immagini fuggevoli Fleeting Images for Piano and Chamber Orchestra
Kolomiiets, Maxim (1981- ) Ukraine/Germany
**Outcast’s Path for Chamber Ensemble with Piano
+Supremus for 11 Instruments (by 2015)
Kolpakov, Pavel ( – ) Ukraine
**Solar Sparks (based on the piano piece by Sergey Pavlenko)
Kolstad, Aksel (1981- ) Norway
**Concerto, Op. 45 (2013-15)
Komadina, Vojin (1933-97) Yugoslavia
**Concerto No. 1 (1960)
**Concerto No. 2 for Piano and String Orchestra (1978)
Komar, Ihar Igor Belarus
**Concert-Poem (“Heart and Time”) (by 2021)
Komeda, Krzysztof (1931-69) Poland
+Szara kolęda (Grey Carol)
Komissarov, Andrey (1981- ) Russia
**Concerto (2004)
Komives, János (1932-2005) Hungary/France
**Cailloux (Chamber Concerto) for Piano and 8 Instruments (1969)
Komlikova, Anastasia (1984- ) Ukraine
**Concertino (2008)
Komma, Karl Michael (1913-2012) Germany
§Concerto No. 1 (1957)
§Concerto No. 2 (1982)
Komoltsev, Konstantin ( – )
**On a Dead Language for Piano and Chamber Orchestra
Komori, Akihiro (1931-2016) Japan [see also Piano Schloss Concerto Series 7-8]
+Concertino (“Family of Squirrel”)
**Concerto for Children
Komorous, Rudolf (1931- ) Czechoslovakia/Canada
**Lurid Bride for 8 Instruments
**Seven Sides of Maxine’s Silver Die
Komzak II, Karel (1850-1905) Austria
+Storm Galop
Kondis, Dimitrios M.
**“Cet amour” Concerto (by 2011)
Kondo, Jo (1947- ) Japan
+The Serotinous for Piano and 9 Players (1986)
**A Shape of Time (1979)
Kondo, Kohei (1965- ) Japan
**About the Trip (Nonetto), Op. 69 (2002)
**Concertino of the South for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, Trumpet,
Percussion, Piano, Violin, and Cello, Op. 74 (2003)
**Concerto, Op. 84 (2005-6)
**Progress to the White Rocky Mountain No. 2 for 9 Players, Op. 67 (2002)
Kondor, Adam (1964- ) Hungary
**Concerto for an Absent Soloist and Orchestra (2001)
Konenčný, Jaroslav (1977- ) Slovakia
**Concerto (2006)
Kong Quiqiang ( – ) China
**Happy New Year [same melody as “Clementine”] and 7 Variations (2012)
Konieczny, Zygmunt (1937- ) Poland
**Concerto (2017)
König, Stephan (1963- ) Germany
+Concerto for Piano and Jazz Orchestra, Op. 153 (2005)
+Concerto, Op. 155 (1997/2006)
+Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra, Op. 170 (2007)
**Concerto (“Lucid Dreams”), Op. 202 (2013)
**Concerto (“Pulsar Variations”) for Piano and Chamber Orchestra, Op. 203 (2014)
Konjani, Amir Sadeghi (1983- ) Iran/England
**Concerto for Prepared Piano and Orchestra (by 2014)
Kono, T. ( – ) Japan
**Concerto No. 1 (by 2021)
**Concerto No. 2 (by 2023)
Konowalski, Benedykt (1928-2021) Poland
**Concerto eroico for Violin and Orchestra with Piano (2016)
+Symphony concertante No. 8 for Piano, 2 Percussion, and String Orchestra (1998)
**Triple Concerto for Piano, Double Bass, Percussion, and String Orchestra (1995),
Kont, Paul (1920-2000) Austria
**Amores infelices [Sonata] for Piano and String Orchestra (1969)
**Concerto (1977)
•Concertino des enfants for Piano and Small Orchestra (1958)
Kontogiorgos, George (1945- ) Greece
+Concertino (“Testosterone”) for Alto Saxophone, Piano, and String Orchestra (2015)
Konye, Paul (1958- ) Nigeria/USA
**African Piano Fantasy (by 2019)
Koo, Brian Chatpo (1954- ) China/Hong Kong/Australia
**Concerto (2014)
**Fantasia concertante (1998)
Koo Kafai (1931- ) China [Hong Kong]
§Endless Love (orig. titled “Dream”; used in the film “Endless Love,” 1961)
Koontz, Jeremy ( – ) USA
**Keyboard Concerto No. 6: Archangel (by 2011), excerpt
Kopczyński, Marcin (1973- ) Poland
**Concerto No. 1, Op. 13 (1997)
**Temblores del corazón for Piano 4-Hands and String Orchestra, Op. 76 (2016)
Kopecký, Pavel (1949- ) Czech Republic
**Concerto (1976)
Kopelent, Marek (1932-2023) Czech Republic
**Appassionato (1970-71)
Köper, Karl-Heinz (1927-2011) Germany
**Kalauer-Konzert (1967)
+Pop Corn Concerto for Horn, Piano, Electric Guitar, String Orchestra, and Percussion
Koplow, Philip (1943- ) USA
**The Tree Grows On for Strings and Piano Obbligato (by 2012)
Koppel, Anders (1947- ) Denmark
+Concerto for Piano, Strings, and Percussion (1993)
+Concerto for Saxophone, Piano, and Orchestra (2006)
**Introduction and Pogo
Koppel, Herman David Denmark
+Concerto No. 1 for Piano and Chamber Orchestra, Op. 13 (1931-32)
+Concerto No. 2 (1938)
§Concerto No. 3, Op. 45 (1948)
+Concerto No. 4, Op. 69 (1960-63)
Koppel, Thomas (1944-2006) Denmark
+Visions fugitives (c.1974)
Koprowski, Peter Paul (1947- ) Poland/Canada
**Behind the Iron Curtain for Orchestra with Piano (2004)
§Souvenirs de Pologne (1984)
Köprülü, Bogatay (1991- ) Turkey
+Concerto (2017)
Kopyt’ko [Kopytsko], Viktor (1956- ) Belarus
**Concerto (2012)
Kordaczuk, Jarek (1967- ) Poland
**Concerto for Children (2009)
Kordz born Alexander Kordzaia Georgia
**3 Pieces [Concertino] (premièred 2023)
Korean Collective [N. Korean Composers]
**Cantata to Comrade Kim Jong Il (orig. for chorus and orchestra, 1992; recomposed
as a 14’ concerto for piano and orchestra)
**Do Prosper, My Country [Motherland]
+Korea is One (Concerto) (arr. by Yun Chung Nam)
+Milyang Arirang (arr. by Han Kwang On)
+Socialism is Ours (arr. by Han Kwang On)
+Soldiers, Let’s Become Heroes (Korean; ?arr. by Ho-nam Kim)
**Sound of Horse Hooves on Mount Paektu for Piano, Chorus, and Orchestra (by 1995)
+Towards Decisive Battle
**We Are Successors to the Revolution (Concerto) (after the song by Kim Yun-bong,
Korean Composers [unidentified]
**1. Piano Concerto A. M. (by 2018)
**2. Kroinos for Piano Concerto (by 2018)
Korelli, Ludwig [see Charles A. Gazzari]
Korepanov, Aleksandr Germanovich (1951- ) Udmurtia [see also Rachmaninoff]
**“In a Good Mood,” Suite for Piano 4-Hands and Orchestra (premièred 2021):
Sunrise, Dandelion Waltz, Grasshopper Galop, Lullaby, Catch-up, Good Mood,
Summer Rain, Mischievous People, Autumn Wind Waltz, At the Hippodrome
**“Mischievious” [Naughty], Suite for Piano 4-Hands and Orchestra (2016)
Korgueva, Elvira (1985- ) Russia
**Concerto (2019)
Korkmaz, Ertuğ (1960- ) Turkey
+Uzak Toprakların Düşleri [Dream of Far Away Lands] for Chamber Orchestra with
Piano (rec. 2014)
Korkolis, Stefanos (1960- ) Greece
**Concierto Argentino for 2 Guitars, Piano, and String Orchestra
+Fantasia (inspired by Smetana’s “The Moldau”) (1998-99)
Kornakov, Yury Nikolayevich (1938-2006) Russia
**Concerto No. 1 (1967/71)
Korneev, Dmitri
**Cantata (“Prayer”) for Choir, String Orchestra, and Piano (by 2021)
Korngold, Erich Wolfgang (1897-1957) Austria/USA
§Between Two Worlds: Judgement Day (1944)
**Between Two Worlds: Mother and Son, A Piano Rhapsody (1944)
§Concerto in c-sharp for Piano Left-Hand and Orchestra, Op. 17 (1923)
**Dead City for Piano, Soloists, and Orchestra
**Love Scene in the Forest (from the film “Anthony Adverse,” 1936)
§Viel Lärmen um nichts [Much Ado About Nothing], Op. 11 (1918)
Kornilevich, Igor Nikolayevich (1956- ) Ukraine
**Symphony of Time for Orchestra, Piano, Organ, Electronics, and Boys Choir (2014-
15; in memory of the heroes of the war for Ukraine in 2014-2015), “Epitaph” & “Call
to the Light”
Kornowicz, Jerzy (1959- ) Poland
+Great Passage [Big Transition] for Orchestra with Concertante Instruments (2013)
**Interwoven Figures for Orchestra with Piano (1998-99)
**Portrait of Time for Orchestra with Piano (2010)
**Scenes from Bulgakov—Minsk for Chamber Orchestra with Piano and Tape (2011;
after Bulgakov’s “Master and Margarita”)
Korolevsky, Vladimir ( – ) Russia
**Concerto (by 2005)
Korotkina, Anna (1961- ) Belarus
•Concerto (1995-96)
Korsulainen, Niilo (1999- ) Finland
**Concerto in G, Op. 19 (2016)
**Sonata in G for Piano and Violin, Op. 3 (2015; I arr. for piano and orchestra by
Salvador Garza Garza, by 2019)
Korsun, Anna (1986- ) Ukraine
**Rarefaction of Water (2010)
Korte, Karl (Richard) (1928-2022) USA
**Concerto for Piano and Winds (1976-77)
Korte, Oldřich František (1926-2014) Czech Republic
§Concerto grosso for Trumpets, Flutes, Piano, and Strings (1954-62/68)
Kortekangas, Olli (1955- ) Finland
*Concerto (2011)
Kortez [see Lenczowski]
Kõrvits, Tõnu (1969- ) Estonia
+Safra for Piano and String Orchestra (2005)
Korzeniowski, Abel (1972- ) Poland
**W.E. Suite (soundtrack from the film, 2011)
Kosagovsky, Yury Yuryevich (1941- ) Russia
**Concerto No. 1
**Concerto No. 2 (perf. 1994)
Kosak, Boris ( – ) Ukraine/Germany
**All the Colors of Love
**Concerto No. 1 (“Il Carnevale di Colonia”) (by 2014)
**Concerto No. 2 (Capriccio concertante) for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2017): 1.
Vienna in Primavera; 2. Il Sole Castegliano; 3. La Pioggia de Parigi; 4. Variazioni un
tema de Paganini
**Pictures at an Exhibition for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2015; recomposed and
expanded version of Musorgsky’s work)
Kosaku, Dan pseudonym of Yūzō Kayama Japan
+Concerto No. 1 in d, K. 213 (I, 1970; II-III, 1985)
Kos-Anatolskiy, Anatoliy Yosypovych (1909-83) Ukraine
**Concerto No. 1 in f (1955; orig. for harp and orchestra, 1954)
+Concerto No. 2 in a (1962)
Kosel, Mathias Christian (1955- ) Germany
**Concerto (2021; derived from the Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra, 2019)
**Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2019)
Kosenko, Viktor Stepanovych (1896-1938) Ukraine
*Concerto in c, Op. 23 (1928; I survived World War II intact; parts of II & III lost and reconstructed in 1937 by Maiboroda, Revutsky and, possibly, Kolomiyets) Koshibe, Nobuyoshi (1933-2014) [see Piano Schloss Concerto Series 1-2, 9-10] +Arrangements: “Flee as a Bird” “I’ve Been Workin’ on the Railroad” “Touryanse” “Sakura” +3 Dances (Tango, Waltz, Galop)
**Toy Cha-Cha-Cha
Koshiro, Yuzo ( – )
**Shenmue Medley for Erhu, Piano, and Orchestra
Kosinski, Andrew John ( – ) USA
**If for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (2018)
Koskelin, Olli (1955- ) Finland
**Concerto (1994)
**Uurre (1997)
Koskinen, Juha T. (1972- ) Finland
**Sogni di Dante for Flute, Oboe, Bass Clarinet, Piano, Violin, Viola, and Cello (2004)
Kosma, Joseph (1905-69) Hungary/France
**Les feuilles mortes (1945)
Kosorić, Dražan (1976- ) Ukraine/Bosnia & Herzegovina
**Balkan Expression, Concert Suite for Accordion, Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (by
Kossev, Atanas (1934- ) Bulgaria
**Grotesques for Orchestra with Piano (1975)
Kostabi, Mark (1960- ) USA
**1000 Kites (2011; arr. for piano and string orchestra by Gene Pritsker, by 2018)
+Songs for Sumera for Piano, Violin, and Orchestra (note: piano solos are in alternate
movements, never with the orchestra)
Košt’ál, Arnošt (1920-2006) Czech Republic
+Cosmic Nocturne for Piano and String Orchestra (1975)
Kostenko, Jered (1980- ) USA
**Fray for Brass, Percussion, and Piano (2012)
Kostiaianen, Pekka (1944- ) Finland
§Concertino (1986)
Kostin, Oleksandr (1939-2022) Ukraine
**Concerto No. 2 for Piano and String Orchestra
Kostov, Georgi (1941- ) Bulgaria
**Metamorphosis (by 2023)
Kostov, Oleksandr (“Alex”) ( – ) Ukraine/USA
**Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2020), III only?
Kostrzewa, Wojciech ( – ) Poland
**Ave Maria for Piano, Choir, and Orchestra (2015)
**Concerto for Flute, Jazz Trio [Piano, Double Bass, Drums], and Orchestra
Kosviner, David (1957- ) South Africa
**Sea and Sand for Violin, Piano, and String Ensemble (2 String Quartets, 2 Double
**…unterwegs… (2010)
Koszewska-Galin, Danuta ( – )
**Concertino (premiered 1985)
Koszewski, Andrzej (1922-2015) Poland
**Sinfonietta for Orchestra with Piano (1956)
Kot, Anton (2002- ) USA
**Let’s Try This (premièred 2022), excerpt
Kotcheff, Thomas (1988- ) USA
**Concerto (2011)
**That in Shadow or Moonlight Rises for Ensemble with Piano (2014)
Köthe, Benjamin ( – ) Germany
**Parrot-Rhapsody for 7 Clarinets and Rhythm Section, including Piano, Drums,
Double Bass (by 2014)
Kotik, Petr (1942- ) Czechoslovakia/USA
**Nine + 1 for 4 Winds, 4 Strings, and Piano (2012-13)
+Spontano for Piano and 10 Winds (1964)
Kotlár, Robert
**Concerto No. 1 in d (by 2023), I-II
Kotta, Kerri (1969- ) Estonia
**Music for Chamber Orchestra and Piano (1994)
Koukos, Pericles (1960- ) Greece
+Chorika for Violin, Piano, and String Orchestra (2006)
+Suite concertante [No. 2] for Piano and String Orchestra (from the ballet “A
Midsummer Night’s Dream,” 1997)
+Tangos (2) for Violin, Piano, and String Orchestra (orch. by P. Koukos and Y.
Samprovalakis; 2003)
Kounadis, Arghyris (1924-2011) Greece/Germany
•Music for Piano and Orchestra (1985)
Kouroumlis, Michail ( – ) Greece
**Piano Concert But Not a Concerto (by 2021)
Koutzen, Boris (1901-66) Russia [Ukraine]/USA
**Concertino for Piano and String Orchestra (1959)
Kouvaras, Linda (1960- ) Australia
**Anagnorisis [53 Days] for Piano and String Orchestra (2002)
Kouyoumdjian, Mary (1983- ) USA
**Le Bord de l’Infini for Flute, Clarinet, Violin, Cello, Trumpet, Trombone, Piano, and
Percussion (2006)
Kova, Karel [see Kovařovic]
Kovač, Ferenc
**Poem of War
Kovač, Marko (1990- ) Bosnia & Herzegovina/Serbia
**Slavic Antithesis, Duo (2016)
Kovac, Roland (1927-2013) Austria
**“Piano Symphony” (LP with assorted works)
Kovách, Andor András Hungary [Romania]/Switzerland
*Concerto No. 1 (1960)
+Concerto No. 2 for Piano and String Orchestra (1964)
**Double Concerto for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (1983)
Kovach, Igor Konstantinovich Ihor Kostiantynovych Ukraine
**Concertino for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1971)
Kovalenko, Aleksey ( – ) Russia
**Concertino No. 1 for Piano and Russian Folk Instrument Orchestra
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra
Kovalev, Viktor (1919-93) Russia
**Romantic Poem (1965)
Kovalova [Kovaleva], Mariya (1991- ) Ukraine
**Concerto No. 1 (2015)
Kovařovic, Karel (1862-1920) Czechoslovakia
**Concerto in f, Op. 6 (1887)
Kowalinski, Slava ( – ) Poland
**Concerto in E flat Major for Piano and Orchestra with Organ, Op. 25 (2006; in
memory of Pope John Paul II and dedicated to Pope Benedict XVI)
Kowalowski, Zenon (1939- ) Poland
**Concerto (“z kukułką” [With a Cuckoo])
**Concerto (based on music for the animated series “Reksio,” 1967)
Kowalski, David ( – ) USA
**Concertino for 9 Instruments
Kowalski, Jamie (1964- ) USA
*Autumn Concerto (2005)
Kowalski, Július (1912-2003) Czech Republic
**Sedm skic [7 Sketches] for Piano 4-Hands and String Orchestra (1966)
Kowalski-Banasewicz, Bartosz (1977- ) Poland
**Improfonium I – improwizacja kontrolowana (Controlled improvisation) (2009)
Kox, Hans (1930-2019) Netherlands
**Concerto No. 2 (2009)
Cyclofonie VI for Violin, Trumpet, Piano, Vibraphone, and String Orchestra (1967)
Koyama, Kazuhiko (1964- ) Japan
**Concerto No. 3 (2018)
Koyama, Kiyoshige (1914-2009) Japan
+Ubusuna (orig. for koto and other Japanese instruments, 1962; arr. for piano and
orchestra, 1985)
Kozarenko, Oleksandr (1963-2023) Ukraine
**Concerto Rutheno for Piano, Strings, and Percussion (1991)
**Konzertstück (1989)
Koželuch, Leopold (Jan Antonín) (1747-1818) Bohemia
§Concerto No. 1 in F, P.IV: 1, Op. 12 (1784)
+Concerto No. 2 in B-flat, P.IV: 2, Op. 13(1784; arr. by Tracy M. Parish for piano and
chamber ensemble [8 strings and pairs of oboes and horns])
§Concerto No. 4 in A, P.IV: 4, Op. 16 (1785)
§Concerto No. 5 in E-flat, P.IV: 5, Op. 15 (1785)
+Concerto No. 6 in C, P.IV: 6 (1785; publ. 1786)
§Concerto [No. 7] in D, P.IV: 7, Op. 25 (1784; publ. 1787; composed for Maria Theresia
von Paradis)
§Concerto in B-flat for Piano 4-Hands and Orchestra, P.IV: 8 (publ. 1785-87)
+Sinfonia concertante in E-flat for Mandolin, Trumpet, Piano, Double Bass, and
Orchestra, P.II: 1 (perf. 1798)
Kozhevnikova, Yekaterina (1954- ) Russia
**Concerto (by 2017)
Kozlova, Anna ( – ) Belarus
**Concerto No. 1 for Piano and Wind Orchestra (2012)
Kozlova-Johannes, Tatjana (1977- ) Estonia
**Blow Your House Down (Concerto) for Piano and String Orchestra (2020)
Kozlowski, Andrzej ( – ) USA
**Concertino in E-flat (by 2016)
Kozłowski, Wiktor a.k.a. WDSKMusic Poland
**Concertino [No. 2] in f-sharp, Op. 11 (by 2013)
**Concerto No. 0 in e (2012-14)
**Concerto No. 1 in C, Op. 4, I-II
**Concerto No. 2 in B-flat, Op. 9 (2014-16)
**Konzertstück in e (2019)
**Rondo brillante in E-flat, Op. 16b (by 2016)
Kozub, Zbigniew (1960- ) Poland
**Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2018)
Kraehenbuehl, David (1923-97) USA
**Concert of the Mysteries (inspired by the Stations of the Cross of Jesus) for Piano 4-
Hands and Orchestra (premièred 1975)
**Rhapsody in Rock (1974)
Kraft, Helmut ( – ) Germany
**Concerto in e-flat (2021)
**Romance in G (“Sound of Fall”) (2021)
**Summer Concerto in f-sharp (2022)
Kraft, William (1923-2022) USA
§Concerto (1972-73/89)
**Double Play for Violin, Piano, and Chamber Orchestra (1982)
Kraja, Nestor (1959- ) Albania
**Concerto (by 1984)
Krák, Egon (1958- ) Slovakia
**Beethoven di Nuovo (premièred 2020)
+Pulcherrima ad honorem Sancti Augustini memoriae for Piano and 2 String Quartets
Kramer, Keith ( – ) USA
**Causality for Strings, Piano, and Percussion (c.2003)
Kranebitter , Matthias (1980- ) Austria
**Ragzigzag (2004)
Krása, Hans (1899-1944) Czechoslovakia
+Overture for Small Orchestra with Piano (1943)
Krasavin, Yury (1953- ) Russia
**Concerto No. 1 (Theme and Variations) (1982)
**Concerto No. 2 (1999)
**Novgorod Concerto for Piano 4-Hands and String Orchestra (2002)
Krasilschikova, Anna ( – ) Russia/Israel
**Concerto (by 2002)
Kraskov, Pavel ( – ) Russia
**Concertino (by 2023)
Krasnokulov, Vladimir (1943- ) Bulgaria/Russia
**Concerto No. 3 [in one movement] (by 1988)
Krasotov, Oleksandr Oleksandrovych (1936-2007) Ukraine
**Concerto No. 2 (“Quart-Concerto”) for Piano, String Orchestra, and Percussion
**Concerto No. 3 for Piano, String Orchestra, and Percussion (1995)
Kratz, Anton Erich (1917-80) Austria
+Rhapsodie for Piano and Wind Orchestra Concert Band
Kraus, Stefan ( – ) Germany [see also D. Mitchell]
**In a Circle (2023; arr. for string orchestra and piano of the fourth mvt. of his Piano
Quintet No. 1, Op. 54, 2022)
**Konzertstück (“Ich träumte von einer Wanderung in den frühlingshaften Bergen und
einem beginnenden Wadenkrampf”) (2020-21)
**Konzertstück in c (“In the Romantic Style”) (2023)
Krausas, Veronika (1963- ) Canada
**Concerto (2000)
**Les Reflets du Chapeau Claque de la Lune
**Spirals of Sense (1995)
Krause, Benjamin (1985- ) USA
**Everything that Rises Must Converge (2010)
Krauze, Zygmunt (1938- ) Poland
**Adieu for Upright Piano and Orchestra (2001)
**Arabesque for Piano (with amplification) and Chamber Orchestra (1983)
**Canzona for Percussion, Piano, and Strings (2011)
+Concerto (1974-76)
**Concerto No. 2 (1995/96)
**Concerto No. 3 (“Fragments of Memory”) for Piano, Speaker, and Orchestra (2019)
**Concerto No. 4 (premièred 2023)
**Letters (Concerto) for 4 Pianos and Orchestra (2010)
**Poem of Apollinaire for Speaking Pianist and 12 Instruments (2016)
+Rondo for Rhodes Piano and String Orchestra (premièred 2017)
Kravchuk, Edward (1994- ) Ukraine
**Concerto for Double Bass, Drum Set, Piano, and String Orchestra (2014)
Kravtsov, Ignat (1986- ) Russia
**Luminescence for Piano, Double Bass, Drums, and Chamber Orchestra (by 2022)
Krawczyk, Franck (1969- ) France
**Chamber Concerto for Piano and Ensemble (1989-92)
Krečič, Matija (1988- ) Slovenia
**Cantus Modestus for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2014)
Krein, Michael Reed (1956- ) USA
**Concerto No. 1 in c (“Fatale”), K. 30 (1994-95; II and III derived from solo piano
works composed in 1987)
Kreiner, Martin ( – ) and Tomas Leonhardt ( – )
+Fantasie, Op. 14
Kreisler, Fritz (1875-1962) Austria/USA
+Schon Rosmarin
Kreiten, Theo (1887-1940) Germany
+Fantasy (orig. a Concerto in two movements, performed in 1928; revised as a
“Fantasy,” with the first movement eliminated and the second movement reworked)
Krejči, Iša (František) (1904-68) Czechoslovakia
**Concertino for Piano and Winds (1935)
Kremer, Joseph-François (1954- ) France
Anamorphoses (premièred 2010)
Kremski[-Petitgirard], Alain (1940-2018) France
**Appel (by 1967)
Krenek [Křenek], Ernest (1900-91) Austria/USA
+Concertino for Flute, Violin, Piano, and String Orchestra, Op. 27 (1924)
+Concerto No. 1 in F-sharp, Op. 18 (1923)
+Concerto No. 2, Op. 81 (1937)
§Concerto No. 3, Op. 107 (1946)
+Concerto No. 4, Op. 123 (1950)
§Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra, Op. 127 (1951)
§Concerto for Violin, Piano, and Small Orchestra, Op. 124 (1950)
+Im Tal der Zeit, Op. 232 (1979)
+Little Concerto for Piano, Organ, and Chamber Orchestra, Op. 88 (1939-40)
+Statisch und Ekstatisch, Op. 214 (1971-72)
+Von Vorn Herein, Op. 219 (1974)
Krenyov, Ilya
**Poem in c (inspired by “Evening”) (2023)
**Poem in d (inspired by Goethe’s “The Sorrows of Young Werther”) (2021)
Krenz, Jan (1926-2020) Poland
+Concertino (1952)
**Gwiazdy musza plonac [Stars Must Shine] (film score, 1954)
Kreuder, Peter (1905-81) Germany
**“Bayerisches Klavierkonzert” (1966)
+Du Bist zu Schön
Kreutzer [Kreuzer], Conradin Conrad Germany [note: a recording
circulated as his Concerto No. 3 does not match the published score]
**Concerto No. 1 in B-flat, Op. 42 (publ. ?1819)
**Concerto No. 2 in c/E-flat, Op. 50 (publ. ?1822)
Kreutzer, Léon Charles François (1817-68) France
**Concerto in E-flat (c.1861; publ. 1863)
Kreuz, Maximilian (1953- ) Austria
**Adagio emotionale for Viola, Piano, and String Orchestra (2011)
**Konzertstück for Clarinet, Piano, and String Orchestra (1991)
Krieger, Armando (1940- ) Argentina
**“ Metamorfosis después de una lectura de Kafka” for Piano and 15 Instruments
Krieger, Edino (1928-2022) Brazil
§Estro Armonico for Orchestra with Piano (1975)
**Fantasia concertante (2016)
§Ludus Symphonicus for Orchestra with Piano (1966)
§Three Images of Nova Friburgo (1988)
Krigul, Ülo (1978- ) Estonia
Flow on the Water for Piano and String Orchestra (2016)
Krivickij, David [see Krivitsky]
Křivinka [Krivina], Gustav (1928-90) Czechoslovakia
**Concerto grosso No. 1 for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 3 (1949-50/60; publ. 1964)
Krivitsky, David Isaakovich (1937-2010) Ukraine [see Piano Schloss Concerto Series 9-
**Concert Waltz for Cello Ensemble and Piano (premièred 2004)
**Concerto (“Coincidentia oppositorium”) for Organ, Piano, and String Orchestra
(premièred 2012)
+Concerto No. 7 (1995)
Krogulski, Józef Wladislaw (1815-42) Poland
+Concerto [No. 1] in E (1830)
**Concerto [No. 2] in b (1831, only piano part extant; orchestral part composed by
Artur Słotwiński, 2019)
+Octet in d for Piano, Two Violins, Viola, Flute, Clarinet, Cello, and Double Bass, Op.
6 (1832)
**Variations on “La Bella Cracoviana,” Op. 1 (1835; publ. 1837)
Krokhalev, Oleg ( – )
**Rye Field for String Orchestra and Piano
Krol, Bernhard (1920-2013) Germany
**Corno Concerto grosso, Study in Jazz for Horn and Orchestra (with Piano), Op. 29
Krol, John ( – )
**Concerto in d, Op. 3
**Romance in E
**Romance in c-sharp, Op. 6
**Rondo in B-flat, Op. 2
Krome, Hermann (1888-1955) Germany
**Irish Legend Irische Novelle
Krommydas, Dean ( – ) USA
**Concerto No. 1 in c-sharp, Op. 7 (“Hommage to Rachmaninoff”) (by 2013), II
Krotenberg, Alain (1956- ) France
+Concerto, Op. 1 (1989)
§Symphonie Cosmopolite for Oboe, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra, Op. 6 (1994)
Kroupová, Ol’ga (1966- ) Slovakia
**Concerto (S)fortunato (2016)
Krška, Pavol (1949- ) Slovakia
**Concerto (2012)
Krstajic, Ana (1994- ) Serbia
**Waw an Namus for String Orchestra, Percussion, and Piano (2016)
Kruesi, Hanspeter ( – ) Switzerland
**Just Two (by 2019)
Krufft, Nikolaus von (1779-1818) Austria
Kruglik, Vyacheslav (1977- ) Russia
**Duel of Little Pianists, Op. 26 (2010)
Kruk, Maciej
**Concerto No. 1 (“Farewell”) in A (by 2020)
Krumlovsky, Claus (1930-2000) Luxembourg
**Concerto (1959)
Krumpholtz, Jean-Baptiste Jan Křtittel Bohemia
+Symphonie concertante in F, Op. 5, No. 1
+Symphonie concertante in B-flat, Op. 5, No. 2
Krupnik, David ( – ) Israel
**Concertino for Piano 4-Hands and String Ensemble (2019)
Krupowicz, Stanisław (1952- ) Poland
**Concerto (2013)
Krutik, Mikhail (1980- ) Russia
**Concerto grosso for Violin, Flute, Piano, and 2 Chamber Orchestras (2014)
Kruusmaa, Alisson (1992- ) Estonia
+Concerto (“Justkui jõgi oleks laulnud” [As if the River Were Singing]) (2021)
**Piece for Solo Piano and Symphony Orchestra (2015)
Krylatov, Yevgeny Pavlovich (1934-2019) Russia
**Sentimental Foxtrot in c-sharp (by 1965)
Krymskaya, Anna ( – ) Russia
**Concerto for Cello, Piano, and String Orchestra (by 2016)
Kryszak, Allan ( – )
+Concerto (“Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde”) (2008)
Kryvolap, Olga (1951- ) Ukraine
**Con amore, Opp. 1-4
Krzanowska, Grażyna (1952- ) Poland
Krzywicki, Jan (1948- ) USA [see also Capanna, Robert]
**Prelude, Fugue, and Chorale for Winds, Percussion, Piano, and Harp (1998)
Kuan Nai-Chung (1939- ) China/Hong Kong
**Capriccio Singapore
**Concerto (“Ambush”) (orig. for pipa; arr. by Kuan Nai-Chung)
**Concerto on Hakka Themes (1998)
+“Taichi,” Concerto for Guqin, Piano, and Ensemble (2003)
Kubička, Miroslav (1951- ) Czech Republic
**Concerto No. 1 (1975)
**Concerto No. 2 (1984-85)
**Double Concerto for Violin, Piano, and Chamber Orchestra (2006-8)
Kubik, Gail (Thompson) (1914-84) USA
**American Caprice in a, Op. 3 (1932-33; arr. for piano and orchestra, 1936)
**Desperate Hours (short suite from William Wellman’s film, 1955)
**Scenario for Orchestra with Piano (1957; arr. from music for William Wellman’s film
“Desperate Hours,” 1955)
**Scenes for Orchestra with Piano (from the film “I Thank a Fool,” 1962)
+Symphony concertante for Piano, Viola, Trumpet, and Orchestra (1952/53; Pulitzer
Prize, 1952)
Kubik, Ladislav (1946- ) Czech Republic
§Concerto No. 1 (1973)
+Concerto No. 2 (Concerto breve) (1998)
+Concerto No. 3 for Piano, Orchestra, and Electronics (2009-10)
§Concerto grosso [Concerto da camera] for Violin, Piano, Percussion, and String
Orchestra (1987)
Kubik, Samuel D.
**Concerto No. 1 in d, Op. 52 (2022)
**Concerto No. 2 in a, Op. 72 (2022)
**Concerto No. 3 in c, Op. 100 (2022)
**Tetris Theme Variations, Op. 92 (2022)
**Two-Faced March, Op. 91 (2022)
Kubo, Mayako (1947- ) Japan
**Concerto (1985-86)
Kubo, Naoto ( – )
Kubo, Tamaki (c.2008- ) Japan
**Concerto (“Thawing Snow”) (2020-23)
Kubo, Tetsuo ( – ) Japan
**Pipo-t-chu for Violin, Bass Clarinet, Tuba, Piano, and Orchestra (2016-17)
Kubota, Manako (1972- ) Japan
**Cheerful Dumbo (1984)
Kubota, Ryuji (1965- ) Japan
**Stein / Stern III for Piano, Percussion, and String Orchestra (by 2018)
Kubota, Takashi ( – ) Japan
**Phantasie for Piano and Mandolin Orchestra, Op. 18 (rehearsal, 2013)
Kučera, Jan (1977- ) Czech Republic
+Concerto (2019)
Kučera, Václav (1929-2017) Czech Republic
+Obraz [A Picture] for Piano and Large Orchestra (1966-70)
Kuczewski, Marcin ( – ) Poland
**Prelude for String Orchestra and Piano (by 2016)
Kudinsky, Andrew ( – ) Russia
**Concerto [No. 1] for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2022)
**Concerto No. 3 (by 2022)
Kudlo, Steven M. ( – ) USA
**Concertino No. 1 (“Waltz Concerto”) for Piano and String Orchestra (2018-23)
**Concertino No. 2 for Piano and String Orchestra (2019-23)
**Pieces (3) for Reduced Orchestra and Piano (2018)
**Pieces (4) for Winds, Brass, Strings, and Piano (2018)
**Pieces (4) for 3 Winds, Piano, and String Quartet (2018)
“Kudo Shinnosuke” Hao-You Lo, Howard Lo Taiwan
**Concerto No. 1 in D, Op. 11 ( 2018)
**Concerto No. 2 in G, Op. 30 (2019)
**Concerto No. 3 in e, Op. 36 (2020)
Kuehn, Karl
**Concerto (2022; music for a film)
Kuehn, Mikel (1967- ) USA
**Undercurrents for 14 Instruments (2013)
Kuhlau, (Daniel) Friedrich (Rudolph) (1786-1832) Germany/Denmark
§Concerto in C, Op. 7 (1810)
**Sonatina in C, Op. 20, No. 1 (publ. 1820; arr. for piano and orchestra)
**Sonatina in G, Op. 20, No. 2 (publ. 1820; arr. for piano and orchestra)
**Sonatina in F, Op. 20, No. 3 (publ. 1820; arr. by Samgon Kim for piano and string
**Sonatina in C, Op. 55, No. 1 (1823; arr. for piano and orchestra)
**Sonatina in C, Op. 55, No. 3 (1823; arr. for piano and orchestra)
**Sonatina in G, Op. 88, No. 2 (publ. 1827; arr. for piano and orchestra)
Kühmstedt, Paul (1908-96) Germany
**Ballade for Piano and Wind Orchestra (1967/73)
Kühn, Joachim (1944- ) Germany
**“Ostriconi” Jazz Fantasy
Kuhn, Joseph Francis (1924-62) USA
**Arrangements (4 Medleys)
**Capitol City by Starlight (by 1966)
+Copacabana Samba
§Manhattan Rhapsody (c.1960)
§Midnight Rhapsody (c.1960)
**Variation on a Theme of Paganini (adaptation of the 18th variation of Rachmaninoff’s
Rhapsody, Op. 43)
§Rhapsody d’amour
**Rhapsody in Blue (arr. of excerpts from Gershwin’s work)§Starlight Rhapsody
+Symphony for Blues for Orchestra with Piano (1958)
Kuhn, Max (1896-1994) Switzerland
§Concerto Concierto de Tenerife
Kuhn, Steve (1938- ) USA
+Oceans in the Sky (1990)
+Promises Kept
Kühnl, Claus (1957- ) Germany
**Monodie. Musik der Stille for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (1981)
Kujo, Asriel and “Starkeeper”
**Dream Sketch (2022; piano part by Kujo, orchestration by “Starkeeper”)
Kukla, Steven J. (c.1987- )
**Concerto No. 1, I
Kukla, Tomáš ( – ) Slovakia
**Fantasy (2010)
**Vášnivé nokturno (Passionate Nocturne) for Piano and 7 Violins
Kułakowski, Leszek (1955- ) Poland
+Concerto (2006)
+Sketches for Jazz Trio (Piano, Double Bass, Percussion) and Orchestra (2009)
Kulawik, Falk ( – ) Germany
**Concerto [No. 1]
**Concerto No. 2 (2014-15), I-II
Kulenović, Vuk (1946-2017) Yugoslavia/USA
+“Boogie” Concerto (1992)
**Word of Light for Soprano, Piano, and Orchestra (1979)
Kulenty, Hanna (1961- ) Poland
+Aisthetikos for Soprano Saxophone, Piano, and Orchestra (2019)
**Alinea for Clarinet, Piano, and Orchestra (2021)
**Certus for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (1997)
+Concerto No. 1 for Piano and Ensemble (1990)
**Concerto No. 2 (1991)
**Concerto No. 3 (2003)
**Concerto No. 2 for Violin and Orchestra with Piano (1996)
**Mezzo Tango No. 2 for the Ensemble “De Ereprijs” (2005)
**Music for Roy for Mixed Choir and Chamber Orchestra with Piano (2010)
**Sinequan Forte B for Solo Amplified Cello with Delay and Chamber Orchestra with
Piano (1994)
Kulesha, Gary (1954- ) Canada
**Partita for Piano and String Orchestra (1999)
**Sinfonia for Brass Band with Harp and Piano (1995)
Kuliev, Kurban [see Kuliyev]
Kulikowski, Aleksander (1915-93) Poland
+Concerto No. 2 (1965)
+Mountain Triptych for Instrumental Ensemble
Kuliyev, Kurban Gurban Turkmenistan
**Rhapsody (vers. for piano and folk instrument orchestra)
Kuljerić, Igor (1938-2006) Croatia
+Solo – Solisti for Piano and Strings (1972)
Solo – Tutti for Piano and Orchestra (1972)
Kulju, Adam (2003- ) Canada
**Charge of the Light Brigade for Violin Piano, and Orchestra (2021)
**Concerto in g (“Departure”) (2021)
Kullak, Theodor (1818-82) Poland/Germany
§Concerto in c, Op. 55 (1849)
Kumar, Aldo (1954- ) Slovenia
**Improstrastra I
**Improstrastra II
+Post Art or Look, Wolfgang is Writing to You for Piano and String Orchestra (1991)
+Varda Concerto (1993-96)
Kumar, Sanjay
+SKR : U220 (Concerto No. 1 for Piano and Strings) (by 2010)
Kunad, Rainer (1936-95) Germany
§Concerto (1969)
Kunc, Aymé (1877-1958) France
**Fantaisie (1901-05)
+Simples Chansons for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1900)
Kunc, Božidar (1903-64) Croatia/USA
+Concerto No. 1 in b, Op. 22 (1933-34)
Künneke, Eduard (1885-1953) Germany [see also Schubert]
§Concerto No. 1 in A-flat, Op. 36 (1935)
Kuo, Cathy Chia-Lin Taiwan/Canada
**Concerto (“Quin Qun Wu Qu” [Dance of the Youth]) (2007)
Kuo Chih-Yuan Guo Zhiyuan Taiwan [China]
§Concertino for Piano and String Orchestra (1971-72)
Kupczak, Sławomir (1979- ) Poland
**Concert For Eleven (2014)
+Pełnia [Fullness] for Rhodes Piano, String Orchestra, and Electronics (2017)
Kupferman, Meyer (1926-2003) USA
+Concerto No. 3 (“Foxfire”) (2002)
§A Little Ivory Concerto for Piano and 9 Instruments (1986)
§The Moor’s Concerto (1993)
Kupkovič, Ladislav (1936-2016) Slovakia
Concertante for Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (1982)
Kuprevich, Viktor (1925-1990) Russia
**Symphony No. 2 for Wind Quintet, Strings, Piano, Drums, and Narrator, Op. 87
(Pushkinian) (1969)
Kuprevičius, Giedrius (1944- ) Lithuania
**Concert Piece for Piano and Winds (1988)
**Lux aeterna (Eternal Light, oratorio)
Kuprij, Vitalij (1974- ) Ukraine/USA
**Concerto No. 1 in c (2002)
Kurachi, Yuna ( – ) Japan
**Concerto No. 1 (by 2017)
Kuramoto, Yukhi (1951- ) Japan
+Romancing Strings Anthology (album, 2011)—
- Shape of Love
- Timeless Love
- Heartstrings
- Second Romance 5. In a Beautiful Season
- Flying Merry-Go-Round
- Forest
- In An Old Castle
- Noble Mind
- Sonnet of Fountain
- Promenade
- Paris in Winter
- Soaring
- Virgin Road
Kurbatov, Alexey (1983- ) Russia
**Concerto No. 1, Op. 21 (by 2012)
**Concerto No. 2 on Themes of David Mnatsakanyan, Op. 27 (by 2014)
**Concerto for 4 Pianos and Orchestra, Op. 39 (by 2014)
**Triple Concerto for Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra
Kurka, Robert (Frank) (1921-57) USA
**Concertino for 2 Pianos, Trumpet, and String Orchestra, Op. 31 (1955)
Kurktchisky [see Kyurkchiysky]
Kurland, Dmitry ( – ) Russia/Germany
**Post Scriptum for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2015)
Kurokawa, Manae (1966- ) Japan
**Concerto in G (perf. as part of the Yamaha Music Foundation’s Junior Original
Concerts, 1981, a showcase for composers no older than age 15)
**Concerto in G (different from the above)
Kurpiński, Karol (1785-1857) Poland
**Elegy on the Death of Tadeusz Kościuszko (1817; arr. for piano and
Kurtág, György (1926- ) Romania/Hungary
§Double Concerto for Piano, Cello, and 2 Ensembles, Op. 27, No. 2 (1989-90)
§Quasi una fantasia for Piano and Instrumental Groups, Op. 27, No. 1 (1987-88)
Kurylewicz, Andrzej (1932-2007) Poland
**Music to the TV Series “Polish Roads” (1978), “The Doll” (1978), and “Upon Niemen
River” (1986)
Kurz, Ivan (1947- ) Czech Republic
**Concertino for Piano, Flute, and String Orchestra (1974)
Kurz, Siegfried (1930-2023) Germany
**Concerto, Op. 32 (1963-64)
Divertimento for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 15 (1950)
Kurzbach, Paul (1902-97) Germany
**Concertino for Piano and Strings (1965)
Kušić, O.
Kuspa, Jordan
**Concerted Effort
Kusyakov, Anatoly (1945-2007) Russia
**Concerto for Balalaika, Piano, String Orchestra, and Percussion, Op. 38 (1997)
Kutavičius, Tomas (1964- ) Lithuania
**“Divine Madness” (2013)
Kutnowski, Martin (1968- ) Argentina/Canada
**Tango Rhapsody (2009), excerpt
Kutrowatz, Eduard (1963- ) Austria
**Concerto No. 1 for 2 Pianos, String Orchestra, and Percussion (2015-18; in 4 mvts.,
with an Intermezzo for 2 pianos alone between I & II that is an adaption of Liszt’s
Consolation No. 4)
**Concerto No. 2 (“100 Sketches”) for 2 Pianos and Brass Ensemble (premièred 2021;
“combines the well-known Croatian folk song “Marica Rožica” and a Hungarian “Ave
Maria” with contemporary bossa nova elements and themes by Franz Liszt”)
Kutschera, Ulrich (1955- ) Germany/USA
+Concerto in c for Piano and Synthetic Orchestra (1984)
+Short Piano Concerto (2023)
Kuusisto, Jaakko (1974-2022) Finland
**Concerto, Op. 33 (2017)
Kuzina, Anna (1984- ) Ukraine
**Concerto (2006)
Kuzmenko, Larysa (1956- ) Canada
§Concerto (1995/96)
+Skartaris (Duo Concerto) for Violin, Piano, and String Orchestra (2019)
Kuz’min, Alan (1973- ) Russia
**Symphony No. 23041891 (“Dzhul’yetta”)
Kuznetsov, Ilya (1986- ) Russia
**Fantasy in B (by 2022)
**Fantasy in E-flat (by 2022)
**Fantasy in F-sharp (by 2022)
**Great Concert Fantasy in F (one-movement concerto; by 2023)
**Sonata-Fantasy in E (by 2022)
Kuznetskov, Vladyslav (1996- ) Ukraine
**Concerto rosso (by 2019)
**Concerto (by 2021)
Kvalø, Martin Tidemann (1994- ) Norway
**Preludes (4)
Kvam, Bruce ( – )
**Concerto in d (rev. 2015)
Kvam, Oddvar S(chirmer) (1927-2016) Norway
**Suffragette (Concerto) for Piano and Orchestra with a Female Voice Obbligato
Kvandal [real name Johansen], (David) Johan (1919-99) Norway
+Concerto, Op. 85 (1998)
Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra, Op. 77 (1993-94)
Kvapil, Jaroslav (1892-1958) Czechoslovakia
**Burleska for Chamber Orchestra and Piano
Kvěch, Otomar (1950- ) Czech Republic
**Capriccio (Concerto) for Piano Trio and Orchestra (1986)
Kvernadze, Bidzina (1928-2010) Georgia
**Concerto No. 2 (1966)
Kverndokk, Gisle (1967- ) Norway
**The Crystal Cabinet [Concerto] for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (2002)
+Seven Last Words of Christ for 6 Singers, 2 String Quartets, Double Bass, and Piano
Kwast, Felix (1918-?) Netherlands
**Arnhem Concerto (“dedicated to the Airbornes of 1944”) (1945)
Kwiatkowski, Piotr ( – ) Germany
**Concerto No. 1, Op. 1 (2014)
Kwo, Paul (1980- ) Hong Kong/USA
+Ancient Sacrament for the Organic Machine for Flute, Clarinet, Bassoon, Violin, Viola,
Cello, Piano, and Percussion (2004)
Kwon, Sejun
**Love Scenario (2018)
Kyburz, Hanspeter (1960- ) Switzerland/Germany
**Concerto No. 1
Kydoniatis, Konstantinos Kostas Greece
**Concertino, Op. 66 (c.1980-85)
Kyianytsia, Vitaly (1991- ) Ukraine/Germany
**… for 16 Strings and Piano (by 2016)
**Concerto (2013)
Kyrejko [Kireyko], Vitalij Vitaly Ukraine
**Symphonic Variations in b-flat (by 2009)
Kyriakakis, Giorgos (1967- ) Crete
**Klotho for Piano and String Orchestra with Percussion (2008)
Kyriakides, Yannis (1969- ) Cyprus/Greece/Netherlands
**Tinkling (Killing Time in an Airport Lounge and Being Arrested) (1999/2003/2014)
Kyriakou, Rena (1917-94) Greece
**Concerto, Op. 18 (1938-40)
Kyryliv, Dmytro (2002- ) Ukraine/Austria
**Rhapsody (“From the Happiness till the Death”) (2022)
Kyurkchiyski [Kurktchisky, Kyurkchiiski], Krasimir (1936-2011) Bulgaria
+Concerto No. 1 (in memory of Pancho Vladigerov) (1979)
+Concerto No. 2 (“To Milena Mollova”) (2011)
Raimonds Pauls plays Giya Kancheli
Track List:
0:00 Mimino 1:23 King Lier 4:02 Le Cinema 5:25 An Unusual Exhibition 7:02 Waiting for Godot 8:32 Mother Kurane 11:00 Twelfth Night 12:50 Pleasant 15:06 A Sunny Night 16:50 Earth, This is Your Son 18:51 Bright Sorrow 20:12 Don Quixote
21:42 The Caucasian Chalk Circle 23:30 When Almonds Blossomed 25:19 Don t Grieve 26:38 Mimino Theme 29:30 The Role for a Debutante 31:38 As You Like it 33:57 Hamlet 36:11 Bear s Kiss 38:22 Richard III