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Music for Piano and Orchestra: The Recorded Repertory (Nov. 2023) “M”
Compiled by Dr. Allan B. Ho
Professor emeritus, musicology
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Table of Contents

Ma, Mason (2003- ) Hong Kong
**Concerto in f, Op. 50 (orig. version, 2020-21)
**Concerto in f, Op. 50 (rev. version, 2021-22; I significantly changed and shortened
from 23’ to 9’)
Ma Shui-Long (1939-2015) Taiwan
+Capriccio of Kuando (Concerto) (2001)
Ma Wuaan (1832-1922) China [fictious composer? Yan Kou, in “Chinese Piano
Concertos from 1936 to 2010” (D.M.A. dissertation, Univ. of Georgia, 2018) states that
“The Chinese piano concerto has only existed since 1936.”]
**Concerto in G (“Yin River”)
Maasalo, Armas (1885-1960) Finland
**Concerto (1916/45), frag. of the opening of I
Maasz [Maaz], Gerhard (1906-84) Germany
Composition for Violin, Piano, and Strings, Maa54
**Fantasy, Maa23
**Music for Piano and Orchestra, Maa25
Maayani, Ami (1936-2019) Israel
+Concerto (“Souvenirs de Chine”) (2002)
+Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1969)
Mabarak [see Jiménez Mabarak]
Macats, Rūdolfs (1988- ) Latvia
**Synaesthesia for Orchestra with Piano (by 2016)
Macbride, David (1951- ) USA
**Concerto (2008)
MacDavid, Aric
**Poem (2016), excerpt
MacDonald, Andrew Paul (1958- ) Canada
**Concerto, Op. 36 (1995)
+Concerto for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra, Op. 51 (2000)
MacDonald, Colin (1971- ) Canada
**Nestinari for Soprano & Alto Saxophone, Trumpet, Bass Trombone, Percussion, Bass
Guitar, Piano, 2 Violins, and 2 Cellos (2016; an arranagement of the piano duo
MacDonald, Glyn (1976- ) Australia
**Standing Ground for Trombone, Piano, and Brass Band (by 2018)
MacDonald, Malcolm (1916-1992) England
**Cuban Rondo for Clarinet and Orchestra with Piano (1960)
MacDowell, Edward (Alexander) (1860 [not 1861]-1908) USA
§Concerto No. 1 in a, Op. 15 (1882)
§Concerto No. 2 in d, Op. 23 (1884-86)
+Hexentanz, Op. 17, No. 1 (orig. for piano solo, 1883)
**To a Wild Rose, Op. 51, No. 1 (orig. for piano solo, 1896; arr. by Huang Ding Chao)
Maček, Ivo (1914-2002) Croatia
Macero, Teo (1925-2008) USA
+Darkness of Time for Piano, Vibraphone, and Orchestra (by 2000)
**One-Three Quarters for 2 Pianos and Chamber Ensemble (1968)
Macfarren, Walter Cecil (1826-1905) United Kingdom
+Concertstück in e (1881)
MacGregor, Robin ( – ) England
**Return to Insheer, Variation on an Irish Theme by Thomas Walsh for Violin, Flute,
Piano, and Orchestra (by 2020)
Mach, Konstantin (1915-96) Germany
**Concertino for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 37
**Concerto in e, Op. 15
Mácha, Otmar (1922-2006) Czech Republic
**Double Concerto for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (1975-76)
**“Královská hra” [The Royal Game], end title (from Miroslava Valová’s film, 1980)
Machado, Jean-Marie (1961- ) Morocco/France
**Le Balancement du vent, Suite for Piano and Wind Orchestra (2002)
**L’Esprit de l’Eau [Spirit of Water] (Double Concerto) for Piano, Tuba, and Orchestra
**L’Esprit de l’Eau [Spirit of Water] (Double Concerto) for Piano, Tuba, and Orchestra
(2017), I. Larme, éveil du fleuve céleste
Machajdík, Peter (1961- ) Slovakia/Germany
**Inside the Sleeping Carpels (2007-12)
Machavariani, Aleksi (1913-95) Georgia
+Concerto in g (1944)
**Symphony No. 4 for Orchestra with Piano (1983)
Machavariani, Vakhtang ( – ) Georgia
**Concertino (premiered 2011)
Mâche, François-Bernard (1935- ) France
**Andromède for 3 Pianos, Double Choir, and Large Orchestra (1979)
Machover, Tod (1953- ) USA
**Bounce for Disklavier, Electronic Keyboard, and Hyper-Instruments Electronics
+Jeux deux for Hyperpiano and Orchestra (2005)
Maciejewski, Roman (1910-98) Poland
+Allegro concertante (1944)
+Kołysanka [Lullaby] (1938; arr. for piano and orchestra in 1944 and often performed
together with the Allegro concertante)
Maciszewski, Waldemar (1927-56) Poland
**Concertino (1950)
Mackay, Ronald [see Yvar Mikhashoff]
Mackeben, Theo (1897-1953) Germany
**Concerto in b-flat (1945)
**“Strauss Parodie” (from the “Jazzmaster Suite”)
Mackenzie, Alexander (Campbell) (1847-1935) Scotland
§Scottish Concerto in G, Op. 55 (1897)
Mackey, Steven (1956- ) USA
+Stumble To Grace (Concerto) (2011)
Macklay, Sky (1988- ) USA
**Micro Variations for Ensemble with Piano (2016/17)
MacLean, Alasdair (1955- ) Canada
**Spirit Room (1999)
MacLennan, Mike ( – ) England
**P. S. for Chamber Orchestra and Piano (c.2011)
MacMillan, James (1959- ) Scotland
§The Beserking—A Concerto (1989)
+Concerto No. 2 for Piano and String Orchestra (1999/2003)
**Concerto No. 3 (“Mysteries of Light”) (2007-8)
§Cumnock Fair for String Orchestra and Piano (1998/99; later the first movement of
Concerto No. 2)
Macmillan, Scott (1955- ) Canada
**Suite Silver Dart for Soprano, Tenor, Guitar, Piano, and Orchestra (2009)
Maconchy, Elizabeth (1907-94) England
+Concertino [No. 1] for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1928/29-30)
+Concertino [No. 2] for Piano and String Orchestra (1949)
+Dialogue (1940)
Macourek, Harry (1923-92) Czech Republic
**Parisian Capriccio for Flute and Orchestra with Piano (1965)
**Romantic Concertino for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1987)
Macpherson, Cameron O’Day (1900-70) USA
+Deserted Garden, “Before the Dawn” (1936)
Madarász, Iván (1949- ) Hungary
**Concerto No. 1 (by 2001)
+Concerto No. 2 (2008)
Madarász, József ( – )
**Concerto (2010)
Maderna, Bruno (1920-73) Italy
+Concerto (1942)
§Concerto (1959-60)
§Concerto for 2 Pianos and Instruments (1948, in three movements; 1949, first two
movements deleted, introduction added)
§Giardino religioso for Chamber Orchestra with 2 Pianos (1972)
+Juilliard Serenade for Chamber Orchestra with 2 Pianos and Tape (1971)
Madey, Bogusław (1932-2004) Poland
**Concerto (1957)
+Metamorphoses (1989, second version of Variations on a Theme of Paganini [Caprice
No. 24])
+Transfigurations (Concerto) for Voice and Instruments (1965)
**Variations on a Theme of Paganini [Caprice No. 24] (1989, first version)
Mądrawski, Jerzy (1961- ) Poland
+Dialogues for 2 Accordions, String Orchestra, and Piano (2017-19)
Madsen, Allan Gravgaard (1984- ) Denmark
**Concerto in g for Piano and String Ensemble (2014), I
+Nachtmusik for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (2018-19)
**Unvollendet for Orchestra with Piano (2013)
Madsen, Pamela ( – ) USA
**Melting Away: Gravity for String Orchestra, Harps, Piano, Percussion, Voice, and
Projection of Arctic Sounds (2011)
Madsen, Trygve (1940- ) Norway
**Concerto, Op. 27 (1980)
Madureira, João (1971- ) Portugal
**Fulgor for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (2004)
Maegaard, Jan (1926-2012) Denmark
**Chamber Concerto No. 2 for Flute, Oboe, Bassoon, and String Orchestra with Piano
ad libitum, Op. 38 (1961)
Maes, Jef (1905-96) Belgium
+Concerto No. 2 (1975)
Maffei, Fabio (1968- ) Switzerland
+Divertimento for 7 Winds and Piano
Magalif, Eugene (1957- ) Belarus/USA
+Fairytale (Fantasie) for Orchestra with Piano (2009)
**For Tanya for 2 Flutes, Piano, and String Orchestra (2017)
**Serenity for Flute, Strings, and Piano (2012)
Magaña, Polo Marco Hipólito Mexico
**Concerto (“Ofidio”) in e (2017)
Magdalits, Vladimir (1951-2010) Russia
**Concerto No. 1 in c (“Garland of Sonnets”) (1990)
**Concerto No. 2 (2009?)
Mageau, Mary Jane (1934-2020) USA
+Furies (1995)
§Triple Concerto for Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (1990)
Magerkurth, Matt (1995- ) USA
**Detach for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2019)
Mägi [Myagi], Ester (1922-2021) Estonia
+Concerto in f-sharp (1953)
+Variations for Piano, Clarinet, and Orchestra (1972)
Magill, Aaron (c.2005- ) Scotland
**Concerto No. 1 (2020), II (“dedicated to those affected by the COVID-19 outbreak”)
Magin, Miłosz (1929-99) Poland/France
Concertino (1956)
**Concerto No. 1 in a (1954), I only
§Concerto No. 2 for Piano, String Orchestra, and Timpani (1964)
§Concerto No. 3 for Piano, String Orchestra, Timpani, and Percussion (1970)
**Krakowiak [Cracovienne] (1950; premièred 1955)
Maginn, Simon
**Concerto (“In memoriam John Bacchus Dykes”) (2021), II
Magle, Frederik (1977- ) Denmark
**Symphonic LEGO Fantasia (1995-96) (excerpt only)
Magne, Michel (1930-84) France
**Belle de jour, theme (from Luis Brunel’s film “Belle de jour,” 1967)
**Hymne à l’argent (from Henri Verneuil’s film “Mélodie en sous-sol,” 1962)
**L’Indic, theme (from Serge Leroy’s film, 1983)
**La Mort de Mariette (from Claude Autant-Lara’s film “Journal d’une femme en
blanc,” 1965)
**Rendez-vous manqué (ballet, 1958; piano in Nos. 5-8, 10, 12, 14, and 18)
**Thème de l’amour et de la mort (from René Gainville’s film “Le Complot,” 1973)
**Yang Tse Kang (from Henri Verneuil’s film “Une singe en hiver,” 1962)
Magnússon, Þórður Thordur Iceland
**Concerto (2015)
**Mines for String Orchestra, Flute, Harp, and Piano (2009)
Magrill, Samuel (1952- ) USA
**“Nemesis” for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (perf. 1974)
Magrini, Manuel (1990- ) Italy
**Lelio Luttazzi for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2017)
Mahle, Ernst (1929- ) Germany/Brazil
**Concertino for Piano and Strings (1974)
**Concertino for Piano and String Orchestra (1979)
**Concertino (“The Cuckoo and the Donkey”) (1979)
**Concertino (“The Lemon Tree”)
**Concerto for 2 Pianos, Strings, and Percussion (2012)
**Variações Nordestinas (1956)
Mahler, Gustav (1860-1911) Austria
+Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen (?1883-85/?91-96; arr. for fl, cl, str. qt, pf, and
harmonium by Arnold Schönberg, 1920)
**Quartet in a for Piano, Violin, Viola, and Cello (I, the only completed mvt., premièred
1876; arr. for piano and string orchestra by Peter Dimitrov)
**Quartet in a for Piano, Violin, Viola, and Cello (I, the only completed mvt., premièred
1876; this, along with the 24-measure Scherzo sketch completed by Schnittke in 1988,
arr. for string orchestra with piano by Igor Lerman and premièred in 2023)
+Symphony No. 4 in G (1892, 1899-1900/01-10; arr. for fl, cl, ob, str. qt, db, pf,
harmonium, and percussion by Erwin Stein, 1921)
**Symphonies Nos. 1, 2 and 5 (excerpts arr. by Uri Caine)
Mahnkopf, Claus-Steffen (1962- ) Germany
**Kammerkonzert (1995/96)
**Prospero’s Epilogue (2004)
**The Tristero System for 2 Pianos, 4 Piccolos, 2 Bass Clarinets, 3 Trombones, and 2
Percussionists (2002)
Mahr, Timothy (1956- ) USA
+The Soaring Hawk (1990)
Maidenberg-Todorova, Kira (1985- ) Ukraine
**Concert-Symphony (by 2009)
Maiello, Bruno Martin (1978- ) Argentina
**“Bony, Bony,” Variations No. 1 [Concertino] in F (2017)
Main, Tom
**Fantasy for Piano, Orchestra, and Synthesizer (2020)
Mainka, Jörg (1962- ) Germany
**3 Pieces for Piano, Percussion, and 12 Strings (2001-2)
Maintz, Philipp (1977- ) Germany
**Concerto for Piano and Large Orchestra (2014)
**Concerto for Piano and Large Orchestra (2014/20)
Mair, Ted ( – ) England
**Of Itself (by 2017)
Maistorovici, Vlad (1985- ) Romania/England
**Khadina for 8 Solo Instruments (2005)
**R.E.M!X (“Vis cu vampiri” [Dream with Vampires]) for 12 Instruments, Op. 16 (2013)
Maita, Shoukou ( – ) [see Piano Schloss Concerto Series 1-2, 7-8]
+Concertino “Arabeske”
+Concertino “Kagome Kagome”
+Concertino “Rondino Des Ennte Fest Tages”
+Concertino “Zui Zui Zukkorobashi”
+Piece in D
Majcen, Igor (1952- ) Slovenia/Germany
**Untempered Concerto (c.2006)
Majchrzak, Piotr (1974- ) Poland
**Concerto (1999)
**Sinfonietta for Orchestra with Piano (2014)
Majerski, Tadeusz (1888-1963) Poland
+Concerto-Poem (1946/56; scoring rev. and ed. by Emilian Madey, 2008-9)
Majkusiak, Mikołaj (1983- ) Poland
**Concerto in C for Flute, Piano, and Orchestra (2018)
Major [Mayer], (Jakab) Gyula Julius Hungary
**Concert symphonique in d, Op. 12 (performed 1888; 2-piano score publ. in 1895 and
full score in 1897; III publ. as a piano solo in 1894), first 5’ of III
Mak, Clarence (1959- ) Hong Kong
**Touch of the Past
Makalande, Harsha (1955- ) Sri Lanka
**Svarasanga Vannama, Concert Piece for Piano, Sri Lankan Drums, and Large
Orchestra (premièred 1992)
Makami, Jiro [see Mikami]
Makarov, Aleksandr (1958- ) Russia
**Concerto (by 2022)
Makino, Yutaka (1930-2005) Japan
+Concerto No. 2 (1971)
Makita, Naohiro ( – ) Japan
**Rondino on the Day of the Autumn Festival (Concertino)
Makkonen, Petri (1967- ) Finland
**Moldavian Rhapsody for Accordion, Piano, and String Orchestra (2019; based on his
Moldavian Rock for accordion and piano (2013)
Maklakiewicz, Jan Adam (1899-1954) Poland
**Concertino quasi una fantasia for Piano, Mezzo-soprano, and Orchestra, Op. 23
Makoev [see Makoyev]
Makowicz, Adam (1940- ) Poland/USA/Canada
+Composition No. 20
+Early June In Central Park
+Living High In Manhattan
+A Song From My Past
+Sunsets Over The Hudson
+Arrangements of Chopin—
Ballade, Op. 38
Fantaisie-Impromptu, Op. 66
Impromptu, Op. 29
Prelude in a, Op. 28, No. 2
Prelude in e, Op. 28, No. 4
Prelude in A, Op. 28, No. 7
Scherzo, Op. 54
Makoyev, Atsamaz Vladimirovich (1957- ) N. Ossetia
**Concerto-Fantasy for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2022)
**Concertino (arr. Pranas Stepanovas, by 2018)
**Concerto No. 1 (1988)
**Night Fantasy (in memory of Grieg, 1997; based on themes from Grieg’s two piano
Makropoulos, Yannis (1939- ) Greece
**Shapes in Motion (1999)
Maksimov, Timur ( – ) Russia
**It’s in the Bag for Piano and String Orchestra
Maksimović, Rajko (1935- ) Serbia
**Concerto (1961/2003)
Maksymiuk, Jerzy (1936- ) Poland
**“The Leaves Here and There Falling” for Piano and String Orchestra (2010)
**“Thoughtfully” (W zamyśleniu), Adagio for Piano and String Orchestra (2012-13)
**“Whispers and Screams of Dreams” for Cello and Chamber Orchestra with Piano
Mălăncioiu, Gabriel (1979- ) Romania
**Hasya for Flute, Piano, Percussion, and String Orchestra (2010)
**Obârșii for Voice, Traditional Instruments, Flute, Piano, Percussion, and String
Orchestra (by 2018)
Malandrini, Manuel a.k.a. “EarthDragon20°” Italy
**Concerto No. 1 in E-flat (“Barcelona”) (2021)
**Concerto No. 2 in d (2022)
Malavasi, Massimo ( – ) Italy
**Concerto No. 1 (2015), II
Malawski, Artur (1904-57) Poland
*Suita popularna for Orchestra with Piano (1952)
**Symphonic études (1947)
**Symphony No. 2 (“Dramatic”) (1956)
**Toccata and Fugue in Variation Form (1949)
*Tryptyk góralski (Mountainees’ Triptych) for Small Orchestra with Piano (1949)
Malcys, Arvydas (1957- ) Lithuania
+Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2005)
**Kite of Hope
Maldybaeva, Jyldyz ( – ) Kyrgyzstan
**Prelude No. 24 (arr. by Nur Omurbaev)
Maldonado, Javier Torres (1968- ) Mexico
**Exabrupto for Piano, Percussion, and 3 Instrumental Groups (1997-98)
Małecki, Maciej (1940- ) Poland
+Concerto for a Young Pianist (1993)
**Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2007)
**Jazz Concerto for Piano, Double Bass, Percussion, and Orchestra (2016)
**Rondo (1981)
Malek, Jan (1938- ) Czech Republic
**Concerto (“Two Graphic Characters”)
Malerba, Marco
**Concerto No. 1 in B, F24 (2022)
**Concerto No. 2 in e, Op. 3, F29 (2022), I
Malferrari, Matteo ( – ) Italy
**Il Vecchio (suite from the short film “La Valigia,” 2014)
Malicki, Waldemar (1958- ) Poland
+Bossa nova for Mozart, Preceded by a Waltz, Just for Fun. Both in F
Malikov, Alexander (1989- ) Russia/Canada
**Concerto No. 1 in A (2016)
Malikov, Arif [see Melikov]
Malinen, Ossi (1928-2008) Finland
**Elena (1970)
Malinin, Valentin (2001- ) Russia
**Yin-Yang for Piano and String Orchestra (2017)

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Malipiero, Gian Francesco (1882-1973) Italy
+Concerto No. 1 (1934)
- Concerto No. 2 (1937)
§Concerto No. 3 (1948)
+Concerto No. 4 (1950)
+Concerto No. 5 (1958)
+Concerto No. 6 (“delle machine”) (1964)
§Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1956; orig. titled Dialoghi VII)
**Concerto a tre for Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (1938)
**Fantasie concertanti for Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (1954)
**Festoso (from Quattro Invenzione No. 4)
+Introduction and Il Poeta (from the opera “I Capricci di Callot”)
§Symphony No. 5 (“Concertante, in eco”) for Orchestra, Two Pianos, Piccolo, and
Percussion (1947)
+Variazioni senza tema (1923)
Malipiero, Riccardo (1914-2003) Italy
**Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1955)
§Concerto per Dimitri Mitropoulos
Maliszewski, Witold (1873-1939) Poland
§Concerto in b-flat, Op. 27 (1931)
**Kujavian Fantasy in g, Op. 25 (1928)
Mallan, Christopher ( – ) Canada
**Symphony No. 1 in f, III (2007)
Malleus, Nelson (c.1990- ) France
**Adagio for Viola, Piano and Orchestra (9 players)
**Andante et Bulgar for Clarinet, Piano, and Orchestra
**Chamber Symphony No. 1 (“À la recherche d’une industrie à la mesure de l’homme”)
**Concerto No. 3
Malling, Otto (Valdemar) (1848-1915) Denmark
§Concerto in c, Op. 43 (1890)
Mallonée, Caroline (1975- ) USA
**Reaction for 8 Players (2010)
Malmgren, Jens-Ole (1946- ) Denmark
**Lights for Orchestra with Piano (2015)
Malneck, Matt (“Matty”) (1904-81) USA
+Caprice Futuristic for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (by 1928)
+Midnight Reflections for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (by 1928)
**Park Avenue Fantasy (orig. version, 1933; main theme later used in the song
“Stairtway to the Stars,” 1939) - Park Avenue Fantasy (1933; arr. by a member of Robert Farnon’s orchestra, 1945)
Malovec, Jozef (1933- ) Slovakia
**Oda (1979)
Maltz, Richard (1958- ) USA
**Concerto (2016-18), excerpts
Małucha, Wiesław (1961- ) Poland
**Fantazja in B (“Amadeusz”) (by 2019)
**Fantazja in C (“Fryderyk”) (by 2019)
**Fantazja in D-flat (“Piotr”)
**Fantazja in E (by 2019)
**Fantazja in F (by 2020)
**Fantazja Jan Sebastian (by 2019)
**Fantazja “Wolni I Solidarni” (by 2022)
Malvik, Morten (1981- ) Norway
**Hymn for Piano, Chorus, and Orchestra (orig. for horn quintet) (2010)
**Together Again/Finale (2008)
**Ancient Forest for Orchestra with Piano (2008)
Mamangakis, Nikos (1929-2013) Greece
**Music for Piano and 10 Instruments (1977)
Mamedov, Ibragim Kurban ogly (1928-93) Azerbaijan
+Toccata (1973?)
Mamisashvili, Nodar Lenovich (1930-2022) Georgia
**Concerto No. 1 (“Pioneer”) for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1964)
Mamiya, Michio (1929- ) Japan
+Concerto No. 1 (1954)
§Concerto No. 2 (1970)
§Concerto No. 3 (1990)
Concerto No. 4 (“Scenes of an Unborn Opera”) (1997)
Mamlok, Ursula (1923-2016) Germany/USA
**2000 Notes (orig. for piano solo, 2000; arr. for ensemble with piano by Gerhard
Scherer, by 2022)
Mammadov, Ibrahim [see Mamedov]
Mammadov, Riad (1989- ) Azerbaijan
**Mugham Suite for Piano, Tar, and String Orchestra (orchestrated by Alexey Sioumak;
premièred 2022)
Mamorsky, Morris (1910-2003) USA
•Concerto (1938; rehearsal)
Man, Roderik de (1941- ) Indonesia/Netherlands
**Gramvousa (1995)
Manafzade, Abuzar (1990- ) Azerbaijan
**Concerto for Balaban, Naghara (+ Goshanaghara & Zarb), Piano, and Orchestra
+Xocalıya (to Khojaly) for Piano and String Orchestra (2020)
Manav, Özkan (1967- ) Turkey
•Reflections for Piano and 9 Performers, Op. 20b (2006)
Mana-Zucca Zuckermann, Augusta (Gussie) USA
**Concerto No. 1 in E-flat, Op. 49 (1907; premièred 1919)
Manchester, Melissa (1951- ) USA
**Awake! for Chorus and Orchestra with Piano (premièred 2019; orchestration by Peter
Manchon, d’Etienne
**Concerto (2011), I
Mancini, Henry (1924-94) USA
+Moon River (from “Breakfast At Tiffany’s”; arr. for voice, piano, and orchestra by
Vince Mendoza)
+Three by Mancini
Mandel, Alan (Roger) (1935- ) USA
**Concerto (1950), I
Mandel, Marc
**Concerto No. 1 (2003)
Mandel, Thomas (1965- ) Austria
**Concerto No. 2 (“Kaskaden”), Op. 92, excerpts
Mandofia, Carlo ( – ) Australia
**Concerto No. 3
**My Teenage First Piano Concerto (orchestrated by Julian Kershaw)
Manen, Christian (1934-2020) France
**Concerto, Op. 30 (1957)
Manén, Joan Juan Spain
**Concert Simfònic in e, Op. A13 (1910; publ. 1921)
**Juventus (Concerto grosso) for 2 Violins, Piano, and Orchestra, Op. A5 (1905/13)
+Rapsòdia catalana, Op. A-50 (1968 [1954?])
Manen [see Van Manen]
Maneri, Joseph [Joe] Gabriel Esther (1927-2009) USA
**Metanoia (1961-63)
Manfredini, Vincenzo (1737-99) Italy
§Concerto in B-flat (perf. 1769; ed. by A. Toni, 1957)
Maniatis, Alekos (1968- ) Greece
**Aeval (by 2020)
**Concerto (by 2020)
**Concerto in 3 Movements (“Hammerklavier”) (by 2020)
**Concerto in 4 Movements (“Wild Animals”) (by 2020)
**Escenas románticas con interrupciones (premièred 2021)
**Fenrir (by 2020)
**Frejya (Concerto in 4 Movements) (2020-21)
**Hebräische Rhapsodie for Male Chorus, and Orchestra (by 2020)
**Hel (by 2020)
**Odin & Sleipnir (Rhapsody) (by 2020)
**Odin’s Tod for Violin, Piano, and 12 Brass Players (by 2020)
**Rapsodia Helénica (Concerto in 3 Movements) (by 2017)
Maniatis, Paraschos (1957- ) Greece
**Concerto No. 1, Op. 12, No. 3 (by 2017)
Măniceanu, Mihai (1976- ) Romania
**Reductio ad absurdum (Concertino) for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (premièred
**Sempre risoluto (c.2011)
Mankell, (Ivar) Henning (1868-1930) Sweden
+Concerto in d, Op. 30 (1917; orch. by Tor Mann)
Mankins, Jace
**Concerto No. 1 in C (2018)
Mann, Chester DeWitt (1914-99) USA
Concert Piece (1937-38)
Mannino, Franco (1924-2005) Italy/Canada
**Concertino lirico for Cello and String Orchestra with Piano, Op. 2 (1938)
**Concerto in d, Op. 17 (1954)
**Concerto for 6 Violins, 2 Pianos, and Orchestra, Op. 214 (1980)
Manolides, Eugenia (1975- ) Greece
**Hymn to the Moon
Manookian, Jeff (1953-2021) USA
**Concerto (2005)
**Concerto for Piano 4-Hands and String Orchestra (2014)
**Concerto for Piano Left-Hand and Orchestra (by 2021)
+Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2002)
Manoukian, Alexandre (2005- ) Armenia/France
**Concerto No. 2 in b (2019)
Manoukian, Irina [see Manukian]
Manoury, Philippe (1952- ) France
**Echo-Daimónon (Concerto) for Piano, Orchestra, and Live Electronics (2011-12)
**La Partition du ciel et de l’enfer for Flute, 2 Pianos, Ensemble, and Electronics (1989)
**Passacaille pour Tokyo for Piano and 17 Instruments (1994)
**Sounds and Fury for Orchestra with Piano (1999)
+Zones de turbulences for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2013)
Mansub [Munsap], Jinnawat ( – ) Thailand
**Concerto for Piano, Percussion, and Wind Orchestra (by 2023)
Mansker, Carl (1935-2019) USA/Germany
+Concerto, Op. 21 (1973-74)
Mansurian, Tigran (1939- ) Armenia
**Fantasy No. 1 for Piano and String Orchestra (2003)
**Parallel Tracks for Soprano, Piano, and String Orchestra
**“Song of the Old Days” and “Beyond the 7 Mountains” (from the film scores, 1982
and 1980)
Manta, Cristian ( – ) Canada
**Concerto No. 1 (2014), I
Mantega, Exequiel (1983- ) Argentina
**Beauchef for Flute, Violin, Piano, and Symphonic Ensemble (2020)
Mantiñán, Leandro Ariel ( – ) Argentina
**Neurosis (Nonet) for 2 Flutes, Clarinet, Trombone, Tuba, Piano, 2 Double Basses, and
Percussion, Op. 63 (2012)
Mantler, Michael (1943- ) Austria/USA
**Cerco una Paese Innocent for Voice, Piano, Other Solo Instruments, and Big Band
+Concerto (by 2007)
**“13” for Piano and 2 Orchestras (1975)
Mantovani, Annunzio Paolo (1915-80) Italy/United Kingdom
**Cara Mia (1954; composed under the pseudonym “Tulio Trapani”)
**Poem to the Moon (1948)
**Serenata d’amore for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1958)
Mantovani, Bruno (1974- ) France
**Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2012)
+D’un jardin féérique (2021)
+Éclair de Lune for 3 Groups of Instruments and Electronics (2006)
Manukian [Manoukian], Irina Eduardovna (1948-2004) Russia
**Concerto No. 1, Op. 20 (1982)
**Concerto No. 2 for Piano, Prepared Piano, and String Orchestra, Op. 29 (1989)
**Concerto amoroso for Cello, Harp, Piano, and Chamber Orchestra, Op. 36
**Old-Style Chamber Cantata for Soprano, Mezzo Soprano, Piano, Harpsichord, and
String Orchestra, Op. 23 (1985)
Manulyak, Ostap (1983- ) Russia
**Concerto (2005)
Manzanero Canché, Armando (1935-2020) Mexico
**Nos se tú (arr. by David Rodríguez De La Peña)
Manzitti, Matteo (1983- ) Italy
**La Luce dell’ombra, movimento (2009)
Manzoni, Giacomo (1932- ) Italy
§Masse: Omaggio a Edgard Varèse for Piano and Orchestra (1976-77)
**Più mosso (2014)
Maor, Adam (1983- ) Israel
**Halim (Concerto, “It is Dark and Damp in the Front”) for 2 Pianos and Orchestra
(premièred 2021)
Mapochi, Benjamin ( – ) Hong Kong
**Concerto Paradiso (2013)
**Concerto 512 (for Victims and Heroes of Disasters and Misfortunes) (2008)
**Flame of Darkness (2012)
**Tango solitaire (2018)
Maragno, Virtú (1928-2004) Argentina
*Concertino for Piano and 14 Instruments (1954) Mařatka, Kryštof (1972- ) Czech Republic/France +Concerto (“Astrophonia”) for Viola and String Orchestra with Piano (1998)*Mélodictionnaire, Concerto for Piano and Septet (2014)
Marcel, Luc André (1919-92) France
+Concerto No. 1 (1967)
+Concerto No. 2 for Piano and String Orchestra (1967)
Marcelino dos Santos, Davy
**Concerto No. 1, Op. 30 (2021)
**Fantaisie Tétrique for 2 Pianos and String Orchestra, Op. 23 (2022)
Marcelli, Daniele ( – ) Italy
**Il Vecchio e Il Bambino for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2015)
Marcello, Alessandro (1673-1747) Italy
**Concerto for Oboe and Orchestra in d, S.Z799, II. Adagio (arr. by Ezzio Bossi)
Marchal, Dominique ( – ) France
**Concerto No. 1 in A (“In the Style of Mozart”) (by 2017)
**Concerto No. 2 (“In the Style of Mozart”) (by 2017), I
Marchand, Heinrich [Henri] (Wilhelm Philipp) (1769-c.1812) Germany
**Rondeau in F on the Folk Song “Auf einem Baum ein Kuckuck saß”
Marchettini, Paolo (1974- ) Italy
**Evoluzioni for Ensemble with Piano (2007)
Marciniuk, Grzegorz
**Concerto No. 1 in e, I
Marco, Tomás (1942- ) Spain
+Almagesto for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Piano, Percussion, Violin, Viola, Cello,
and Double Bass (1989)
**Autodafé (Concierto Barroco No. 1) for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1975)
+Diwanes y Qasidas for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello, and
Double Bass (1987)
+Locus Solus for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, Trombone, Piano, Violin, Viola,
Cello, and Double Bass (1978)
**Palacios de la Alhambra for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1996/2001)
§Settecento for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1988)
+Tauromaquia (Concierto Barroco No. 2) for Piano With Flute, Oboe, Clarinet,
Bassoon, Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Percussion, Violin, and Cello (1976)
**Triple Concerto (1987)
Marcos, J. ( – )
**Concerto No. 1 in C
Marcus, Edward (1957- ) USA
**Concerto (by 2017)
Mardešić, Vinko (c.1945- ) Croatia
**Boogie (2011)
Maree, Gerhard ( – ) South Africa
**Mercy Suite for Piano Quintet and Orchestra (by 2013)
Marek, Kryštof (1967- ) Czech Republic
**Suite No. 2 for Saxophone, Piano, and Chamber Orchestra (premièred 2021)
Marely, Weber ( – ) Brazil
**Concertino for Jazz Quartet [Saxophone, Piano, Double Bass, and Drums] and
Orchestra (by 2017)
Marena, Andrea (19??- ) Italy
**Concerto dello zodiaco (2007)
Marescotti, André-François (1902-95) Switzerland
**Concerto (1956)
Marez Oyens, Tera [see Oyens]
Margetić, Karlo (1987- ) New Zealand
**Melting Furniture (2015)
Margola, Franco (1908-92) Italy
**Concerto in c-sharp, Op. 30, dC73 (1943)
+Double Concerto for Violin, Piano, and String Orchestra, dC132 (1960)
+Kinderkonzert No. 1, dC106 (1954)
Margoshes, Steve (1960- ) USA
+Symphony (“Dream”)
§“This is Forever” (Rhapsody)
Marguste, Anti (1931-2016) Estonia
**Concertino, Op. 3 (1958)
**Symphony No. 6 (Kaksiksümfoonia) for Orchestra with Piano (1981)
Maria, Stefiani
**Courage for Piano and String Orchestra (premièred 2023)
Marianelli, Dario (1963- ) Italy
**Music from “Pride and Prejudice” (film score, 2005)
Marić, Ljubica (1909-2003) Serbia
+Byzantine Concerto (1959)
**Octoecha I (1958)
§Ostinato super thema Octoicha for Piano, Harp, and String Orchestra (1963)
Marie, Emeryck ( – )
**Concerto No. 1 in d
Marie-Julie, Melissa ( – ) & Jean Michel ( – ) [pseud. “Always in Love”]
**Contemplation of the Lake Jinji in Suzhou (2019)
Marin, Olivier ( – ) France
**Concerto in f-sharp for Piano and String Orchestra (2015), II. Largo
Mariné, Sebastién (1957- ) Spain
**Symphony No. 1 for Orchestra with Piano, Op. 72
Marino, Francesco (1971- ) Italy
**Misteri (2007)
**Ricercare (2008)
**Symphonic Poem No. 3 (“Sorgente”) (2009)
Marino, Leonardo (1972- ) Italy
**Concerto for Piano and Ensemble (2017)
Marinov, Ivan (1928-2003) Bulgaria
**Paraphrases (1957)
Pentagram for Bass, Piano, Timpani, and String Orchestra (1966)
Marinov, Svetlin
**Concerto (“Paradigm Shifts”) (2016)
Marinuzzi, Gino (Jr.) (1920-96) Italy
**Concertino for Oboe, Alto Saxophone, Piano, and String Orchestra (1936)
**Il Conte di Montecristo, end title (from Gioachinno Marano’s film, 1966)
**Suite concertante for Piano and Orchestra (1945-46)
Marischal, Louis (1928-99) Belgium
**Suite divertissement (1970)
Marius Mejía, Fredy
**Concerto in a, Op. 28 (2016), I
Markaritzer, Erich (1914-82) Austria
Markevich [Markevitch], Igor (1912-83) Russia/Switzerland/Italy
+Concerto (1929)
§Galop for 8 (or 9) Players Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Cornet, Percussion, Piano, Violin, and Cello
+Partita for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1930-31)

Markin, Yury (1942-2022) Russia
+Concerto (2008)
Markopoulos, Yannis (1939-2023) Crete
+Shapes in Motion (Concerto) (1999)
Márkos, Albert (1967- ) Romania
**Concerto No. 2 for Piano, String Orchestra, and Percussion (1991)
Markov, Albert (1933- ) USA
**Porgy Rhapsody (after Gershwin) for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra
Marković, Ivan [see Markovitch]
Marković, Jug K. (1987- ) Serbia
**Kammerkonzert for 18 Instruments (2014)
Markovitch, Ivan (1929-2017) Serbia/France
**Concerto lirico in F (1960), II only
Marlotti, Peter Vincent (1930-2012) USA
§Concerto “Leningrad, 1991”
Maros, Miklós (1943- ) Hungary
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (2009)
Marotta, Esther (c.2000- ) Belgium
**Allegro grazioso (Concerto) in A (2022)
**Concerto No. 1 in D (2021)
**Concerto No. 2 in E-flat (2021)
**Concerto No. 3 in c (“Tempête”) (2022)
Maroufi, Javad (1912-93) Iran
**Isfahan Rhapsody (arr. by Shardad Rohani)
Marques, Telmo (1963- ) Portugal
**Concerto (2009)
Márquez, Arturo (1950- ) Mexico
+Danzón No. 2 for Piano, Violin, Trumpet, Piccolo, Oboe, Clarinet, and Orchestra
+Danzón No. 3 for Guitar, Flute, and Chamber Orchestra with Piano (1990s)
+Danzón No. 4 for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (1990s)
**Octeto Malandro (1996)
Marsh, Don ( – )
**Symphony of Praise
Marsh, Roger Michael (1949- ) England
**Music for Piano and Wind Instruments (1986)
**Stepping Out (1990)
Marsh, Seth ( – ) England
**Suite for All Seasons for Orchestra and Piano
Marshall, Arthur (1881-1958) USA
**Kinklets (1906)
Marshall, Christopher (1956- ) New Zealand/USA
**Thanksgiving Variations on “We Gather Together” (2022)
Marshall, George (1992- ) England
**Concerto No. 2 in d, I-II
Marshall, Graham George (1938- ) United Kingdom
**Concerto for John (Concerto capriccioso)
Marshall, Ingram (1942- ) USA
**Flow for Piano and Chamber Ensemble (2016)
Martelli, Henri (1895-1980) France
**Concerto, Op. 56 (1948)
Martin, Benjamin (1970- ) Australia
**Trinitas (Triple Concerto) for Violin, Viola, Piano, and String Orchestra (2011)
Martin, Christian ( – )
**Concerto (by 2018)
Martin, Colin
**Concerto in d (2018)
Martin, Frank (1890-1974) Switzerland
+Ballade for Alto Saxophone and String Orchestra with Piano and Percussion (1938)
§Ballade for Flute, String Orchestra, and Piano (1941; orig. for flute and piano, 1939)
§Ballade (1939)
§Concert Suite from “Ein Totentanz zu Basel im Jahre 1943” for Winds and Piano
(including 9 movements arr. by Bastiaan Blomhert in 2011 from the orig. 1943
theatrical score, plus an Introduction and closing Basel Drum solo in “Dance of Death
with the Beautiful Lady”composed by Edith Habraken)
§Concerto for Winds and Piano (1924)
§Concerto No. 1 (1933-34)
§Concerto No. 2 (1968-69)
§Danse de la peur (from the ballet “Die blaue Blume”) for 2 Pianos and Small Orchestra
§Petite symphonie concertante for Harp, Harpsichord, Piano, and 2 String Orchestras
+Petite symphonie concertante for Harp, Harpsichord, Piano, and 2 String Orchestras
(1944-45; arr. by Tomer Lev for 3 pianos and 2 string orchestras, 2015)
+Symphony for Large Orchestra with Piano (1936-37)
Martin, John E., III
**Comedic Fantasy (“Or What Minimalism Taught Me”) for 2 Pianos and Orchestra,
Op. 197 (2016)
**Concerto No. 1 in B-flat, Op. 141 (2016-18)
**Concerto No. 2, Op. 295 (2016-17, in progress)
**Concerto No. 4 (2019, in progress), Scherzo
Martin, Kimberly A. ( – ) USA
**Concerto No. 1 (“Spring’s Inauguration”) for Piano, String Orchestra, and
Percussion (2023)
Martin, Manu (1980s- ) France
Cosmic Rhapsody (2021)
+Lim Fantasy of Companionship for Piano, Chorus, Solo Voice, and Orchestra (2019)
Martin, Peter ( – ) England
**Concertino for Piano and String Orchestra (2002; an arr. of the Sonatina for Piano
or Harpsichord, 2000)
**Venezia for Piano and String Orchestra (2000)
Martin, Peter ( – ) England
+Hope and Glory (two excerpts from the film, 1987) –
Fish Miracle
School Bombing and End Title (including arr. of Elgar’s “Land of Hope and Glory”)
Martin, Philip (1947- ) Ireland
§Concerto No. 2 (“A Day in the City”) (1991)
*Through Streets Broad and Narrow (1980)
**Variations on “Commend Me to the Ploughman”
Martin, Ralph
**L’Impossible mascarade (Concerto) (2021)
Martín-Jaime, Francisco José (1970- ) Spain
+Concerto No. 1, Op. 17 (1997)
**Concerto No. 2, Op. 30 (2003)
Martin Pompey, Angel (1902-2001) Spain
**Concerto in d for 2 Pianos and Large Orchestra (1935-39)
Martinaitis, Algirdas (1950- ) Lithuania
**Artizarra for String Orchestra with Piano (2001)
**Concerto for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (premièred 2019)
Martinaitytė, Žibuoklė (1973- ) Lithuania
+Completely Embraced by the Beauty of Emptiness (2006)
+Šviesotamsos trilogija [Chiaroscuro Trilogy] for Piano and String Orchestra (2017)
Martinček, Dušan (1936-2006) Slovakia
**Dialogues in the Form of Variations (1961)
Martinček von Grob, Peter (1962- ) Slovakia
**Concerto in A (1982/93)
Martines, Marianna von [see Martínez]
Martinet, Jean-Louis (1912-2010) France
**Prélude, Op. 16 (from Divertissement pastoral; 1955/66)
•Mouvement symphonique No. 4 (1955; revised in 1966 and retitled “Divertissement
Martínez, Brian (1981- ) Spain
**Fantaisie (2013)
Martinez, Edy ( – ) Colombia
**Suite for Piano, Percussion, and Jazz Orchestra
Martínez, Guillermo (1983- ) Venezuela
**Cantata (“Ucrania, Episodios Nacionales”) for Vocal Ensemble ad libitum, String
Ensemble, and Piano (2015)
Martínez [Martines], Marianne von Mariana Austria
**Concerto in G (1772)
+Concerto in A (late 1700s; rev. & ed. by Melani Mestre)
Martinez, Eddy Ricardo (1954- ) Cuba/USA
**Danzonette (premièred 2018)
Martínez Gallego, José (1969- ) Spain
**La Varita Mágica for Piano and String Orchestra
Martinez-Palacios, Antonio José [see Antonio José]
Martínez Varelles, Rubén ( – ) Spain
**Anrewerna Overture for Orchestra with Piano, Op. 16 (2019; “inspired by and
composed on the main theme of the toccata of Monteverdi’s ‘Orfeo ed Eurídice’”)
Martinez-Vargas, Arturo (1987- ) Peru
**Concerto No. 1 in B-flat, I-II
Martínez Vera, Ginés ( – ) Spain
**Concerto (by 2016)
Martínez Zuccardi, Mauricio ( – ) Argentina
**Una Tarde en el Yocavil (Concerto) for Piano and String Orchestra with Percussion
(by 2019)
Martini, Padre Giovanni Battista (1706-84) Italy
**Concerto in F for Piano and Strings (rev. Giuranna) (1746 or 1750)
+Concerto in G (1752)
Martini [Martin, Martini il Tedesco, Schwarzendorf], Johann Paul Aegidius Jean Paul Egide Germany/France
+Plaisir d’amour (1784; arr. Richard Abel & Guy St-Onge)
Plaisir d’amour (arr. by Breuer)
Martini, Sebastian
**Piece in E-flat for Piano and String Orchestra (2020)
Martino, Donald (James) (1931-2005) USA
**Concerto (1958-65)
+Serenata concertante for Flute, Clarinet, Horn, Flugelhorn/ Cornet, Violin, Cello,
Piano and Percussion (1999)
Martinon, Jean (1910-76) France
**Symphoniette for Piano, Percussion, and String Orchestra, Op. 16 (1935)
Martins, Daniel
**Inventions (by 2020)
Martins, Maria de Lourdes (1926-2009) Portugal
**Concerto (1990)
Martins, Vasco (1956- ) Portugal/Cape Verde
**O Momento Presente (Concerto) for Improvised Piano and String Orchestra (by 2015)
Martinů, Bohuslav (Jan) (1890-1959) Czechoslovakia
+Ballade (c. 1915; after Arnold Böcklin’s painting “Villa by the Sea”), H. 97
**The Butterfly that Stamped (ballet, 1926):
+Cinderella’s Ball (see “Špalíček” below)
§Concertino in c for Cello, Winds, Piano, and Percussion (1924)
§Concertino for Piano Trio and Strings, H. 232 (1933)
§Concertino (1938)
§Concertino for Piano Left-Hand and Chamber Orchestra, H. 173 (a version of the
Divertimento [1926, below] with the piano part revised by Otakar Holman)
§Concerto No. 1 in D for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1925)
§Concerto No. 2 (1934/44)
§Concerto No. 3 (1947-48)
§Concerto No. 4, H. 358 (“Incantations,” 1955)
§Concerto No. 5 in B-flat (“Fantasia concertante”), H. 366 (1957)
§Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra, H. 292 (1943)
§Concerto for 2 String Orchestras, Piano, Timpani (1938)
§Concerto for Violin, Cello, Piano, and String Orchestra, H. 231 (1933; once believed
lost, prem. 1963; not to be confused with the Concertino for Piano Trio and String
Orchestra [see above])
+Concerto for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (1953)
§Concerto da camera for Violin, Piano, Percussion, and String Orchestra (1941)
§Concerto grosso for Chamber Orchestra and 2 Pianos (1937)
§Divertimento for Piano Left-hand and Orchestra (1926; orig. version of the betterknown
Concertino for Piano Left-Hand and Chamber Orchestra)
**Intermezzo for Large Orchestra with Piano (1950)
§Inventions Variations
§Jazz Suite (1928)
+Movement [title page missing] for Orchestra with Harp, Piano, and Celeste, H.90
+On Tourne
+Le Raid merveilleux
**Revolt (ballet sketch in one act), H. 151 (1925)
+La Revue de cuisine (1927)
**Les Rondes for Piano and Small Orchestra (piano, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, trumpet,
and two violins) (1930)
+Serenade No. 4 (Divertimento) for Violin, Viola, 2 Oboes, Piano, and Strings (1932)
+Shadow (ballet, 1916)
§Sinfonietta giocosa (1940)
§Sinfonietta “La jolla” (1950)
+Špalíček [“The Chap-Book” or “The Czech Year” ],
Suite No. 1 (1940; from the
ballet, 1932)
§Toccata e due canzoni (1946)
§Tre Ricercari for Chamber Orchestra with 2 Pianos (1938)
Martland, Steve (1959- ) United Kingdom
**Hard Times (1998)
Marton, Mark
**Concerto in c, Op. 28 (by 2023)
Martorella, Philip (1955- ) USA
**Concerto in c (by 2018)
Marttinen, Tauno (1912-2008) Finland
+Concerto No. 1 (“Concerto Classico”), Op. 23, MV 65 (1964)
**Concerto No. 2, Op. 74 (1972)
+Ugly Duckling, Op. 115 (ballet, 1976/82-83)
Martucci, Giuseppe (1856-1909) Italy
§Concerto No. 1 in d (1878)
§Concerto No. 2 in b-flat, Op. 66 (1884-85)
+Theme and Variations, Op. 58 (orig. for piano solo, 1882/1905; arr. for piano and
orchestra, c.1882)
Marturet, Eduardo (1953- ) Venezuela
+Memorias de Un Bravo Pueblo for Piano, Side Drum, and String Orchestra (2002)
Marty, Nicolas ( – ) France
**“Bastet” (Concerto) (2009)
Martynov, Vladimir (1946- ) Russia
**Dancing with the Dead Friend (by 2016)
Martynov, Yevgeny Grigor’yevich (1948-90) Russia
**Prelude for Piano and String Orchestra
**Prelude for Piano and String Orchestra (arr. for piano and Russian folk instrument
Marumoto, Daigo (1979- ) Japan
**Antarctica for Piano and Mandolin Orchestra (2009)
“Marvel Superheroes Music”
**Marvel Studios Fanfare (by Brian Theodore Tyler) & The Avengers (by Alan Silvestri)
Marx, Burle [see Burle Marx]
Marx, Hans Joachim (1923-2010) Germany
**Impressionen (c.1960)
**Lebensfreude/Zest for Life, Concert-Waltz for Orchestra with Obbligato Piano
Marx, Joseph (1882-1964) Austria
§Concerto in E (“Romantisches Klavierkonzert”) (1916-19)
§Concerto in E-flat (“Castelli romani”) (1929-30)
Marx, Karl (1897-1985) Germany
**Concerto in e, Op. 9 (1929/59)
Marx, Udo (20th c.) Germany
**Aus dem Nebel (Out of the Fog)
Marx, Walter [see Burle Marx]
Marzocchi, Paolo (1971- ) Italy
**Cadenza concertante for Beethoven’s Concerto No. 3 (by 2018)
**Encore (version for piano and orchestra, 2017)
**Piccolo Concerto Albanese (2006)
Marzuki, Ismail a.k.a. Bang Ma’ing Indonesia [see also Djamin]
**Fantasia on the “Indonesia Pusaka” (arr. & orchestrated by Joko Lemazh)
**“Indonesia Pusaka” (arr. for piano and orchestra)
Mas Porcel, Jaume (1909-93) Spain [Mallorca]
+Nocturn (1950)
Masafumi, Nanami ( – ) Japan
**Concerto “Bunkyo” for Piano and Wind Orchestra
Mascagni, Pietro (1863-1945) Italy
**Intermezzo (from “Cavalleria Rusticana”; arr. for piano and string orchestra by
Lorenzo Porzio)
**Prelude Intermezzo (from “Cavalleria Rusticana”; arr. by John Bayless)
Mascari, Edward P. (1949- ) USA
**Hymnody No. 3 **Passacaglia (1995)
Masciocchi, Luigi
**Light Symphony for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (by 2022)
**One Step for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (by 2022)
**Slow Horn for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (by 2022)
**To Infinity for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (by 2022)
Mascord, Carl
**Concerto in a
Masecki, Marcin (1982- ) Poland
**Wolność [Freedom] for Piano and 9 Cellos (2013)
Mašek [Maschek, Machek], (Václav) Vincenc (1755-1831) Bohemia
**Concertino for Piano 4-Hands and Wind Orchestra (1803)
Mashak, Jacob ( – ) USA
**Concerto for Piano and Wind Orchestra (premièred 2015)
Mashayekhi, Alirezâ (1940- ) Iran
+Interlude for Piano, String Orchestra, and Percussion (1997)
**Nous ne verrons jamais les jardins de Nishapour for Piano, Prepared Piano, and
Orchestra, Op. 56
**Ophelia II, Op. 150
+Persian [Iranian] Gardens, Op. 111
**Sonate No. 1, Op. 123
+Symphony No. 8 (by 2010)
Masich, Olga Viktorovna (1979- ) Russia
**Concert Allegro for Piano, String Orchestra, and Timpani (2006)
**Fairy Forest for Piano and String Orchestra
**Sunny April (premièred 2022)
Maskats, Artūrs (1957- ) Latvia
+Concerto (“Liepāja Concerto No. 12”) (2017)
**Triple Concerto (“Bērnības taureņu dejas” [Dances of Childhood Butterflies]) for
Organ, Flute, Piano, and Orchestra (premièred 2022)
Maslan, Thomas ( – ) USA
**Christmas Fantasy (Concerto) (premièred 2013)
Maslanka, David (1943-2017) USA
§Concerto for Piano, Winds and Percussion (1976)
§Concerto No. 2 for Piano, Winds, and Percussion (2002)
+Concerto No. 3 (“Do You Know My Name?”) for Piano and Wind Ensemble (2016)
**Sea Dreams for 2 Horns and Wind Ensemble with Piano (1997)
+Symphony No. 7 (2004)
Maslíah, Leo (1954- ) Uruguay
+Dos Pequeños Conciertos: Concierto (1995); Concierto trucho (2006)
Maslov, Alexander (1985- ) Russia
**Jazz Arrangements—
Fantasia on Themes from Tchaikovsky’s opera “Eugene Onegin”
Flight of the Bumblebee (arr. from Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera “The Tale of the Tsar
Fly Away on the Wings of the Wind (arr. from Borodin’s opera “Prince Igor”)
Nutcracker Jazz Suite (after Tchaikovsky) (for piano solo, by 2015; arr. for piano and
Three Dances from Glinka’s opera “A Life for the Tsar”: Polonaise; Waltz; Krakowiak
Three Pieces from Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera “The Golden Cockerel”: Fantasy on the
Golden Cockerel’s Theme; Fantasy on Two Themes, Astrologer & Tsar Dodon
Dreams; Dance of the Queen of Shemakha
Masmanian, Daniel (1980- ) England/Australia
**Concerto No. 2, II (2010-11)
Masnan, Balqis
**Ard for Piano and Chamber Orchestra
**Ash – Shams for Piano and Chamber Orchestra
Mason, Charles Norman (1955- ) USA
+Espressway for Orchestra with Piano (2003)
Mason, Christian (1984- ) England
**Noctilucence for 8 Players (2009)
Mason, Daniel Gregory (1873-1953) USA
§Prelude and Fugue, Op. 12 (1914; identified as Op. 20 on the Vox/Turnabout recording
and on a score published by J. Fischer & Bro.)
Mason, Matthew ( – ) USA
**Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini (by 2019)
Mason, Matthew A. (1994- ) USA
**Leidenfrost: More than a Cold Shoulder for Ensemble with Piano (2020)
**Things that Drift Ashore (Concerto) for Piano and Ensemble (premièred 2023)
Mason, Quinn (1996- )
**Concerto in C for 2 Pianos and Orchestra, Op. 10
Masri, Abdelhak [see El Masri]
Massa, Chris (1981- ) USA
**Chamber Symphony No. 1 for 2 Clarinets, 2 Bass Clarinets, 2 Violins, 2 Cellos, 2
Pianos, and Percussion (2003)
Massa, Omar (1981- ) Argentina/Germany
+Concerto for Bandoneon and String Orchestra with Piano (2019)
Massenet, Jules (Emile Frédéric) (1842-1912) France
§Concerto in E-flat (1902-3; earliest sketches 1863-65)
§“Méditation” from “Thaïs” (1894; arr. for piano and orchestra by E. L. Jefe or
+“Méditation” from “Thaïs” (1894; arr. for piano and orchestra)
+“Méditation” from “Thaïs” (1894; arr. for violin, piano, and string orchestra)
Massin, Aleksey (1991- )
**Fantasies of Ferdinand VIII for Violin, Viola, Cello, Piano, and String Orchestra (by
Massini, Gérard (1984- ) Switzerland
**Double Concerto for Saxophone, Piano, and Orchestra, Op. 274, finale (2002)
Másson, Áskell (1953- ) Iceland
**Concerto (1985-87)
Masson, Gérard (1936- ) France
**Concerto No. 1 (1977)
Pas seulement des moments des moyens d’amour for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1980)
Masson, Jean-Christophe ( – ) France
**Introspection (2010)
Massot, Guillem (1842-1900) Mallorca
**Nostàlgia for String Orchestra with Piano
Mastrini, Maurizio ( – ) Italy
+Butterfly for Piano and String Orchestra (2022; orchestrated by Roberto Marino)
+Sguardi (Elettra) for Piano and String Orchestra (2022; orchestrated by Roberto
Mastrogiovanni, Antonio (1936-2010) Uruguay
**Concerto (1964)
**Divertimento for Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Flute, English Horn, Harpsichord,
Piano, and Accordion (1970)
**Sinfonía de cámara for Flute, Clarinet, Bassoon, Timpani, Percussion, Piano, Celesta,
and String Orchestra (1965)
Masuda, Junichi (1968- ) Japan
**Cynthia [Shirona] (music from “Pokémon Diamond and Pearl,” Vol. 6)
Mata, Eduardo (1942-95) Mexico
**Improvisations No. 2 for 2 Pianos and Strings (1965)
Matačic, Lovro von (1899-1985) Yugoslavia
**Ballade der Konfrontation Konzertante for 2 Pianos, Percussion, and Strings (?orig.
vers. of the below)
§Confrontation Symphony for 2 Pianos, Percussion, and String Orchestra (1979/83-84)
Matalon, Martín (1958- ) Argentina
+Trames IV for Piano and 11 Instruments (2001)
Matchavariani [see Machavariani]
Máté, Bella (1985- ) Hungary
**Sounds of Generation Y for Orchestra with Piano (2015)
Matěj, Josef Jozka Czechoslovakia
**Concerto for Bassoon and String Orchestra with Piano (1985)
**Concerto for Clarinet and String Orchestra with Piano (1970)
**Serenade for Winds and Piano (1984), finale only
**Sonata for Trombone, Piano, and 12 Strings (1965)
Mateo, Ernesto
**Concerto for Toy Piano and Orchestra (by 2012), I
Mateos-Moreno, Daniel (1977- ) Spain
**Omega (premièred 2008)
Mather, Bruce (1939- ) Canada
**Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1958-72)
Matheson, Iain (1956- ) Scotland
+Equal Parts (2006)
Matheson, James (1970- ) USA
**The Paces for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2003)
Mathias, William (James) (1934-92) Wales
+Concerto No. 1, Op. 2 (1955/92; ed. by Rhiannon Mathias and Geraint Lewis)
+Concerto No. 2, Op. 13 (1960)
§Concerto No. 3, Op. 40 (1968)
+Sinfonietta for Orchestra with Piano, Op. 34 (1966)
+Songs of William Blake for Baritone, Piano, Harp, Celeste, and String Orchestra, Op.
82 (1979)
Mathieu, André (1929-68) Canada
+Concertino No. 2, Op. 13 (1941; edited by Gilles Bellemare)
§“Concerto de Québec” [Concerto (Symphonie) romantique] (1942-43; a substantially
abridged version of Concerto No. 3 (only 22’ instead of 37’), arranged by Giuseppe
Agostini for use in the film “La Forteresse” [Whispering City], 1947; further revised
by Marc Bélanger, by 1978, and Alain Lefèvre, by 2003)
+“Concerto de Québec” (1942-43; abridged arr. of II by Wilfrid Pelletier)
+Concerto No. 3 in c, Op. 25 (orig. version, 1942-43; reconstructed and orchestrated,
with a new cadenza in I, by Jacques Marchand from the two-piano score rediscovered
in 2008 by Georges Nicholson; see also the “Concerto de Québec” above)
+Concerto No. 4 in e (1947; reconstructed by Gilles Bellemare, 2006)
+Concerto No. 4 in e (1947; arr. of II)
+Rhapsodie romantique (1958/68, an arr. of his Concerto No. 4, II, expanded to @23
minutes; orchestra part rewritten by Gilles Bellemare)
Mathieu, Frank
+Concerto in a (by 2018)
Matičic, Janez (1926-2022) Slovenia
+Concerto No. 1, Op. 36 (1961-65)
+Concerto No. 2, Op. 52 (1985)
Matienko, Lena ( – ) Russia/Australia
+Nebulae for Piano, Violin, and String Orchestra (2022)
Matitashvili, D. B.
**Concerto No. 1 in A (2023)
Matney, M. David (1970- ) USA
**Fantasia in a for Piano and String Orchestra
Matos Rodríguez, Gerardo Hernán “Becho” Uruguay
**La Cumparsita (1916; arr. Clayderman)
**La Cumparsita (1916; arr.?)
Matre, Ørjan (1979- ) Norway
**Lyric Pieces (2019/20; “musical comments” on 6 of Grieg’s “Lyric Pieces”:
“Arietta,” Op. 12, No. 1 [opening with Grieg’s piano solo]; “Spring Dance,” Op. 38,
No. 5; “ Solitary Traveller,” Op. 43, No. 2; “Butterfly,” Op. 43, No. 1; “Bell Ringing,”
Op. 64, No. 6; and “Remembrances,” Op. 71, No. 7 [incorporating Grieg’s 1903 piano
Matsoukas, Pantelis ( – ) Greece
**Concerto No. 4 (by 2023), II
Matsudaira, Yoriaki (1931-2023) Japan
§Recollection for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1989)
**Revolution (1990-91)
Matsudaira, Yoritsune Yorinori Japan
+Figures sonores (1956)
+Theme and Variations on a Folk Song from the Nambu District (1939)
+Theme and Variations on “Etenraku” (1951)
Tre movimenti (1962)
Matsumoto, Aruto ( – ) Poland
+Reunion for Ensemble with Piano (2015)
Matsumura, Makia ( – ) Japan/USA
**Ashes of Vengeance: A Rhapsody for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2008)
Matsumura, Teizo (1929-2007) Japan
§Concerto No. 1 (1973)
§Concerto No. 2 (1976-78)
Morning Song for Piano and String Orchestra (2001)
+Symphony No. 2
Matsunaga, Michiharu (1927- ) Japan
§Constellations of Time (1995)
**Timescope in the Depth of a Dream (1997)
Matsuo, Kenshiro ( – ) Japan
**Concerto No. 1 in c (2012-21; II later becomes the second mvt. of Concerto No. 2 in
b, 2017-21)
**Concerto No. 1 (2012-21), replacement II (version for piano and string quintet, by
2017; orig. the second movement of Concerto No. 2)
**Fantasia (by 2018)
Matsuo, Yukiko ( – )
**Grand Symphonia
Matsushiba, Taku (1991- ) Japan
+Concerto in b, Allegro appassionato (from the animé “Yuri!!! on Ice,” 2016)
Matsushita, Isao (1951-2018) Japan
§Toki-no-ito II (1986-87)
Matsushita, Shin’ichi (1922-90) Japan
**Sinfonie No. 6 (“Sinfonia Sangha”) for Soprano, Baritone, Piano, Shakuhachi,
Chorus, and Orchestra (1974)
Matsushita, Tomohito Rinji Japan
**Belles ailes blanche for Piano and Wind Symphony (concerto version, by 2022)
Matsutani, Suguru (1979- ) Japan
+Concerto for Ekaterina [Catherine]
Mattes, Wilhelm (Willy) (1916-2002) Austria/Germany [see Wildman, Charles, for the
“Swedish Rhapsody” and “Vienna Concerto”]
*Capriccio romantic (c.1955)
+Concerto melodioso [same work as Wildman’s “Vienna Concerto,” 1949]
*“Florissima,” Valse concertante
*Solitaire, Impression (c.1960)
**Stockholm Concerto (1957)
*Valse nobile
Matteson, Porter ( – ) USA
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2023), I
Matthews, David (1943- ) England
+Concerto, Op. 111 (2009)
Matthews, Michael (1950- ) Canada
**Concerto (1998)
**Landscape for Piano and String Orchestra (1990)
Matthews, Paul
**Concerto No. 1 in c (2021)
Matthews, Wil ( – )
Matthis, Richard Lawrence (“Laurencio”) (1953- ) USA
**Concerto (“Displacement of Time – Between the Hidden Galaxies”) for 2 Pianos and
Orchestra, Op. 24 (2009)
Matthus, Siegfried (1934-2021) Germany
**Concerto (1970)
Small Orchestra Concerto for 2 Flutes, 3 Trombones, Harp, Piano, Percussion, and
String Orchestra (1963)
Matthys, Marc (1956- ) Belgium
+Camel Caravan for Double Bass, String Quartet, Flute, and Piano (arr. for flute, piano,
and string orchestra)
Matton, Roger (1929-2004) Canada
§Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1963-64)
Mattson, Jeremy ( – ) USA
**Traveling Suite for String Orchestra, Piano, and 3 Percussion (2018), III. Home
Matumura, Makia ( – ) USA
**Ashes of Vengeance: A Rhapsody for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (by 2013)
Matusik, Piotr (1991- ) Poland
**Nemesis for Violin, Piano, and String Orchestra (2016)
**Concerto in f-sharp, I-III only
Maugis, Sylvain ( – ) France
**Concerto No. 1 in G (“Concerto de Noël”) for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 132
**Concerto No. 2 in C for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 134 (2020-21)
**Concerto No. 3 in f for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 145 (2021)
**Concerto No. 4 in A (“Concerto d’Annie”) for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 146
**Concerto No. 5 in B-flat (“Auld Lang Syne”) for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 150
**Pièce concertante in C for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 122 (2020)
Mauldin, Michael (1947- ) USA
•Celebration of the Sun: Three Conversations (1974)
Maupoint, Andrés (1968- ) Chile
**Le Carnaval d’Arlequin (2015)
**Concerto (1999-2013)
Maura de Assis, Alfredo ( – )
Maurice, Paule (1910-67) France
**Concerto Concertino
**Concerto giocoso (1950)
Mauro, Gilberto ( – ) Brazil
**Concerto No. 1 (by 2015)
Maury, Pierre ( – ) France
**Concerto (2021)
Mausz, Erwin (1899-1969) Germany
**Konzertstück (c.1950)
Mauti, Rick ( – ) Canada
**Concerto No. 1 (“The Runs”) (2005)
Mautner, Michael (1959- ) Austria
§United Colours for Alto Saxophone, Piano, Percussion and String Orchestra (rec.
Maves, David W. (1937- ) USA
**Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1983)
+No, Nonet (2000)
Mavromoustakis, Theodore (1969- ) Greece
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2018)
Maw, Michael (1980- ) Canada
**Concert Piece (1999)
**Concerto No. 1 (2000), II & III (excerpt)
Mawer, Anthony (1930-88) England
**Starlight Concerto (Romance Over the Top) (rec. 1961)
Máximo, Fabián (1961- ) Argentina
**Concerto (by 2016)
Maxwell, Michael (Somerset Cullen) (1921- ) England
Introduction and Allegro (by 1955)
?May, Marlene
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra, I
Maya, Ariel ( – ) Argentina
**Concierto barrocco for Harpsichord, Oboe, String Orchestra, and Piano (by 2004)
Mayer, Emilie (1812-83) Germany
+Concerto in B-flat for Piano and Small Orchestra, Op. 25 (c.1850 [1853-57])
Mayer, Rudolf ( – )
**Suite for Piano, 6 Celli, Double Bass, and Timpani
Mayer, William (Robert) (1925-2017) USA
§Octagon (1967-71)
**Overture for an American for Large Orchestra with Piano (1958)
Mayerl, Billy (1902-59) England
§Aquarium Suite (1937)
**Moods in Contrast (Suite, by 1956)
**Four Aces Suite (1953; arr. by Ray Noble)
§Selections: Autumn Crocus (1932; arr. by Herman Finck); Bats in the Belfry (1935;
arr. by George Windeatt); Four Aces Suite (1953; arr. by Ray Noble); From a Spanish
Lattice (1938; arr. by Hubert Bath); Fireside Fusiliers (1943; arr. by Alan Nichols);
Marigold (1927); Parade of the Sandwich-Board Men (1938; arr. by George Windeatt)
**Song of the Fir Tree (1938)
Maykov, Adam ( – ) USA
**P.A.I.N. (Three Notes) (2020-21)
Maynard-Estevez, Lucas ( – ) USA
**Concerto, Op. 4 (2023)
**Concerto, Op. 7 (2023)
Mayne, Kathleen (1960- ) USA
**Concertino (2008)
Mayr [Mayer], (Johannes) Simon Giovanni Simone Italy/Germany
§Concerto No. 1 in C for Piano and String Orchestra (?after 1802; arr. for piano and
orchestra by Luca Bianchini and Piero Barbareschi)
§Concerto No. 2 in C for Piano and String Orchestra (?after 1802; arr. for piano and
orchestra by Luca Bianchini and Piero Barbareschi) Mayuzumi, Toshiro (1929-97)
+Pieces for Prepared Piano and String Orchestra (1957; ?orig. for piano and string
+Sérénade fantastique for Flute, Piano, and String Orchestra (1946, unfinished)
Mazánek, Martin (1979- ) Czech Republic
+Autumn Trees for Orchestra with Piano (2007)
+Ugly Duckling for Orchestra with Piano (by 2010)
Mazhara, Nikolay (1977- ) Russia
**Concerto No. 1 (2000), Allegro; Lento; Allegro vivace
**Concerto No. 4 (premièred 2023)
**Concerto for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (by 2011)
**Scherzo alla Beethoven (by 2020)
Mazmanian, Nicolas ( – ) France
+Suite for Orchestra with Piano (“William Conrad”) (2000-2)
Mazo, Celia ( – ) Spain
**Concertino (2014)
Mazzola, Silvina ( – ) Argentina
**Bellatrix Gamma Orionis for Piano and Septet (2023)
Mazzoli, Missy (1980- ) USA
**In Spite of All This (2005)
Mbog Song [Radjensky], Johannes Louis (1976- ) Cameroon/Belgium
**Concerto (by 2022), I-II
McAllister, Scott (1969- ) USA
**X Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra with Piano (1996, influenced by the grunge
music of Nirvana and Alice in Chains)
McBride, Robert (1911-2007) USA
**Workout for Small Orchestra with Piano (1958)
McCabe, John (1939-2015) England
Concertino for Piano Duet and Orchestra (1968)
§Concerto No. 1, Op. 43 (1966)
+Concerto No. 2 (Sinfonia concertante) (1970)
**Concerto No. 3 (“Dialogues”) (1976/78)
McCade, Smith
**Concerto No. 1 in g (“The Glass”) (2011)
McCarthy, Owen
**Concerto No. 1 (2015-16)
McCarty, Michael (1988- ) USA
**Concerto (2015; composed for the 70th anniversary of the United Nations)
McCaw, Ken J.
**Rose Lake Concerto (2022-23)
McClean, Benjamin ( – ) Australia
**Concerto No. 1 in d (2023)
McConnach, John ( – ) Canada
McConnell, Matthew (1980- ) USA
**Concerto for Toy Piano and Orchestra (2004)
McCullough, Allen (1978- ) USA
**Concerto No. 1 (2009), III
McDaniel, Buck ( – ) USA
**Look Ahead, Concerto for Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (2013)
McDaniel, Jennifer (c.1983- ) USA
**Concerto (2006)
McDaniel, Stanley V. (1931- ) USA
**The Wanderer Speaks to the Mountains for Flute, Piano, Percussion, and String
Orchestra (1962/2000)
McDonald, Ayden (1998- ) Australia
**Concerto No. 1 in c (2016)
**Scintillate, Rhapsody on a Theme of Daquin (2015)
McDonald, Brian ( – ) USA
**Concerto (“Unresolved”) (2016), I
**Fantasy in a for Orchestra and Piano
**Poe’s Ghost for Piano and String Orchestra
**Spirit Fantasy
McDonald, Harl (1899-1955) USA
§Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1935-36)
McDonald, Mark
**Concerto No. 1 in g (2018)
**Concerto No. 2 in b-flat (2021-22)
McDonnell, Basil
+Concerto No. 2 for Piano and String Orchestra (2023)
McDonough, James M.
**Concertino No. 1, Op. 13 (by 2023)
McDowall, Cecilia (1951- ) England
+Dance the Dark Streets for String Orchestra with Piano Obbligato
McEncroe, Mark John (1947- ) Australia
**Natalie’s Suite – Three Faces of Addiction (2014)
McFarland, Ron (1928- ) USA
**Concerto Baroque for Piano and Chamber Orchestra
+Fantasy Concerto on Christmas Themes
McFaul, Karl (1972- ) Sweden
**Concerto No. 1 (“Drum ‘n Bass”) (2005)
Best Sheet Music download from our Library.
McGeoch, Graham ( – ) Scotland
**Concerto (2020-21)
McGill, Scott ( – ) USA/England
**Concerto (by 2023), I
**Re-composition of Schoenberg’s Concerto, Op. 42 (2019)
McGlashan, Don(ald) (1959- ) New Zealand
**An Angel at My Table (soundtrack, 1990)
McGuffie, Bill (1927-87) England
**The Unstoppable Man, Theme (1960)
McGuire, John (1942- ) USA
**Pulse Music II for 4 Pianos and Small Orchestra (1975-76)
McGuire, Ryan
**Concerto No. 2 (2018), I
**Concerto No. 3 in D (2019), I
McHale, Michael (1983- ) Ireland
**We’ve Come a Long Way (music for Martin Stalker’s short film promoting Northern
Ireland, 2019)
McHenry, Ross ( – ) Australia
**Concerto for Improvising Piano and Orchestra (2018), excerpt of II
McHugh, Jimmy (1894-1969) USA
+I’m in the Mood for Love (1935)
McIntosh, Diana (1937- ) Canada
**Four on the Floor for 4 Pianos, Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, and 2 Percussion (2003)
**Nine Foot Clearance (1995)
McIntosh, Thomas (1938-2015) USA/England
+Concerto for Piano 4-Hands and Orchestra (2007)
+Concerto on Japanese Folk Songs (2005)
McIntyre, David L. (1950- ) Canada
**Concerto (2003)
McIntyre, John ( – ) Canada
McIntyre, Scott (1968- ) Australia
**Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2012)
McKay, Bruce
**Concerto No. 2 (“Romantic”) in c (by 2020)
McKay, Dosia (1971- ) Poland/USA
**Far from Home for Piano and String Orchestra (2005)
**Lush for Soprano Saxophone, Piano, and Jazz Chamber Orchestra (2009)
McKay, George Frederick (1899-1970) USA
**Harbor Narrative
+Song Over the Great Plains (1953)
McKenna, Rev. Edward J. (1939-2019) USA
**Concerto in F (premièred 1990)
McKenzie, Mark (1956- ) USA
**“The Disappearance of Garcia Lorca” (soundtrack, 1996)
McKimm, Barry (1941- ) Australia
**Concerto for 2 Violas, String Orchestra, and Piano (1979)
**Rhapsody for Piano and Concert Band (2001; arr. of a Concert Piece for piano, brass,
and percussion, 1984)
McKinley, Maxime (1979- ) Canada
**Wirkunst-Yourcenar (2007)
McKinley, William Thomas (1938-2015) USA
+“And the President Said…” for Orchestra, Narrator, and Obbligato Piano (1987)
§Andante and Scherzo (1993)
§Concerto No. 1 [Concerto in Two Movements], Op. 60 (1974)
§Concerto No. 2 (“O’Leary”) (1987)
§Concerto No. 3 (1994)
§Concerto in Two Movements [see Concerto No. 1]
§Going Home for Clarinet, Piano, and Orchestra (1995)
+Mostly Mozart (1999)
**Poem of Light (1983)
§Silent Whispers (1992)
+Sinfonia concertante for Piano, Harp, Violin, Cello, Percussion, and Orchestra (1985)
+Wind, Fire, and Ice (2000)
McKuen, Rod (Marvin) (1933-2015) USA
+Birch Trees (Adagio) for Orchestra and Piano
**Concerto No. 3 (“The Cathedrals of England”), Op. 27 (1972; first two piano
concertos unrecorded)
Seascapes for Piano and Woodwinds
**Variations (“Riders in the Distance”) for 2 Pianos and Orchestra
McLachlan, John (1964- ) Ireland
**Concerto for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (1987-88)
McLean, Benjamin ( – ) Australia
**Concerto No. 1 in d (2023)
McLean, Sam ( – ) Australia
**Suite (2018)
McLeod, Jenny Helen (1941-2022) New Zealand
+Rock Concerto (orig. a Rock Sonata for piano solo, 1985-86; arr. as a concerto, 2009)
McLeod, John (1934-2022) Scotland
**Concerto (1988)
McMahan, Scott ( – ) USA
**Player Piano Concerto (by 2016), I
McMillan Fuentes, Carlos (1988- ) USA
**Concerto, Op. 22 (2009-10/14), I. Katabasis; II. Hidden Temple and Falling Dreams
**Concerto da Requiem for Piano, Soprano, Mezzo Soprano, Tenor, Bass-Baritone, and
Treble/Countertenor, SATB and Children’s Choir, and Orchestra (2020)
**Cricket Dreams for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 15 (2008-9/11)
**Winter Rhapsody, Op. 7 (orig. for piano solo, 2002-14; version for piano and
orchestra, premièred 2021)
McMoon, Cosmé born Cosmé McMunn and best known as the accompanist of Florence Foster Jenkins Mexico/USA
**Rondo espagnol (1948, but discovered in the composer’s attic only after his death;
premièred 2018)
McNeall, Danny ( – ) Australia
**Happy Piece for Piano and String Orchestra (2020)
McNulty, Frank (1923- ) USA
**Ballet Miniature (“A Rhapsody for Janet”)
McPartland [née Turner], (Margaret) Marian (1918-2013) England/USA
+12 works (arr. for piano and string orchestra by Alan Broadbent; by 1997):
Castles in the Sand
Delicate Balance
For Dizzy
Melancholy Mood
Silent Pool (by 1997) [551, +1828]
Stranger in a Dream
There’ll Be Other Times
Time and Time Again
Twilight World
With You in Mind
McPeek, Ben (1934-81) Canada
**Concerto No. 1 (1979)
**Concerto for Toy Piano and Orchestra (by 1976)
McPhee, Colin (Carhart) (1900-64) Canada/USA
+Concerto for Piano and Wind Octet (1928)
+Concerto for Wind Orchestra with Piano (1959)
+Nocturne for Orchestra with Piano (1958)
§“Tabuh-tabuhan,” Toccata for Orchestra and 2 Pianos (1936)
McPhee, Jonathan (1954- ) USA
§Fantasy for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2001)
McQueen, Ian (1954- ) Scotland
**Phaedrus (Concerto) (1992-93)
McSperitt, Kenn (1970- ) USA
**Hypostases, Concerto for Alto Saxophone, Piano, and String Orchestra (2015)
Mealor, Paul (1975- ) Wales
**Concerto (2020)
Medadi, Ali
**Concerto No. 1, Op. 4 (2021)
Medek, Tilo (1940-2006) Germany
**Concerto (“in an anamorphic transformation of Johann Kuhnau’s biblical history
“The Battle Between David und Goliath”) (1987)
Mediņš, Jānis (1890-1966) Latvia
**Concerto in c-sharp (1932)
Medtner [Metner], Nikolay Karlovich (1880-1951) Russia
§Concerto No. 1 in c, Op. 33 (1914-18)
§Concerto No. 2 in c, Op. 50 (1920-27)
§Concerto No. 3 in e (“Ballade”), Op. 60 (1940-43)
Meerovich, Mikhail Aleksandrovich (1920-93) USSR
**Concerto No. 1 (1967)
Meester, Louis de [see De Meester]
Méfano, Paul (1937-2020) France
**Paraboles for Soprano, Piano, and Chamber Orchestra (1964-65)
Megateli, Larbi ( – ) USA
+Concerto for Piano, Organ, Chorus, and Orchestra (1991/2006)
+Overture for Piano and String Orchestra (1991/2006)
+Rhapsody for Piano and String Orchestra (an arr. of Rhapsody No. 3 [New Age
Holidays”] for piano solo, 2005-6/2015-16)
Mehdi, [Favéris-Essadi] “DJ” (1977-2011) France
**Pocket Piano (2008; arr. for piano and orchestra by Thomas Roussel)
Mehldau, Brad (1970- ) USA
+Concerto (2018)
+Variations on a Melancholy Theme (premièred 2013)
Mehmari, André (1977- ) Brazil
**Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2015)
+Concerto for Jazz Piano Trio and Strings (c.2008)
**Concerto Chorado (2007/11)
**Divertimento for Clarinet, Piano, and Symphonic Band, I
**Lachrimae (c.2004)
**Meu Brasil [My Brazil] (by 2022)
**Noturno for Chorus, Piano, and Orchestra (2015)
**Other Works (by 2010) —
Um Anjo nasce
Cherubino Piano Concerto
Concerto Chorado, II. Andante (see also above)
No so più cosa son
**Suite Clube da Esquina (by 2021)
Mehocic, Beth (1953- ) USA
+Concerto (1974/2016-17)
+Tango Concerto for Piano, Accordion/Bandoneon, and Chamber Orchestra (2018)
Mehul, Etienne-Nicholas (1763-1817) France
*Ouverture burlesque (1794; arr. for piano, violin, 3 kazoos, triangle, toy drum, ratchet,
and whistle)
Mei Guang-zhao [see Mui Kwong-chiu]
Mei Yongte ( – ) China
§My Love
Meier, Hermann (1906-2002) Switzerland
**5 Orchestra Pieces (1955)
+Piece for Large Orchestra and Piano 4-Hands, HMV 62 (1965)
+Piece for Strings, Winds, and 2 Pianos, HMV 71 (1968)
**Requiem for Orchestra and 2 Pianos, HMV 66 (1967)
Meier, Jost (1939-2022) Switzerland
§Esquisses for Piano, Strings, and Percussion (1991)
Meier, Zachary (1992- )
**Journey for Chamber Ensemble with Piano (2014)
Meijering, Chiel (1954- ) Netherlands
**Great Themes on Vain Glory for Ensemble with Piano (2007)
**Hoist the Sails (Concerto) for Piano and Double String Quintet (2003)
**Kiss of Fire (Concerto) for the Classical Band “Spark” (2 Recorders, Violin, Cello,
Piano), String Orchestra, and Percussion (premièred 2014)
**Northern Lights (Concerto) (2001), II-III
**Plasmids (1998)
Meinders, Frédéric (1946- ) Netherlands
**Variations on a Theme of Chopin (“Funeral March” from his Sonata No. 2) for Piano
Left-Hand and String Orchestra (2012)
Meisl, Jan (1974- ) Czech Republic
Triple Concerto for Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra, Op. 6 (1999)
Meister, Scott Robert (1950- ) USA
**Gravitons for Orchestra with Piano (1980)
Mejía, Adolfo (1905-73) Colombia
**Concerto (1940-41)
Mejia, Fredy Marus
**Cubanautas, Rhapsody for Harp, Piano, and Orchestra, Op. 13 (by 2020)
**Concerto in a, Op. 28 (by 2020)
Mejia, Jorge (1972- ) Colombia/USA
+An Open Book: 25 Preludes (orig. for piano solo, 2005-15)
Mekaev, Alex
**Concerto No. 3 (by 2020)
Mekiffer, Malte (1985- ) Germany
**Concerto No. 1 in E-flat (2007)
Melachrino, George (1909-65) England
**First Rhapsody (from the film “House of Darkness,” 1948; orig. for orchestra alone,
1936), principal theme only
Melby, John (1941- ) USA
**Concerto No. 3 (2010)
Melcer-Szczawiński, Henryk (1869-1928) Poland
§Concerto No. 1 in e (1891-93; Rubinstein Prize 1895)
§Concerto No. 2 in c (1898)
Melchers, Melcher Henrik Sweden
**Concerto No. 1, Op. 18 (1923)
+Concerto No. 2, Op. 23 (1931)
Mele-Lara, Nelly (1922-93) Venezuela
+Fantasía (1966)
Meliá Griffith, Osmar ( – ) Guatemala
**Fantasía No. 1 (“Dotzy”) (2018; rev. by Vinicio Quezada)
Melik-Aslanian, Emanuel (1915-2003) Iran
**Dialogue (1972)
Melikov [Məlikov; Malikov], Arif (1933-2019) Azerbaijan
**Concerto (2014)
Melin, Sten (1957- ) Sweden
+Keep the Change for Sinfonietta with 2 Pianos (1989/93)
Melles, Gerrit ( – ) Netherlands
**Concertino No. 1, Op. 24 (by 2014)
**Concertino No. 2, Op. 31 (by 2017)
Mello, Marcos ( – ) Brazil
**Concerto in D (by 2018)
Mello, Rômulo (2007- ) Brazil
**Concerto No. 1 in B-flat (2023)
Melloni, Romeo Cesare (1963- ) USA
**Concertino de Bambini for Piano 4-Hands and Orchestra (2014), II
**Concerto (2003)
**Concerto No. 2 (2021)
§Piano Symphony (1992-93)
Melngailis, Emilis Jūlijs (1874-1954) Latvia
**Tumša nakte, zaļā zāle (1912; arr. for orchestra with piano)
Melo, Rosita (1897-1981) Argentina
**Desde el Alma (1911)
Mels, Jean Louis ( – ) France
**Concerto (by 2016)
Melville-Smith, Maddie (2005- ) United Kingdom
**Concerto in F for Piano, Chorus, and Orchestra (2020-22)
Menacho, Trinida ( – )
Menasce, Jacques de (1905-60) Austria
§Concerto No. 2 (1939)
§Divertimento on a Children’s Song for Piano and Strings (1940)
Mendelssohn(-Bartholdy), (Jakob Ludwig) Felix (1809-47) Germany [see also
Baumgartner; Kochan, G.]
§Capriccio brillant in b, Op. 22 (c.1825-26)
§Concerto in a for Piano and String Orchestra (1822)
§Concerto No. 1 in g, Op. 25 (1831)
§Concerto No. 2 in d, Op. 40 (1837)
+Concerto No. 2 in d, Op. 40 (1837; arr. for piano and string orchestra by Paul Graf
von Waldersee)
+Concerto [No. 3] in e (1842-44; I & II reconstructed by R. Larry Todd from two
manuscripts in the M. Deneke Mendelssohn Collection, Bodleian Library, Oxford, and
a manuscript copy, now at Yale Univ., prepared by Mendelssohn’s copyist Henschke
for Niels Gade; this reconstruction, published by Bärenreiter in 2008, also includes as
the third movement Todd’s arrangement of the finale of the Violin Concerto in e)
+Concerto [No. 3] in e (1842-44; reconstructed by Marcello Bufalini, with new
orchestration and third movement based on three fragments for the finale in the
Bodleian Library, Oxford)
+Concerto [No. 3] in e (1842-44; reconstructed by Martin Yates, 2013, with new
orchestration and third movement based on fragments for the finale in the Bodleian
Library, Oxford)
§Concerto in E for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1823; orig. version)
§Concerto in E for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1823; revised c.1830)
§Concerto in A-flat for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1824)
§Concerto in d for Violin, Piano, and String Orchestra (1823)
§Concerto in d for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (1823; arr. by the composer)
**Concerto in d for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (1823; arr. by Igor Oistrakh)
**Concerto in d for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (1823; arr. for mandolin, piano, and
string orchestra, premièred 2019)
Consolation, Op. 30, No. 3 (orig. for piano solo, 1833-34; arr. by Breuer)
**Midsummer Night’s Dream, Op. 21 (1826), Notturno
**Midsummer Night’s Dream, Op. 21 (1826), Scherzo (Rachmaninoff’s arr. for piano
solo + orig. orchestral score)
+On Wings of Song (arr. Richard Abel & Guy St-Onge)
§On Wings of Song (arr. Jack Byfield for piano and string orchestra)
+Recitativo for Piano and String Orchestra (1820)
§Rondo brillant in E-flat, Op. 29 (1834)
**Rondo capriccioso in E, Op. 14 (orig. for piano solo, 1830; arr. by Voldemar Wal-
§Serenade and Allegro giocoso in b, Op. 43 (1838)
Songs without Words, Opp. 30, No. 3 (“Consolation”) and 62, No. 6 (“Spring Song”)
(orig. for piano solo; arr. by Breuer)
**Songs without Words in f-sharp (“Venetian Gondola Song”), Op. 30, No. 6 (orig. for
piano solo; arr. for piano and string orchestra)
**Spinning Song, Op. 67, No. 4 (orig. for piano solo, 1843-45; arr. by Voldemar Wal-
Spring Song, Op. 62, No. 6 (orig. for piano solo, 1842-44; arr. by Breuer)
**Symphony No. 3 (“Scottish”) in a, Op. 56 (1829-42; arr. for 2 pianos and string
**Venetian Gondola Song in f-sharp, Op. 30, No. 6 (orig. for piano solo; arr. for piano
and string orchestra)
**Wedding March (arr. by Aaron Lawrence? in the style of Mozart, c.2001)
Mendelssohn, Felix (1809-47) and Ignaz Moscheles (1794-1870)
+Duo concertant en variations brillantes in c for 2 Pianos and Orchestra, MWV 09
Fantasy and Variations on the Gypsy (Bohemian) March from Weber’s “Preziosa,” Op. 87b
**Duo concertant en variations brillantes in c for 2 Pianos and Orchestra, MWV 09
[Fantasy and Variations on the Gypsy (Bohemian) March from Weber’s “Preziosa,”
Op. 87b] (1833; arr. by Hans Priegnitz)
Mendes, Gilberto (1922-2016) Brazil
**Concerto (1981)
**Rastro Harmonico (2003-4)
**Ulysses in Copacabana Surfing with James Joyce and Dorothy Lamour (1988)
Mendonça, Vasco (1977- ) Portugal
+Step Right Up (2018)
Mendoza, Elena (1973- ) Spain
**Salón de espejos for 2 Pianos, 2 Percussion, and Orchestra (2010/18)
Mendygaliyev, Nagim (1921-2006) Kazakhstan
**Concerto No. 3 (1976)
**Concerto No. 5 for Piano and Kazakh Folk Instrument Orchestra (after 1979)
Menezes, Flo (1962- ) Brazil
**Pulsares for Pianist, Orchestra, and Electronics (1998-2000)
Menezes, Marcos de (1965- ) Brazil
**Concertino in E-flat [Piccolo Concerto “In Memoriam Carl Czerny”], Op. 2
Mengel, Ken ( – ) USA
**Concerto (by 2022)
Mengelberg, Karel (Willem Joseph) (1902-84) Netherlands
**Prelude and Fugue (“Moon and Sun”) (1962)
Menken, Alan (1949- ) and Howard Ashman (1950-91) USA [see also Feldbau; Fraser;
+Beauty and the Beast (theme from the Disney film, 1991)
**Beauty and the Beast Concerto (arr. from themes in the Disney film by Daniel
Sebastian, 2017)
Menna, Daniel ( – ) Switzerland
**Concerto (by 2012)
Mennin, Peter (1923-83) USA
§Concerto (1957-58)
Menotti, Gian Carlo (1911-2007) Italy/USA
§Concerto in F (1945)
**Errand into the Maze (ballet) for Piano, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn,
Percussion, and Strings (1947)
§Sebastian (ballet, 1944)
§Triplo Concerto a Tre (for orchestra and 9 soloists forming 3 trios: pf, harp, perc; ob,
cl, bn; vn, va, vc) (1970)
Menter, Sofiya [Sophie] Osipovna (1846-1918) [see Liszt: Concerto in the Hungarian
Menuhin, Jeremy (1951- ) USA/England
**Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (premièred 2021)
Menut, Benoît (1977- ) France
Depuis le Rivage (Poem) for Violin, Cello, Piano, Percussion, and String Orchestra
**Triple Concerto for Piano, Violin, Clarinet, and Orchestra (2018-19), I-II
Merath, Siegfried (1928-95) Germany
**Riviera-Fantasie (1956; re-edited in 1970 as “Las Palmas Concerto”)
Mercier, Marcel (1911-96) France
**Concerto No. 3 (“De Si à Do”)
Mercury, Freddie born Farrokh Bulsara England
+Barcelona (1988; arr. for piano, solo voices, and orchestra by Mario Previti)
**Bohemian Rhapsody (1975; arr. by Alan Bjelinski, 2009)
+Bohemian Rhapsody (1975; arr. for flute, piano, chorus, and orchestra by Louis Clark,
by 1982)
**Bohemian Rhapsody (1975; arr. for jazz piano trio and chamber orchestra)
Meredith, Anna (1978- ) Scotland
**Left Light (Double Concerto) for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2009)
Meremkulov, Oleg (1935- ) Russia
**Concerto for Cello, Piano, Strings, Winds, and Timpani (premièred 2014)
Merhar, Teja (1994- ) Slovenia
**Concertino for Piano and String Orchestra (2017)
Merikanto, Aarre (1893-1958) Finland
+Abduction of Kyllikki for Orchestra with Piano (symphonic poem, 1935)
§Concerto No. 2 (1937)
§Concerto No. 3 (1955)
+Nonet (1926)
+10 Pieces for Orchestra with Piano (1930)
Meriläinen, Usko (1930-2004) Finland
**Concerto No. 1 (1955)
§Concerto No. 2 (1969)
**Kinetic Poem (1981)
Merkelys, Remigijus (1964- ) Lithuania
+Seventh Heaven for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2002)
Merks, Yuri
**Postlude I for Piano and String Orchestra (2023)
Merkù, Pavle (1927-2014) Italy/Slovenia
**Baroque Overture for Double String Orchestra, Piano, and Percussion, Op. 7bis
Merlet, Michel (1939- ) France
+Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 35 (1982-83)
Mernier, Benoît (1964- ) Belgium
**Concerto (2008)
Merrick, Frank (1886-1981) England
**Concerto No. 1 in B-flat (1905)
**Concerto No. 2 in e (1936)
+Concerto No. 2 in e (1936), Seascape only
Mersson, Boris (1921-2013) Switzerland
+Concerto (“Moonlight”) (c.1965)
Merta, Zdenek (1951- ) Moravia
**Moraviana (premièred 2018)
**Moraviana, Variations IV-VI
Mertens, Wim (1953- ) Belgium
**Struggle for Pleasure (1982)
Mertl, Gregory (1969- ) USA
+Concerto for Piano and Symphonic Winds (2008-9)
Merziloss ( – ) USA
**Concerto in e-flat
Mesa, Luis (1996- ) Mexico
**Cuatro Murales Independentistas for String Orchestra and Piano (2021)
Mesa, Santiago ( – ) Uruguay
**Concerto (2020-21)
**Concerto (2021), I Don’t Want to Throw My Life Away; Hurt & Lost; Fighting
**Concerto (2021; different from the above), I
**Concerto No. 2 (2021-22)
**Concerto No. 3 (2022)
Mesa, Sergio (1943- ) Colombia
**Meditativo y ostinato (1995)
Messiaen, Olivier (1908-92) France
§Des canyons aux étoiles for Piano, Horn, and Orchestra (1970-74)
§Concert à quatre ((1990-91; completed by Yvonne Loriod)
§Couleurs de la cité céleste for Piano, 13 Winds, Xylophone, Xylorimba, Marimba, and
4 Percussion (1963)
§Oiseaux exotiques for Piano, 11 Winds, Xylophone, Glockenspiel, 2 Percussion (1955-
§Réveil des oiseaux (1953)
§Sept Haikai for Piano, 13 Winds, Xylophone, Marimba, 4 Percussion, 8 Violins (1962)
+La Transfiguration de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ for Voices, Piano, Cello, Flute,
Clarinet, Vibraphone, Marimba, Xylorimba, and Orchestra (1965-69)
§Trois petites liturgies de la présence divine (1944)
§Turangalîla-symphonie for Piano, Ondes Martenot, and Orchestra (1946-48)
+La Ville d’en haut [City on High] for Piano, Wind Orchestra, and Percussion (1987)
§Un vitrail et des oiseaux A Stained Glass Window and Birds
Messieri, Massimiliano (1964- ) Italy
Virus for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (1997)
Mestre, Melani (1976- ) Spain [see also Granados; Schifrin]
**Concerto No. 1 (“Concertango”) on Themes by Piazzolla (2014)
**Tangazzo for Violin, Cello, Piano, Accordion, and Orchestra (by 2003; an
arrangement of Oscar Strock’s tango “Tell Me Why, Madam?”)
**Variations concertantes on the “Song of the Birds” for Cello, Piano, and Orchestra
Mestres Quadreny, Josep María (1929-2021) Spain
+L’Estro aleatorio, 6 Concertos for Various Soloists and Orchestra (1963-78): No. 4
for Piano and Orchestra (1976)
Meštrović, Matej (1969- ) Croatia
+Chinese Rhapsody for Piano and Orchestra with Pipa, Zheng, Erhu, and Violin (by
+Danube Rhapsody for Piano and Orchestra with Accordion, Tambura, Cimbalom, and
Fife (by 2019)
+New England Rhapsody (by 2019)
+Pleter (by 2022)
Meţianu, Lucian (1937- ) Romania/Switzerland
**Transmutation II (“Cage in a cage”) (by 2012)
Metsala [see Ellerhein-Metsala]
Mettens, David “Clay” (1990- ) USA
**Stain, Bloom, Moon, Rain for Ens. with Piano (2020)
Mettiäinen, Miika (1993- ) Finland
**Moonlight for Violin, Piano, and Strings (2009)
Metzler, Friedrich (1910-79) Germany
+Concerto (1964-65)
Meulemans, Arthur (1884-1966) Belgium
**Concerto No. 1 (1941)
**Concerto No. 2 in E (1956)
**Concerto in C for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1958)
Meyer, Elizabeth ( – ) New Zealand
**Concerto No. 1 (2012)
Meyer, Ernst Hermann (1905-88) Germany
**Concerto for Orchestra and Obbligato Piano (1974)
**Konzertante Sinfonie (1961)
Meyer[-Gergs], Friedrich (1915-93) Germany
**Rondo (“Melodien”) (publ. 1956)
Meyer, Krzysztof (1943- ) Poland
§Concerto, Op. 46 (1979/88-89)
**Concerto retro, Op. 39a (orig. for flute, violin, cello, and harpsichord, 1976; arr. for
flute, harpsichord [piano], and string orchestra, 1986), VI. Allegro
+Musica concertante for Cello, Piano, Strings, and Percussion, Op. 130 (2016)
**Musique scintillante Op. 108 (2007)
Meyer, Paul ( – ) Switzerland
**Concertino in b
Meyer-Plutowski, Benjamin
**Concerto for Piano and 10 Instruments
Meyers, Randall (1955- ) USA
**Double Concerto for Piano, Cello, and Orchestra (publ. 1995), I-II
Meylaers, Stefan (1970- ) Belgium
**Amazonas (2006)
Meynaud, Michel (1950-2016) France
**Concerto No. 1 (1977-78)
**Concerto No. 2 (Requiem, In Memoriam Jean Meynaud [mother, d.1972]) (1972-78)
Meza, Alejandro (1888-1970) Mexico
+Andante religioso
Meza Casas, Luis Antonio (1931-2014) Peru
**Concerto No. 1, Op. 46 (2005-6)
**Variaciones sobre un tema tradicional, Op. 28
Mezquida, Marco (1987- ) Spain
**Concerto (“Talaiot”) (premièred 2023)
Miani, Renato (1965- ) Italy
+Grande grigio for Piano and Ensemble (2003)
Miasnikov [see Myasnikov]
Miazato, Kazhiro ( – ) Japan
**Concerto (“Edenraku”), Op. 1 (2020/22-23)
Michael, Edward Salim (1921-2006) England
**Les Soirées de Tédjlah for Mezzo-soprano Vocalise, 2 Flutes, Piano, and String
Orchestra (1960)
Michael, Fredrick ( – ) USA
**Concerto (2015), I-II
Michael, Richard (1949- ) Scotland
**Meadows Suite for Jazz Piano, Soprano Saxophone, and Orchestra (2012), IV. “Bill
Michaelides, Solon (1905-79) Greece
§Concerto (1966)
Michaels, Kristfor ( – ) USA
**Concerto No. 3 (2021)
Michailowsky [Mykhajlowsky], Michailo [Mykhajlo] [another pseudonym of Mikhail
Gol’dshtein (Michael Goldstein) (1917-89) Ukraine/Germany, best known for the
“Ovsyanniko-Kulikovsky” Symphony No. 21 hoax on Soviet authorities]
**Ukrainian Rhapsody (1965)
Micháns, Carlos Eduardo (1950- ) Argentina/Netherlands
**Sinfonia concertante No. 3 (“Kaleidos”) for Clarinet, Violin, Piano, and Orchestra
Michaud, Dennis (1952- ) USA
**Orono Concerto (2005)
Michel, Rainer (1955- ) Germany
**Wechselwinde for Solo Voice, Soprano Saxophone, Trumpet Violin, Piano, Orchestra,
and Chorus (2019)
Michel, Wilfried (1948- ) Germany
**Zwischen Gesang (c.1973)
Michelet, V. [see Mishle]
Micheletti, Stefano (1955- ) Italy
**Double (“Omaggio a George Gershwin”) for Piano and Jazz Band (by 2015)
Micka, Vit (1935- ) Czech Republic
**Concertino for Piano, Strings, Trumpets, and Timpani (1985)
**New England Greeting
Micò, Salvatore “Lele” ( – ) Italy
**“M.P.M.” Concerto (dedicated to Marco Vicario; (premièred 31 March 2006)
**Sanguinetti for Piano and String Orchestra (?2014)
Middendorf II, John William (1924- ) USA
**Concerto in G for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 4 (c.1972; orchestrated with
assistance from Somtow Sucharitkul)
Mieg, Peter (1906-90) Switzerland
**Concerto No. 1 (1947)
**Concerto No. 2 (1961)
**Concerto for Piano 4-Hands and String Orchestra (1980)
§Concerto for Piano, Cello, and Orchestra (1983-84)
+Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1942)
+Concerto da camera for Strings, Piano, and Timpani (1952)
Miehling, Klaus (1963- ) Germany
**Concert Fantasy in b on Fragments of Grieg, Op. 70 (1997; based on Grieg’s sketches
for a Concerto in b, 1882-83)
**Concerto in e, Op. 110 (2005)
Mielck, Ernst Leopold Christian (1877-99) Finland
**Concerto in c, Op. 27 (1895), I (only complete mvt. extant) & beginning of II
§Concert Piece in e (based on Finnish Folk songs), Op. 9 (1895)
Mier, Martha (1936- ) USA
**Concerto in Classical Style for Piano and String Orchestra
Miereanu, Costin (1943- ) Romania/France
+Espaces II for 20 Strings, Piano, and Tape (1967-69; piano not very prominent)
**“Finis coronat opus” for Piano and 6 Instrumental Groups (1966)
**Musique élémentaire de concert for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Percussion, Piano,
Keyboard, and Cello (1977)
**Sursum Corda Triplus for Piano and Ensemble (1982)
Migdalski, Paweł ( – ) Poland
**Kukułka [Cuckoo], Part 3
Mignon, Marc ( – )
**Concerto No. 1, Op. 27 (2015), end of III
Mignone, Francisco (Paulo) (1897-1986) Brazil
+Burlesca e tocata (1956)
§Concerto (1958)
+Concerto (1958; revised, corrected score publ. by Academia Brasileira de Musica)
§Fantasia Brasileira No. 1 (1929)
§Fantasia Brasileira No. 2 (1931)
§Fantasia Brasileira No. 3 (1934)
§Fantasia Brasileira No. 4 (1936)
Migó Cortes, Marc (1993- ) Spain
+Concertino for Piano and Chamber Orchestra, Op. 27 (2016)
**Nocturne for Violin, Piano Obbligato, String Orchestra, and Harp (2019; the second
movement of the Double Concerto for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra, this also can be
performed as an independent piece)
Migot, Georges (1891-1976) France
**Concerto (1962)
Mihajlovic, Ana (1968- ) Serbia/Netherlands
**Superstitious Miniature (2012)
Mihajlović, Milan (1945- ) Serbia
+Fa-Mi(Ly) for Piano and String Orchestra (2013)
+Melancholy for Flute [Oboe], Piano, and String Orchestra (2014)
**Silenzio for Female Choir, Flute, Clarinet, Piano, and Chamber Orchestra (1996)
Mihaljinec, Stepjan (1935-2014) Croatia
**Fantasia (1973)
Mihalovici, Marcel (1898-1985) Romania/France
**Étude en deux parties for Piano, 7 Winds, Celeste, and Percussion, Op. 64 (1951)
**Prétextes for Oboe, Bass Clarinet, Piano, Percussion, and String Orchestra, Op. 95
§Toccata, Op. 44 (1938/40/49)
Mihály, András (1917-93) Hungary
**Concerto (1954)
+Concerto for Violin and Orchestra with Obbligato Piano (1959)
Mihevc, Marko Muni (1957- ) Slovenia
**Biconcentus for 2 Pianos and String Orchestra (1999)
Mihovilcevic, Luis (1958- ) Argentina
+Concerto (2000)
Mijares, Ikser (1978- ) Venezuela
**Fantasia, Op. 23 (by 2020)
Mikalsen, Jan Erik (1979- ) Norway
**Just For You (Concerto) (2017)
**Too Much of a Good Thing is Wonderful (2014)
Mikami, Jiro (1961- ) Japan
**Lyrical Landscape
Mikhashoff, Yvar Emilian born Ronald Mackay USA
**Concerto No. 1 for Piano, Winds, and Percussion (1965)
Mikheyev [Mikheev], Nikolay Alekseyevich (1984- ) Yakutia [Republic of Sakha]
**October for String Orchestra and Piano (2012)
Mikheyeva, Tat’yana (1972- ) Kazakhstan
**Symphony for Piano and Orchestra (1984)
Mikhnovich, Dmitry ( – ) Russia
*Arrangements for 2 Pianos and Orchestra— ?: Songs from a City Garden Greg Anderson: Carmen Fantasy (based on themes by Bizet) Babadjanian: Nocturne (with chorus)
Bach: Concerto for 4 Pianos and Orchestra, BWV. 1065, I (arr. from Vivaldi’s Op. 3,
No. 10, RV 580)
Eric Carmen: All by Myself
Giazotto (earlier attrib. to Albinoni): Adagio in g
Michael Jackson: Bad + Black or White
Jenkins: Palladio, I. Allegretto
Piazzolla: Libertango
Prokofiev: Montagues & Capulets (from “Romeo & Juliet”) + Rachmaninoff’s Prelude
No. 5 in g-sharp, Op. 23
Rimsky-Korsakov: Flight of the Bumblebee + Khachaturian’s Sabre Dance
Saint-Saëns: Danse macabre
Hans Zimmer: Film Music (with chorus*)
Mikita, Andrey ( – ) Russia
**Next Spring for Piano, Double Bass, and Chamber Orchestra
Mikkonen, Yrjö (1949- ) Finland
**Times and Places for Piano and String Orchestra (2020), III & IV
Mikorey, Franz (1873-1947) Germany
+Concerto in A (1898)
Milà, Leonora (1942- ) Catalonia, Spain
+Concerto for Piano Left-Hand and String Orchestra, Op. 46 (rec. 1993; sometimes
listed as Concerto No. 3, but different from Op. 73)
§Concerto No. 2, Op. 28 (rec. 1987)
+Concerto No. 3, Op. 73 (1999)
**Concerto No. 4 (To the memory of Maria Canals [1914-2010]), Op. 115 (perf. 2022)
Milanković, Vera (1953- ) Serbia
**Classic Concerto
**Concertino on Serbian Themes
**Concerto No. 1 (by 2014)
**Concerto No. 2
**Daljska Rapsodija for Piano and String Orchestra
**Senjačka Rapsodija for Piano and String Orchestra (1995)
Milano Mayora, Daniel (1926-2017) Venezuela
**Periclitando, Fantasía for Piano and Band (1998)
*Trinidad (1952)
*Tú mi Inspiración (1966)
Milch-Sheriff, Ella (1954- ) Israel
**Concerto for Piano, Timpani Obbligato, and Orchestra (2008; orig. ed.)
**Concerto for Piano, Timpani Obbligato, and Orchestra (2008; 2010 revision)
Milenković Živković, Jelena (1944- ) Serbia
**Concerto (1967-69)
Milford, Robin (Humphrey) (1903-59) England
§Concertino in E for Piano and String Orchestra (1955)
+Fishing by Moonlight for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 96a (1952; inspired by the
+Orchestral Interludes (2) for Flute, Strings, and Piano, Op. 19e (1928)
Milhaud, Darius (1892-1974) France
§Ballade, Op. 61 (1920)
+La bien-aimée for Pleyela [Pianola] and Orchestra, Op. 101 (ballet, 1928, after music
by Schubert and Liszt):
- Ouverture: Sposalizio (after Liszt)
- Valse-Impromptu (after Liszt)
- Valse III (after Schubert/Liszt)
- Première valse oubliée (after Liszt)
- Valse VI [Soirée de Vienne No. 6] (after Schubert/Liszt)
- Final: Grand galop chromatique (Liszt; pianola part added by the performers)
§Le carnaval d’Aix, Op. 83b (after ballet “Salade”; 1926)
§Concertino d’automne for 2 Pianos and 8 Instruments, Op. 309 (1950; No. 3 from “Les
Quatre Saisons”)
§Concerto No. 1, Op. 127 (1933)
§Concerto No. 2, Op. 225 (1941)
+Concerto No. 3, Op. 270 (1946)
§Concerto No. 4, Op. 295 (1948-49)
+Concerto No. 5, Op. 346 (1955)
§Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra, Op. 228 (1941)
§Etudes (5), Op. 63 (1920)
§Fantaisie pastorale, Op. 188 (1938)
Miljković, Katarina (1959- ) Serbia/USA
**Plavi prostor [Nonet] for Flute, Violin, Viola, Piano, and 4 Percussionists (1989)
Miller, Beatrice A.
**Concerto No. 1 in a, III
Miller, Caroline Louise (1988- ) USA
**Nocturne (2008-9)
Miller, Debra Hope ( – ) USA
**Concerto in E-flat (2013; orchestrated by Tyler Katz)
Miller, Edward (1930-2013) USA
**Concerto for Violin, Piano, and Chamber Orchestra (1995)
Miller, Lisa Cay ( – ) Canada
Sleep Furiously (c.2007)
Miller, Michael ( – ) USA
**Nicodemus! The Beds are Burning Again (2015)
Miller, Scott D. ( – ) USA
**Game with Sharp Knives for Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trombone, Violin, Cello,
Piano, and Percussion (2015)
Millikan, Ann (1963- ) USA
+Ballad Nocturne for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2009)
Mills, Frank (1942- ) Canada
**Concerto No. 1 for Piano, Rock Band, and Orchestra (1989)
**Music Box Dancer (1973)
Mills, Richard (1949- ) Australia
**Impromptu, After Schubert for Orchestra (2014; “a meditation in response to two
fragments from Schubert songs, ‘Ariette’ and ‘Auf dem Wasser zu singen,’” played by
an offstage piano)
Milne, Joseph ( – ) United Kingdom
**Autumn Sunrise for Piano and Strings
**Take this Heart for Piano and Strings
Milne, Matt (1986- ) United Kingdom
**Concerto No. 1 (2004)
**Concerto No. 2 (2004)
**Concerto No. 3 (2004)
**Concerto No. 4 (2004)
**Concerto No. 5 (2004)
**Concerto No. 7 (2004)
**Concerto No. 8 (2004)
**Concerto No. 9 (2004)
**Concerto No. 10 (2005)
**Concerto No. 12, I (2006)
**Concerto No. 14, I (2007)
**Concerto No. 15, I (2008)
**Concerto No. 19 (2010)
**Concerto No. 20 (2010)
**Concerto No. 21, I (2010)
**9 Variations on a Sailor’s Hornpipe (2004)
**13 Variations on “Flight of the Bumblebee”(2004)
**24 Variations on “Flight of the Bumblebee”(2008-9; different from the above)
Milne, Robert Bob USA
+Concerto (1998), III
Mimura, Makiyo? Japan/Mongolia
**Jazz Concerto (“My Cat”) (by 2019)
Minakakis, Dimitris Dimitrios Greece
**Greek Suite for Violin, Piano, and Chamber Orchestra
**Idychoron [Sweet Dancing] for Chamber Orchestra and 4 Soloists
**Symphony No. 1 (“Spring”) for Orchestra with Piano (by 2014)
Minakova, Irina (1983- ) Russia
**Concert-elegy (by 2008)
**Cosmophonia for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2011)
Minami, Hiroaki (1934- ) Japan
**Concerto (1974)
Minami, Satoshi (1955- ) Japan
+Coloration Project X (Tokyo version), Op. 35 (1996/98)
+Garden of Joyful Intellection No. 1b for 3 Soloists [Flute, Violin, Piano] and 3
Instrumental Groups, Op. 15, No. 5 (1991)
Minami, Yojiro (1952- ) Japan/Germany
**Jazz Concerto (“Ies Nesr of Gnos”)
Mincek, Alex (1975- ) USA
**Chamber Concerto for Ensemble with Piano (2013)
Minchev, Georgi (1939- ) Bulgaria
§Concerto (1976)
Mineo, (Antoinette) Toni (1926- ) USA
**Rhapsody 21 (1961, for the Seattle World’s Fair; orchestrated by her husband, Attilio
Mineo [1918-2010]; long version 20’; short version, 7’)
Miniakhmetova, Emilia (1982- ) Uzbekistan
**Concerto (2007)
Miniotas, Viktoras Victor Lithuania
**Concerto No. 1 (1987)
**Concerto No. 2 (10 Etudes) (1990), Nos. 3-4
Minkofski-Garrigues, Horst (1925-2000) Germany/Canada
§Klaviermusik, Op. 15 (1953)
Minkov, Mark (1944-2012) Russia
**Concerto No. 2 (1972)
Minowa, Tsukuru ( – ) Japan
**Concerto No. 2 (2019), III
Minto, Jack
**Concerto in A (2021), I
**Mini Concerto, Op. 8 (2021)
Mintus, Guy (1991- ) Israel/USA
**The Drop and the Ocean for Piano, Double Bass, Drums, and Orchestra (2015)
**Elongated Roads (by 2018)
**On Eagles’ Wings for Orchestra with Improvising Pianist (2018)
Mira Fornes, Raphael A. (1951- )
**Postrimeria I and II for Piano and Ensemble
Miralles, Pilar (1997- ) Spain/Finland
**Allegory of the Five Industrial Forces (premièred 2022)
Miranda, Bruno (1971- ) Portugal
**Hollywood Suite for Orchestra with Piano (2006)
Miranda Cordal, Luis Carlos (1945-2016) Chile/England/Spain
**The Big Parade (1986)
Miranda, Ronaldo (1948- ) Brazil
§Concertino for Piano and String Orchestra (1986)
**Concerto (1982-83)
Miras, Matheus
**Romance in F for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2019)
Mirecki, Franciszek Wincenty (1791-1862) Poland
**Adagio et Allegro concertans for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 24 (orig. for piano,
2 violins, viola, cello, and double bass, c.1828, publ. 1837; reconstructed by Artur
Mironenko-Mikheishin, Vladislav
**Concert-Poem foir Violin and Orchestra with Piano
Mironyuk, Ivan (1995- ) Russia
**Double Concerto for Piano, Marimba, and Ensemble (by 2021)
**Fantasy (by 2016)
Mirouze, Marcel (1906-57) France
**Concerto (1948)
Mirzayev, Musa (1933-2016) Azerbaijan
**Concert-Rondo for Piano and String Orchestra
Mirzazade, Khayyam (1935-2018)
**Essays-63 for String Orchestra, Trumpet, Timpani, Cymbals, and Piano (1963)
Mise, Kazuo (1947- ) Japan
**Concerto Movement [Konzertsatz] (by c.1977)
Mishchenkov, Ilya (1990- ) Russia
**Rhapsody (“The Purple Afterglow”) for Soprano Saxophone, Piano, and Orchestra,
Op. 36 (by 2020)
Mishin, Kirill ( – ) Russia
**Suite (“Nonexistent Movie”) (2005-13)
Mishle [Michelet], Vladimir Stanislavovich (1960- ) Russia
**Herringbone, Fantasia on Christmas Themes for Piano and String Orchestra (2nd ed.)
**Humorous Variations on “In the Forest a Christmas Tree was Born” for Piano and
String Orchestra
**Meditation for Piano and Chamber Orchestra
**“Not Quite Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata” for Violin, Piano, and Chamber
Orchestra (featuring various well-known themes merged with the “Moonlight Sonata”:
“Besame mucho,” “Only You,” “Sous le ciel de Paris,” “Non, je ne regretten rien,”
the theme from “The Godfather,” “Dark Eyes,” the “Pas de deux” from Tchaikovy’s
“Nutcracker,” “Memory” from Webber’s “Cats,” and “Morning” from Grieg’s “Peer
**Russian Christmas Rhapsody for Piano and String Orchestra
Miśkiewicz, Grzegorz (1969- ) Poland
**Concerto for Piano, String Orchestra, French Horn, and Timpani (by 2021)
**Fantasy on the Strings of Autumn for Piano and String Orchestra (2007)
Mitchell, Donna (1956- ) USA
**Mystic Mountain (orig. for piano solo, 2023; arr. by Stefan Kraus)
Mitchell, Jonathan ( – )
**Concerto No. 1 in c, Op. 12, I (2001)
Mitropoulos, Dimitri (1896-1960) Greece/USA
+Concerto grosso (1928; piano in IV)
Mitsialis, Ioannis (1978- ) Greece/USA
**Angel Standing in the Sun (Chamber Concerto) for Piano and Ensemble (2021; after
J. M. W. Turner’s painting)
Mitsis, Giannis (1962- ) Greece
**Picture No. 3
Mitsov [Mitzov, Micoff], Ventsi Venci Bulgaria
**Concerto (by 2013)
Mittelstädt, Nicolas Sean
**Concerto No. 7 in C, Op. 60, No. 1 (2022)
Mitterer, Wolfgang (1958- ) Austria
+Concerto for Piano, Orchestra, and Electronics (2001)
Fisis (Concerto) for Orchestra, 5 Soloists (Violin, Piano, Oboe, Clarinet, Trumpet), and
2 Conductors (1994-95)
Mitton, Stephen (c.1991- ) USA
**Concerto (“Voyagers”) (2013)
Mitzov [see Mitsov]
Miyashita, Mayuki (c.2000- ) Japan/USA
**Earth (orig. for piano solo; arr. for piano and string orchestra, 2014)
Miyazaki, Dai
**Rain for Orchestra and Piano (2023)
Miyazato, Kazhiro ( – ) Japan
**Festive Concerto (2019; written in anticipation of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and
Paralympic Games)
Miyoshi, Akira (1933-2013) Japan
§Concerto (1962)
**Odes Metamorphoses for Marimba, Vibraphone, Cello, Piano, Harp, and Orchestra
**Sur les arbres for Piano 4-Hands and Orchestra (1989)
Mizelle, Dary John (1940- ) USA
**Concerto No. 3 (2021-22)
Mladenov, Sasho (1950- ) Bulgaria
**Bulgarian Suite No. 4 (Concertino) for Clarinet, Piano, and Orchestra (2012)
Mnatsakanyan, Aleksandr (1936-2013) Armenia
**Suite from the film “Two Tickets to the Matinée” (1966)
Mnatsakanyan, David ( – ) Armenia
**Udirika (?)
Mnatsakanov, Walter (1935- ) [see also Villa-Lobos]
**Chapliniana, Suite for String Orchestra with Piano (after Chaplin’s films “Limelight”,
“City Lights,” and “Modern Times”)
**“Hello, Lenny!” Fantasy for String Orchestra with Piano (after music by Leonard
Mndoyants, Nikita (1989- ) Russia [see also Tsfasman]
**Concerto for Piano and Chamber Ensemble (2010)
Moalem, Beeri (1984- ) Israel
**Dances of Death (Septet)
Mobberley, James (1954- ) USA
§Concerto (1994)
+Concerto No. 2 for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2000)
Mochizuki, Misato (1969- ) Japan/France
**As Time Goes By (c.1983)
**Homeobox for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (2000)
Mociulschi, Adrian (1973- ) Romania
Simfonia I for Orchestra with Piano (by 2005)
Mode, Noé ( – ) France
**Concerto No. 1 in c (composed when 16-17 years old)
Modin, Serge (1966- ) Russia/Germany
**Concerto No. 2 for Piano and String Orchestra (1991-2001)
**Concerto No. 3 (2012-14)
Moe, Eric (1954- ) USA
§Kicking and Screaming for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1994)
Moebius, Mark (1973- ) USA/Germany
**Portrait of a Business Woman (2006)
Moeckel, Hans (1923-83) Switzerland
+Basler-Fantasie (by 1959)
Moeller, Franz ( – ) Australia
**Concerto in e (by 2017)
Moeran, E[rnest] John England
§Rhapsody No. 3 in F-sharp (1938-43)
Moeschinger, Albert Jean (1897-1985) Switzerland
**Concerto No. 3, Op. 42 (1938)
**Concerto [unnumbered], Op. 77 (1953)
**Concerto No. 4, Op. 96 (1964)
**Concerto No. 5 (1970)
**Musica Allegra for 7 Winds, Piano, Celesta, Vibraphone, and Percussion (1977)
**Toccata cromatica for Piano, Winds, and Percussion, Op. 100 (1965/73)
Moevs, Robert (Walter) (1920-2007) USA
+Concerto for Piano, Orchestra, and Percussion (1960/68; later retitled Concerto
grosso for Piano, Percussion, and Orchestra)
Mofakham, Idin Samimi (1982- ) Iran
**Ludus Consonous X for Chamber Ensemble (2015)
Mofsenson, Joel (1940- ) USA
Concerto for Violin, Clarinet, Piano, String Orchestra, and Timpani (1968)
Mohamed, Nehal
**In the Serenity of Night
**The Miser
**3 Pieces
Mohaupt, Richard (1904-57) Germany
**Concerto (1938/42)
Mohie El Din, Sherif (1964- ) Egypt
**Fluctuations for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2020)
Mohler, Philipp (1908-82) Germany
**Concerto, Op. 16 (1937)
Mohr, Gerhard (1901-79)
+Fensterpromenade (1933)
Mohr, Sandra (1978- ) Brazil
**Negro Dance II (orig. for violin and piano, 1999; version for piano and string
orchestra, 2005)
Moindron-Jacquet, Jacynthe
+I Found My True Love (from the film “7 jours pas plus,” 2017)
Mok, Simon
**Melancholy Variations for Orchestra and Piano (2005)
Mokranjac, Vasilije (1923-84) Serbia
**Concertino for Piano, String Orchestra, and 2 Harps (1958)
**Poem (1983)
**Symphony No. 1 for Orchestra with Piano (1961)
**Symphony No. 3 in E for Orchestra with Piano (1967)
Mokriski, Walter Ignacio
**Concerto No. 1 in c, Op. 19 (2020-21; modeled on Beethoven’s Concerto No. 3)
Molchanov, Kirill (1922-82) Russia
**Pechorin Valse (from the film “Hero of Our Time”)
**Russian Pictures (1953)
**Vocalise (from the opera “Unknown Soldier”)
Mole, Charlie
**Creatures of Compromise (from Oliver Parker’s film “An Ideal Husband,” 1999)
Molina, J. Alberto
**Guerra for Piano and String Orchestra (2019)
Molina, Patricio F. (1989- ) Chile/USA
**Homage to Kahil Gilbran for String Orchestra and Piano (2021)
Molina, Sérgio (1967- ) Brazil
**Concerto (“Song of the Universal”) for 4 Guitars, Piano, and Orchestra (premièred
Molinari, Alessandro (1961- ) Italy
+Anno 2012 for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (by 2009)
+Nibiru for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (by 2009)
Molinari, Giuseppe (1960-2006) Italy
§Concerto, Op. 3 (late 1980s; rec. 1995)
Molinelli, Roberto (1963- ) Italy
**Bolero in Jazz for Jazz Trio and Orchestra (after Ravel’s “Bolero”; arr. and
orchestrated by Molinelli, by 2015)
+4 Pictures from New York (version for saxophone, piano, and orchestra)
**Once Upon A Memory, Four Season-Tales for Viola, Piano, Drums, and String
Orchestra (2007)
Molinini, Antonio ( – ) Italy
**Concerto No. 1 (“Delle Nazioni”), I (2005)
**Symphonic Tango for Piano, Bandoneon, and Orchestra (by 2007)
Mollicone, Henry (1946-2022) USA
**Fantasy for Piano and Small Orchestra (1967)
Molnár, Viktor (1993- ) Hungary
**Message – To My Father’s Memory for Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (2019)
Molov, Vladimir ( – ) Russia
Molz, Johannes ( – ) Germany
**Ägidium, Concertino No. 1 (by 2014)
Mompou, Federico (1893-1987) Spain
+Scènes d’enfants (1918; orchestrated by Alexandre Tansman, 1936)
**Secreto (from Impressiones Intimas; arr. for piano, guitar, and orchestra by Oscar
Castro Neves)
*Suite Compestelana, III “Cuna,” for Guitar, Piano, and Orchestra Monastyrenko, Yulia ( – ) Russia Various Short Works, including Autumn Dreams Back to Spain Confusion (2021) Dedication to Love
For You*
Gothic Venus*
Illusions of the Past
Meetings and Partings*
Music from Sleep
North Sea*
140 Piano
Spirit of the City*
Story of One Love
To Heaven
Way to Myself
Monbet, Fiona (1989- ) France
**Trois Reflets for Violin, Piano, Saxophone, Double Bass, Drums, and Orchestra
Moncho, Vicente (1939- ) Argentina
**Music for Violin and Orchestra with Piano
+… de Tango (by 1994)
Monestel Zamora, Alejandro (1865-1950) Costa Rica
**Concierto de salón (based on works from his “Album for Piano”; arr. for piano and
string orchestra by Manuel Matarrita, 2022), I. Divertimento
Monfred, Avenir de (1903-74) France/USA
**France (Trilogy) –
- France Classique
- France Romantique
- France Populaire (Concertino)
Monin, Eric ( – ) Switzerland
**Dawn (2020)
**Loneliness (2020)
**Tempest (2020)
Moniuszko, Stanisław (1819-72) Poland
+Prząśniczka (The Spinner)
Monk, Thelonius (1917-82) USA
**Blue Monk
Monn, Matthias Georg (1717-50) Austria
§Concerto in A for Fortepiano and String Orchestra
Monnet, Marc (1947- ) France
**Bosse, crane rasé, nez crochu for 2 Pianos and Ensemble with Electronics (1998/2000)
Monpellier, Stephen-Vincent ( – ) Netherlands
**Concerto in E-flat (by 2016)
**Concerto No. 3 (by 2016)
**Concerto No. 4 (by 2016)
Monrad-Johansen, David [see Johansen]
Monsalve, Ernesto (1985- ) Spain
**Emprender (premièred 2011)
Montague, Stephen (1943- ) USA/England
**Concerto (1997)
**Ode to Changwon for Piano and String Orchestra (2012)
Montalbetti, Mauro (1969- ) Italy
Concerto (“When the Sunrise Brightens the River’s Memory”) (premièred 2023)
Montanari, Nunzio (1915-93) Italy
**Concerto breve for Piano, Trumpet, and Orchestra (1968)
Montanaro, Patrizia (1956- ) Italy
•Concerto (1988)
Montanaro, Raffaele (1946- ) Italy
**Lontano (orchestrated by Mariano Manocchi)
Montañés, José Manuel (1958- ) Spain
**Concerto da camera No. 3, Op. 20 (1992)
Montani, Pietro (1895-1967) Italy
+Concertino in E for Piano and String Orchestra (1933)
Montecino Montalva, Alfonso (1924-2015) Chile/USA
+Concerto, Op. 38 (1984)
Monteiro, Jeremy (1960- ) Singapore
**Asiana (arr. by Law Wai Lun for piano, drums, double bass, tabla, and Chinese
**Overture No, 2 in C (“Through the Golden Door”) (by 2022; transcribed &
orchestrated by Jordan Wei)
Montenegro, Juan de Dios (1929-2014) Guatemala
Montero, Claudia (1962-2021) Argentina/Spain
+Concierto en Blanco y Negro for Piano and String Orchestra (2016)
Montero, Gabriela (1970- ) Venezuela/USA
**Babel for Piano and String Orchestra (2018)
+Concerto No. 1 (“Latin”) (2016)
+ExPatria, Op. 1 (2011)
Montesinos Comas, Eduardo (1945- ) Spain
**Concerto (1977/96)
Monteverde, Aaron (1981- ) Gibraltar/England
+Concerto No. 1 (“Gibraltar”) for Piano, Voices, and Orchestra (by 2017)
Monteverdi, Claudio (1567-1643) Italy
**Pur ti miro (from “L’incoronazione di Poppea,” 1643; arr. by Dragoș Temelie, by
Montfort, Felipe von
**Fantasia I for Orchestra with Piano (by 2023)
Montgeroult, Hélène (1764-1836) France
**Concerto No. 1 in E-flat (after Viotti’s Violin Concerto No. 4 in D, G. 45 [note: the
entry in the Bibliothèque nationale de France incorrectly says Concerto No. 6], III
Montgomery, Jessie (1981- ) USA
+Rounds (Concerto) for Piano and String Orchestra (2022)
Monti, Vittorio (1868-1922) Italy
+Csárdás (1904; arr. for violin, cello, piano, and orchestra)
Montiel, Wershin ( – ) Venezuela
**Oberatura contemporánea (“Unión de Tres”) (orig. for piano, double bass, and
drums, 1995; orchestral arr. by José Luís Colmenárez and Wershin Montiel, by 2017)
**Symphonic Poem in F (“Misericordia”) (1993; revised for symphonic band, 2012, and
orchestra, 2016, both with José Luís Colmenárez)
Montoya, Juan ( – ) Colombia/USA
**Fantasia (2008)
Montsalvatge, (Bassols) Xavier (1912-2002) Spain
§Concierto breve (1953)
+Concierto del Albayzín (1976-77)
+5 invocaciones al Crucificado [Five Invocations to the Crucified Christ] for Voice,
Piano, Celesta, Harp, 3 Flutes, Double Bass, and 5 Percussionists] (1969)
+Recóndita armonía for Piano and String Orchestra (1995)
Montvila, Vytautas (1935-2003) Lithuania
**Concerto (1982)
Moody, John ( – ) USA
**Concerto for Jazz Trio and Wind Ensemble (2008)
**Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2016-17), I-II
Moody, Philip (1921-2011) England/USA
**Laguna Concerto (1960; retitled “Lunar Concerto” when used in the film “Footprints
on the Moon,” 1969)
Moon, Seongjean ( – ) USA
**Concerto No. 1 (2010)
Moór, Emanuel (1863-1931) Hungary
**Triple Concerto for Piano, Violin, Cello, and Orchestra, Op. 70 (1906-7)
Moorcraft, Gareth (1990- ) Wales
+Reflections (after Gibbons) for Orchestra with Piano (by 2017)
Moore, Dave ( – ) USA
+Mass of Peace for Chorus, Piano, and Orchestra (2014, with Lauren Moore; orchestral
arr. by Larry Gold)
Moore, Kate (1979- ) Australia/Netherlands
**Concerto (“Beatrice”) (2019)
**Klepsydra (2009)
**Thorns for 2 Pianos and String Orchestra (premièred 2022)
Moore, Mary Carr (1873-1957) USA
**Concerto in f, Op. 94 (1933-34)
Moore, Neil (1957- ) Australia
**If I Only Had a Chance (orig. for piano solo, by 2019; arr. for piano and string
orchestra, 2023)
Moore, Peter ( – ) England
**Soul of Angels for Piano and String Orchestra (2013)
Moore, Phil (1918-87) USA
**Concerto (premièred 1947)
+Fugue for Barrom Piano and Orchestra (by 1947)
**Misty Moon Blues for Jazz Orchestra with Piano (publ. 1947)
Moore, Stephen
**Concerto No. 1
Mor, Edo ( – )
**Concerto, I-II
Mora-Bermúdez, Eddie (1965- ) Costa Rica
**Amighetti (Concerto) [Windows] for Piano, Percussion, and String Orchestra (2003)
+Caminos de piedra for Piano, Percussion, and String Orchestra (2012)
**Silencio V for Violin, Winds, Harp, Piano, and Percussion (2007)
+Sula’ for Viola, Piano, Percussion, and String Orchestra (2010)
Mora-Jiménez, José (1977- ) Costa Rica/Netherlands
**Pendulum No. 1 for Piano and 4 Chamber Groups (2013)
Mora-López, Mario (1967- ) Chile
**Convexiones (1992)
Moraleda i Perxachs, Joan Lluís (1943- ) Spain
**Nocturn a Ribes Roges for Piano and Cobla (1996)
**Rapsodia for Piano and Coba (2004)
Morales, Diego ( – ) Venezuela
**Concerto brevis (“De Brevitae vitae”) for Piano and 10 Instruments (2016)
Morales, Erik (1966- ) USA
**Concerto in C for Trumpet, Piano, and Wind Ensemble (2007)
Morales Pino, Pedro (1863-1926) Colombia
**Suite breve for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (adapted by Adolfo Hernández from the
music of Morales Pino)
Moran, Danny ( – )
+Concerto in f-sharp
+Rhapsody in c
Morawetz, Oskar (1917-2007) Czechoslovakia/Canada
**Concerto No. 1 (“Memorial to Martin Luther King”) (1962)
Morcillo, Jacobo (1917-2004) Spain
§María Dolores (by 1950)
More, Adrian Kevin ( – ) S. Africa/Germany
**Concerto (2014)
Moreau, Émilien (1941- ) Canada
**Concerto No. 1 in G, Op. 120 (2001)
Morel, François (1926-2018) Canada
**Melisma, pièce concertante (1980)
**Les Récifs du rêve for 2 Pianos Left-Hand and Orchestra (2000)
Morel, Sylvain ( – ) Canada
Concerto No. 1
Concerto No. 2
Morel Campos. Juan (1857-96) Puerto Rico
**Las Dos Marias (arr. for orchestra with piano by William Bellber Betancourt)
Morelenbaum, Jacques (1954- ) Brazil
**Central do Brasil theme (from Walter Salles’s film “Central do Brazil,” 1998)
Morello, Nicola ( – )
**Concerto No. 2 in c, Op. 74, I-II
Morena, C. ( – )
Moreno, Alejandro
**Concerto No. 1 in f-sharp (2022), I
Moreno González, Juan Carlos (1911-83) Paraguay
**Concerto in D-flat (1946)
Moreno Torroba, Federico (1891-1982) Spain
**Fantasía castellana (1980), excerpt
Morente Cotelo, Enrique (1942-2010) Spain
+Alegro soleá for Flamenco Voice, Piano, and String Orchestra (by 1995)
Morgan, David Sydney (1932- ) England/Australia
**Suite for Strings, Piano, and Percussion, Op. 74 (1985), I-III only
Morgan-Wlliams, Bethan (1992- ) Wales/England
**Mirages of Pisa for Ensemble with Piano (2016)
Morima Morima Yerby USA
**Concerto for Toy Piano and Orchestra, III & I (premièred 2023)
Morizane, Toshio
**Concerto No. 1 (by 2020)
Morleo, Luigi (1970- ) Italy
Petru for Violin, Double Bass, Piano, and String Orchestra (1995)
Morley, Glen Stuart (1912-96) Canada
**Concerto for Piano and Rock Band
Morlock, Jocelyn (1969-2023) Canada
**Music of the Romantic Era for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2006)
**Oiseaux bleus et sauvages for Orchestra with Piano (2003)
Moro, Héctor (1965- ) Chile/Germany
**L’Ouverture for Improvised Piano and Orchestra (2016-17)
Moroi, Makoto (1930-2013) Japan
+Concerto No. 1 (1966)
**Sinfonia concertante No. 2 (“Corrispondenza”) (1974)
Moroi, Saburo (1903-1977) Japan
**Concerto [unnumbered] in f-sharp [no opus; formerly Op. 6] (1927; different from
Concerto No. 1 in C, Op. 7 [1933])
+Concerto No. 2, Op. 31 (1977)
**Symphony No. 4 for Orchestra with Piano, Op. 27 (1951)
Moroshkin, E. [see Stetsyuk]
Moross, Jerome (1913-83) USA
**The Scandalous Life of Frankie and Johnny for Piano, Voices, and Large Ensemble
**Sonata for Piano Duet and Strings
§Symphony No. 1, II. “Sonata-Scherzo” (the only movement that has a concertante piano
Morozov, Pavel (1958- ) Russia
**Concerto (2011)
Morricone, Ennio (1928-2020) Italy [see also Lenczowski]
**L’Aphrodite de Milos (from the TV documentary “Au Louvre,” 2000)
**Canzone senza parole
**Cinema Paradiso (1988; excerpt arr. Bob Crogstad for piano and string orchestra)
**Cinema Paradiso (1988): Love Theme for Piano and String Orchestra (with
augmented piano part, 2015)
+Cinema Paradiso (1988): Song for Elena (arr. for saxophone, piano, and orchestra by
Roberto Molinelli)
**La Dame aux Camélias, theme (from Mauro Bolignini’s film, 1981)
**The Ecstasy of Gold for Soprano, Piano, Chorus, and Orchestra
**La Leggenda del pianista sull’oceano (from the film, 1998; arr. for piano and string
**Love Affair
+The Mission (arr. for saxophone, piano, and orchestra by Roberto Molinelli)
**The Mission, “Gabriel’s Oboe” (arr. for piano 4-hands and orchestra)
**Once Upon a Time in America, Deborah’s theme (1984)
**Le Professionnel (film score)
+Sean Sean (arr. for saxophone, piano, and orchestra by Roberto Molinelli)
**Suite on Themes of “Canone inverso” for Violin and Orchestra with Piano (2000)
**Tributo à Morricone (arr. by ?)
**Varianti per Ballista Antonio Canino♮Bruno for 2 Pianos and String Orchestra
(premièred 2017)
Morrill, Dexter (1938-2019) USA
Concerto (“Iron Horse”) for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (1996)
Morrin, Chase (1993- ) USA
**Concerto for Improvising (“Two and a Half Songs”) (2016)
Morris, Harold (1890-1964) USA
§Concerto No. 1 (1927)
Morris, Robert (1943- ) England/USA
**Concerto for Piano and Wind Ensemble (1988)
Morrison, Tom (1992- ) USA
**Continuum Portrait for Orchestra and Piano (2012)
**Distant Dreams of a Vacant Metropolis for Orchestra with Piano (by 2013)
**Frame by Frame
Mors, Rudolf (1920-88) Germany
**Concerto, WV 24 (1974-76)
Morse, Michael ( – ) USA/Canada
Mortari, Virgilio (1902-93) Italy
**Concerto (1960)
**Concerto a due for Piano, Violin, and Orchestra (1968)
Morte, Rodrigo (1976- ) Brazil
**Fantasy on Themes by Tom Jobim for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2011)
Mortensen, Finn (Einar) (1922-83) Norway
§Concerto, Op. 25 (1963)
§Fantasy, Op. 27 (1965-66)
Mortilla, Paul ( – ) USA
**Concerto (by 2017)
Mortimer, Jon ( – ) England/Germany
**Concerto (“Through a Passage of Time”) (2017): A Fantasy for Times Ahead; Two
Faces from a Shadowed Past; The Present Dilemma
Mosca, Luca (1957- ) Italy
**Concerto No. 1, Op. 2 (1978)
**Concerto No. 2 (1981)
**Concerto No. 3, Op. 25 (1985)
**Concerto No. 4, Op. 56 (1991)
**Concerto No. 5 (“Undici frammenti in un girotondo”) (2011)
**Concerto No. 6 (2012)
**Concerto No. 7 (2014)
**3 Sonatinas for Piano and 10 Instruments flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, vibraphone, violin I & II, viola, cello, and double bass
Moscardi, Luca (1976- ) Italy
**Aria for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 29 (2020)
**Concertino for Clarinet, Piano, and Chamber Orchestra, Op. 22 (2019)
**Concertino, Op. 13a (premièred 2021; an arrangement of the Suite for piano 4-hands,
Op. 13, 2018-20)
**Rhapsody, Op. 12 (2018)
Moscheles, Ignaz (1794-1870) Bohemia/Germany [see also Mendelssohn]
+Anticipations of Scotland: A Grand Fantasia, Op. 75 (1826)
+Concerto No. 1 in F, Op. 45 (1818-19)
§Concerto No. 2 in E-flat, Op. 56 (1825; III dates from 1815)
§Concerto No. 3 in g, Op. 60 58
§Concerto No. 4 in E, Op. 64 (1823)
§Concerto No. 5 in C, Op. 87 (1826; II dates from c.1831)
§Concerto No. 6 in B-flat (“Fantastique”), Op. 90 (1834)
+Concerto No. 7 in c (“Pathétique”), Op. 93 (1835-36)
+Concerto No. 8 in D (“Pastorale”), Op. 96 (1838)
+Recollections of Ireland, Op. 69 (1821)
+Variations on “Alexander’s March” (1815)
+Variations on “Au Clair de la Lune” (1821)
Mosher, Jake ( – ) USA
**Concerto No. 1 (2017), I
Moskayev [Moskaev], Sergey (1955- ) Russia
**Concerto No. 2 (2008)
Mosolov, Aleksandr Vasil’yevich (1900-73) Ukraine
§Concerto No. 1, Op. 14 (1926-27)
**Concerto No. 2 on Khirgiz Themes, Op. 34 (1932; only one movement exists)
**Holiday in the Park, Suite for Orchestra (1952; with concertante piano in II)
Mosonyi, Mihály (orig. name Michael Brand; 1815-70) Hungary
§Concerto in e (1844; rediscovered 1950)
Moss, Ben (1990- ) USA
**Fantasia on a Theme (2006)
Moss, Piotr (1949- ) Poland/France
+Capriccio for Piano and String Orchestra (1994)
+Concerto (“Portraits”) (2002-3)
+Presto for Orchestra with Piano (1997)
+Symphonie concertante for Flute, Piano, and Orchestra (1985)
+Valses for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (1991)
+Zoo Suite for Orchestra with 2 Pianos (1981)
Mossman, Lucas ( – )
**Concerto No. 1 in b (2016), I
Moszkowski, Moritz (1854-1925) Poland
+Concerto in b, Op. 3 Op. 6 on the manuscript
§Concerto in E, Op. 59 (1898)
*Concerto in E, Op. 59 (1898; with unpublished revisions by the composer)
+Spanish Dances (5), Op. 12 (orig. for piano 4-hands, 1876; anon. arr. for piano and
**Valse in E, Op. 34, No. 1 (orig. for solo piano, 1884; ?arranger)
Mota, Armando (1950- ) Portugal
**Concerto for Piano 4-Hands and Orchestra, Op. 19, No. 1 (premièred 2017)
Concerto in C (premièred 2011)
Concerto para Menor [for the Young] (c.2012; premièred 2013)
Mota Pinto, Miguel ( – ) Portugal
**Storm Island (2021)
Motomochi, Rafael Amaya ( – ) Mexico
**Mutare II
Motsardo, Vyacheslav Ivanovich ( – ) Russia
**Memories (version for piano and orchestra, by 2021)
Motsch, Florent (1980- ) France
**Litanies nocturnes for Ensemble with Piano (2016)
Motschmann, Johannes (1978- ) Germany
**Facets of Infinity for Recorders, Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (2016)
**Life Events (Concerto) (2009)
Mott, David (1945- ) USA/Canada
+Eclipse (2006)
Motta [see Vianna da Motta]
Motte, Diether de la (1928-2010) Germany [sometimes listed erroneously as Delamar or
**Concerto (1965)
Mouchel [see Mushel]
Moulaert, Raymond (Auguste Marie) (1875-1962) Belgium
**Concerto (1938)
Moura, Eli-Eri (1963- ) Brazil
**Candomblé for 10 Players
Moura, Miguel de Graça (1947- ) Portugal
Concerto Popular (premièred 1997)
Mourer, Nicolaus ( – )
**Concerto in C (2014), I
Mourey, Colette (1954- ) France
**World Concerto
Moussa, Samy (1984- ) Canada/Germany/France
**Orpheus for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2017)
Moussong, Aurés (1984- ) Mexico/Hungary
**Diptych (2022)
Moustafa, Kamal Ahmed
**Concertino (by 2019), I
Moustoukis, Andreas (1971- ) Cyprus
+Dumaxion Music for Piano and 11 Musicians (2009-11)
**Metamusic for Mezzo-soprano, Chamber Orchestra, Electric Bass Guitar, and Piano
Mouter, Johannes Christian (Chris) (1924-82) Netherlands
**Preludio for Piano and Mandolin Orchestra (c.1953)
Mouzas, Alexandros (1962- ) Greece
+Music for an Imaginary Film (1998/2004)
Mouzouri, Alexandros Sergios
**Nigredo (2023)
Moya, Reinaldo (1984- ) Venezuela/USA
**Concerto for Piano, String Orchestra, and Percussion (2020; inspired by the artwork
of Carlos Cruz-Diez)
Moylan, Andrew ( – ) USA
**Concerto in c, I
Moyseowicz, Gabriela (19544- ) Poland/Germany
+Concerto No. 4 (2002)
Moyzes, Alexander (1906-84) Slovakia
**Concerto (1941, an arr. of his Concertino for Orchestra, Op. 18 [1933]; completed by
Ivan Hrušovský in 1994)
Mozart, Franz Xavier Wolfgang (1791-1844) Austria
§Concerto No. 1 in C, Op. 14 (1808; publ. 1809)
§Concerto No. 2 in E-flat, Op. 25 (1818)
**Introduction and Variations in A (1820, available online at This work also
has been listed as Op. 24 [a number usually assigned to the lied “An Emma”],
“Concert Variations,” and “Variations on a Russian Song”)
**Quartet for Piano, Violin, Viola, and Cello, Op. 1 (1805; arr. by Sung Min Ahn for
piano and string orchestra)
Mozart, (Johann Chrysostom) Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-91) Austria [see also Andres;
Bogomil; Michael Charles Clark; J. Schroeter; Zavallone]
§“Ch’io mi scordi di te” for Voice, Piano, and Orchestra, K. 505 (1786)
**Concerto in C for Flute, Harp, and Orchestra, K. 299 (1778; arr. for violin, piano,
and orchestra)
§Concerti (3), K. 107 (1765): No. 1 in D (after J. c. Bach’s Op. 5, No. 2); No. 2 in G
(after J. C. Bach’s Op. 5, No. 3); No. 3 in E-flat (after J. C. Bach’s Op. 5, No. 4)
§Concerti Nos. 1-4 (1767): in F, K. 37 (after Raupach’s Op. 1, No. 5 and Honauer’s Op.
2, No. 3); in B-flat, K. 39 (after Raupach’s Op. 1, No. 1 and Schobert’s Op. 17, No. 2);
in D, K. 40 (after Honauer’s Op. 2, No. 1, Eckard’s Op. 1, No. 4, and C. P. E. Bach’s
W. 117); in G, K. 41 (after Honauer’s Op. 1, No. 1 and Raupach’s Op. 1, No. 1)
§Concerti Nos. 5-6, 8-9, 11-13: in D, K. 175 (1773); in B-flat, K. 238 (1776); in C, K.
246 (1776); in E-flat, K. 271 (1777); in F, K. 413 (1782-83); in A, K. 414 (1782); in C,
K. 415 (1782-83)
§Concerti Nos. 14-19 (all 1784) in E-flat, K. 449 ; in B-flat, K. 450; in D, K. 451; in G,
K. 453; in B-flat, K. 456; in F, K. 459
§Concerti Nos. 20-27: in d, K. 466 (1785); in C, K. 467 (1785); in E-flat, K. 482 (1785);
in A, K. 488 (1786); in c, K. 491 (1786); in C, K. 503 (1786); in D, K. 537 (1788); in
B-flat, K. 595 (1791)
+Concerto Nos. 20 in d, K. 466 (1785; cadenzas by Beethoven, F. X. Mozart, Hummel,
Brahms, Clara Schumann, Busoni, and Rische)
§Concerto No. 7 in F for 3 Pianos and Orchestra, K. 242 (1776)
§Concerto No. 7 in F for 3 Pianos and Orchestra, K. 242 (1776; arr. by Mozart for 2
pianos and orchestra)
§Concerto No. 10 in E-flat for 2 Pianos and Orchestra, K. 365 (1779)
Concerto No. 10 in E-flat for 2 Pianos and Orchestra, K. 365 (1779; arr. With clarinets,
trumpets, and timpani added to orchestra)
+Concerto in D for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra, K. 315f [K.Anh. 56], I (1778; 120 mm.
frag., completed by Robert D. Levin, 1968/2006/17)
+Concerto in D for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra, K. 315f [K.Anh. 56], I (1778; 120 mm.
frag., completed by Robert D. Levin, 1968/2006/17, with a cadenza by Cyprien
Katsaris, 1997)
§Concerto in D for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra, K. 315f [K.Anh. 56], I (1778; 120 mm.
frag. completed by Philip Wilby, 1985)
+Concerto in D for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra, K. 315f [K.Anh. 56] (1778; threemovement
reconstruction by Philip Wilby, 1985, who completed the 120mm. frag. of I
and arr. the other movements from the Violin Sonata, K. 306, which he believes is a
revised version of the unfinished Concerto)
+Larghetto and Allegro in E-flat for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (arr. and completed by
Tomer Lev [b.1967] from a 35 mm. Larghetto and a 74 mm. exposition of an Allegro
for two pianos, 1782-83)
**Quartet No. 1 in g for Piano and Strings, K. 478 (1785; arr. for piano and string
§Rondo No. 1 in D, K. 382 (1782)
§Rondo No. 2 in A, K. 386 (1782; reconstructed by Alfred Einstein from 2 mss. pages
[1936]; later edition by Alexander Hyatt King/Paul Badura-Skoda/Charles Mackerras
[1962] adds 6 more mss. pages; Alan Tyson edition [1989] is based on 9 complete mss.
pages + other frags.; extra pages found in the British Museum among Antonio Salieri’s
+Rondo concertante (an arr. by Dejan Lazić, 2018, of the “Allegretto grazioso” third
movement of the Sonata, K. 333)
+Schlafe, mein Prinzchen, schlaf ein, K. 350 (arr. Richard Abel & Guy St-Onge)
**Sonata in D, K. 311 (1999), I (arr.)
**Sonata in A, K. 331 (1783), III. Alla turca (arr.)
**Sonata in A, K. 331 (1783), III. Alla turca (arr. for piano and string orchestra by
Georgii Cherkin, 2012)
**Sonata in A, K. 331 (1783), III. Alla turca (arr. “in Mediterranean style” for piano
and orchestra by Tal Zilber)
**Sonata in A, K. 331 (1783), III. Alla turca (arr. for piano and tamburitza orchestra by
Matej Meštrović)
**Sonata in A, K. 331 (1783), III. Alla turca (arr. for 2 pianos and orchestra by Aldrich)
+Sonata in A, K. 331 (1783), III. Alla turca (arr. for 2 pianos and band by Peter Maurer)
**Sonata in A, K. 331 (1783), III Alla turca (arr. for 3 pianos and orchestra by Georgii
**Sonata in B-flat, K. 333, III (1783; arr. by Iede Snoek, 2021)
**Sonata in C, K. 545 (1788; additional accompaniment added by Grieg in his version
for 2 pianos arr. for piano and orchestra by Yevgeny Bushkov, by 2017)
**Sonata in C, K. 545 (1788; arr. for piano and orchestra)
§Sonata in C, K. 545 (1788; arr. for piano and orchestra), I
**Sonatas for Violin and Piano (1778-88; arr. for piano and chamber orchestra by
Francois Piel, by 2019):
Sonata No. 25 in F, K. 377/374e, II-III
Sonata No. 26 in B-flat, K. 378/317d
Sonata No. 27 in G, K. 379/373a, I-II
Sonata No. 28 in E-flat, K. 380/374f
Sonata No. 29 in A, K. 402/385e, Andante ma un poco adagio
Sonata No. 30 in C, K. 403/385c, I-II
Sonata No. 35 in A, K. 526
+Variations on Gluck’s “Unser dummer Pöbel meint,” K. 455 (orig. for piano solo,
1765; arr. for piano and orchestra by Ernst Toch, publ. 1953)
Możdżer, Leszek (1971- ) Poland
+Earth Particles for Keyboards and String Orchestra (2017): Invocation; Be Prepared;
Dorrman’s Predicament; Default Grace’ Hansa Surf Hotel; Blackberry Double;
Reentertainmentation Department; Sashwatha; We Are Earth; Mozart Kugel
**Seven Pieces for Improvising Piano and String Orchestra
**Works for Piano and Orchestra: without title; Facing the Wind (1992); New Purchase
“Mpkstroff, Sergei Dmitrovich” [fictional composer of Les Luthiers]
**Concierto de Mpkstroff in d, Op. 57 (humorous work, 1972, multiple versions)
Mrkvička, Luboš (1978- ) Czech Republic
**Triple Concerto for Piano, 2 Percussionists, and Chamber Orchestra (2006)
Mrvica, Maksim (1975- ) Croatia
+Chopin: Etude, Op. 10, No. 12 (arr. by Ian Wherry)
+Ernest Gold: Theme from “Exodus” (arr. by Jeff Wayne) +Grieg: Concerto (arr. by
Ian Wherry)
+Handel: Sarabande (arr. by Jeff Wayne)
+Franco Parac: Dance of the Baroness +Rachmaninoff: Rhapsody on a Theme of
Paganini (arr. by Jeff Wayne)
+Rimsky-Korsakov: Flight of the Bumblebee (arr. by Jeff Wayne)
+Tonči Huljić: Claudine
+Tonči Huljić: Croatian Rhapsody (2003)
+Tonči Huljić: Cubana
+Tonči Huljić: Wonderland
+A New World (album, 2005)—
- Dvořák: New World Concerto (Symphony No. 9, IV; arr. by John Lenehan)
- Tonči Huljić: Nostradamus
- Purcell: Dido’s Lament (from “Dido and Aeneas”)
- Puccini: E lucevan le stelle (from “Tosca”)
- Tonči Huljić: Desert Skies
- Mascagni: Intermezzo (from “Cavalleria rusticana”)
- John Barry: The Old Woman (from “Somewhere in Time”)
- Wagner: Ride of the Valkyries (from “Die Walküre”)
- Tonči Huljić: Still Waters
- Joseph Brooks: Blue Balloon
- Tonči Huljić: Mojito
- Delibes: Flower Duet (from “Lakmé”)
- Morricone: Deborah’s Theme (from “Once Upon a Time in America”)
Mshvelidze, Shalva Mikhailovich (1904-84) Georgia
**Concerto (1979; premièred 2016)
Mucha, Geraldine (1917-2012) Scotland/Czech Republic
+#Concerto (1960)
Mucillo, Luis (1956- ) Argentina
**Concerto (“Hoffmaneske Geschichte: ‘Das Klingende Glas’” [Cuento a la Hoffmann:
el Cristal sonante] (premièred 2001)
**Music for Winds, Piano, and Percussion
Muck, Daniel (1990- ) Austria
+Concerto (2020)
Muczynski, Robert (1929-2010) USA
§Concerto No. 1, Op. 7 (1954)
Mueller, Max ( – ) USA
**Fanfare for String Orchestra and Piano (2013)
Muench [Münch], Gerhart (1907-88) Germany
+Capriccio variato (1940)
+Oposiciones for Piano “in opposition” and Orchestra (1979)
Mues, Chiel (1980- ) Belgium
**Sketches for a “Concerto in c” (in progress) (2010)
Mui Kwong-chiu (1952- ) Hong Kong
**Double Concerto (“The Great Earth”) for Piano, Flute, and Orchestra (2017), I. Tan
Shan; II. The Great River; III. The Great Wall
Mui, Wilson ( – )
**Adagio (2022)
Mukai, Wataru (1993- ) Japan
**Phosphene—Prinsessgate, 1440 (2016)
Mukha, Anton Ivanovich (1928-2008) Ukraine
**Suite in the Classical Style for Orchestra with Piano
Mukhamedtrakhimova, Alina
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra, I
Mukhatov, Veli (1916-2005) Turkmenistan
Konzertstück (“Herbst”) for Piano and Violin Ensemble (1970)
Mukhtar, Sam ( – ) Iraq/Australia
+Amélie’s Concerto (by 2023)
Mukhtorov [Muxtorov], Mehrozh ( – ) Uzbekistan
**“April” (Waltz) for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2020)
Mul, Jan (1911-71) Netherlands
§Concerto for Piano 4-Hands and Orchestra (1962)
**Divertimento (1967)
Mulcahy, Paul (1957- ) USA
**Concerto in c-sharp (“The Black Madonna”) (1995)
Mulder, Ian (1963- ) Netherlands/USA
+Tribute to Queen Elizabeth II for Piano, Orchestra, and Chorus (2022)
Mulder, Jan ( – )
**Caccini: Ave Maria (Romance)
**Ocean of Dreams
Muldoon, Felicity ( – ) USA
**Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2017)
Muldowney, Dominic (John) (1952- ) England
§Concerto No. 1 (1983)
**Concerto No. 2 (2002)
Mulè, Giuseppe (1885-1951) Italy
+Largo for String Orchestra with Harmonium, Harp, and Piano (1903)
Mulfinger, George (1900-88) USA
**Symphonic Variations in a Theme, Variations, and Finale
Mulić, Redžo (1923-82) Kosovo [Serbia]
**Symphony No. 2 (“Kosovo”) (1972)
Müller, Fabian (1964- ) Switzerland
+Concertino for Cello, Piano 4-Hands, and String Orchestra (2017)
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (2005)
Müller, Jacco (1983- ) Netherlands
+Entering Dark Clouds (Concerto) (2006)
+Mirage (2003)
Müller, Karl Franz (1922-78) Austria
•Concert en miniature No. 1 (1956)
**Concerto Andaluza for Violin, Cello, Piano, and Chamber Orchestra (1964)
**Impressioni di Catalonia for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1969)
**Impressions d’Andalousie
**Sinfonia No. 2 (“Mazedonia”) (1962)
**Threnos 3
Müller, Karl-Josef (1937-2001) Germany
**Sonata y destrucciones for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1979)
Müller, Thomas (1939- ) Germany
§Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1984)
Müller-Siemens, Detlev (1957- ) Germany
§Concerto (1980-81)
*Light Blue
*Phoenix I
*Phoenix III
Mulliqi, Rexho (1923-82) Yugoslavia (Albania)
**Symphony No. 2 (“Kosovarian”)
Mumford, Jeffrey (1955- ) USA
**“becoming…” for Piano, Flute, Horn, Marimba, Vibraphone, Harp, 2 Violins, Viola,
Cello, and Double Bass (2014)
Münch, Gerhart [see Muench]
Münch, Martin (1961- ) Germany
**Concerto No. 1 in E-flat, Op. 3 (1977)
Mundry, Isabel (1963- ) Germany
**Endless Sediments for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (2018)
+Ich und Du (2008)
+Non-Places (Concerto) (2011)
**Panorama ciego for Piano and Small Orchestra (2001)
Mundy, Oliver (1951- )
**Concerto in f (I only; c.1997)
Munger, Philip (1946- ) USA
**Concerto, Op. 72 (premièred 2004)
Munitich, Frederic (1928-2012) S. Africa/S. Wales
**Viennese Rhapsody (by 1970s-80s; performed 1992)
Muñiz, Jorge (1974- ) Spain
**Concerto (1999)
Munkel, Heinz (1900-61) Germany
**Konzertante Suite (1949)
**Musik (1958)
Munkhbold, Birvana (1967- ) Mongolia
**Concerto (by 2015)
**“Debt and Dungeon” for Piano and Mongolian Folk Instrument Orchestra (by 2013)
**“Imagination” for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (by 2018)
Muñoz Bravo, Javier ( – ) France
**Concerto for Piano and Wind Orchestra (2014)
Muñoz Martinez, Luis Antonio
**Catwalk for Piano and String Orchestra (2015)
Muñoz Molleda, José (1905-88) Spain
+Concerto No. 2 in E-flat (1969)
Munro, Ian (1963- ) Australia
+Dreams (2002)
Munsap [see Mansub]
Muradian, Vazgen (1921-2018) Armenia/USA
+Concerto No. 1 in A, Op. 78 (rec. 1996)
Murail, Tristan (1947- ) France
+Le Désenchantement du monde (Concerto symphonique) (2012)
**L’oeil du cyclone (Fantaisie-impromptu) (premièred 2022)
+Serendib for Grand Ensemble (1991-92)
**Winter Fragments (2000)
Murakami, ? ( – ) Japan
**Concerto No. 1, Op. 43 (2022)
Murariu, Mihai (1984- ) Romania
**apfelStrudel (by 2015)
Murayama, Makoto ( – ) Japan
**Ballade No. 1 in A, Op. 7 (orig. for piano solo, 1984; orchestrated 2013)
**Rhapsody for Piano and Orchestra with Koto, Wadaiko, and Male Chorus (from
Symphony No. 1 in e, III; orig. for solo piano; orchestrated 1990)
Murchie, Gavin ( – ) Scotland
**“…and a gentler force overwhelms all of them…” for Piano and Chamber Orchestra
(abridged version) (by 2016)
Mureşianu, Iuliu (1900-56) Romania
**Concert Românesc in b (1939)
Murgier, Jacques Marcel (1912-86) France
§Suite concertante for Piano and String Orchestra (1974)
Muriaru, Alexandru Stefan (1989- ) Romania
**El Niño for Ensemble with Piano (10 Players), Op. 1 (2014)
Murillo, Kaled [a.k.a. Eros Kaled]
**Concerto No. 2, Op. 16 (2020)
**Concerto No. 3, Op. 25 (2020)
Muromachi, Yankel
**Concerto for Piano and Nervous Breakdown (2019)
Murov, Askold Fyodorovich (1928-96) Russia
**Symphony No. 3 (“Concerto in the Form of 8 Inventions”) for Chamber Orchestra
with Piano (1968; piano mainly in I)
Murphy, Gerry (1947- ) Ireland
§Concerto No. 1 (1999-2000)
Murphy, Kelly-Marie (1964- ) Canada
**Hammer of the Sorceress (1997-98)
**Triple Concerto (“Quand j’ai trop longtemps regardé ton visage” [When I Too Long
Have Looked at Your Face]) for Piano, Violin, Cello, and Orchestra (premièred 2022)
Murray, Lyn (1909-89) USA
+Ronald Searle Suite for Piano and Winds (publ. 1962)
Murray, Michael (1964- ) USA
•Fantasia concertante on Old American Tunes for Viola, Piano, and Orchestra (2004)
Murray, [TK] Timothy (1965- ) United Kingdom
**Elegy [Landscape] in Memoriam Yonty Solomon for Piano and String Orchestra (2009)
Musayev, Ulug’bek (1948-2002) Uzbekistan
Poem (by 1977)
Muscaritolo, Stephen ( – ) and Ali-Zade, Kamalia ( – )
**Concerto of the 40th Parallel for Electric Guitar, Piano, and Chamber Orchestra
Mushel [Mouchel], Georgy Aleksandrovich (1909-89) Uzbekistan
+Concerto No. 2 in a (1943/58)
**Concerto No. 3 in C (1946)
**Concerto No. 4 in g (1950)
**Concerto No. 6 in C (1962)
**Concerto No. 6 in C (1962; arr. for piano and folk instrument orchestra), III
Musolino, Angelo (1923-2015) USA
+Equinox (rec. 2005)
+A Phantasmagorial Episode: November 2, 2004 (rec. 2005)
Musorgsky, Modest Petrovich (1839-81) Russia [see also Kosak]
§Pictures at an Exhibition (1874; arr. for piano and orchestra by Lawrence Leonard,
§Pictures at an Exhibition (1874; arr. for piano and orchestra by Émile Naoumoff, 1994)
+Pictures at an Exhibition (1874; arr. for jazz trio and orchestra by Yaron Gottfried,
premièred 2011)
+Pictures at an Exhibition (1874; arr. for piano, orchestra, choir, and organ by George
Galanis, 2006)
**Pictures at an Exhibition (1874; arr. for string orchestra, piano, and percussion by
Clarice Assad, 2009)
**Pictures at an Exhibition (1874; Nos. 1-2, 6, 8-9, 11, 13, 15-16 arr. for piano and
orchestra by Yasuo Higuchi, by 1984)
+Pictures at an Exhibition (1874; Nos. 1, 4, 15, and 16 orchestrated by Julian Kershaw,
by 2004)
**Pictures at an Exhibition (1874; arr. for piano and balalaika orchestra)
+Pictures at an Exhibition (1874; excerpt arr. for 2 pianos and band)
Mustafa, Melton (1947- ) USA
**Three in One Blues for Piano, Saxophone, Trombone, and Orchestra
Mustafa-Zadeh, Vagif (1940-79) Azerbaijan
+Concerto in Jazz Style for Piano and String Orchestra (1975)
Mustea, Gheorghe (1951- ) Moldova
**Fantasy Capriccio for Piano, Violin, String Orchestra, and Bass Drum (1988)
**Waltz for Orchestra with Piano (1985)
Musto, John (1954- ) USA
+Concerto No. 1 (1988/2005)
+Concerto No. 2 (2006)
Mustonen, Olli (1967- ) Finland
§Fantasy for Piano and String Orchestra (1985)
Musy, John ( – )
**Sweet Killing (soundtrack)
Müthel, Johann Gottfried (1728-88) Germany
§Concerto in B-flat
§Concerto No. 3 in G
Muxworthy, Oliver (Olly) ( – ) United Kingdom
**Concerto in C, III (2011)
Muyco, Maria Christine (1965- ) Philippines
**Passage to Kublo for Orchestra with Piano (1996)
Myagi, Ester Kustovna [see Mägi]
Myagkov, Dmitry
**Concerto No. 1 in E for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2023), Andante
Myasnikov, Mikhail
**“Fragments” for Piano and String Orchestra
Mycielski, Zygmunt (1907-87) Poland
**Lamento di Tristano, in Memory of Karol Szymanowski, for Small Orchestra with
Piano (1937/47)
**Silesian Overture for Orchestra and Two Pianos (1948)
**Sinfonia breve (Symphony No. 3) for Orchestra with Piano (1967)
**Symphony No. 4 for Orchestra with Piano (1972)
**Symphony No. 5 for Orchestra with Piano (1977)
Myers, Stanley (1930-93) England
**Cavatina (orig. for classical guitar, 1970; used in the film “The Deer Hunter”)
Myers-Brooks, Aaron ( – ) USA
**Divergent Melodies for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Trumpet, Trombone,
Percussion, and Piano (2015)
Mykhajlowsky [see Michailowsky]
Mykietyn, Paweł (1971- ) Poland
+Concerto (1996)
**Eine Kleine Herbstmusik (1995)
**3 for 13 (1994)
Mylnikov, Aleksey (1955- ) Russia
**The Tale about the Old Piano (Concerto)
Mynbayev, Timur Karimovich (1943-2011) Russia
**Symphony-Concerto (1980)
Myron, Tom [see Gershwin]
Mysliveček, Josef (1737-81) Bohemia/Italy
Mysliveček, Josef (1737-81) Bohemia/Italy
+Concerto No. 1 in B-flat (?1777-78)
+Concerto No. 2 in F (?1777-78)
Andrea Morricone: Love Theme from Cinema Paradiso (piano)
Cinema Paradiso is 1988 movie with nice music from Ennio Morricone. His son Andrea helped him at least with this Love Theme song.

Ennio Morricone Piano Best 16 Songs by Sangah Noona
Ennio Morricone Piano Best 16 Songs arranged and performed by Sangah Noona
Track List:
0:00 Deborah’s Theme (Once Upon a Time in America) 3:07 Once Upon a Time in the West 6:50 On Earth as It is in Heaven (The Mission) 7:56 Gabriel’s Oboe (The Mission) 10:20 Love Affair 12:41 Playing Love (The Legend of 1900) 15:03 Intermezzi (The Inverse Canon) 16:35 My Name Is Nobody 19:45 A Fistful of Dollars 22:25 La Califfa 24:37 Thieves after Dark 26:19 Love in the Morning (Lolita) 29:40 Cinema Paradiso 31:52 Childhood and Manhood (Cinema Paradiso) 33:53 Love Theme (Cinema Paradiso) 37:05 The Good the Bad and the Ugly