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Music for Piano and Orchestra: The Recorded Repertory (Nov. 2023) “S”
Compiled by Dr. Allan B. Ho
Professor emeritus, musicology
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Table of Contents

Sa, Jane
**Concerto (by 2021), I
Saar, Robert (1925-76) Germany
**Concertino for Piano, String Orchestra, and Percussion
Saariaho, Kaija (1952-2023) Finland
**Solar for Piano and 10-Instrument Ensemble (1993)
Sabat, Marc (1965- ) Canada
**Lying in the Grass, River, and Clouds for Piano and 14 Instruments (2012)
Sabet, Nami ( – ) Canada
**Fantasia in f (2019)
Sacchi, Stefano (1984- ) Italy/USA
**Amazing Love
**Elegy (2016)
**Il Maestro for Piano, Violin, String Orchestra, Trumpets, and Timpani (2016)
**Memoirs of a Soldier (2016)
**Paranoia, Main Titles (2013)
**Romantic Flight (2011)
**Sogni in Fotogramma, Opening & Closing Credits
Sacco, P. Peter (1928-2000) USA
§Concerto No. 1 (1964)
Sackman, Nicholas ( – )
**Caccia (1998)
+Meld (Concerto) for Piano, Brass Ensemble, and Percussion (2004)
Sacramento, Lucino (Tinio) (1908-84) Philippines
§Concerto No. 2 in g (“Ang Maharlika” [The Noble]) (1973)
**Concerto No. 2 in g (“Ang Maharlika” [The Noble]) (1973; arr. for piano and string
orchestra by Joy T. Nilo)
§Concerto No. 3 in F (“Ang Bituin” [The Star]) (1974)Sacré, Gillis ( – ) Belgium
**Concerto for Piano and Ensemble (by 2014)
Saczko, Ewa Miriam
**Fantasia on Themes of Chopin
Sad Levi, Jorge (1959- ) Argentina
**Abu Elisa (1993)
**Disolución de la piedra de sal (c.2012)
**Microrituales for Ensemble of 8 Players and 2 Pianos (2008)
Sadchikova, Elena (1981- ) Russia
**Concerto (premièred 2011)
Sadler, Helmut (1921-2017) Germany
**Concertino for Piano, Percussion, and String Orchestra
Sadler, Will ( – ) England
**Concerto in d (by 2020)
Saegusa, Shigeaki (1942- ) Japan
+Concerto (“Look, Mt. Fuji from the West Wind”) for Piano, Chorus, and Orchestra
**“Concerto for Nobuyuki Tsujii” (premièred 2022)
Concerto (“Philosophy of Squids”) for Piano, Narrator, and Orchestra (2008; based on
the only book by the late philosopher Ichiro Hatano)
**Concerto for Piano and Wind Orchestra (1971)
**“Kei Ogura” for Cello, Piano, and Orchestra
**Travel to a Poetic City
Sæverud, Harald (Sigurd Johan) (1897-1988) Norway
§Concerto, Op. 31 (1948-50)
Safaian, Arash (1981- ) Iran/Germany
+Lara (from the film by Jan-Ole Gerster, 2019)
+This Is (Not) Beethoven 2020; variations on works by Beethoven):
Barcelona Pavillon
Fuge 106
Torso Belvedere
Una fantasia
Variations I-XII
+Über Bach (5 Concertos based on themes of J. S. Bach) for Piano, Vibraphone, and
Chamber Orchestra (2016):
No. 1 (“Infinite Games”; themes from BWV 142, 1072, 54, 924, 245, respectively)
No. 2 (“As Above so Below”; themes from BWV 21, 847, 245, 21, 847, respectively)
Modulation: Looping Bach
No. 3 (“Fuge Like a Passion”; themes from BWV 1078, 578, respectively)
No. 4 (“Newton’s Law”; themes from BWV 617, 889, respectively)
No. 5 (“Dorian”; themes from BWV 170, 538, respectively)
Safan, Craig (1948- ) USA
**Fade to Black (from the film, 1980)
Safaraliyeva, Gyul’nara
**Concerto No. 3
Sagaev, Dimitar (1915-2003) Bulgaria
**Concerto for Clarinet, Piano, Percussion, and Orchestra (1993)
Sagala, Jeremy ( – )
**Spaces: Between Time
Sagatov, Mansur (1939-2003) Kazakhstan
Dialogue for String Orchestra, Flute, Piano, and Percussion (1973)
Sagerquist, Vic (c.1956- ) USA
**Concerto No. 1 in c
**Concerto No. 2, I (2001-11)
Sagie, Nitzan ( – ) Israel
**Il Sogno del Viaggio for Piano, Viola, and Orchestra
Sagisu, Shiro (1957- ) Japan
+Music from “Shin Evangelion” (2021): Berceuse; Pensées intimes; R & M, Suite for
Piano, Bass Flute, and Orchestra; Unwelcome; What If? for Orchestra, Choir, and
Piano; Réminiscence – Epilogue
+Ménage à trois (Concerto) (from the film “Una sterminata domenica” [An Endless
Sunday], 2023)
**Shinji’s Theme from “Neon Genesis Evangelion” (1995-96)
Sago, Yasunori (1963- ) Japan
**Concerto No. 1 (by 2002)
**Concerto No. 2 in C (2002)
**Concerto No. 3 in d (2005)
**Concerto No. 4 (2006)
Saguer, Louis (1907-91) Germany/France
**“Quasi una fantasia” (1984)
Sahar, Christopher G. (1966- ) USA
**Invocation for Piano and Balinese Gamelan Orchestra (2014)
Sahara, Shion (1981- ) Japan
**Concerto (“Butterfly Scales”) for Koto, Piano, and String Orchestra (premièred 2022)
Saidaminova, Dilorom (1943- ) Uzbekistan
**Concerto No. 2 (1981)
**Double Concerto (“Breath of the East”) for Violin, Piano, and String Orchestra
**Garden of My Childhood for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2002)
Saidmurodov, Shahjahon (2006- ) England
**Concerto in B (2021), I
Saied, Abdul Rahman
**Concerto in f (2020), I-II
Saint-Clair, Guy (1944-2010) France/USA
Cosma: L’Homme de Suez
Khachaturian: Onedin Line (from “Spartacus”)
Khachaturian: Valse (from “Masquerade”)
Massenet: Méditation (from “Thais”)
Rachmaninoff: Concerto No. 2, III, theme
Rota: Monte Cristo
Saint-Saëns: Swan (from “Carnival of the Animals”)
Tchaikovsky: None, But the Lonely Heart
Tchaikovsky: Romeo & Juliet, theme
Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, conclusion
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6 (“Pathetique), I, theme
+Ballade in Blue
+Blue Shadows
+Cumulous Vagabond
+Evening in Heaven
+Hymn to the Day
+Indigo Dreaming
+Magenta Mortning
+Mysterious Isles
+On the Wings of Night
**Phoenix Rising
+Rainbow to the Earth
+Reflections of Dawn
**Schiller Swing
+Twilight Shades
+Veils of Memory
+Wandering Moon
Saint Clair, Richard (1946- ) USA
**Concerto a Capriccio, Op. 16 (1969-70)
**Double Concerto [“Amen Concerto”] for 2 Pianos and Concert Band, Op. 31 (1971-
**Scherzo (2019)
St. John, Pierre, II ( – ) Mexico
**Concerto in d (2021)
**Concerto in d (2021/23)
Saint-Marcoux, Micheline Coulombe (1938-85) Canada
**Luminance (1978)
St. Pierre, Guy (1965- ) Canada
**Concerto (“Le Train”) for Chamber and Piano (premièred 2012)
Saint-Preux born Christian Saint-Preux Langlade France
**Concerto (album, 1969)—
Sonate vendéenne
**Concerto pour deux voix (album, 2005)—
**Concerto pour une voix (album, 1989)—
**La Fête triste (album, 1974)—
Tableau 1:
Thème du garçon
Chanson de la pluie
Tableau 2:
Le Réveil de la Ville
Thème de la Fête triste
La Rencontre
La Boîte à musique
Tableau 3:
Le Rêve, 1er tableau
Rondes enfantines
Le Piano enchanté
Tableau 4:
Le Retour
Duo de l’adieu
**Last Opera (album, 1994)—
La Chevauchée des Licornes
Insomnie éternelle
La Tourmente. Allegro
**La Passion (album, 1973)—
Adagio pour piano
Allegretto pour flûte
Andante pour voix
Impression (from “La Passion”)
**Phytandros (album, 1990)—
A la porte des siècles
Aria de Syrna
Il y a sur la terre (Concerto in g)
Naissance de Yaha
**Saint-Preux (album, 1977)—
Concerto pour piano (in A-flat)
Times come to go back home
**Symphonie pour la Pologne (1977)
**Vingt ans (album, 1989)—
Concerto (in f )
Le Rêve
Saint-Saëns, (Charles) Camille (1835-1921) France [see also Cīrulis; Mikhnovich]
§Africa, Fantasy in g, Op. 89 (1891)
§Allegro appassionato in c-sharp, Op. 70 (orig. for pf solo; orch. ad lib, 1874)
**Appassionato, Op. 43 (orig. for cello and piano, 1873, orchestrated 1876; arr. for
piano and orchestra)
+Carnival of the Animals for 2 Pianos and Chamber Ensemble (1886; orig. version)
+Carnival of the Animals for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1886; revised version)
§Concerti (5): No. 1 in D, Op. 17 (1858); No. 2 in g, Op. 22 (1868); No. 3 in E-flat, Op.
29 (1869); No. 4 in c, Op. 44 (1875); No. 5 in F (“Egyptian”), Op. 103 (1896)
**Danse macabre (arr. by Karol Szreter or Frieder Weismann, by 1929)
**Danse macabre (arr. for 2 pianos 8-hands and orchestra)
§Rhapsodie d’Auvergne in C, Op. 73 (1884)
+Samson et Dalila (1877; excerpt arr. for 2 pianos and orchestra)
**Septet in E-flat for Piano, Trumpet, and String Quintet, Op. 65
§Wedding Cake Caprice in A-flat, Op. 76 (1885)
Saito, Daiki ( – ) Japan
**Concerto No. 1 in C (before 2019)
Sakamoto, Ryūichi (1952-2023) Japan [see also Lenczowski]
**Armo + Demo Guns
**Beyond Reason
**The Fight
**First Coronation
**El Mar Mediterrani for Piano, Electric Guitar, Orchestra, and Live Electronics (1992)
**Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence
**Open the Door
**Opening theme (from Nagisa Oshima’s film “Taboo,” 1999)
**Ride, Ride, Ride (Cellier’s Brother’s Song)
**The Seed
**Seed and the Sower
Šakenis, Simas ( – ) Lithuania
**Concerto (2011)
Sakr, Lucas ( – ) Lebanon
**The Scarf (by 2020)
**Concerto for Piano and Strings
**Concerto for MIDI-Piano and Orchestra, I
Sakura, Seki (c.2002- ) Japan
**Concerto (“Una note temposo”) (2017)
Sakuraba, Motoi (1965- ) Japan
**Tales of Arise, medley (from the video game, 2021)
Sala, Omar
**Eclipse (2014)
Sala, Paolo ( – ) Italy
**Summer Rhapsody (2016)
Salamon, Romeo
**Romanza (by 2016)
Salamon-Čekovská, L’ubica (1975- ) Slovakia
+Concerto in Two Movements (2005)
+Fractal for Chamber Orchestra with Piano, Op. 12 (2000)
Salathé, Phil (1976- ) USA
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (1998)
Salazar, Anthony ( – ) USA
**Concerto No. 1 in d (by 2010)
**Concerto No. 2 (by 2010)
Saldicco, Cesare (1976- ) Italy
**Life for Ensemble with Piano (2012)
Salgado (Torrres), Luis Humberto (1903-77) Ecuador
**Concerto No. 1 (“Consecration of the Virgins of the Sun,” An Aboriginal Legend in 3
Scenes) (1941)
**Concerto No. 3 (1963)
Salgán, Horacio Adolfo (1916-2016) Argentina
+A Don Augustin Bardi (arr. Daniel Binelli for bandoneon, piano, and orchestra)
+A Don Augustin Bardi (arr. by Matías Scheines & Diego Schissi for bandoneon, piano,
and orchestra)
+A fuego lento (arr. Daniel Binelli for bandoneon, piano, and orchestra)
+Milonga casi candombe (arr. Daniel Binelli for bandoneon, piano, and orchestra)
+Tango del eco (arr. by Carlos Franzetti)
Salgueiro, Jorge (1969- ) Portugal
**Concerto, Op. 277 (premièred 2020)
Salichow [see Salikhov]
Salieri, Antonio (1750-1825) Austria/Italy
§Concerto in B-flat (1773; revised by Giovanni Carli Ballola)
§Concerto in C (1773)
Salikhov, Enmark Shakirovich (1934- ) Uzbekistan
**Waltz (“Meditation”)
Salikhov, Ulugbek (1945- ) Uzbekistan
**Concertino for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1967)Salimzade, Kamran ( – )
**Andante for 2 Violins, Piano, and Orchestra
Saliyev, Agzam (1941-2013) Uzbekistan
**Symphony No. 3 (“Heroic”) for String Orchestra, Piano, and Timpani (1972)
Sallinen, Aulis (1935- ) Finland
+Barabbas Dialogues for Vocal Soloists and Ensemble with Piano, Op. 84 (2002-3)
**Barabbas Dialogues, Op. 84 (adapted for piano and string orchestra by Ralf Gothoni,
**Chamber Concerto for Violin, Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 87 (2004-5)
+Chamber Music No. 4 (“Metamorphosis of Elegy for Sebastian Knight”) for Piano and
String Orchestra, Op. 79 (2000)
+Chamber Music No. 5 (“Barabbas Variations”), Op. 80a (orig. for accordion and
string orchestra, 2000; arr. for piano and string orchestra by Ralf Gothóni, 2005)
+Introduction and Tango Overture for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 74b (1997)
+Palace Rhapsody, Op. 72
**Shadows (Prelude for Orchestra) (1982)
§Sunrise Serenade for 2 Trumpets, Piano, and String Orchestra, Op. 63 (1989)
Salmon [born Salomon], Karel (1897-1974) Germany/Israel
+Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1959)
Salmanov, Vadim Nikolayevich (1912-78) Russia
**Sonata for Piano and String Orchestra (1961)
Salmenhaara, Erkki (1941-2002) Finland
+La fille en mini-jupe for Orchestra with Piano (1967)
Salnikov, Georgy Ivanovich (1923-2015) Russia
**Russian Rhapsody for Piano and Wind Orchestra, Op. 11 (1972)
Salo, Benjamin ( – ) Canada
**Abomination : Face to Face (Concerto) for Amplified Piano and Orchestra (by 2021)
Salo, Ola [see Jonas Nydesjö]
Salomon, Karel [see Salmon]
Salomon, (Naphtali) Siegfried (1885-1962) Denmark
§Concerto in a, Op. 54 (1947)
Salonen, Esa-Pekka (1958- ) Finland
+Concerto (2006)
Salsman, Joel (1941-2001) USA
**CETA Concerto for Piano, String Orchestra, and Percussion (1975-76)
Salukvadze, Tamara (1979- ) Georgia
**Concerto for Piano, Voice, and Orchestra (c.2007)
**Dream Dance (c.2008)
Salva, Tadeáš (1937-95) Slovakia
**Balada-fantázia for Soprano, Piano, and Orchestra, Op. 20 (1971)
Salvage, R. David (1978- ) USA/Italy
**Concerto (2001)
Salvo, Ignacio
**Concerto No. 4, Op. 161 (2020)
Salzedo, Leonard (1921-2000) England
**“Concerto Fervido” for Strings and Piano, Op. 62 (1964)
Samà, Alfio
**Momentum No. 1 (“Rebirthing”) for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2020)
Samaras, Athanasios (1948- ) Greece
**Action No. 1 (2016)
**Action No. 2 (2016)
**Action No. 3 (2016)
**Action No. 4 (2016)
**Action No. 5 (2016)
**Action No. 6 (2017)
**Action No. 7 (“Orphée & Eurydice”) (2017)
**Action No. 8 (2017)
**Action No. 9 (2018)
**Action No. 10 (2018)
**Action No. 11 (2018)
**Action No. 12 (2018)
**Action No. 13 (2019)
**Action No. 14 (2019)
**Action No. 15 (2019)
**Action No. 16 (2019)
**Action No. 17 (2020)
**Action No. 18 (2021)
**Action No. 19 (2021)
**Action No. 20 (2021)
**Action No. 21 (2021)
**Study in C (by 2015)
Samaras, Christos (1956- ) Greece
**Concerto No. 2 (2005)
Samarco, John Philip (1953-2017) USA
**Diversion, Op. 13 (2003)
**Meditation I for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 14, No. 1 (2004)
Sambrook, James
**Rhapsody (2020)
Samimi-Mofakham, Idin (1982- ) Iran
+Holography (Concerto) for Piano and String Orchestra (2015)
Saminsky, Lazar (1882-1959) Russia/USA
+The Vow: Rhapsodic Variations on a Dual Theme (1917-43)
Samodaieva, Ludmila (1951- ) Ukraine
+Konzertstück No. 1 (“Beyond the White Boundary”)
+Konzertstück No. 2 (“And He Has Seen the Light”)
Samonov, Anatoly Vasil’yevich (1931-2013) Russia
**Youth Concerto (1984; version for piano and string orchestra), I & III
**Youth Concerto (1984; version for piano and full orchestra), I
Samorì, Aurelio (1946- ) Italy
**Alla soglia delle Trasparenze for 10 Instruments (1984)
Sampablo, Armenter ( – ) Spain
**Fantasia in G (by 2019; orchestrated by R. Nuño Millán)
Samper (i Marquès), Baltasar (1888-1966) Spain
**Ritual de pagesia, Tres Cantos mallorquins, symphonic suite (1935): A les oliveres;
Vetlla a la vora del foc; Els figaras
Sampson, David (1951- ) USA
**Dectet for Oboe, Clarinet, Horn, Bassoon, 2 Violins, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, and
Piano (1998)
Samson, Anthony (c.1997- ) USA
**Fantasia (“Gaia”) for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 1
Samuelsson, Marie (1956- ) Sweden
**Sound Over the Sea for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, Trombone, 2
Percussionists, Piano, and Strings (2022)
Sancan, Pierre (1916-2008) France
**Concertino [Concerto No. 2] for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1963)
§Concerto in e (1955)
Sanchez, Rafael
**Concerto No. 1, Op. 6 (2021)
**Concerto No. 2 in E-flat, Op. 7 (2021; an arrangement of his Violin Concerto No. 1)
**Concerto No. 3 in d, Op. 19 (2021)
Sánchez-Gútierrez, Carlos (1964- ) Mexico/USA
+Diaries for Piano and Large Ensemble (2012)
+…ex machina for Marimba, Piano, and Orchestra (2008)
**New Short Stories for Piano and Ensemble (2019)
+Son del Corazón for Violin and Large Ensemble with Piano (1993/2012)
Sánchez-Navarro, Alejandro (1960- ) Mexico
**Mexico City Concerto (2017)
Sandagerði, Pauli í (1955- ) Faroe Islands
**Showery Weather (Concerto) (1997)
Sandauer, Heinz (1911-79) Austria
+Vienna Concerto (Fantasy on Themes of Johann Strauss; arr. Da-Dell)
Sanden, Moritz van ( – )
**The 4 Emotions (Concerto) (2006)
Sandham, Mark ( – )
**Concerto in G (by 2017), II
Sandi, Luis
**La Hoja de Plata
Sandloff, Peter (1924-2009) Germany
**Concerto en miniature (1965; version for piano and full orchestra)
Sandner, Ronald ( – ) Germany
**Romantic Fantasy for Piano and Concert Band (arr. by Harald Heinemann & Helmut
Sommer) (1987)
Sándor, Halmi
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 5 (2020), I
Sandquist, Colin ( – ) Canada
**Concerto No. 3 (2019), I
Sandström, Jan (1954- ) Sweden
+Concerto No. 1 (1995)
**Concerto No. 2 (2001)
Sandström, Sven-David (1942-2019) Sweden
§Concerto (1990) [sometimes identified as Concerto “No. 2”; preceded by an earlier
work for piano and orchestra titled “Agitato,” 1978]
+Five Pieces (2014; premièred 2017)
Sanfilippo, Giuliana ( – )
**Variations on an Original Theme
Sanford, David (1963- ) USA
§Chamber Concerto No. 3 for Clarinet, Oboe, Bassoon, Violin, Cello, and Piano (1992)
Sangidorj, Sansargereltekh (1969- ) Mongolia
**Concerto (“Man and Nature”) (2012)
SanGregory, Paul (1964- ) USA/Taiwan
**Concerto (“To a Future…”) for 2 Pianos and String Orchestra (orig. for fortepiano,
harpsichord, and string orchestra, 2015)
Sanjaya, Singgih ( – ) Indonesia
**Kidung Mahardhika
San Miguel Alfaro, José Antonio (1967- ) Spain
**Onirika (by 2017)
Santa Ana, Alfredo (1980- ) Mexico/Canada
**Ocaso for Orchestra with Piano (2015)
Santa Cruz (Wilson), Domingo (1899-1987) Chile
**Variaciones en tres movimientos, Op. 20 (1942-43)
Santamaria, Gaëtan (1957- ) France
**Concerto No. 1 (2016)
**Concerto No. 2 (2020)
Santana, Fabiano ( – ) Brazil
**Sergipanidade (by 2019)
Santcovsky, Fabià (1989- ) Spain
**Puertas de Paralogía for Large Ensemble with Piano (2013)
Santero, Santiago (1962- ) Argentina
**Ímpetu (2020-21)
**El Navegante (premièred 2013)
Santiago, Francisco (1889-1947) Philippines
**Concerto in B-flat (1924, but destroyed in Feb. 1945 during the Battle of Manila; in
1949-52, reconstructed by the composer’s students Juan C. Bañez and Antonino
Buenaventura [orchestration]. Bañez had performed the original work seven times
before its destruction, but it is unknown how accurately the reconstruction, premièred
in Sept. 1952, follows the original)
**Concerto in B-flat (1924, but destroyed in Feb. 1945 during the Battle of Manila; in
1949-52, reconstructed by the composer’s students Juan C. Bañez and Antonino
Buenaventura [orchestration]. Bañez had performed the original work seven times
before its destruction, but it is unknown how accurately the reconstruction, premièred
in Sept. 1952, follows the original), III
Santillán Alcocer, Ana Paola (1972- ) Mexico/Canada/USA
**Sommeil Paradoxal for 18 Instruments (2017)
Santo, Joseph A. ( – ) USA
**Concerto (1995)
**Concerto for Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (2005)
Santoro, Cláudio (1919-89) Brazil
**Concerto No. 1 (1951-52)
§Concerto No. 3 (“Para a Juventude”) (1960)
**Intermitências II for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1967)
**Música concertante (1944)
Santórsola, Guido (1904-94) Brazil/Uruguay
**Concerto for Bandoneon, Piano, String Orchestra, and Percussion (1976)
Santos, Enrique (1930- ) Mexico
**Concerto No. 2 (1989)
Santos, Giovanni (1980- ) USA
**Aphelion for Piano and Symphonic Winds (2020)
Santos, Igor (1985- ) Brazil/USA
+Moppet for Piano and 7 Percussionists (2010)
**Suggested Affinities for Piano, 13 Musicians, and Electronics (2018)
Santos, Joaquim dos [see Gonçalves dos Santos]
Santos, Luís Tasso (1999- ) Australia
**Concerto, Op. 152, I-II
Santos, Murillo (1931-2019) Brazil
**Fantasia (rec. 1999)
Santos, Rosendo E. (1922-94) Philippines/USA
**Concerto No. 3 In C (1985)
Santos Neto, Jovino (1954- ) Brazil/USA
**Milonga da Emília (2018)
Sanzhieva, Larisa Nikolaevna (1966- ) Buryatia [Russia]
**Chzhud-Shi [Chjud-shek] (symphonic miniature, 1997)
Saparov, Valery (1947- ) Turkmenistan
**Elegy for Piano, Flute, and Chamber Orchestra (in memory of Arno Babadjanian)
**Elegy for Piano, Flute, and Chamber Orchestra (in memory of Arno Babadjanian)
(version for piano and string orchestra)
Saperstein, David (1948- ) USA
**“In Memory of Milton,” Concerto with Mixed Open Ensemble (2011)
Sapieyevski, Jerzy (1945- ) Poland/USA
**Concerto for 2 Pianos, Voices, and Orchestra (1977), excerpts only
Sapozhnikov, Vladimir Aleksandreyevich (1945- ) Russia
**Journey to Heaven or Down the Nevsky in a Carriage
Saraceni, Leonardo (1962- ) Italy
**Concerto No. 1, Op. 15 (premièred 2010)
Sarasate (y Navascuéz), Pablo (Martín Melitón) de (1844-1908) Spain
*Navarra, Op. 33 (1889; arr. for piano and string orchestra by Gurfinkel)
Saratsky, Aleksandr (1961- ) Ukraine
**Concerto No. 2 in G
**Concerto No. 3 (2012)
**Concerto No. 5 (“Beat Heaven”) (by 2016)
**Concerto No. 6 (“Jazz Fantasies with the Camerate”) in c (by 2018)
**Concerto No. 7 in F (by 2020)
**Concerto No. 8 in d (2022), II-III
**Concerto No. 9 in d (2023), II
**Jazz Arrangements of Ukrainian Songs
**Suite No. 1 (by 2012)
**Suite No. 2 (by 2012)
Sarde, Philippe (1948- ) France
**Générique; La Rochelle (from Claude Sautet’s film “Les Choses de la vie,” 1970)
**Louise (from Pierre Granier-Deferre’s film “L’Etoile du Nord,” 1982)
Sargen, Ellen ( – ) England
**Auroral Impressions for Bass Clarinet, Piano, and Orchestra (2016)
Sargent, Matthew E. ( – )
Sargon, Simon (1938- ) India/USA
+Divertimento for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1994)
Sargsyan, Ruben (1945-2013) Armenia
**Farewell for Piano and Chamber Ensemble (2011)
**Rhapsody for Piano and String Orchestra (2011)
**That Remained for String Orchestra and Piano (2004)
Sargsyan, Valery (1946-2015) Armenia
**Concerto No. 1 (rec. 1997)
**Concerto No. 2 (rec. 2006)
Sarić, Valentin (1992- ) Croatia
**Concerto No. 1 (“Milagro”) (2022)
**Concerto No. 2 (“La nobiltà nobilita”) (2022)
+Serenade (“La Serenissima”) in A for Orchestra, Trumpet, and Piano (by 2021)
**Valse Concerto for Piano, Organ, and Orchestra (2022)
Šarišský, Vladislav (1984- ) Slovakia
**Nit Nat Snok [“Konstantin” spelled backwards] for Piano and String Orchestra
(2017; written for Konstantin Ilievsky)
Sárközy, István (1920-2002) Hungary
**Confessioni (Anno 1853) (1977-79)
Sarmientos, Jorge Álvaro (1931-2012) Guatemala
•Concerto No. 1 in a, Op. 10 (1956)
**Concerto No. 3, Op. 39 (1967-68)
Sarnecki, Piotr ( – ) Poland
**Concerto (2019)
Saroglou, Dimitris (1959- ) Greece
**Concerto (“Pour un Monde Meilleur”) for Piano and String Orchestra (2019)
Sarrechia, Mario (1988- ) Belgium
**Concerto No. 1 (2004)
Sartori, Francesco (1957- ) Italy
**Con te partirò for Piano, Saxophone, and Orchestra
Šarūnas, Nakas (1962- ) Lithuania
+Icon of Fire (in memory of Algirdas Doveika) for Ensemble with Piano (2008)
Sarwas, Jakub (1977- ) Poland
**Crépuscule du soir mystique for Soprano, Instrumental Ensemble, and Electronics
Sáry, Bánk (1973- ) Hungary
**Önarckép Self Portrait
Sáry, László (1940- ) Hungary
**Sinfonia concertante for Piano 4-hands and Orchestra (2017; in memory of Zoltán
Sasaki, Masato ( – ) Japan
**Concerto in C (“Toward the Sky”) (2019)
Sassetti [Pais], Bernardo da Costa Portugal
**Concerto dinâmico for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2005)
**Entropé for Piano and String Orchestra (2001; prelude and variations on a theme
from Rachmaninoff’s Concerto No. 2, II)
Histórias do Castelo (2010)
Satie, Erik [Eric] (Alfred Leslie) (1866-1925) France
§La Belle excentrique (c.1902-20)
**Le Poisson rêveur (The Dreamy Fish) (1901)
**Quatrieme, Cinquieme, Sixieme Gnossiennes (1889-97; arr. by Poulenc)
*“Through the Looking Glass” (arrangement of music by Satie)
**Trois gymnopédies (1888; arr. Chip Davis)
**Trois gymnopédies No. 1 (1888; arr. Aldrich)
**Trois gymnopédies No. 1 (1888; arr. Janis Rubiks for jazz trio and orchestra, by 2021)
Trois gymnopédies No. 3 (1888; arr. Jérôme Ducros for violin, piano, and orchestra, by
Satler, Jan (1997- ) Slovenia
**Fantasia in f (2016)
**Symphonic Images (2014-15)
Sato, Kentaro ( – ) USA
**Wings of Dreams
Sato, Shin (1938- ) Japan
**Concerto (1983)
Sato, Yasuhiro
**Andante and Allegro (2017-18)
Satoh, Somei (1947- ) Japan
**Prelude (premièred 2023; not much piano)
Saucedo, Richard L. (1957- ) USA
**Dreamsong for Piano and Band (2006)
Saudek, Vojtěch (1951-2004) Czech Republic
§Concerto (“in Memory of Gideon Klein [1919-45]”) (1983)
Sauer, Emil von (1862-1942) Germany
§Concerto No. 1 in e (1900)
§Concerto No. 2 in c (1903)
Sauguet [Sauget] [Poupard], Henri(-Pierre) (1901-89) France
§Concerto No. 1 in a (1933-34)
**Concerto No. 2 (“Rêverie concertante”) (1947-48; from the film “Les Amoureux sont
seuls au monde”)
**Concerto No. 3 (“Concert des mondes souterrains”) (1961-63)
Saul, Walter (1954- ) USA
**Divertimento for 4 Trumpets, 4 Horns, 3 Trombones, Tuba, and 2 Pianos (1979)
+Metamorphosis (1974)
Saunders, Adam (c.1974- ) USA
**Concerto in g, I (2010)
Saunders, Matthew C. (1976- ) USA
**Concerto (2013)
Saunders, Rebecca (1967- ) United Kingdom/Germany
§miniata for Accordion, Piano, Chorus and Orchestra (2004)
**“to an utterance” (2020)
Saunders, Samuel (1993- ) USA
**Detroit (2015)
Sauter, Ernest (1928-2013) Germany
**Concerto russe (1991)
Savenko, Dmitry (1960- ) Ukraine
**Characteristic Pieces (4) for Alto Saxophone, Piano, and String Orchestra (2013)
**Concert Fantasy (by 2017)
**Concertino for Orchestra with Oboe, Vibraphone, Harpsichord, and Piano (2003)
Savino, Domenico (1882-1973) Italy/USA
**American Concerto (publ. 1944)
+Study in Blue for Piano and Jazz Orchestra (by 1928)
Savinov, Igor Nikolayevich (1953- ) Uzbekistan/Russia
**Concerto for Piano and Wind Band (2016)
Savka, Danilo (2009- ) Ukraine [see also Shchurovsky]
**Concerto No. 2 (by 2017)
**Night Hunt (by 2017)
**[Untitled] (by 2017)
Šavli, Peter (1961- ) Slovenia
+Concerto (2001)
Savoie, Émile ( – ) Canada
**Concerto No. 4 (2021), I
Savva, Savvas (1958- ) Cyprus
+Concerto for 10 Pianos and Orchestra (“Medieval Cyprus”) (2005)
**“Passio” for Piano, Percussion, and String Orchestra
§“Sesquicentennial Steinway Concerto” (by 2006)
Sawchak, Andrew (1959- ) USA
**Concerto (first movement, 1987)
Sawer, David (1961- ) England
**Concerto (2002)
Sawhney, Nitin (1964- ) England
**Neural Circuits (2001)
Sawitzky, Raphael
**Fantasy in e-flat (2011-12), draft
Sawyer, Eric (1962- ) USA
•Fantasy Concerto (“Concord Conversations”) for Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra
Sawyer, W. Brent ( – ) USA
**Hanging Gardens of Babylon (2021)
Sawyers, Philip (1951- ) England
+Concertante for Violin, Piano, and String Orchestra (2006)
Saxton, Robert (1953- ) England
**Circle of Light
**Ring of Eternity
**Sentinel of the Rainbow (1984)
Say, Fazil (1970- ) Turkey
**Alla Turca Jazz (fantasia on the third movement of Mozart’s Sonata in A, K. 331; orig.
for piano solo, 1993)
+China Rhapsody, Op. 69 (2016)
§Concerto No. 2 (“Silk Road”) for Piano and Chamber Orchestra, Op. 4 (1994)
**Concerto No. 3 (“Silence of Anatolia”), Op. 11 (2001)
+Concerto No. 3 (“Silence of Anatolia”), Op. 11 (2001; arr. for piano and Chinese
orchestra by Chen Mingchi)
+“Gezi Park 1,” Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra, Op. 48 (2013)
**“Gezi Park 3,” Ballad for Mezzo-soprano, Piano, and String Orchestra, Op. 54 (2014)
**Nazim Hikmet for Piano, Vocal Soloists, Chorus, and Orchestra, Op. 9 (oratorio,
2001), excerpts—
Bakiyorum duvara
Ben içeri duştüğümden beri
Kiz Cocugu
Vatan Haini
Yaşamaya dair
**Nirvana Burning, Concert Piece, Op. 30 (2010)
+Obstinacy II of Concerto No. 3
**Phoenix (“Anka Kusu”) for Piano 4-Hands and Orchestra (premièred 2022)
**Requiem for Metin Altiok (oratorio) for Piano, Chamber Orchestra, and Chorus, Op.
13 (2002-3)
§Romantic Ballades (2) for Piano and String Orchestra (1995)
**Thinking Einstein, Op. 16 (2005)
**Water, Op. 45 (2012)
**Yürüyen Köşk [Moving Mansion] (2017; version for piano and string orchestra)
Saygun, Ahmet Adnan (1907-91) Turkey
§Concerto No. 1, Op. 34 (1952-58)
§Concerto No. 2, Op. 71 (1985)
Scalella, Giuseppe (1950- ) Italy
**Concerto in d (by 2017)
**Fantaisie tragique for Piano, Organ, and Orchestra
**Mini Concerto in d (by 2017)
**Nocturne (by 2022)
Scannavini, Claudio (1959- ) Italy
**Sinfonietta concertante (by 2016)
Scarcella Perino, Roberto ( – ) Italy/USA
**Concerto No. 2 (2019)
Scardino, Lionel (1995- ) Argentina
**Concerto No. 1 in E-flat, Op. 4 (2023)
Scarmolin, Anthony Louis (1890-1969) Italy/USA
+Upon Looking at an Old Harpsichord for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 14 (1917)
Scavarda, Donald (1928-2021) USA
**Sounds for Eleven (1961)Scelsi, Giacinto (1905-88) Italy
**Concertino (1934)
+Divisions for Piano and 9 String Instruments (1964)
Schaathun, Asbjørn (1961- ) Norway
+Musical Grafitti II: Virtuoso Drawings for Amplified Piano, Large Ensemble, and
Tape with Cosmic Sounds (1983/84)
**Nations (Concerto) (2016)
**Our Whisper Woke No Clocks for Piano and Large Ensemble (1993)
Schädel, Gerhardt [see Schedel]
Schäden, Anna [Nanette] von (1763-1834) [see Rosetti]
Schaeffer, Bogusław (1929-2019) Poland
**Concerto No. 1 [see Quattro movimenti, below]
**Concerto No. 2 (1967)
§Concerto No. 3 for Piano, Computer, and Orchestra (1988-90)
+Concerto No. 4 (1999)
**Quattro movimenti (1957)
Schaeuble, Hans (1906-88) Switzerland
+Concerto, Op. 34 (1949/73)
§Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 50 (1966-67/71)
Schafer, Dominique ( – )
**Verdichtungen for 15 Players
Schafer, Evan
Concerto (2012-14)
Schafer, Frantisek (1905-66) Czechoslovakia
**Rhapsody (Radhošt’), Op. 17 (1943)
Schaffer, Edward (1953- ) USA
**Concerto in a, Op. 29 (2006)
**Rhapsody, Op. 89 (2007-8)
Schapfl, Nikolaus (1963- ) Germany
**Concerto (2008)
Schappé, Stephan ( – )
+Feuerreiter (arr. for 2 pianos and band by Schappé and Peter Maurer)
+Happy Rag (arr. for 2 pianos and band)
Scharwenka, (Franz) Xaver (1850-1924) Germany
§Concerto No. 1 in b-flat, Op. 32 (1876)
§Concerto No. 2 in c, Op. 56 (premièred 1880)
§Concerto No. 3 in c-sharp, Op. 80 (1889; premièred 1899)
§Concerto No. 4 in f, Op. 82 (1908)
Schat, Peter (1935-2003) Netherlands
**Concerto da camera for 2 Clarinets, Piano, Percussion, and Strings (1960)
**Dances from “Labyrinthe,” Op. 15 (1963)
§Etudes, Op. 39 (1992)
Schedl, Gerhard (1957- ) Austria
**Humoresque, Op. 8
Schedl, Klaus (1966- ) Germany
+Running Man for Ensemble with Piano (1997-99)
Scheible, Andrew (2005- )
**Magnus Est Eldreon (Concerto No. 1) (2021)
Schein, Andreas
**Concerto in f, II. Andante (by 2015)
Schelb, Josef (1894-1977) Germany
+Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (1949)
+Concerto (1953)
Schelle, Michael (1950- ) USA
**“And Then They Just Disappear into the Night” for Orchestra with Piano (2016)
**Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1986)
+Wright Flight (Concerto) (2002)
Schelling, Ernest (Henry) (1876-1939) USA
§Suite fantastique, Op. 7 (1905)
**Symphonic Variations (“Impressions from an Artist’s Life”) (1913)
Schenk, Markus ( – ) Austria
+Essay (“Sirius & Nembus”) (by 2015)
Scherbakov, Igor [see Shcherbakov]
Scheve, Edward Benjamin (1865-1924) Germany/USA
**Concerto, Op. 20 (1911; premièred 1913), III
Schevelyov, Denis ( – )
**Dance of the Past
Schibler, Armin (1920-86) Switzerland
**Concerto (“Concert pour la jeunesse”) for 5 Percussion, Piano, and String Orchestra,
Op. 76 (1962-63)
**Concerto (“Visions choréographiques”), Op. 71 (1961)
**Concerto for Piano, Trumpet, Horn, Trombone, Harp, Percussion, and Double String
Orchestra, Op. 59 (1959)
Schick, Robert Daniel (1929-97) USA
•Concerto (1962; rehearsal)
Schickele, Peter (1935- ) USA
**Concerto for Piano versus Orchestra, S. 88 (1968; attributed to P.D.Q. Bach)
**Concerto for Simply Grand Piano and Orchestra, S. 99% (2015; attributed to P.D.Q.
§Concerto for 2 Pianos vs. Orchestra, S. 2 are better than one (attributed to P.D.Q.
+Prelude to Einstein on the Fritz, S. E=mc2 (1987)
Schie, Tjako van (1961- ) Netherlands
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra
**Convulsion, I only
Schierbeck, Poul (Julius Ouscher) (1888-1949) Denmark
+Natten [Night] for Orchestra and Obbligato Piano, Op. 41 (1935-36)
Schiffman, Harold Anthony (1928- ) USA
**Chamber Concertino for Piano and Wind Ensemble [Double Wind Quartet] (1984-
+Chamber Concerto No. 2 for Piano, Wind Quintet, and String Quartet (“In memoriam
Edward Kilenyi”) (2000)
§Concerto (1982)
Schifrin, Lalo (Boris) (1932- ) Argentina
**Concerto No. 1 (1985)
§Concerto No. 2 (“The Americas”) (1991, used in the soundtrack of the film “Something
to Believe In”)
**Concerto for Jazz Trumpet, Piano, and Orchestra (2007)
**Mission Impossible Theme (1966)
**Murmúrio (1962; arr. piano and orchestra by Melani Mestre)
**Parrot Samba (1961; arr. piano and orchestra by Melani Mestre)
**The Wave (1959; arr. piano and orchestra by Melani Mestre)
Schillinger, Joseph (1895-1943) Ukraine/Russia/USA
**Symphonic Rhapsody (“October”) (on themes of Revolutionary songs, 1927)
Schimmel, Carl (1975- ) USA
•Concerto (2007-8)
Schina, Robert Elias
**Concerto in e (2018-19)
Schindler, Naftali (1982- ) USA/Israel
**Ubangi for 11 Players (2007)
Schiphorst, Iris ter (1956- ) Germany
**Aus Kindertagen: Verloren for 8 Instruments and Tapes (2004-5)
**Dislokationen for Orchestra with Piano and Sample-Keyboard (2008-9)
**Vergeben/Bruchstücke zu Edgar Varèse for Winds, Piano, and Percussion (2007)
Schiske, Karl (Hubert Rudolf) (1916-69) Austria
**Concerto, Op. 11 (1938-39)
**Divertimento for 10 Instruments, Op. 49 (1963)
**Synthese for 4 x 4 Instruments, Op. 47 (1958)
Schlegel, Christopher (1966- ) USA
+Concerto No. 1 (by 2018)
+Concerto No. 2 (by 2018)
Schlegel, Marcus J. ( – ) USA
**Chamber Piece (by 2010)
Schlein, Irving (1905-86) USA
+Concerto No. 1 (1942)
+Concerto No. 2 for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 2 (1947)
+Concerto No. 3 (“Musical-Escapade”) for Piano and String Orchestra (1984;
orchestrated by Boris Tishchenko with added oboe and timpani, 2005)
Schlumpf, Martin (1947- ) Switzerland
+Mouvements (Concerto) (1994/99)
Schlüter, Ann-Helena ( – ) Germany
**Concerto (by 2017)
Schmalstich, Clemens (1880-1960) Germany
**Variations on an Original Theme, Op. 101 (1951)
Schmid, Ralf ( – )
+Tribeca rites (arr. for 2 pianos and band)
+Voyage (arr. for 2 pianos and band)
Schmid-Gagnebin, Ruth ( – ) Switzerland
+Concerto, Op. 119
Schmidek, Kurt (1919-86) Austria
**Concertino, Op. 33 (1955)
Schmidinger, Helmut (1969- ) Austria
**“für den, der heimliche lauschet…” (2011-12)
Schmidt, Christfried (1932- ) Germany
**Concerto (1969)
**Kammermusik XI for 18 Instruments (1995)
Schmidt, Franz (1874-1939) Austria
§Concertante Variations on a Theme of Beethoven [Scherzo from “Spring” Violin
Sonata] for Piano Left-Hand and Orchestra Concerto No. 1
§Concertante Variations on a Theme of Beethoven (1923; arr. for two-hands by
Friedrich Wührer, premièred 1940)
§Concerto [No. 2] in E-flat for Piano Left-Hand and Orchestra (1934)
§Concerto [No. 2] in E-flat for Piano Left-Hand and Orchestra (1934; arr. for two-hands
by Friedrich Wührer, premièred 1940)
+Fantasia [Phantasiestück] in B-flat (undated manuscript, c.1899, anticipating the
interlude and carnival music in his opera “Notre Dame,” 1902-4)
Schmidt, Heather (1975- ) Canada
**Concerto No. 1 (1997)
+Concerto No. 2 (2001)
**Concerto No. 3 for Piano and String Orchestra (2003)
**Concerto No. 4 (“Phoenix Ascending”) (2005)
Schmidt, Leo Philipp ( – ) Germany
+Concerto for 2 Pianos, Choir, and Orchestra (rec. 2018)
Schmidt, Ole (1928-2010) Denmark
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (1956)
Schmidt, Oliver
**A Piece for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (2009)
Schmidt, Niklas (1976- ) Denmark
**Ubergang-Untergang (Concerto) (2006)
Schmidt, Rudolph (1897-1990) Germany
**Festival Concerto for Piano and Symphonic Wind Orchestra (publ. 1943)
Schmidt, William (1926-2009) USA
**Concerto for Trumpet, Piano, and Chamber Orchestra (1980)
**Vendor’s Call for Piano and Clarinet Choir (1976)
Schmidt-Binge, Walter (1931-88) Germany
Schmidt-Kowalski, Thomas (1949-2013) Germany
+Concerto in g, Op. 108 (2010)
Schmit, Camille (1908-76) Belgium
**Music for Piano and Orchestra (1949)
Schmitt, Aloys (1788-1866) Germany
+Concerto No. 1 in c, Op. 14 (before 1816)
+Concerto No. 2 in d, Op. 34 (1821)
+Rondeau brilliant (“Souvenir de John Field”) in E-flat, Op. 101 (1839)
Schmitt, Florent (1870-1958) France
+“J’entends dans le lointain” [I hear in the distance], Op. 64, No. 1 (premièred 1930;
arr. from the first movement of the three-movement suite “Ombres” for piano solo,
**Keymesse-Valse (from “L’Éventail de Jeanne,” 1927)
§Symphonie concertante in g, Op. 82 (1928-31)
Schmitt, Werner Heinrich (1961- ) Germany
**Concerto No. 1
**Concerto No. 2 (2019)
Schmitz, Elie Robert (1889-1949) France/USA
**Concerto No. 1 (“In 7 Moods and 3 Movements”), Op. 7 (premièred 1948)
Schmitz, Manfred (1939-2014) Germany
Schmitz-Steinberg, Christian (1920-81) Germany [see also Sys]
**Rhapsodie über “Es liegt eine Krone im tiefen Rhein” (by 1967)
Schmotova, Marina (1959- ) Russia
**Castles in the Air (2005-6)
Schmurak, Alexei (1986- )
Vorabend (2010)
Schnabel, Artur (1882-1951) Austria
§Concerto (1901; orig. in 4 movements, but first 2 deleted later; only Intermezzo:
Andante Grave and Rondo: Allegretto Grazioso recorded)
Schnebel, Dieter (1930-2018) Germany
+Octet with Piano (1953/93/97)
Schnee, Mark ( – ) USA
Concerto in E-flat
Romance in B-flat
Schneider, Enjott born Norbert Jürgen Schneider Germany
+“Evolution” (Concerto) (1991; for the film “Concierto Evolución” at the World Expo
in Seville, 1992)
+Neidhart’s Nightmare (“Minnelied”) for Piano and Ensemble (2008)
Schneider, Ernst (1939- ) Germany/Canada
+Romantic Piano Concerto (1980)
Schneider, Joachim F. W. (1970- ) Germany
**Concerto (1998)
Schneider, Norbert Jürgen [see Schneider, Enjott]
Schneiders, Hardy (1926- ) Switzerland
+By the Riverside for Piano and Concert Band (under the pseudonym “Norman Tailor”;
an arrangement of the African-American spiritual “Down by the Riverside,” pre-
+Fantasiestück for Horn, Oboe, Piano, and String Orchestra
Schnelzer, Albert (1972- ) Sweden
**Concerto (“This is Your Kingdom”) (2018)
Schnittke, Alfred Al’fred Garriyevich Russia/Germany [see also Mahler; W.
A. Mozart: Concerto No. 24]
+“Auditions” (from “Peer Gynt,” 1986)
**“Clowns and Children” (from Aleksandr Mitta’s film, 1976): Waltz
**“The Commissar” (from Aleksandr Askoldov’s film, 1967/88): Keller; Traum
+Concerto No. 1
§Concerto [No. 2] for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 136 (1979)
§Concerto [No. 3] for Piano Four-Hands and Orchestra (1988)
§Concerto grosso No. 1 for 2 Violins, Harpsichord, Prepared Piano, and Strings (1976-
+Concerto grosso No. 3 for 2 Violins, Harpsichord, Piano, String Orchestra, and Bells
§Concerto grosso No. 5 for Violin, an Invisible [offstage] Piano, and Orchestra, Op. 223
+Concerto grosso No. 6 for Piano, Violin, and String Orchestra, Op. 235 (1993)
§(K)ein Sommernachtstraüm (1985)
§Music for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1964)
**Revis Fairy Tale, IV. Polka (arr. for violin ensemble and piano)
**Sport, Sport, Sport (music for Elem Klimov’s satirical documentary, 1970), excerpts:
Fanfares; Greece; Fans; Tigers (with piano); Winners (with piano); Finale
**“Story of the Unknown Actor” (from Aleksandr Zarkhi’s film, 1976): Theme; Epilog-
**Suite from the film “Dead Souls,” Op. 182a (1984)
**Suite from Elem Klimov’s film “Agony” (1993; piano prominent in the Waltz and
**Suite in the Old Style, Minuet (orig. for violin and piano, 1972; arr. for violin ensemble
and piano)
+Symphony No. 1 for Piano, Violin, Trombone, and Orchestra (c.1968/72)
+Symphony No. 4 for Tenor, Piano, Choir, and Orchestra
Schnitzer, Ory (1985- ) Israel
**Style No. 3 in b for Piano and Strings
Schnyder, Daniel (1961- ) Switzerland/USA
+Concerto for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (2000)
+Concerto (“Parallel Times”) for Piano and String Orchestra (premièred 1993)
**Triple Concerto for Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (2006)
Schobert, Johann (Jean) (c.1735-67) Germany [see also Mozart, W. A.]
§Concerto [Sinfonie] in G, Op. 9 (c.1740)
Schoeck, Othmar (1886-1957) Switzerland
+Gaselen for Voice, Piano, and Orchestra, Op. 38
+Das Stille Leuchten for Voice, Piano, and Orchestra (orchestrated in 1974 by Rolf Urs
+Wandersprüche for Voice, Piano, and Orchestra, Op. 42
Schöllhorn, Johannes (1962- ) Germany
+Clouds and Sky (Konzertstück) (2010)
Schönbach, Dieter (1931-2012) Germany
Concerto (1958)
Schoenberg, Adam (1980- ) USA
**Canto (2014)
**Scatter (Concerto) for Project Trio (Flute, Cello, and Double Bass) and Orchestra
with Piano (2016)
Schoenberg, Arnold (Franz Walter) (1874-1951) Austria/USA [see also Lee, N.;
§Ode to Napoleon, Op. 41 (orig. for string quartet, piano, and speaker, 1942; arr. for
string orchestra, piano, and speaker, 1944)
§Concerto, Op. 42 (1942)
+Concerto, Op. 42 (1942; reduced orchestration for 14 players by Hugh Collins Rice,
**Notturno in A-flat for Violin, Piano, and String Orchestra (1896, orig. for harp and
strings; previously believed to be lost, but Antony Beautmont in 1995 identified the
missing work as an untitled Andante for strings and harp preserved in the Moldenhauer
Archive in the Library of Congress)
**Suite, Op. 29
Schönberg, Claude-Michel (1944 – ) France
+Les Misérables, Overture & Finale (1980; arr. by Byron Olson)
§Miss Saigon – Rhapsody (arr. by Sean Alderking [piano part], William D. Brohn
Schoenberg, Loren ( – )
Schönberger, Elmer (1950- ) Netherlands
**Ghosting Pantaleon (2015)
Schoenberger, Thomas (1960- ) USA
**The Count, theme (2014)
Schoendorff, Matthew ( – ) USA
**Quantum States for Orchestra with Piano (2005)
Schoenfield, Paul (1947- ) USA
§Four Parables (1982-83)
Schönherr, Max (1903-84) Austria
**Concertino (1964)
Schoen-Philbert, Jonas (1969- ) Germany
**Crosscurrent for Ensemble with Piano, Guitar, Double Bass, Drums, and Saxophone
(by 2021)
Schoettle, Elmer (1910-73) USA
**Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1952-53)
**Concerto grosso for Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, Trumpet, Violin, Piano, and
Orchestra (by 1953)
Schollum, Robert (1913-87) Austria
**“Gespräche” for Piano, 2 Oboes, 2 Horns, and Strings, Op. 62 (1959)
**Seestück, Op. 108 (1974/79)
**Symphony No. 5 (“Venetian Results”) Chamber Orchestra with Piano, Op. 77 (1969)
Scholz, Bernd (1911-69) Germany
**Concerto (c.1950)
**Concerto appassionato (c.1950)
Scholz, Bernhard (1835-1916) Germany
+Capriccio in a, Op. 35 (1869)
+Concerto in B, Op. 57 (1882)
Scholz-Rothe, Gerhard (1913-91) Germany
**Concertante Musik im alten Stil for Piano, Winds, and Percussion
Schoonenbeek, Kees (1947- ) Netherlands
**Concert archaïque for Piano and String Orchestra (2014)
**Concerto (based on themes by Baroque composers) for Piano and Wind Orchestra,
Op. 38 (1984)
Schoonover, Larry ( – ) USA
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (2019)
Schrak, Peter ( – )
**For Piano, Quartet, and Jazz Ensemble
Schrammel, Johann (1850-93) Austria
+Eugenie-Waltzer (arr. by Luis Grinhauz)
+Lumpen-Polka (arr. by Luis Grinhauz)
+Osterreicher Landsturm-Marsch (arr. by Luis Grinhauz)
+Wein Bleibt Weir
Schreiner, Martin Max (1950- ) USA
**Autumn Vistas for Piano with Harp, Percussion, and String Orchestra (2022)
Schreker, Franz (1878-1934) Austria
**[Chamber] Symphony for Piano and Small Orchestra (?1916)
**Die Gezeichneten, Act 1 Prelude
Schrijver, Karel de Belgium
**Concerto in D
Schroeder, Erik Aren (2002- ) Italy
**Concerto in C (2016), I
**Concerto No. 1 in D (2018)
Schroeder, Hermann (1904-84) Germany
§Concerto in b, Op. 35 (1955-56)
Schroeter, Guilherme (1960- ) Brazil
**Concerto No. 1 in a, Op. 54 (1996)
**Concerto No. 2 in g, Op. 86 (1995)
§Concerto No. 3 in f (“Hands of Destiny”), Op. 180 (2004)
+Concerto No. 4 in b-flat, Op. 209 (2004)
+Concerto No. 5 in e-flat (“Juvenile”), Op. 215 (2004)
Schroeter, Johann Samuel (c.1752-88) Germany
Concerti, Op. 3 (c.1774; with cadenzas by Mozart): §No. 1 in F; §No. 3 in C; §No. 4 in
D; §No. 6 in E-flat
**Concerto, Op. 6, No. 6 (c.1777; with cadenzas by Chi Yong Yun)
Schubel, Max (1932-2010) USA
§Divertimento for Piano, Trumpet, and Chamber Orchestra (1981/87)
**Pocket Slurp for 12 Players (1977-78)
Schubert, Alexandre (1970- ) Brazil
**Variantes (2010)
Schubert, Franz (Peter) (1797-1828) Austria [see also Liszt; Yusupov]
+Adagio and Rondo concertante in F, D. 487 (orig. for piano quartet, 1816; arr. for
piano and string orchestra by Sebastian Knauer)
§Adagio and Rondo concertante in F, D. 487 (orig. for piano quartet, 1816; arr. for
piano and string orchestra by Alfred Orel)
+Adagio and Rondo concertante in F, D. 487 (orig. for piano quartet, 1816; arr. for
piano and string orchestra, with cadenza in II by Aaron Shorr)
**Ave maria, Op. 52, No. 6, D. 839 (orig. a lied, 1825; arr. by G. Saborov)
§Fantasy in f, D. 940 (1828; orig. for piano 4-hands; arr. Kabalevsky)
§Introduction, Theme, and Variations, Op. 82, No. 2, D. 968a [now listed as spurious;
formerly D. 603] (orig. for piano 4-hands, 1818; arr. for piano and orchestra and
expanded by Lee Hoiby)
**Marche Militaire in D, Op. 51, No. 1, D. 733 (orig. for piano 4-hands, 1818; arranged
for piano 4-hands and violin ensemble)
**Marche Militaire in D, Op. 51, No. 1, D. 733 (orig. for piano 4-hands, 1818; arranged
by David Tenberg)
**Moment Musical, Op. 94, No. 3, D. 780 (orig. for piano solo, 1823-24; arr. Aldrich
for 2 pianos and orchestra)
**Sonata No. 18 in D, D. 850 (orig. for piano solo, 1825; arr. by Eduard Künneke)
+Sonata No. 21 in B-flat, D. 960 (orig. for piano solo, 1825; arr. by Wolfgang
**Wanderer Fantasie, D. 760, Op. 15 (1822; arr. by Charles Koechlin, 1933)
Schubert, Heinz Richard (1908-45) Germany
**Ambrosianisches Concert (Choral-Phantasie über “Verleih uns Frieden gnädiglich”)
for Piano and Small Orchestra (1943)
Schubring, Karalyn (1999- ) USA
**Concerto No. 1 (2019)
Schuch, Steven ( – )
**Crossing the Waters for Piano and 13 Instruments
Schuermans, Pieter (1970- ) Belgium
**Accretion Dance for Piano and String Orchestra (premièred 2020)
**Concerto Emerso for Violin, Alto Saxophone, Piano, and String Orchestra (premièred
Schulé, Bernard (1909-96) Switzerland
+Concertino for Piano and Wind Orchestra, Op. 88 (1971)
Schulhoff, Ervín (1894-1942) Czechoslovakia
+Der Bürger als Edelmann for Piano, 7 Winds, and Percussion (concert suite, 1928)
§Concerto for Flute, Piano, and Chamber Orchestra, Op. 63, WV89 (1927)
§Concerto No. 1, Op. 11 (1913)
§Concerto No. 2 (in one movement) for Piano and Small Orchestra, Op. 43 (1922)
Schulkin, Claudio Bernardo (1952- ) Argentina
**El teatro mágico for Piano and String Orchestra (1994)
Schuller, Gunther (Alexander) (1925-2015) USA
+Concertino for Jazz Quartet and Orchestra (1959)
§Concerto No. 1
**Concerto for Piano 3-Hands and Orchestra (1990)
+Variants for Jazz Quartet and Orchestra (1960)
Schultheis, Michael (1985- )
**AufschwungAbschwung for Orchestra with Piano (by 2010)
Schultz, Andrew (1960- ) Australia
**Circle Ground, Septet No. 2, for Flute, Clarinet, Piano, 2 Violins, Viola, and Cello
Schultz, Svend S(imon) (1913-98) Denmark
**Concertino in G for Piano and String Orchestra (1952)
Schulz, Dominik ( – )
**Frozen Heart for Orchestra with Piano
Schulz-Evler, Adolf (1852-1905) Poland
+Russian Rhapsody, Op. 14
Schulze, Dustin (1981- ) USA
+Shades of Glass for Large Percussion Ensemble with Piano (2010)
**Shades of Glass (2010; arr. for winds, percussion, and piano, 2020)
Schulze, Tristan (1964- ) Germany
**Concerto for Piano 4-Hands and Orchestra, Op. 105 (2022)
Schulzki, Stefan (1970- ) Germany
**Concerto (2018)
Schumacher, Carl ( – ) USA
**Concerto (by 2016)
Schumacker, Alec (1986- ) USA
**Concerto No. 1 (“The Elements”) (2011)
Schuman, William (Howard) (1910-92) USA
•Concerto (1937-38; published but then withdrawn)
§Concerto for Piano and Small Orchestra (1942; the third mvt. contains material from
the 1938 concerto)
+Night Journey for 15 Instruments including Piano (1947)
**To Thee Old Cause for Oboe, Brass, Timpani, Piano, and Strings (1968)
Schumann [née Wieck], Clara (Josephine) (1819-96) Germany
§Concertino in f [Konzertsatz] (intended as a birthday gift for Robert Schumann in 1847;
completed and orchestrated by Jozef de Beenhouwer)
§Concerto in a, Op. 7 (1833/37; last movement composed first, and originally performed
alone with orchestration by Robert Schumann; other movements orchestrated by
Clara; last movement later modified to include a trombone part, a transition from slow
movement, etc.)
§Concerto in a, Op. 7, III, McCorkle B010 (1833; with the original orchestration by
Robert Schumann, 1834)
+Concerto in a, Op. 7 (1833/37; arr. for piano and string orchestra)
Schumann, Garrett ( – ) USA
**Profile (2009) for 7 Players
Schumann, Robert (Alexander) (1810-56) Germany [see also Henselt; Palas; Ruzicka,
Peter; Schumann, Clara]
Abendlied [Evening Song], Op. 85, No. 12 (arr. by Breuer)
§The Chestnut Tree [Der Nussbaum] (from the song cycle “Myrthen,” Op. 25, 1844)
§Concerto in a, Op. 54 (1845; see also the Fantasy, 1841)
**Concerto in a, Op. 54 (1845; arr. by Tjako van Schie for piano and saxophone
orchestra, 2004)
§Concerto in F, McCorkle B3 (1830-32; reconstructed and orchestrated by Lev
Vinocour, 2005-7)
§Fantasy in a (original first movement of the Concerto in a, Op. 54; following the
manuscript in the Heine Institute, Düsseldorf)
§Fantasy in a (original first movement of the Concerto in a, Op. 54; rev. by Gianluca
Cascioli & Mario Venzago)
§Introduction and Allegro appassionato in G, Op. 92 (1849)
§Introduction and Allegro in d/D, Op. 134 (1853)
§Konzertsatz in d, McCorkle B5 (1839; edited by Jozef de Beenhouwer [premièred 1986]
and Joachim Draheim [publ. 1988] from piano and orchestral drafts at Bonn
§Konzertstück in F, Op. 86 (orig. for 4 horns and orchestra, 1849; according to Joachim
Draheim, the arr. for piano and orchestra [publ. 1862] is not by Robert or Clara
Schumann, but perhaps by Joachim Raff)
**Novellette No. 1 in F, Op. 21 (1838; arr. by Georgii Cherkin, premièred 2015)
**Quartet in E-flat for Piano and Strings, Op. 47 (1842; arr. for piano and string
§Quintet in E-flat for Piano and Strings, Op. 44 (1842; arr. for piano and string
orchestra by Earl Wild)
Quintet in E-flat for Piano and Strings, Op. 44 (1842; arr. for piano and string orchestra
by Ernest Schelling), IV
§Theme and Variations on the Name “Abegg,”Op. 1 (c.1830-31), theme only
+3RCA 88697658772: Lev Vinocour/ORF Vienna Radio SO/Johannes Wildner
+Theme and Variations on the Name “Abegg,” Op. 1 (c.1830-31; complete work
reconstructed by Joachim Draheim, premièred 2010)
Träumerei (from Kinderszenen), Op. 15, No. 7 (arr. by Breuer)
**Träumerei (from Kinderszenen), Op. 15, No. 7
**Widmung (arr. by Douglas Gamley)
Schurig, Wolfram (1967- ) Austria
**“…vom gesang der wasserspeier…” for Piano and Ensemble (2008-10)
Schurmann [Schürmann], (Edward) Gerard (1924-2020) England/Netherlands/USA
**Concerto (1972-73)
Schuster, Oskar (c.1985- )
**Concerto in c
Schütter, Meinrad (1910-2006) Switzerland
§Concerto (1985)
Schützenberger, Jean-Paul (1928-67) France
**Concerto (rec. 1964)
Schwaen, Kurt (1909-2007) Germany
+Concert pour la jeunesse for Piano and String Orchestra (1999)
**Concertino Apollineo for Piano, Flute, Oboe, English Horn, Bass Clarinet, Bassoon,
Horn and Trumpet (1957)
§Concerto No. 1 for Piano, Winds, Drums, Percussion, and Doublebasses (1963/64)
§Concerto No. 2 (“Vietnamese”) (1987)
**Concerto piccolo for Jazz Orchestra with Piano (1957)
**Der Neue Kolumbus for Tenor, Bass, Speaker, Chorus, 2 Pianos, and Orchestra
**Promenaden, Suite for Orchestra with Piano (1971)
Schwantner, Joseph (1943- ) USA
+“… And the Mountains Rising Nowhere” for Wind Symphony with Piano (1977)
**Concerto (1988; a three-movement work expanded from “Distant Runes and
Incantations,” which is here the first movement)
**Diaphonia intervallum for 9 Players (1966)
§Distant Runes and Incantations for Piano and Chamber Ensemble (1983; later the first
movement of the Concerto, 1988)
+From a Dark Millenium (1980)
+In Evening’s Stillness (1996)
+Music of Amber (1981)
§Sparrows for Soprano, Flute, Clarinet, Harp, Percussion, String Trio, and Instrumental
Ensemble, 1979)
Schwartz, Elliott (Shelling) (1936-2016) USA
+Celebration/Reflections: A Time Warp for Orchestra with Piano
+Chamber Concerto III for Piano and Small Orchestra (1977)
+Jack O’Lantern for Chamber Orchestra and Lights
**Voyager for Orchestra with Piano
Schwartz, Isaak Iosifovich (1923-2009) Russia
**Concertino (from Sergey Solovyov’s film “Melodies of the White Night,” 1976)
**Elegy (from Sergey Solovyov’s film “The Stationmaster,” 1972)
**Music from Sergey Solovyov’s film “Melodies of the White Night” (1976)
Schwartz, Laura Rose ( – ) USA
**Betwixt for Flute/Piccolo, Clarinet/Bass Clarinet, Bassoon, Trombone, Trumpet, 2
Violins, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Percussion, and Piano (2015)
Schweda, Gerhard (1901-87) Germany
**Konzertstück (c.1945)
Schwehr, Cornelius (1953- ) Germany
**A nous deux, Concerto for Viola, Piano, and Orchestra (1995)
Schweinitz, Wolfgang von (1953- ) Germany
**Concerto, Op. 18 (1976, orig. version)
**Concerto, Op. 18 (1976/78-79)
Schweitzer, Benjamin (1973- ) Germany
**Décontenance (Concerto) for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1994-95)
Schweizer, Alfred (1941- ) Switzerland
**Concerto (1985)
Schweizer, Heinrich (1943- ) Switzerland
+Concerto (“La Provence”), finale only
+Historical Symphony for Orchestra (1974; piano in Suite No. 2, “Hommage to
Schwendinger, Laura Elise (1962- ) USA
§Chamber Concerto for Piano and Mixed Ensemble (1993)
**Concerto (“Second Sight”) (2023)
**High Wire Act for Flute, Strings, and Piano (2005)
**Nonet for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Violin, Viola, Cello, Horn, Piano, and Percussion
Schwertsik, Kurt (1935- ) Austria
**Liebestraüme for 7 Instruments, Op. 7 (1962)
Schytte, Ludwig (1848-1909) Denmark
§Concerto in c-sharp, Op. 28 (c.1884)
Sciammarella, Valdo (1924-2014) Argentina
**Concerto (1979/82?; won a prize in 1995)
**Variaciones concertantes (1952)
Sciarrino, Salvatore (1947- ) Italy
**Cadenzario for Flute, Oboe, Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (1991)
+Recitativo oscuro (1999)
§Un’ immagine di Arpocrate [An Image of Arpocrates] for Piano, Chorus, Orchestra
(1979; prompted by the accidental death of pianist Dino Ciani)
Sciortino, Orazio (1984- ) Italy
**Notturno a Fedora (2015-16)
Sclater, James (1943- ) USA
**Concerto for Piano and Winds (2010)
Scogna, Flavio Emilio (1956- ) Italy
**Alternanze for Piano and String Orchestra (1988/95)
+Diaphonia for Viola, Piano, and String Orchestra (1991)
Scognamiglio, Flavio Romano ( – ) Brazil
+Lágrima (rec. 2011)
Scooter [band]
**How Much is the Fish? (1998; arr. for piano and string orchestra by Sven Helbig)
Scott, Anthony (1911-2000) England
Sinfonia (1964)
Scott, Cyril (Meir) (1879-1970) England
+Concerto in D, Op. 10 (1900; reconstructed and completed by Martin Yates)
+Concerto No. 1 in C (1913-14)
+Concerto No. 2 (1950/56?)
+Early One Morning Poem
+Neptune (1933/35)
+Symphony No. 3 (“The Muses”)
Scott Carey, Julia (1986- ) USA
**Concerto (2005)
Scott-Wood, George (1903-1978) United Kingdom
+London Caprice (1948)
Scriabin [see Skryabin]
Sculthorpe, Peter (Joshua) (1929-2014) Australia
§Concerto (1983)
Seabourne, Peter (1960- ) England
**Concerto No. 1 (2002-3/2006)
**Concerto No. 2 (2004-5)
**Phantasy Caprice No. 2 for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, Violin, Viola, Cello,
Double Bass, and Piano (2009), II
**Storyteller (Chamber Concerto No. 3) for Solo Double Bass with Flute, Clarinet,
Bassoon, Horn, Violin, Viola, Cello, and Piano (2010)
Searle, Humphrey (1915-82) England
+Concertante for Piano, Percussion, and String Orchestra (1954)
Sebastian, Daniel (1995- ) USA
**“The Avengers” Concerto (2018; arr. & orchestrated from Alan Silvestri’s music for
the film “Avengers: Infinity War,” 2018)
**“Beauty and the Beast” Concerto (2017; arr. & orchestrated from Alan Menken’s
music for the films, 1991/2017)
**“Pirates of the Caribbean” Concerto (2017; arr. & orchestrated from Hans Zimmer’s
music for the film)
Sebastián, Diego
**Nocturno (by 2020)
Sebastian, Jozef ( – ) USA
**Concertino No. 1 (by 2018)
**Concertino No. 2 (by 2018)
**Concertino No. 3 (by 2018)
**Concertino No. 4 (by 2018)
Sébirot, Pierre-Jean ( – ) France
**Jouvence (2021)
Sebök, György (c.1992- ) Hungary
**Concertino in B-flat (2011)
Seco de Arpe, Manuel (1958- ) Spain
+Concerto, Op. 72 (bty 2011)
+Concerto da cámara, Op. 120 (by 2011)
+Concertino for Piano, Harp, Glockenspiel, and String Orchestra, Op. 138 (by 2012)
Sedaka, Neil (1939- ) USA
+Manhattan Intermezzo (2008; orchestrated by Lee Holdridge)
+Manhattan Intermezzo (2008; orchestrated by Lee Holdridge, with additions to the
piano part by Biegel approved by the composer)
Sedláček, Jiří
**Concerto in e (by 2018)
**Glory to Mother Earth (Concerto) in A-flat for Clarinet, Piano, and String Orchestra
(by 2018)
Sedlar Bogoev, Aleksandar (1982- ) Serbia
**Double Sens Concertino (2009)
See, David ( – ) USA
**Concerto in D (1993-96)
Segal, Anna (1985- ) Ukraine/Israel
**Concerto (“Consolation”) for Violin and String Orchestra with Piano (premièred
Segal, Charles ( – ) Lithuania/S. Africa
+Mexican Fantasy (by 2012)
Segall, Allan (1959- ) USA/Netherlands
**Concerto for Bass Clarinet, Percussion, and String Orchestra with Piano (2015)
**Concerto for Piccolo, Piano, and Chamber Orchestra (2021)
**Fantasy for 2 Pianos and Chamber Orchestra (by 2020)
**Not a Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto (2022)
Segarra, Emmanuel Ortíz (1997- ) Puerto Rico
**Fantasy for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (premièred 2018), excerpts
Seeger, Ruth Crawford [see Crawford]
Segatta, Nicola (1982- ) Italy
**Concerto (by 2016), I
Segerstam, Leif (Selim) (1944- ) Finland
§Concertino fantasia for Violin, Piano, and Small Orchestra (1977)
§Concerto No. 1 (“Thoughts 1978”) (1977)
§July (1995)
§Monumental Thoughts (1989)
§“So it Feels” (Concerto No. 3) (1985; also in versions for other instruments)
§Symphony No. 9 (“Orchestral Diary Sheet No. 3”) for Orchestra with Piano (1985)
§Symphony No. 11 (“Orchestral Diary Sheet No. 5”) for Piano, Percussion, and Strings
§Symphony No. 13 (“Orchestral Diary Sheet No. 13”) for Percussion, Piano, and Strings
§Symphony No. 16 (“Thoughts at the Border”) for Piano and String Orchestra (1990)
**Symphony No. 97 (“Violelina”) for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2003)
**Symphony No. 151 (2006)
**Symphony No. 156 (“Because of Summer Times…a Musical Potluck”) for 2 Pianos
and String Orchestra (2006)
**Symphony No. 177 (“Re-enliving revealed motivations for sounds…”) for 2 Pianos
and String Orchestra (2007)
**Symphony No. 199 (“At the End of the Second Century”) for 2 Pianos and String
Orchestra (2009)
+Symphony No. 288 (“Letting the FLOW Go On”) for Orchestra with Piano (2015)
**Symphony No. 298 (“Stretching Thoughts Towards…”) for Orchestra with Piano
Segerstråle, Martin (1984- ) Finland
Concerto in G, Op. 2, No. 1 (1998)
Concerto in B-flat, Op. 6
Concerto in C (“Classical”), Op. 15 (I only)
**Concerto No. 1 in C (2000)
**Concerto No. 2, Op. 31 (2001-3)
Seguin, Bogdan [see Sehin, Bohdan]
Seguine, Erica (1987- ) USA
**Phases of Water (by 2014), I. Snow; II. Ice Storm
Sehin, Bohdan (1976- ) Ukraine
**Ikar for Chamber Ensemble with Piano (2010)
Sehlbach, Erich (1898-1985) Germany
**Chamber Symphony for Piano, Clarinet, and String Orchestra, Op. 110 (1966)
Seidel [Seidl], Jan (1908-98) Czechoslovakia
**Concerto for Flute, Piano, String Orchestra (1966)
Seiffert, Christian (1954- ) Switzerland
**Action Scene (Concerto movement)
Sein, Trygve ( – )
**Obecni Dum [Improvisation] for Piano and 9 Instruments
Seitz, Fritz (1848-1918) Germany
**Quartet in G for 2 Violins, Cello, and Piano, Op. 35 (arr. for piano and orchestra)
(publ. 1909)
Seixas, (José António) Carlos de (1704-42) Portugal
**Concerto in A
**Concerto in A (arr. for piano and double-reed instruments by João Pereira)
Selen, Gulun ( – ) Turkey
Selhorst, Eugene Joseph (1914-72) USA
Concerto (1950)
Selim, Noah C. (2008- ) Philippines
**Concerto No. 1 in C (2020)
**Concerto No. 2 in F (2020)
**Concerto No. 3 in d (2020)
**Concerto No. 4 in E-flat (2020)
Sellars, James (Edward) (1943-2017) USA
**Pianoconcert Concerto
Seltenreich, Michael (1988- ) Israel
**Archetype for Orchestra with Piano (2015)
**Élégie for String Orchestra and Piano (2013-16)
Seltzer, Augus
**Concerto No. 1 in G-sharp, Op. 21 (2022)
**Concerto No. 2, Op. 37 (2023)
Séménoff, Ivan (1917-72) France
**Concerto (rec. 1959)
+Concerto for Violin, Piano, Orchestra (1951)
Semini, Carlo Florindo (1914-2004) Italy
§Mosaici di Piazza Armerina for Piano and String Orchestra (1971)
Semprini, (Fernando Riccardo) Alberto (1908-90) England [see also Addinsell;
Albeniz: Tango
Bach: Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring
Chaminade: Autumn
Chopin-Glazunov: “Les Sylphides”
Chopin: Nocturne No. 20 in c-sharp
Chopin: Waltz, Op. 34, No. 2
De Falla: Ritual Fire Dance
Litolff: Scherzo from Concerto Symphonique No. 4
Rachmaninoff: Variations on a Theme of Chopin
Rimsky-Korsakov: Flight of the Bumblebee
Rubinstein: Melody in F
Schumann: Carnaval
Chopin: Etude, Op. 10, No. 3
Lecuona: Malagueña
Lehár: Gold and Silver Waltz
Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2
Schubert: Ave Maria
Tchaikovsky: Barcarolle
Tchaikovsky: Waltz (from Swan Lake)
Waldteufel: Skater’s Waltz
Bach: Toccata in d, BWV 565
Tomas Bréton: Jota from the Zarzuela “La Dolores”
Raymond Scott: Twilight in Turkey
**Concerto Appassionato (1956)
§Mediterranean Concerto (orig. for piano solo; arr. by R. Binge, publ. 1950)
+Mediterranean Concerto (orig. for piano solo; expanded version, twice the duration of
the above)
Šenderovas, Anatolijus (1945-2019) Lithuania
+Concerto for Piano Trio and Orchestra (2017)
+Major-Minor for Violin, Viola, Piano, and Orchestra (2000)
**Prelude, Scherzino, Postlude for Piano and String Orchestra (1973)
**Symphony No. 2 (1975)
Senegin, Vladimir (1952- ) Russia
**Concerto (1981)
**Concerto-studio [Concert Etude] for Piano and String Orchestra (2004)
**Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra
Senica, Slavko ( – ) Croatia
**Concerto in A for Violin, Piano, and Chamber Orchestra (by 2016)
Senju, Akira (1960- ) Japan
+Concerto (“Shukumei” [Destiny]) (from music for the TBS miniseries “The Castle of
Sand,” 2004, not to be confused with Mitsuaki Kanno’s music for Yoshitaro Nomura’s
1974 film of the same title)
Senn, Karl (1878-1964) Austria
+Concertino in C for Piano and Chamber Orchestra, Op. 168 (1954)
+Romantic Concerto in E, Op. 22 (1913)
Senna, Felipe (1979- ) Brazil
**Brazilian Choro Suite for Flute, Clarinet, Violão [7-String Guitar], Piano, Percussion,
and Orchestra (2017; based on melodies by Ricardo Peixoto [“Quase Chorando” in
I, “Falando Sozinho” in III] and Harvey Wainapel [“Nas Ruas de Perdizes” in II])
**Danzas No. 2 for Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (2016)
Senneville, Paul de (1933- ) France [see also Lê Thanh Xuân]
**Ballade pour Adeline (orig. for piano solo, 1976; arr. for piano and orchestra)
**Comme amour (1978; arr. by Lê Thanh Xuân, by 2008)
**Concerto pour une jeune fille nomme “Je t’aime” (by 1976; orig. for piano solo; arr.
by Maximo Spodek)
**Concerto pour une jeune fille nomme “Je t’aime” (by 1976; arr. by Lê Thanh Xuân,
by 2008)
**Coup de coeur (by 1981; arr. by Lê Thanh Xuân, by 2008)
Sent, Janusz (1936-2018) Poland
§Concerto No. 1 in E-flat (1979)
§Concerto No. 2 in f
§“Czeresnie w deszczu”
**Manhattan Fantasy
§“Omen” Ballada (c.1980)
Senyegin [see Senegin]
Seo, Il Woong ( – ) France
**Winterer for Piano and String Orchestra (2023)
Seo, Juri (1981- ) S. Korea/USA
**Concertino for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2015)
**Concerto (“Old Nassau”) (2016)
Seong Chan-Kyeong ( – ) S. Korea
**Geum-Hee [Geumhui] for Piano and Korean Traditional Orchestra (2021)
Sepe, Mojmir (1930-2020) Slovenia
**View from the Castle
Šepić, Stanko (1941- ) Serbia
+Music for Piano and String Orchestra
Serafini, Eddy (1976- ) Italy
**Suonatore (Piccola Ouverture) for Piano and String Orchestra (2022; inspired by the
sculpture “Suonatore” by Dante Moro and by Bach’s Concerto in f, BWV 1056, II)
Serassis, Pavlos (1992- ) Greece/Switzerland
**Concerto No. 1 (“Social Distancing”) for Piano and String Orchestra (2020),
Serebrier, José (1938- ) Uruguay
+Symphonic BACH Variations (2017-18)
Sergeyeva, Tat’yana Pavlovna (1951- ) Russia
**Concerto for Balalaika, Russian Folk Instrument Orchestra, and Piano (by 2023)
§Concerto No. 2 for Piano, Trumpet, and Orchestra (1985)
+Concerto No. 3 (2002)
+Concerto (“Initials – M. G.”) for Alto Domra, Russian Folk Instrument Orchestra, and
Piano (2007)
**Concerto No. 2 (“Themes”) for Alto Domra, Russian Folk Instrument Orchestra,
Piano, and Trombone (by 2015)
Serghi, Sophia (1972- ) USA
+Pleiades for Flute/Piccolo, Oboe/English horn, Bb Clarinet/Bass Clarinet,
Bassoon/Contrabassoon, Mallets, Percussion, Piano, Viola, and Double Bass (2005)
Sergunin, Aleksey Yur’yevich (1988- ) Russia
**Concerto in Two Parts (by 2022)
Serkebayev, Almas Yermekovich (1948- ) Kazakhstan/USA
**Concerto No. 3
Serkin, Ivan ( – ) Yakutia
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 7, No. 2 (by 2019)
Serly, Tibor (1901-78) Hungary
+Concertino 3 x 3 (1965)
**Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1943-58)
Serocki, Kazimierz (1922-81) Poland
**Ad libitum (5 Pieces for Orchestra with Piano) (1973-77)
+Forte e piano for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1967)
**Impromptu fantasque for Recorders, Mandolins, Guitars and Piano (1973)
§Pianophonie for Piano, Electronics, and Orchestra (1976-78)
+Romantic Concerto (1950)
Serodio, Rui (1937- ) Portugal
**Improvise (by 2010)
Serova, Elena (1983- ) Russia
**Concerto (2011)
Serra, Joaquim (1907-57) Spain
+Variations for Orchestra with Piano (1931)
Serrano, Frédéric ( – ) France
**Concerto (2008-9)
Serrat, Joan Manuel (1943- ) Spain
Paraules d’Amor (orig. for voice and piano; arr. for voice, piano, and orchestra by
Ricardo Miralles)
Sessions, Roger (Huntington) (1896-1985) USA
§Concerto (“in memory Artur Schnabel”; 1955-56)
Setaccioli, Giacomo (1868-1925) Italy
+Poema lirico for 2 Flutes, 2 Oboes, 2 Clarinets, 2 Bassoons, and Piano (1924)
Seter, Mordecai (1916-94) Russia/Israel
**Requiem for Oboe [Violin], Piano, and String Orchestra, Op. 55a (1970)
Seung-Ah Oh (1969- ) S. Korea/Netherlands
**Concerto for Piano, Percussion, and 6 Players (2005)
**Shunt for 2 Pianos, 2 Percussion, and 2 Instrumental Groups (21 Players) (2003)
Sewielski, Łukasz
**Concerto No. 1 in E-flat (2017), II
Sexton, Brian (1953- ) Canada
**Renaissance Rag 12 Players (1984)
**Stringscape with Figure for Bassoon, Piano, and 7 Strings (1985)
Sfetsas, Kyriakos (1945- ) Greece
Concert Music Slides for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (1977)
Sgambati, Giovanni (1841-1914) Italy
§Concerto in g, Op. 10 publ. as Op. 15
Shabakouh, Abdulaziz (1983- ) Kuwait
**Defiled Innocence in e-flat (2017)
Shackleton, Phil ( – ) USA
**Concerto for Piano and Jazz Band (2017), IV
Shäffer, Bogusław [see Schäffer]
Shaffer, Sherwood (1934- ) USA
**Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1985)
Shaharum, Sakinah
**Ghost of Revenge for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (by 2018)
Shahov, Pande (1973- ) Macedonia/England
**Concerto (2014)
**In struga (2011)
Shahrimanyan, Jirayr (1988- ) Armenia
**5 Bagatelles for 9 Instruments (2008)
**Metamorphosis for 13 Instruments (2008)
Shakaryan, Stepan Grigor’yevich (1935-2019) Armenia
Shakeyev, Yerkesh (1962- ) Kazakhstan
**Zingarella (version for violin, piano, and orchestra, by 2018)
Shakhidi, Tolibkhon (1946- ) Tadzhikistan
**Chamber Symphony (“The Potter’s Wheel”) for 2 Pianos and String Orchestra (1985)
**Concertante for Trumpet, Piano, and Orchestra (2020)
+Concerto No. 2 (c.1991)
+Concerto No. 3 (1994)
+Rhapsody-Dialogue on Themes of Aram Khachaturian (2013)
Shalygin, Maxim (1965- ) Ukraine/Netherlands
**Triple Concerto in D-flat for Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (2010)
Shamanov, Igor (2000- ) Russia
**Concerto No. 1 (premièred 2023), I
Shamo, Igor’ Naumovich (1925-82) Ukraine
**Concerto-Ballade (1951)
**Sinfonietta-Concerto in b for Piano, Bayan, Celesta, Chamber Orchestra (1967)
**Suite Variations for Orchestra with Piano (1972)
Shamo, Yury Igorevich (1947-2015) Ukraine/Germany
**Concerto No. 2 for Piano, String Orchestra, and Percussion (1971)
Shaner, Nathan ( – )
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra
Shank, Joshua (1980- ) USA
**Bright Music (for Daniel Catán [1949-2011]) for Chamber Ensemble with Piano
Shao Zheng (1985- ) China
**Concerto (2013), I
Shapero, Harold (Samuel) (1920-2013) USA
+Partita in C for Piano and Small Orchestra (1960)
+Three Hebrew Songs for Tenor, Piano, and String Orchestra (1989)
Shapey, Ralph (1921-2002) USA
**Concerto for Cello, Piano, and Strings (1986)
Gamper Festival Concerto for Flute, Clarinet, Violin, Cello, Piano, and Chamber
Orchestra (1999)
Shapira, Arie (1943-2015) Israel
**Concerto (2001)
Shapira, Guy (2001- ) Israel
**Concertino, Op. 174 (by 2020)
**Concerto, Op. 124 (by 2020)
Shapira, Ronen (1966- ) Israel
**Music Illusion of a Played Non-tempered Orchestra Piano Concerto in a Facked
Reality (by 2017)
**“One” for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2017)
**“Taximcerto” for Middle-East and Western Pianos and Orchestras (by 2011)
Shapiro, Alex (1962- ) USA
**Archipelago for String Quartet, Double Bass, Wind Quintet, and Piano (2009/13/21;
piano part added in the 2013 revision)
Shapiro, Gerald M. (1942- ) USA
**Toccata for Flute, Harp, Piano and String Orchestra (2010)
Shapiro, Michael Jeffrey (1951- ) USA
+Archangel Concerto (by 2019)
Shapiro, Theodore (1971- ) USA
**Avenues (Concerto) (1999)
**The Fence (from Peter Pistor’s film, 1994)
Sharafyan, Vache (1966- ) Armenia
**Concerto grosso for Baroque String Orchestra and 2 Pianos (2002)
Sharette, Blake ( – ) USA
**Love Reverie for Piano and String Orchestra (2022)
Sharp, Barry ( – ) USA
**Interventions for Piano, Brass Quintet, and “Friends” (strings and winds) (2011)
Sharpe [see Lewiston Sharpe]
Shatin, Judith (1949- ) USA
+Passion of St. Cecilia (1984)
Shatkovskaya-Eisenberg, Tatiana (1985- ) Russia
**Carolina Rediviva (Risen from the Ashes) for String Orchestra and Piano
Shatrova, Yekaterina ( – ) Tatarstan
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (2018)
Shaverzashvili, Aleksandr Vasil’yevich (1919-2003) Georgia
**Symphonic Picture Mtkvari for Orchestra with Piano (1958)
Shaverzashvili, Giorgi Goga Georgia
**Concerto No. 4 (premièred 2020)
**Fantasia for Piano, Violin, Cello, and Orchestra (2015)
Shavli, Peter [see Šavli]
Shavlokhashvili, Tengiz (1946- ) Georgia
Shaw, Caroline Adelaide (1982- ) USA
**Watermark (2018-19)
Shaw, Ewan
**Concerto (by 2021), Allegro moderato
Shaw, Francis (1942- ) England
+Concerto No. 1 (1988/2013-14)
+Concerto No. 2 (1996-2013)
Shawn, Allen (1948- ) USA
§Concerto (1997-99)
Shchedrin, Rodion Konstantinovich (1932- ) Russia
§Concerto No. 1 in D (1954; reorchestrated 1974)
§Concerto No. 2 (1966)
§Concerto No. 3 (“Variations and Theme”) (1973)
+Concerto No. 4 (“Sharp Keys”) (1991)
§Concerto No. 5 (1999)
**Concerto No. 6 (“Concerto Lontano”) for Piano and String Orchestra (2003)
+Double Concerto (“Romantic Offering”) for Piano, Cello, and Orchestra (2011)
Shcherbakov, Igor (1955- ) Ukraine
**Barcarolle (2005)
+Concerto No. 1 for Piano and String Orchestra (1996)
+Concerto No. 2 (“in memory of Shostakovich”) (2006)
**Concerto No. 3 (2013)
**Tango (2011)
Shcherbakov, Vladimir (1889-1952) Russia
**Nonet for 7 Instruments, Soprano, and Mime
Shchetynsky, Alexander
Chamber Concerto
**Concerto for Piano and Wiund Orchestra (2010; alternative version of the Chamber
Concerto, 2006)
Shchevelev, Denis (1990- ) Russia
**Dances of the Past (2015)
Shchurovsky, Yury (1927-96) Ukraine
**Variations (arr. for piano and string orchestra by Danilo Savka, by 2017)
Shea, Jacob ( – ) USA
+Violin Dream for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (by 2021)
Shearman, Don (1932- ) England
+Venice in the Rain for String Orchestra with Harp and Piano (from the suite Eine kleine
Shechren, Luna ( – ) S. Korea
**Concerto No. 1, Op. 39 (2019)
**Concerto No. 2, Op. 41 (2019)
**Concerto No. 3, Op. 51 (2019)
**Concerto No. 4, Op. 72 (2021)
Sheeky, Mark (1972- ) England
+Cycles (2017)
Sheen, Dong-il ( – )
Shehu, Bashkim (1949- ) Croatia
**Double Concerto (Allegro barbaro) for Piano, Accordion, and String Orchestra
Sheibler, Truvor Karlovich (1900-60) Russia
**Rhapsody on Kabardian Themes (1951/54)
Sheldon, Jimmy born James Sheldon Geil, Jr. USA
The Blues
Two on the Isle
El Relicario (Spanish Bullfight Theme)
Like Restless
**Nob Hill Nocturne (1941-53)
Shelomkov, Aleksandr (1961- ) Russia
**Concerto (1985)
Shelter, Howard
**Bouncing Fantasia (by 2021)
**For Piano and Orchestra (by 2021)
Shem Tov, Toby ( – ) Israel
**Concerto for Piano, Kamanche, and Orchestra (2016)
Sheng, Bright (1955- ) China/USA
+Red Silk Dance (1999)
**Song and Dance of Tears for Pipa, Sheng, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (2003)
+Song and Dance of Tears for Pipa, Sheng, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (2003/13)
Sheppard, Andy (1957- ) United Kingdom
**View from the Pyramids, Part 3 (1994)
Sheriff, Noam (1935-2018) Israel
**Music for Chamber Ensemble Piano, Trombone, Winds, and Double Bass
Sherkin, Adam (1982- ) Canada
**Whirlwave for Piano and Chamber Orchestra, Op. 18 (2012)
Sherlaw Johnson, Robert (1932-2000) England
**Concerto (1983)
Sherling, Yury (1944- ) Russia
**Concerto (2011)
**Waltz for Alto Saxophone and Orchestra with Piano
Sherman, Richard Morton (1928- ) & Robert Bernard Sherman (1925-2012) USA
+Scales and Arpeggios (from the film “Aristocrats,” 1970; arr. for violin, piano, and
Sherman, Will
**An Ensemble of Strings and Piano in e (2018)
Sherwood, Gordon (1929-2013) USA
+Concerto, Op. 107 (1998)
Sherwood, Percy (1866-1939) Germany/England
+Concerto No. 2 in E-flat (1931-32)
Shesterikova, Anastasia Aleksandrovna (1987- ) Russia
**Concerto (2011)
Shevchenko, Olena ( – ) Ukraine/Poland
**Concerto (premièred 2014)
**Music for Dostoyevsky’s “The Idiot,”excerpts
**Rhapsody (c.2011)
Shevelyov, Denis (1990- )
**Dancing on the Past
Sheverdin, Vyacheslav (1958- ) Russia
**Concerto No. 3 (by 2023)
Shevtsova, Tanya (1978- ) Russia/USA
**Concerto-Variations in e, Op. 3 (2007)
Shiina, Masaru (“Go”) (1974- ) Japan
**Concerto (“Tanjiro no Uta”) (arr. for piano and orchestra from music for the animé
“Demon Slayer,” 2019)
Shilkret, Nat(haniel) (1889-1982) USA
**Concerto for Trombone, Piano, and Chamber Orchestra (1947, an adaptation of the
orig. for trombone and orchestra, composed in 1942 and orchestrated the following
**Moonlight Serenade (from Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata)
Shimanuki, Michiko ( – ) Japan/England
+The Dreams and the Pendulum (premièred 2006)
Shimkus [see Šimkus]
Shimohara, Rikuto ( – ) Japan
**Mystic Twilight (by 2017), III
Shimomura, Yoko (1967- ) Japan
+Fantasia alla marcia for Piano, Chorus, and Orchestra (from the video game
“Kingdom Hearts II,” 2005; arr. by Kaoru Wada)
+March Caprice (from the video game “Kingdom Hearts,” 2002; arr. by Kaoru Wada)
+Rhapsody in Tres for Piano, Chorus, and Orchestra (2020; composed with Takeharu
Ishimoto and arr. by Kaoru Wada from music accompanying the end credits of the
video game “Kingdom Hearts III”)
**Symphonic Fantasies (medley from “Kingdom Hearts”: Dearly Beloved; Sora; Hand
in Hand; Kairi; The Other Promise; Happy Holidays!; A Fight to the Death)
**Symphonic Suite from “Final Fantasy XV” for Orchestra with Piano and Chorus (by
Shimoyama, Hifumi (1930- ) Japan
§Saikyo (Chromophony) for Orchestra with Piano (1979)
§Wave for Cello, Strings, Harp, Piano, and Percussion (1972)
Shin, Donghoon (1983- ) S. Korea/England
**My Shadow for Piano and String Orchestra (2021), I, III, V, & VI
Shin, EunHa ( – )
**Poetic Concerto (by 2007)
Shin, Hyunbin
**Concerto No. 1 in d (by 2018)
Shin, Jinwoo
**Concerto No. 1 in A, Op. 16 (2023)
Shin Jung Eun
**“On the Way” for Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (by 2016)
Shin, Kyung-soo (2005- ) S. Korea
**Concerto in C (2020)
Shina, Amit ( – ) Israel
**Concerto No. 1 in b (by 2023)
Shipley, Dylan Taylor ( – ) USA
**Concerto No. 1 in C-sharp (2017), I-II
Shirangi, Soheil (1987- ) Iran
+Kooran for Flute, Alto Flute, Bass Flute, 2 Violins, 2 Violas, 2 Celli, Piano, and
Vibraphone (2009/14)
Shirley, Henry (1902-76) England/New Zealand
•Concerto in f (1944)
Shirley, Nathan Wright (1981- ) USA
**Annabel Lee for Violin, Piano, String Quartet, and Double Bass (2009)
**Concerto (2005)
Shishido, Mutsuo (1929-2007) Japan
+Concerto (1960)
Shiue, Kevin Buoren ( – ) USA
**Concerto No. 1 (2005), I & III
Shlomowitz, Matthew (1975- ) Australia/England
**Glücklich Glücklich Freude Freude for Keyboards [Piano and Synthesizer] and
Orchestra (2019)
Shlyakhovaya, Anastasia ( – ) Russia
**Concerto (2016)
Shmotova, Marina (1959- ) Russia
**Concerto (“Castles in the Air”) for Orchestra and Piano
**Double Concerto for Horn, Piano, and String Orchestra with Timpani (1996)
Shmurak, Aleksey (1986- ) Russia
**Figaro for Piano and Chamber Orchestra in 3 Parts
**I Have Lost My Euridice, 4 Dances for 11 Instruments (2014)
Shmykov, Aleksandr (1966- ) France
**Concerto (“Carpe Diem”) (by 2017)
Shohat, Gil (1973- ) Israel
**Concertino Concerto No. 1
+Concerto No. 2 (2001)
**Concerto for Piano 4-Hands and Orchestra (2006)
Sholdice, Garrett (1983- ) Ireland
**Concerto for Piano and Small Orchestra (2014), II. Alap
Shoot [Shut’], Vladislav (1941- ) USSR [Ukraine]/England
**Romantic Messages [Epistles] for Flute, Bassoon, Prepared Piano, and String
Orchestra (1979)
Shor, Alexey (1970- ) Ukraine/Russia/Israel/USA/Malta
**Chicken Tarantella (by 2017; inspired by the Russian folk songs “Fried Chicken” and
“At the Beer-Water Pavilion”)
**Childhood Memories (Concerto No. 3) (by 2021; arr. of 9 of the 14 pieces from the
suite for piano solo, 2015: Chasing Fireflies; Blooming May; Sandbox; Hourglass;
Last Days of Summer; Naiveté; Coming of Age; Melancholy; First Love)
**From My Bookshelf (Concerto No. 2) (premièred 2019): Cinderella; Don Quixote;
Tom Sawyer; Quasimodo; Queen of Hearts; d’Artagnan; King Matt I; Romeo and
Juliet (in some performances an arrangement of “Farewell Nocturne” [No. 3 from “7
Pieces for Piano Trio,” by 2016] added as an encore)
**From My Bookshelf (Concerto No. 2) (premièred 2019; version for piano and string
**From My Bookshelf (Concerto No. 2) (concert version by Mikhail Pletnev, by 2021)
**Marionette’s Waltz (No. 5 from the suite “Childhood Memories” for solo piano, 2015;
arr. for piano 4-hands and orchestra, by 2022)
**Murka from Odessa (Symphonic Adventure) (2012-13; composed with Oran Eldor
**Travel Notebook (Concerto No. 1) (2017; arr. of 7 pieces from the suite for piano solo)
**Travel Notebook (Concerto No. 1) (2017; arr. of 7 pieces from the suite for piano solo,
version for piano and string orchestra)
Shore, Howard (1946- ) Canada
+Concerto (“Ruin and Memory”) (2010)
+Pieces of a Woman (excerpts from the film, 2020): Ruin & Memory (from Concerto,
II. Largo); Motherhood; The Nursery; Mystic River
+6 Pieces No. 1 for Piano and Strings
Shorenkov, Maksym (1978- ) Ukraine
**Concerto (2004)
Shores, Harold D., III ( – ) USA
**Concerto No. 1 (2019-22)
Short, Gregory Norman (1938-99) USA
**Concerto No. 1 (“American”) (1965)
Shorter, Wayne (1933-2023) USA
**Nefertiti (1968; arr. by Silvan Pagliuca-Mena for piano and string orchestra, by 2023)
Shostakovich, Dmitry Dmitriyevich (1906-75) Russia [see also J. Biggs; F. Weigel]
**Antiformalist Rayok (1948/68; arr. for bass, baritone, chorus, and large ensemble with
piano by D. Pisarevsky, 2016)
§Assault on the Red Hill [erroneously translated as “Assault on the Beautiful Gorky”],
Op. 89 (from music for the film “The Unforgettable Year 1919,” 1951; No. 5 in F from
the Suite, Op. 89a, assembled by Lev Atovmyan in 1954)
**Bright Stream (ballet, 1934-35), Waltz, Russian Popular Dance, Galop, Adagio,
+Concertino, Op. 94 (orig. for two pianos, 1953; arr. for piano and chamber orchestra
by Ilya Dimov)
+Concertino, Op. 94 (orig. for two pianos, 1953; arr. for piano and string orchestra by
Viktor Kozodov)
**Concertino, Op. 94 (orig. for two pianos, 1953; arr. for piano and string orchestra by
S. Sirotin)
§Concertino, Op. 94 (orig. for two pianos, 1953; arr. for piano and orchestra by Julia
Zilberquit, 1996)
Concertino, Op. 94 (orig. for two pianos, 1953; arr. for 2 pianos and string orchestra by
Tomer Lev, 2016)
§Concerto No. 1 in c for Piano, Trumpet, and String Orchestra, Op. 35 (1933)
§Concerto No. 2 in F, Op. 102 (1957)
+Concerto No. 2 in F, Op. 102 (1957; arr. for piano and brass band)
**Dances of the Dolls (1952), Galop, Gavotte
**Gadfly (film score, 1955), Nocturne, Spanish Dance, Romance
**Hamlet (film score, 1963-64), Funeral March, Hunting, Dance Music
**Jazz Suite No. 1 (1934), Waltz, Polka, Tango,
**Moscow, Cheryomushki, Op. 105 (operetta, 1958; 3 brief excerpts for piano and
orchestra from the 1963 film version, which includes additional music by the composer)
+Podrugi (The Girl Friend; reconstructed by Mark Fitz-Gerald), Op. 41
**Prelude (from “The Gadfly,” 1955), Valse (from a sketch for “Tale of the Priest and
His Workman Balda,” 1933), & Polka (from Ballet Suite No. 1, 1950) (arr. by Lev
Avtomyan in the 5 Pieces for 2 violins and piano, publ. 1965; further arr. for violin
ensemble, piano, and string orchestra by Timur Sergeyenia, by 2018)
**Preludes, Op. 34, Nos. 2 (orig. for piano solo; arr. for piano and string orchestra by
Timo Steiner, 2008)
**Quartet No. 8 in c, Op. 110 (1960; arr. for orchestra with piano)
**Quintet in g, Op. 57 (orig. for piano, 2 violins, viola, and cello, 1940; arr. for piano
and string orchestra)
**Quintet in g, Op. 57, III (orig. for piano, 2 violins, viola, and cello, 1940; arr. for piano
and string orchestra by Nurhan Arman)
“Rhapsody” (misidentified on youtube, this is actually an abbreviated version [without
the central section] of Kabalevsky’s Rhapsody on the Theme of “The School Years”
Song, Op. 75, arr. for piano and chamber orchestra by Dimitar Karaminkov)
§Scherzo in E-flat, Op.7 (1923-24)
**Scherzwalzer [Waltz-Joke] (No. 2 from 4 Waltzes for flute, clarinet, and piano, 1955;
arr. for piano and string orchestra)
+“Storming of the Seelow Heights”for 2 Pianos and Orchestra from the film “The Fall
of Berlin” (1949)
+Suite on Finnish Themes for Soprano, Tenor, and Chamber Ensemble with Piano
§Symphony No. 1 in F, Op. 10 (1924-25)
**Tarantella, Op. 97b (from “The Gadfly”; orig. for 2 pianos, 1954, arr. for piano and
string orchestra)
Waltz Fantasia [see Scherzwalzer]
Shtirbu [see Ştirbu]
Shtoharenko [Shtogarenko], Andriy Andrey Yakovlevich Ukraine
**Concertino in C (1972)
**Concerto-Suite (“Partisan Pictures”) (1957)
Shtrum, Haim (1939-2021) Israel/USA
**Continuum (Concerto grosso) for Violin, Viola, String Orchestra, and Piano (2004)
Shukailo [see Šukajlo]
Shuken, Leo (1906-76) USA
§Spring Madness (from the film “Belle Le Grand,” 1951)
Shukrun, Orian ( – ) Israel
**Fantaisie (in memory of André Hajdu; 2017)
Shuminov [see Šuminov]
Shumskaya, Olga ( – ) Russia
**Concertino (by 2018)
Shut’ [see Shoot]
Shutenko, Kim Oleksandrovych (1932-2010) Ukraine
**Concerto (1967)
**Fantasy on 2 Ukrainian Folk Themes
Shutenko, Taisiya Ivanovna (1905-75) Ukraine
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra, III
Shvedov, Vladimir ( – ) Russia/Australia
**Fantasia (“Sydney”) for Piano Right-Hand, String Orchestra Didgeridoo, and
Trumpet (premièred 2023)
Shvytov, Denis ( – ) Russia
**Pianino, Warlords of Atlantis for Soprano Saxophone, Piano, Double Bass, Drums,
and Chamber Orchestra
Shymko, Aleksandr (1977- ) Ukraine
**Concerto No. 1 (2002)
**Concerto No. 2 (2006-9)
**Elegium for String Orchestra and Piano (2010)
Sibelius, Jean (1865-1957) Finland
**Concerto for Violin and Orchestra (themes arr. for piano and orchestra)
**Etude in a, Op. 76, No. 2 (“Carillon,” 1911; arr. by Ilya Petukhov)
+Skogsrået (Wood Nymph) for Piano, Narrator, and Orchestra, Op. 15a (1894)
**Suite Mignone, Op. 98b
**Valse Triste, Op. 44
Sicilianos, Yorgos (1920-2005) Greece
§Concerto, Op. 52 (1989)
**Contrasts [on a Chromatic Theme by Roland de Lassus] for 2 Pianos and Orchestra,
Op. 48a (1985; orig. for 2 pianos)
Sidelnikov, Leonid (1931- ) Russia
**Russian Concerto in D (1977-78/83)
**Russian Concerto in D (1977-78/83; version for piano and Russian folk instrument
Sidelnikov, Nikolay Nikolayevich (1930-92) Russia
**Russian Fairy Tales – Concerto for 12 soloists (1968)
Sidhu, Sahil
**Concerto No. 1 in d (2017), I
Sidorov, Vladimir Aleksandrovich (1956- ) Russia
**Concerto No. 2, Op. 100 (2004)
Siebenthal, Wolfgang von (1923- ) Germany
+Concerto No. 1 (1970-73; premièred 1974)
Siebers, Marcel (1955- ) Netherlands
**Fantasy for Piano and Concert Band (1983)
Siegel, Jay ( – )
**Autumn Concerto
Siegel, Paul (1914-76) USA
**Concerto Between Two Worlds (1947)
Siegel, Ralph (1945- ) Germany
**Traum-Rhapsodie Dream Rhapsody
Siegel, Ralph Maria (1911-72) Germany
+Ich hab’ noch einen Koffer in Berlin (1951; arr. for violin, trumpet, piano, and
orchestra by Nikoloz Rachveli)
Siegel, Stephen (1943-2019) USA
**Double Concerto for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (1996/98/2006/15)
Siegmeister, Elie (1909-91) USA
**An Entertainment for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (1976)
Siek, Paweł (1993- ) Poland
**Three East Facing Windows for Piano and 13 Instruments (2013)
Sielicki, Edward (1956- ) Poland
**Concerto (1994/95?)
**Deszcze [Rain] for Piano 4-Hands and String Orchestra (2012-13)
+E pur si muove… (And still it revolves…) for Orchestra with Piano (1997-98)
**Preludes (7) for Piano and String Orchestra (2007-8)
**Symphony No. 3 (“Concertante”) for Korgs [Synthesizers] and Orchestra with Piano
(premièred 2021)
Sierchio, Gerardo ( – ) Italy/England
**Concerto No. 1 (2016)
**Concerto No. 2 (2016)
**Concerto No. 3 (2016)
**Concerto No. 4 (2016)
Sierova, Lena (1983- ) Ukraine
**Concerto (2009-10)
Sierra, Arlene (1970- ) USA
+Concerto (“Art of War”) (2010)
Sierra, Roberto (1953- ) USA [born in Puerto Rico]
**Concierto Virtual for Virtual Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2016)
**Cuentos for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (1997)
**Descarga for Piano and 10 Instruments (1988)
+Glosas (1987)
**Sinfonia No. 1 for Orchestra with Piano (2004)
+Triple Concerto for Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (2015)
+Variations on a Souvenir (2007; 33 vars. on Gottschalk’s “Souvenir de Porto Rico”)
Sierra Márquez, Rodolfo Daniel ( – ) Peru
**Concerto (2019; based on Mozart’s Sonata, K. 545, I), I
Sievewright, Peter
**Jazz Intermezzo for Piano and Band (by 1973)
Sighicelli, Samuel (1972- ) France
**To be Reconstructed (2010)
Sigman, Alexander (1980- ) USA
**Il y va d’un certain pas (2004-5)
Signorelli, Frank [see Malneck]
Signorile, James V. (1952- ) USA
**Concerto No. 1, Op. 53 (1999)
Sigurd, Jarl ( – )
Sigurbjörnsson, Hróðmar Ingi (1958- ) Iceland
**Orustan Vith Vinu
Sigurbjörnsson, Thorkell (1938-2013) Iceland
**Wiblo for Horn, Piano, and String Orchestra (1976)
Sikelianou, Tania ( – )
Šikl, Jan (1984- ) Czech Republic
**O vlastní identitu (For Identity of the Self) for Orchestra with Soprano, Piano, and
Soundtrack (2014)
Sikora, Elżbieta (1943- ) Poland
+Concerto No. 1 (“Hommage à Frederic Chopin”) (2000)
Sikora, Emmanuel (1991- ) USA
**Concerto No. 2 (2014-15)
**Concerto No. 3 in e (2019)
+Concerto in e (2020; different from the above)
**Concerto in e (premièred 2022; different from the above)
**Concerto in E (2021)
**Fantasia (2011)
**Fantasy on Original Airs (2020)
**Krokawiak (2020)
Sikorski, Kazimierz (1895-1986) Poland
**Concerto for Flute and Orchestra with Piano (1957)
Sikorski, Tomasz (1939-88) Poland
**Concerto breve for Piano, 24 Wind Instruments, and 4 Percussion (1965)
**Homophony for 12 Winds [Brass], Piano, and Gong (1970)
**Music in Twilight
**Omaggio for 4 Pianos and Orchestra (In memoriam José Luis Borges, 1987)
**Sickness unto Death for Reciter, 2 Pianos, 4 Trumpets, and 4 Horns (1977; frag. of
the text by Soren Kierkegaard)
Silaev, Rangel (2000- ) Netherlands
**Hymne voor vrede Hymn (Anthem) for Peace
Šileika, Remigijus (1950- ) Lithuania
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (2006)
Silesu, Lao (1883-1945) Sardinia
+Concerto in E-flat (1929)
Silva, Jesús [see Bermúdez Silva]
Silva, João ( – ) Portugal
Silva, Óscar da (1870-1958) Portugal
Concerto Fantasia (after 1951; premièred 1960)
Silva Filho, Jaime (1908-70) Portugal
**A Vizinha do Lado [Next-door Neighbor] (opening of the film by António Lopes
Ribeiro, 1945)
Silva Silva, Diego Rafael (1954- ) Venezuela
**Concerto (“Batahola”) for Piano and String Orchestra (by 1996)
Silvansky, Nikolay Josefovich (1915-1985) Ukraine
**Petit Concerto in G [for Young People] for Piano and Strings (1976)
Silveira, Felipe
**Concerto in c (2012)
Silveira, Guillermo (1959- ) Argentina
•Argentina fantástica (Concerto No. 4) (1993)
Silver, Sheila (1946- ) USA
§Concerto (1996)
“Silverman, Louis” [fake composer posting works by other composers as his own]
Opus 1 = Anatoly Aleksanderov’s Concerto-Symphony, I
Concerto [No. 1] in b = Tyzen Hsiao’s Concerto in c
Concerto No. 2 = Anna Kuzina’s Concerto
Silverman, Samuel Ryan ( – ) USA
**Concerto No. 1 (“Ancient Talers of the Cloud-Walking Monkey) (2018)
Silvestre, Lourival (1949- ) Brazil/France
+Modern Slaves for Cello, Piano, and String Orchestra (by 2023)
Silvestri, Alan Anthony (1950- ) USA [see also Sebastian; Marvel Superheroes Music]
**Forrest Gump, suite (from Roger Zemeckis’s film, 1994)
**Forrest Gump, theme (from Roger Zemeckis’s film, 1994; arr. by Georgii Cherkin)
Silvestrov, Valentin Vasil’yevich (1937- ) Ukraine
+Concertino (2015)
+Epitaph for Piano and String Orchestra (1999)
+Messenger [Der Bote] – 1996 (to Larissa Bondarenko, the composer’s wife, who died
in 1996; version for piano, string orchestra, and synthesizer, 1997)
§Metamusik (1992)
+Moments of Memory II for Piano and String Orchestra (2003)
§Monodia (1965)
**Postludes (4) for Piano and String Orchestra (2004/7)
§Postludium—Symphonic Poem (1984-85)
§Symphony No. 2 for Flute, Percussion, Piano, and String Orchestra (1965)
**Symphony No. 3 (“Eschatophony”) for Orchestra with Piano (1966)
+Two Dialogues with Postscript (version for piano and string orchestra, 2002):
Schubert-Silvestrov “Wedding Waltz” (1826/2002); Wagner-Silvestrov “Postlude”
(1882/2001); Postscript “Morning Serenade”
Silyanovski, Triphon (1923-2005) Bulgaria
+Concerto (1968)
Sim, Mickey (Sooyeon) ( – ) S. Korea
**Concerto No. 1 (“New York”) (2020), I-II
**Concerto No. 2 (“Chicago”) (2021), I-II
**Concerto No. 3 (“Departure”) (2022)
Sim, Samuel
**House of Saddam (from TV mini-series, 2008)
Sim, Sooyeon (Mickey) ( – ) S. Korea
**Concerto No. 1 (2020), I-II
Simader, Marcel ( – ) Austria
**Concerto No. 1 in A, Op. 1 (2020)
Simakovich, Larisa (1957- ) Belarus
**Chopin’s Portrait in Winter for Harpsichord, Piano, and Chamber Orchestra (2010)
Simanca, Joynner (c.1993- ) Venezuela
**Sonatina in a
Šimandl, Karel (1963- ) Czech Republic
Simard, Florian ( – ) France
**Concerto in c-sharp
Simarro González, Juan Antonio (1973- ) Spain
**Adagio for Violin, Piano, and String Orchestra (2013)
**Cádiz (2013)
**Noche en el Café Montarto for Piano and String Orchestra (2013; orig. for piano and
string quartet, 2012)
Simcock, Gwilym (1981- ) United Kingdom
**Contours for Piano and 6 String Players
**Cumbrian Thaw for Piano and String Orchestra (2013)
**Move for Ensemble with Piano (2012)
**Move for Ensemble with Piano (2012; extended version for piano, double bass, drums,
and orchestra, 2019)
**Point of Contact (2007)
**Progressions (2008)
**Symphonic Construction on Chethams
Simeonov, Dimitar (1932-2019) Bulgaria
**Fantasy for Flute, Saxophone, Piano, and Chamber Orchestra (in memory of
Nedyalka Simeonova)
Simić, Aleksandar (1973- ) Serbia
**Tangram for Orchestra with Piano (2016)
**Under One Roof (An Anthropological Journey) for Large Orchestra with Piano (2011;
commissioned for the 66th anniversary of the United Nations)
**Zodiac, 12 Character Pieces (2012)
Simiček, Jan (1942- ) Czech Republic
**Concerto (“Hradec Králové”), Op. 19 (1985)
Simion, Nicolas (1959- ) Romania
**Hommage à Richard Oschanitzky for Saxophone, Piano, and String Orchestra (2005-
**Poem for Jancy Körössy for Winds, Brass, Sax, Piano, and Guitar (2013)
Simkin, Carlos (1944- ) Argentina
**Pasos lejanos (2015)
Šimkus, Vestards (1984- ) Latvia
+Concerto No. 1 (“Dedicated to the Bothersome Man”) for Piano and String Orchestra
+Likteņa vārti Gates of Destiny
Simmons, Jacob (1987- ) USA
**Octet (2016)
Simó, Manuel Rojas (1916-88) Dominican Republic
**Concertino (1978), III
Simon, Anton Antoine France/Russia
§Concerto in A-flat, Op. 19 (1886; performing ed. by Martin Yates, 2018)
Simon, Diana ( – ) Romania
**Trini(s)on for Septet
Simon, John (1944- ) S. Africa
•Concerto No. 1, Op. 15 (1969-70/81/91/2003)
**Concerto No. 2, Op. 31 (1977)
**Pastorale (same as Concerto No. 2, II. Adagio)
Simon, Ladislav (1929-2011) Czech Republic
§Concerto (1980)
Simon, Victor ( – ) Argentina/Canada
**Concerto No. 1 (2013)
Simón Plazas, Tomàs ( – ) Spain
**Foscor a l’Alba, Fantasia for Piano and Band
Simončic, Max (1945- ) Slovenia/USA
**Concerto (1981)
Simonds, Austin D. ( – ) USA
**Concerto (“Amor Fati” [Love of One’s Fate]) (2018)
Simonelli, Valentin (1992- ) France
**Concerto No. 1 in d (“Improvisation”) (2010-11)
**Concerto No. 2 (“De la névrose”) (1998/2011)
**Concerto No. 3 (“Charles Quint”) (2011)
**Fantaisie No. 1 (“Fantaisie Bienveillante, oude l’amitié”) (2010)
**Fantaisie No. 3 (“Lettre à Marie-Laure”) (2011)
Simonetti, Claude-Alexandre ( – )
+Concerto (“Célesta”) in D (by 2021)
Simoni, Luciano (1932-2010) Italy
§Concerto dell’Europa, Op. 50 (1995)
Simonian [see Simon’yan]
Simonis, Ferdinando (1773-1837) Italy
**Concerto in A (1808)
Simonis, Wolf-Leonard (1946- ) Netherlands
**Concerto 1800 for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2009)
Simonoski, Goce (1984- ) Macedonia
**Concert-Fantasia (2003)
Simonov, Vladimir
**Concerto No. 1 (by 2019)
Simons, Luke
**Concerto (2021)
Simons, Marijn (1982- ) Netherlands
+A tí te toca for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2003): Corrido, Mariachi, Sandunga, Salsa,
Simonsen, Rudolf Hermann (1889-1947) Denmark
§Concerto (1915)
Simon’yan, Nadezhda Simonovna (1922-97) Russia
**Concerto No. 1 (1953)
Simović, Tomislav (1931-2014) Croatia
**Concerto minimo (by 1996)
Simovych, Roman Apollonovich (1901-84) USSR [Ukraine]
**Concerto in g (1970)
Simpson, Daniel Léo (1950- ) USA
**Burlesque (1996)
**Capriccio humoresque (1996)
**Concerto in G, I (2012)
**Rhapsody (1973)
**Souvenir of Salzburg for Piano and String Orchestra (2001)
Simpson, Nicholas (1958- ) England
**Concerto (2010)
**Symphony No. 2 for Orchestra with Piano (premièred 2005)
Simpson, Robert (Wilfred Levick) (1921-97) England
§Concerto (1967)
Sims, Lee (1898-1966) USA
**2 Rhapsodies: Improvisation & Contrasts (composed with Carlton Colby; from the
five publ. in 1928)
Simurra, Ivan Eiji (1984- ) Brazil
**Fireman Dither (2013)
**Racian Miiran Reus for 8 Instruments (2019)
Sina, Endri (1968- ) Albania
**“Mimozat” (Meditation Romance) for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2022)
Sinangil, Ali Doğan (1934- ) Turkey
**Symphony No. 1 for Orchestra with Piano (1970)
Sinderbrand, Manny ( – ) USA
**Concerto (by 2017)
Sinding, Christian (August) (1856-1941) Norway
§Concerto in D-flat, Op. 6 (1887-89/90/1901)
+A Rustle of Spring, Op. 32 (1896; orig. for solo piano)
**A Rustle of Spring, Op. 32 (1896; orig. for solo piano; arr. by Zador)
**A Rustle of Spring, Op. 32 (1896; orig. for solo piano; arr. by Voldemar Wal-Berg)
Singer, Malcolm (1953- ) England
**Time Must Have a Stop (1974)
Singer, Pavel (1962- ) USSR/Austria
**Concerto grosso for Violin, Piano, and String Orchestra (1998)
Singleton, Alvin (1940- ) USA
+BluesKonzert (1995)
**“Kwitana” for Piano, Brass, Percussion, and 2 Ensembles (1974)
+Time Past, Time Future for Piano and String Orchestra (2022)
Sinisalo, Gel’mer-Rainer (Helmer-Rainer) Nesterovich (1920-89) Russia
**Concerto in D (1958)
Sink, Kuldar (1942-95) Estonia
**Concertino [Chamber Concerto No. 1] for Piano and String Orchestra (1967)
Sinkler, James ( – ) USA
**American Pastoral
Sinopoli, Giuseppe (1946-2001) Italy
**Kammerkonzert for Piano, Winds, Harp, Harpsichord, and Percussion (1977)
**Concerto (1974/90)
Sint Jan, Alexis van ( – )
**Atonal March (by 2016)
**Fantasy for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (by 2015)
Siokis, Apostolos
**Mini-Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2023)
Sioumak, Alexei (1976- ) Russia
**Illusion of Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2006)
**Il pianista è sempre solo for Large Ensemble with Piano (2020)
Šipuš, Berislav (1958- ) Croatia
**Rahbodea, il primo canto dal “Libro delle Lacrime” (1995)
Siqueira, João Baptista (1906-92) Brazil
**Concerto in D (1959)
**Nordeste (Sinfonia) (1952?)
Siqueira, Marcus (1974- ) Brazil
**Signo Sopro III (2011-12)
Sira Contreras Vega, Alma ( – ) Mexico
**Búsqueda for Piano, Clarinet, and String Orchestra (by 2015)
**Concerto (“Magister Dixit”) (by 1993), I
Siracusa, Esteban
**Little Concerto (by 2023)
Sirenko, Vsevolod (1991- ) Ukraine
**Fantasy for Flute, Piano, and Chamber Orchestra (by 2011)
Sirivannavari Nariratana Rajakanya Princess of Thailand Thailand
**Le Mariage de minuit (Fantaisie) (premièred 2022; arr. & orchestrated by Kevin
Sirota, Robert (1949- ) USA
**Capriccio for Piano and 10 Instruments (2007)
Sirotin, Sergey Ivanovich (1941-2014) Russia
**Concertino for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2006)
Sirowy, Josef (1901-71) Austria
•Erinnerungen, Romantische Concertino
Šiša, Pero (1956- ) Croatia
**Concerto No. 1 (“Swallows”), excerpts
**Concerto No. 2 or 3 (by 2012)
Sisan, Claudia ( – ) Brazil
**Engenharia de Bruxas for Clarinet, Bassoon, Trumpet, Tuba, Piano, Percussion, and
String Orchestra
Sisask, Urmas (1960-2022) Estonia
**Symphony No. 2 (“Polaris”) [“On the Battlefields of Love”] for 2 Pianos and
Orchestra, Op. 38 (1992)
+Total Solar Eclipse (Concerto) for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 136 (2011)
Šistek Đorđević, Mirjana (1935- ) Serbia
**Concerto (1969)
Sitsky, Larry (1934- ) Australia
§Concerto (“Twenty-Two Paths of the Tarot”) (1991/94)
Sivan, Noam (1978- ) Israel/USA
**Improvised Rhapsody for Piano and Ensemble (2020)
Sivelöv, Niklas (1968- ) Sweden
+Concerto No. 1 (“Concerto Classico”), Op. 11 (1998/2013)
+Concerto No. 2 for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 13 (2001-2002/13)
**Concerto No. 3, Op. 27 (2013)
**Concerto No. 4 (2015-16), II & Finale
+Concerto No. 5 (“Riddarkonserten”) for Piano and Brass Band (2019)
Šivic, Pavel (1908-95) Slovenia
**Concerto (1972)
**Divertimento (1949)
Emotions fugitives (1969)
+Štiri otroške skladbe [4 Children’s Songs] for Piano and String Orchestra (1958)
Sivova, Oxana (1956- ) Russia/Germany
**Music for the film “Concerto for Hands and Orchestra” (soundtrack, Studio of
Scientific Documentary Films, 1985)
Siwiński, Jarosław (1964- ) Poland
**Concerto for Piano and Ensemble (1994)
Siwy, Ryszard Machalica (1945- ) Poland/Mexico
**Zapateado Veracruzano for 2 Pianos and Orchestra
Sixta, Jozef (1940-2007) Slovakia
**Variations for 13 Instruments (1967)
Sixten, Fredrik (1962- ) Sweden
**Concerto for 2 Pianos and Chamber Orchestra (premièred 2016)
Skalkottas [Scalcotas], Nikolaos Nikos, Nicos Greece
+Concertino for 2 Pianos and Orchestra, Op. 20 (1935)
+Concertino in C [Concerto No. 4], Op. 19 (1948)
§Concerto No. 1, Op. 16 (1931)
§Concerto No. 2, AK 17 (1937-38)
+Concerto No. 3 for Piano and 10 Winds, AK 18 (1939)
+Concerto for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra, AK 21 (1930; piano score, with only a few
hints of the orchestration, rediscovered in the USA by musicologist Ioannis Tselika,
c.2013; orchestration realized by Yannis Samprovalakis, 2015)
Skar, Julian (1981- ) Norway
**Transcend and Transform (2012)
Skarvelis, Manos (1960- ) Greece
**Concerto No. 1 (1988)
**Concerto No. 2 (1995)
**Concerto No. 3 (2002)
**Concerto No. 4 (2005)
Skedgell, Nicholas (1952- ) USA
**Double Concerto for Trumpet, Piano, and Orchestra (by 2021)
Skeet, Peter J. ( – ) United Kingdom
**Suite for Piano, Orchestra, and Band (by 2015)
Skelton, Brandon ( – ) New Zealand
**Oscillations (by 2023)
Skempton, Howard While (1947- ) England
**Concerto (2016)
+Concerto (2016; version for piano and string quartet, 2018)
**Piazza for 14 Players (2007)
Skender, Ivan Josip (1981- ) Croatia
**Concerto for Cello, Piano, and String Orchestra (by 2017)
Škerjanc, Lucijan Marija (1900-73) Yugoslavia
**Concerto in a (1940)
+Concertino for Piano and String Orchestra (1949)
**Concerto for Piano Left-Hand and Orchestra (1963)
Fantasy (1949)
**Lyrical Overture for Orchestra with Piano (1925-30)
Škerl, Dane (1931-2002) Slovenia
**Concertino for Piano and String Orchestra (1949)
Skinner, Frank (1897-1968) USA
**Interlude, suite (from Douglas Sirk’s film, 1957)
Skirvin, Donald M. (1946- ) USA
**Winter Scenes for Chorus, String Orchestra, and Piano (2016)
Skjelbred, Bjørn Bolstad (1970- ) Norway
+Echoes of Times Lost for 12 Instruments (2010)
Skog, Ylva (1963- ) Sweden
+Concerto No. 1 (2005/11-12; premièred 2013)
Skogstad, Håkon Magnar (1989- ) Norway
+Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (rec. 2020)
Sköld, Bengt-Göran (1936- ) Sweden
**Concerto for Piano 4-hands and Orchestra (by 1992)
Skomsvoll, Erlen (1969- ) Norway
+Hymn in g in for Tuba, Piano, and String Orchestra (2002)
+Prince Igor – Fantasy on a Theme of Borodin for Tuba, Piano, and String orchestra)
+Vise (A Simple Melody) for Tuba, Piano, and String Orchestra (1997)
+Without Words for Tuba, Piano, and String Orchestra (1997)
Skorobogatykh, Andrey ( – ) Russia
**Concertino (by 2015)
Skoryk, Myroslav (1938-2020) Ukraine
**Concertino for Trumpet, Harp, Piano, Percussion, and String Orchestra (premièred
**Concerto No. 1 in C (“Youth”) (1977)
**Concerto No. 2 (1982)
**Concerto No. 3 (orig. for piano and string quartet, 1995-97; arr. for piano, string
orchestra, and bass drum, 1998)
**Extravagancy Dance “Can-Can” for 2 Pianos and String Orchestra
**Jazz Pieces (4) for Piano and String Orchestra: Pleasant Stroll; Patterns; Caprice;
In a Folk Style
**Variations on a Swedish Theme for Piano and String Orchestra (2017)
**Variations on the Swiss Folk Song “Là-haut sur la montagne” for Piano and String
Orchestra (premièred 2019)
Skorzeny, Fritz (1900-65) Austria
Concerto for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (1963)
Skoumal, Adam (1969- ) Czech Republic
**Concerto No. 1 (2004), excerpt from finale
**Concerto No. 2 for Piano and String Orchestra (2005)
**Corsaresca for Piano and String Orchestra (2012)
**Rhapsody on an Old Czech Song (Theme and Variations on a Song by Adam Michna,
1600-76) (2010)
Skoviak, Tony
**Concerto in g-sharp for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2016), I-II
Skrowaczewski, Stanisław (1923-2017) Poland/USA
§Concerto for Violin, Clarinet, Piano, and Orchestra (1991)
+Concerto Nicolo for Piano Left-Hand and Orchestra (2002)
Skryabin [Scriabin], Aleksandr Nikolayevich (1872-1915) Russia [see also Antunes;
Nemtim, Vries]
§Concerto in f-sharp, Op. 20 (1896-97)
**Concerto in f-sharp, Op. 20 (1896-97; unpublished revision by Mikhail Pletnev,
c.2014, including a cut of mm. 240-72 in the last movement and modifications in the
solo part to make it more pianistic, powerful, and better balanced with the orchestra;
see Anatole Leikin’s “Not Set in Stone: Mikhail Pletnev’s Rewrite of Scriabin’s Piano
Concerto,” Performance Practice Review, Vol. 22, No. 1, Article 4)
+Etude in c-sharp, Op. 2, No. 1 (orig. for piano solo, 1887)
+Etude in d-sharp, Op. 8, No. 12 (orig. for piano solo, 1894)
+Etude in d-sharp, Op. 8, No. 12 (orig. for piano solo, 1894; orchestrated by Jeremy
Birchall, by 2004)
**Etude in d-sharp, Op. 8, No. 12 (orig. for piano solo, 1894; orchestrated by Andrea
Spolti, 2023)
+Etude, Op. 42, No. 5 (orig. for piano solo, 1903; arr. Michael Pinnella, c.2004)
§Fantasia in a (orchestral part in second piano score only, 1889; arr. for piano and
orchestra by Grigory Zinger, 1970)
§Fantasia in a (orchestral part in second piano score only; 1889; arr. for piano and
orchestra by Gennady Rozhdestvensky)
+Nocturne, Op. 9, No. 2 (orig. for piano left-hand, 1894)
**Prélude in a, Op. 11, No. 2 (orig. for piano solo, 1888-96; arr. for jazz piano and
orchestra by Jon Snell, 2017)
§Prometheus, The Poem of Fire, Op. 60 (1908-10)
**Sonata No. 4 in f-sharp, Op. 30 (1903; arr. for piano and orchestra), II. Prestissimo
**Prelude for Bill Evans
**Time Remembered
Skrzypczak, Bettina (1962- ) Poland
+Concerto (1998)
**Vier Figuren for Ensemble in 3 Groups (2001)
Skudra-Vintule [see Vintule]
Skupinsky, Gamma (1946- ) Russia/USA
**Concerto No. 2 (by 2015)
**Symphony No. 6 (“Wild n’ Sexy”) for Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (1993)
Skuta, Miki et al. ( – )
**“Concerto in k minor” (improvised work, 26 June 2008)
Slaney, Ivor (1921-98) England
**Midsummer Madness (1961)
Slater, Angela Elizabeth (1989- ) England
**Tautening Skies (Concerto) (2020), excerpt
Slater, David Nicholas ( – ) United Kingdom
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2021)
Slavchev, Panayot (1943-92) Bulgaria
**A Ball on the Asphalt for 2 Pianos [Piano 4-hands/] and Orchestra (rec. 1985)
**Dialogues (on themes of Toncho Russev) (rec. 1985)
+Stoupeliade (on themes by Peter Stoupel) (1985)
**Variations on “You Are Lovely, My Forest” (rec. 1985)
Slavický, Milan (1947-2009) Czech Republic
**Concertino for Piano and Small Orchestra (1969)
Sleeman, Richard ( – ) England/Portugal
**Concertino for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2020)
Sleeper, Thomas (1956- ) USA
+Concerto for Piano and Wind Ensemble (1987)
**Faust Concerto for Flute, Alto Saxophone, Piano, and Wind Ensemble (by 2017)
**Hetaera esmeralda for Piano and String Orchestra (2012)
Slimaček, Jan (1939- ) Czech Republic
**Rhapsodic Variations (1990)
Šljivac, Zdravko (1955- ) Croatia
**Ljetna idila [Summer Idyll] for Piano, Orchestra, and Women’s Chorus (by 2020)
Slon, Craig ( – ) USA
**Symphony for Orchestra with Piano (2015)
Slonimsky, Sergey Mikhailovich (1932-2020) Russia
§Concerto No. 1 [same as Rhapsody on Jewish Themes]
**Concerto No. 2 (2001)
+Concerto buffo for Chamber Orchestra Flute, Trumpet, Piano, Percussion, and 14 Strings
§Rhapsody on Jewish Themes for Piano, Flute, String Orchestra, and Percussion
Concerto No. 1
Slothouwer, Jochem (1938-2009) Netherlands
§Concert Variations for Piano and Symphonic Band (1987)
Słotwiński, Artur (1990- ) Poland
**Concert Overture for Orchestra with Piano (2010)
**Concerto No. 1, Op. 44 (2011)
**Concerto No. 2 (“Diluvio: rosso. verde. blu”) (2016-18)
**Concerto for Piano, Harp, and Chamber Orchestra (2010)
**Symphony No. 3 (“Songs of Love”) for Soprano, Tenor, Choir, and Orchestra with
Piano, Op. 53 (2012)
Słowik, Zbigniew (1972- ) Poland
**Concerto No. 2 (“Zumba Concert”) (2015-17), III
Słowiński, Władisław (1930- ) Poland
+Concerto for Flute, Chamber Orchestra, Piano, and Percussion (1956-57)
**Music for Orchestra in Three Parts (1958)
Sly, Christopher P. (1965- ) England
+Concerto No. 1 (by 2017)
+Concerto No. 2 (by 2017)
Smaal, Jorgo ( – )
**Belle journée
Smailović, Avdo (1917-84) Yugoslavia
**Concerto (1981)
Smaldone, Edward (1956- ) USA
**Prendendo fuoco [Catching Fire] (premièred 2023)
§Rhapsody (1993)
Small, Michael (1988- ) USA
**Relics II (2011)
Smalley, Roger (1943-2015) Australia/England
§Concerto (1982-85)
**Concerto No. 2 (2004)
Smbatyan, Armen (1954- ) Armenia
**Concerto (by 1981)
Smetana, Bedřich (1824-84) Bohemia
**Doctor Faustus: Introduction to the Music to the Puppet Play
**Rondo in C (orig. for 2 pianos, 8 hands; arr. for 2 pianos, 8 hands and orchestra by
Tomer Lev & Aryeh Levanon)
**Velká Polka (orig. for piano solo, 1841; arr. for piano and orchestra)
Smetanin, Michael (1958- ) Australia
**Concerto (“Mysterium Cosmographicum”) (premiered 2005)
Smetryns, Thomas (1977- ) Belgium
**Une Création d’un monde (after Milhaud) (2007)
Smirnov, Dmitry Nikolayevich (1948-2020) Russia [Belarus]/England
**Abel and River of Life for Piano and Ensemble
+Concerto No. 1, Op. 8 (1971)
+Concerto No. 2, Op. 24 (1978)
**Family Concerto for Piano and 7 Players (dedicated to Shostakovich): Red Bells, Op.
147 (by Dmitry Smirnov [father]); Black Bells, Op. 115 (by Yelena Firsova [mother]);
Blue Bells, Op. 17 (by Alissa Firsova [daughter])
+Triple Concerto No. 1 for Saxophone, Piano, Double Bass, Strings, and Percussion,
Op. 21 (1977)
Smirnov, Vyacheslav ( – ) Russia
**Children’s Concertino for Piano and Chamber Orchestra
**Elegy for String Orchestra and Piano
Smirnova, Tat’yana (1940- ) Russia
**Concerto No. 2, Op. 44 (1977-78)
Smit, Leo (1900-43) Netherlands
§Concerto for Piano and Wind Orchestra (1937)
+Prelude [Overture] to Herman Teirlinck’s “De vertraagde film” (1923)
Smit, Leo (1921-99) USA
**Concerto (1968/80)
Smith, Abram (c.1991- ) USA
**Concerto (c.2005)
Smith, Brandon Timothy (1980- ) USA
**Concerto No. 1, I
Smith, Carey ( – )
**Suite No. 2 for Jazz Quintet and Orchestra
Smith, Chris ( – ) Scotland
+Concerto No. 1
Smith, David (c.1963- ) USA
**Concerto Anacapa (premièred 2009)
Smith, Gabriella (1991- ) USA
**Crazy Quilt Star Gown for Flute, Clarinet, Violin, Viola, Cello, Piano, and Percussion
Smith, James Conrad (1990- ) USA
**Concerto No. 1 in g (“Requiem for a Fish”) (2011-15)
Smith, Jeffery Paul (1967- ) USA
**Concerto in d (2020-21), I-II
Smith [Vielehr], Julia (Frances) (1905-89) USA
**Concerto in e (1938/71)
Smith, Kenneth Leslie [see Leslie-Smith]
Smith, Kile ( – )
**Variations on a Theme of Schubert (“An mein klavier”) (Theme, Vars. 1, 2, 4, and 7
only) (1999)
Smith, Linda Catlin (1957- ) USA/Canada
**Path of Uneven Stones for Piano and Ensemble (2000)
Smith, McCade ( – )
**Concerto No. 1 in g (“The Glass”) (2011)
Smith, Michael S. ( – ) USA
**“UnAnswered Concerto” (by 2017)
Smith, Paul
**Concerto (by 2021)
Smith, Robert Edward (1946- ) USA
**Tango Voluptuoso for Piano and String Orchestra (2010-13)
Smith, Robert W. (1958- ) USA
**The Divine Comedy (Symphony No. 1)
**Inchon for Symphonic Band with Piano (2001)
Smith, Ronnie ( – ) England
+Rhapsody (orchestrated by Paul Bateman, 2009)
+Seasons of Woman: II—Summer (1998-2004; orchestrated by Paul Bateman)
Smith, Russell (1927-98) USA
+Concerto No. 2 (1956)
Smith, Theodore (c.1740-c.1810) Germany/England
+Concerto in B-flat for Piano and Strings (1782)
Smith, Thomas ( – )
**“Changes” Concerto
Smith, William
**Concerto No. 1 (2017), I
Smits, Pete (1973- ) Belgium
Allegro for Piano, Organ, and Orchestra
Smoczyński, Jerzy (1929-2010) Poland
Smoczyński, Mateusz (1984- ) Poland
**Fallen Angel (Concerto No. 3) for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (premièred 2022)
Smolka, Martin (1959- ) Czech Republic
**Presto e lento (2020)
Smolsky, Aleksandr (1952- ) Belarus
**Concerto (by 2020)
Smolsky, Dmitry (1937-2017) Belarus
**Symphony No. 3 (1985)
**Symphony No. 9 for Electric Guitar and Orchestra (1994; with concertante piano part
in the final section based on Beethoven’s Sonata pathétique, Op. 13, I)
Smorgonskaya, Dina (1947- ) USSR/Israel
**Concerto for String Orchestra and Piano (1999)
Smulders, [Charles, Carl] Karel Anton (1863-1934) Netherlands
§Concerto in a (1886-92)
Snively, Joshua ( – ) USA
**Concerto (set to the theme of the stages of death) (2020)
Snow, Susannah ( – ) Australia/Switzerland
**Thoughts, Op. 19, No. 3 (2011)
Snuggs, Colin Peter
**Concerto in C, I
Snyder, Bill (1916-2011) USA
+Amber Fire
**Chicago Blues
Snyder, Mark ( – ) USA
**Pleasures and Pain of Opium for 10-Piece Chamber Ensemble, 4.1 Electronics, and
Video (2005)
Snyder, Randall (1944- ) USA
§“Double” for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1998)
Snyder, Xander ( – ) USA
**Chamber Concerto for 15 Instruments
Sogomonyan, Manuk
**Concerto in e, Op. 38 (by 2023)
Solyanik, Svyatovit
**Concerto, Op. 2, No. 1 (2022), II
Spricht, Elias ( – ) Austria
**Sonnenfinsternis (by 2017)
Soares da Costa, Rui (1958- ) Portugal
**Concerto in c-sharp (1979/99)
Sobelev, Matthew ( – ) Russia
**Concerto for Piano nd String Orchestra (by 2015)
Sobiechowski, Adrian ( – ) England
**Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (by 2021; arr. from John Powell’s music
for the film “How to Train Your Dragon,” 2010)
Sodeika, Gintaras (1961- ) Lithuania
+Concerto (2014)
**Force Majeure for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2000)
Söderlundh, Lille Bror (1912-57) Sweden
§Suite from “Havang” for Piano and String Orchestra (1945-53)
Söderqvist, Johan (1966- ) Sweden
**Freud Moves from Home, theme (from Susanne Bier’s film, 1991)
Sofianos, Stratis ( – ) England
**Truce for Narrator, Piano, Chorus, and Orchestra (by 2004)
Sogomonyan, Manuk
**Concerto in e, Op. 38 (2023)
Sojar Voglar, Črt (1976- ) Slovenia
**Angel of Love for 7 Players (2003)
**Concerto No. 2 [for Young Pianists] for Piano and String Orchestra (2004)
**Srebrni koncert [Silver Concerto] for Clarinet, Piano, and String Orchestra (2019;
for the 25th anniversary of the Claripiano Duo)
Sokol, Jonathan (1981- ) USA
**Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2003)
Sokola, Miloš (1913-76) Czechoslovakia
**Concertino (1972)
Sokolov, Alexey (1978- ) Russia
Seasons for Piano and Chamber Orchestra
Sokolov, Ivan Glebovich (1960- ) Russia
**Concerto (2019)
Sokolovski, Elena (1967- ) Russia/Israel
**Concerto for Flute, Piano, and Chamber Orchestra (premièred 2008): Part
I, “Rampal”; Part II, “Rampal and Bolling”
Sokolovsky, Yevgeny
**Original Works and Arrangements
?Solal, J. ( – ) France
**Concerto (misattributed work; conductor of performance, Pierre Stoll, told Lumpe
that he never conducted the work or has even heard of the composer)
Solal, Martial (1927- ) France
§Concerto (“Nuit étoilée” [Starry Night]) for Keyboards and Orchestra (1987/88)
§Concerto (1980)
**Concerto (“Coexistence”) (1997/2019)
**Double Concerto (“Icosium”) for Trumpet, Piano, and Orchestra (2003)
**Triple Concerto for Trombone, Piano, Double Bass, and Orchestra (1989)
Solare, Juan María (1966- ) Argentina/Germany
**Concerto No. 1 (2018), I-II
Solarte, Alex
**Concerto moderno
Solås, Eyvind (1937-2011) Norway
Concerto: Theme and Miniature Variations (1984)
Solbiati, Alessandro (1956- ) Italy
**Sinfonia Seconda (2005)
Soldier, Dave (1956- ) USA
**Jaleo for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 35 (2017)
+Ultraviolet Railroad, Double Concerto for Violin, Cello, the Orchestra of the Brahms
Double Plus Piano, Op. 9 (1991)
Soler Sardà, Josep (1935-2022) Catalonia
§Concierto de Cámara for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1989)
**Orpheus (1965)
Soligno, Francesco
**Concerto No. 3 in B-flat (“Italiano galante”), Op. 60
Solijew [see Saliyev]
Solís, Javier (1931-66) Mexico
**Entrega total [Total Surrender] (arr. by David Rodríguez De La Peña)
?Solito de Solis, Michel-Marie
**Concerto (2017; labeled “Saint-Saëns’s Concerto No. 6 in a” and based on that
composer’s Concerto No. 2)
Solla, Emilio (1962- ) Argentina/USA
**“Ñandú” and “Astoriana” for Jazz Trio and Orchestra
**Suite Piazzollana for Piano and Ensemble
Sollberger, Harvey (1938- ) USA
§Chamber Variations for 12 Players and Conductor (1964)
Sollima, [Antonio] Eliodoro (1926-2000) Italy
**Divertimento su temi popolari siciliani for Piano and String Orchestra (by 1977)
Solomon, Karel [see Salmon]
Solomou, Myro
**Par Aisthisis for Ensemble with Piano (2015-16)
Solti, Árpád (1986- ) Hungary
**Concerto for Piano, Brass, and Percussion (2012)
Somer, Louis Henri (1901-66) Netherlands
**Burlesque (1952)
Somers, Harry (Stuart) (1925-99) Canada
+Concerto No. 2 (1956/72)
§Concerto No. 3 (1996)
Somervell, Arthur (1863-1937) England
+Concerto in a (“Highland”) (1913?/20-21)
+Symphonic Variations “Normandy” (1911-12)
Sommer, Lukáš (1984- ) Czech Republic
**Quasi Concerto for 11 Instruments (2020)
**The Shepherd for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2006)
Sommerfeldt, Øistein (1919-94) Norway
§Towards a Yearning [Concerto in One Movement], Op. 50 (1977)
Sommerlatte, Ulrich (1914-2002) Germany
**Matinée (Miniature Concerto) (c.1955)
Sommerro, Henning (1952- ) Norway
+Drama & Flirt for Piano and String Orchestra
+Romance for Piano and String Orchestra
+Toccata for Piano and String Orchestra
Sondheim, Stephen (1930-2021) USA
**Concertino (orig. for 2 pianos, 1949; rediscovered by Jonathan Sheffer and arr. by
him for piano and chamber orchestra, premièred 2001)
Songer, Lewis (1935- ) USA
§Concerto (1964-65)
Sontòn Caflisch, David (1974- ) Switzerland
**Concerto (“Leermond” [Empty Moon]) (2017)
**Enceladus Variations for Flute, Clarinet, Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (2019)
Soomere, Uno (1930-2010) Estonia
**Concerto in b (1964), I
Soproni, József (1930-2021) Hungary
**Chamber Concerto No. 2 (1998)
**Concerto No. 1 (1997)
**Concerto No. 2 (2000)
Sorabji, Kaikhosru Shapurji (1892-1988) England
**Concerto No. 5 (1922)
**Symphonic Variations, KSS78 (adapted from Vol. 1 of the like-named work for piano
solo, KSS59, 1935-37; orchestrated 1955-56), Introitus, Vars. 1-13, 17-19, 22-26
Sordano, Andrea ( – )
**Castelli di carta for Large Ensemble with Piano
Sørensen, Bent (1958- ) Denmark
+Concerto (“La Notte”) (1996-98)
+Concerto No. 2 (“La Mattina”) (2009)
**Concerto No. 3 (“La Sera Estatica”) (2021)
+L’Isola della Città [Island in the City] for Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (2014-
+Mignon for Piano and String Orchestra (2014; part 3 of the trilogy Papillons, 2013-
Sorey, Tyshawn (1980- ) USA
**For Olly Wilson, In Mermoriam for Ensemble with Piano (2021)
Soriano Thebas, Alberto (1915-81) Argentina/Uruguay
+Concerto (1954)
Soro (Barriga), Enrique (1884-1954) Chile
**Concerto in D (1916-19; orig. with soprano obbligato; rev. for piano and orchestra
**Impresiones líricas for String Orchestra and Piano (1908)
Sorohan, Mihai (1975- ) Romania/Norway
**Fantasy No. 1
Sorrell, Neil (1946- ) France/England
**Concerto for Prepared Piano and Gamelan (by 2001)
Sortomme, Richard (1948- ) USA
**Concerto for Piano and Wind Symphony (2020)
Sosa, Raoul (1939- ) Canada
**Concerto for Piano Left-hand and String Orchestra (1989)
Soshinsky, Ivan (1979- ) Russia
**Möbius for Piano, Digital Piano, and Orchestra (2012)
Sosnowski, David J. (1952- ) USA
**Lucifer and Gandhi (2006)
**Ruminations on Providence (from “South Mountain Sketchbook,” 2005)
Sotelo, Mauricio (1961- ) Spain/Germany
**Con segreto sussurro: De Vinculis (Concerto) (2017)
Soto, Pere (1958- ) Spain [Catalonia]
**Concerto (“Bobby Fisher”) (by 2019)
Soto Marín, Andrés ( – ) Costa Rico/USA
**Amalgama for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (2018)
Soto Millán, Eduardo (1956- ) Mexico
**El breve momento de la vida for Psaltery, Piano, and Orchestra (2012)
Sotomski, Jacek (1987- ) Poland
+Enneaszyna for 9 Instruments (2008)
Souffriau, Arsène (1926- ) Belgium
*Concertino for Piano and 15 Instruments, Op. 44
Soukup, Ondrej (1951- ) Czech Republic
**Kolja (film score)
Soukup, Vladimir (1930-2012) Czech Republic
**Concerto (1961)
Soumahoro, Nassir-Kélian a.k.a. “NASS” Canada/Cameroon/France
+Concerto No. 1 (“Faucheuse” [Reaper]) (2020)
+Concerto No. 2 (“Craquel”) (2021)
Sousa, Eduardo (1990- )
**Portimão for Piano and String Orchestra
Sousa, John Philip (1854-1932) USA
**Stars and Stripes Forever for Pianos and Orchestra
Sousa, Phil de
+Concerto No. 2 (“Atlas”) (2019)
Sousa Rocha, Sofia de ( – )
Souster, Tim(othy Andrew James) (1943-94) England
§Sonata for Cello, Piano, 7 Winds, and Percussion (1978-79)
Southam, Ann (1937-2010) Canada
**Figures for Piano and String Orchestra (2001)
Southard, Keane (1987- ) USA
**Concertino for Piano and Wind Ensemble (2015)
**“Classical” Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2011)
**“Mini-Concerto” for Piano and 9 Players (2016/17/19)
Souto, Ramón (1976- ) Spain
**In Sospenso for Piano, Percussion, and 8 Strings
Soutullo, Eduardo (1968- ) Spain
**Concerto (“That Scream Called Silence”) (2008)
Souza Lima, João de (1898-1982) Brazil
**Concerto in a (premièred 1972)
Sovetov, Andriy Igorovich
**Concerto No. 1 (2020)
+On the Lighter Side for Sinfonietta and Piano (rec. 2020)
Sowerby, Leo (1895-1968) USA
**Ballad of King Estmere for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1922)
**Concerto No. 2 (“Concerto in Miniature”) in E, H. 211 (1932)
**Synconata for Jazz Orchestra with Piano (1924)
**Tramping Tune for Piano and String Orchestra, H. 122c (1917)
Sowiński, Wojciech Albert (1805-80) Ukraine/Poland
**Concerto No. 1 in g, Op. 36 (1831; realized and orchestrated by Artur Słotwiński from
the solo piano reduction he rediscovered in Louisville, KY, in 2013)
Soyka, Ulf Diether (1954- ) Austria
+Concerto No. 1, Op. 5, No. 7 (by 2003)
Spaeth, Paul (1983- ) USA
Spahlinger, Mathias (1944- ) Germany
**Aussageverweigerung/Gegendarstellung [Refusal to Testify/Contradictory
Presentation], 2 Contra-Contexts for Double Quartet clarinet, baritone saxophone, double bass, and piano; bass clarinet, tenor saxophone, cello, and piano
+Inter-mezzo (Concerto) (1986)
Spangler, Erik ( – ) USA
**Sea of Glass
Sparrow, Andrew
+Chiaroscuro Suite (2013)
Spătaru, Cristian ( – ) Moldova
**Gânduri (by 2012)
Spassov, Bojidar (1949- ) Bulgaria/Germany
**L’Ecume des sons (1999)
Spassov, Ivan (1934-96) Bulgaria
+Concerto (1976)
Spassov, Theodosii (1961- ) Bulgaria
**Beyond the Frontiers (by 1995; arr. for kaval, piano, drums, and orchestra)
Spears, Gregory (1977- ) USA
**Brave Men Sail for 17 Players (2007)
**Finishing (2002)
**Sweet for 8 Players (2001)
Spehner, Matthew
**The Ludlow
Spencer, Jacob
**Concerto No. 1 in f, Op. 14 (2016)
Spielberg, Robin (1962- ) USA
**Ireland, An Orchestral Portrait (orig. for piano solo, 2011; orchestrated by Louis
Anthony deLise and arr. by Spielberg & deLise, 2022)
Spielmann, Michael ( – ) Germany
**Heideland for Orchestra and Piano (by 2017)
Spinassi, Edgar (“Tucho”) (1926-83) Argentina
+Rapsodia en tiempo de tango (1952-53; premièred 1962)
Spinner, Leopold (1906-80) Austria
**Concerto, Op. 4 (1948; arr. for piano and chamber orchestra, 1948)
Spinosa, Rossella (early 1980s?- ) Italy
+Contro l’uomo seduto for 2 Pianos and Chamber Orchestra (2008)
Spisak, Michał (1914-65) Poland
**Concerto (1947)
**Concerto giocoso for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (1957)
**Divertimento for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1948)
**Symphonie concertante No. 1 for Orchestra with Piano (1947; piano mainly in IV)
Spitzfaden, Reilly ( – ) USA
**Multiplicity (2015)
Spoliansky, Mischa (1898-1985) Russia/USA
+“Dedication” (from the film “Idol of Paris,” 1948; 4’ version)
+“Dedication” (from the film “Idol of Paris,” 1948; 7’ version, orchestrated by George
L. Zalva)
**“A Voice in the Night” (from the film “Wanted for Murder,” 1946) [666, +940]
+“A Voice in the Night” (from the film “Wanted for Murder,” 1946; arr. &
reconstructed by Heinz Walter Florin, by 2009)
Sporck, Antal (1983- ) Netherlands
**Variations for Piano and Ensemble (1998)
**Concertato for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2000)
Spork, J. [see Stetsyuk]
Spratlan, Lewis (1940- ) USA
**Zoom (2003)
Spratley, Philip (1942- ) England
+Cargoes, Suite for Orchestra with Piano, after the Poem by John Masefield (2010-12)
Spratt, Alasdair (1981- ) Scotland
**Concerto (2008)
Spricht, Elias ( – ) Austria
**Concerto grosso (“Wind aus #Moscow”) for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2015)
**Sonnenfinsternis for Orchestra and Piano (by 2017)
Sprongl, Norbert (1892-1983) Austria
**Concerto No. 3, Op. 97 (1952)
**Concerto No. 4, Op. 100 (1953)
**Concerto No. 5, Op. 165 (1975)
**Passacaglia elegiaca for Piano and String Orchestra (1945)
Squiban, Didier (1959- ) France
+Symphonie Bretagne for Orchestra with Piano and Chorus (2004; excerpt performed
as “Suite symphonique Bretagne”)
Šrajer, Antonín ( – ) Czech Republic
**Concerto (by 2022)
**Variation in Czech Paradise (by 2022)
Srinivasan, Asha (1980- ) USA
**Svara-lila for Ens. with Piano (2012)
Srnka, Jiří (1907-82) Czechoslovakia
**Concerto for Flute, String Orchestra, and Piano (1974)
+Moon Over the River (suite from the film, 1953)
Srnka, Miroslav (1975- ) Czech Republic
**Concerto (2012)
Šrom, Karel (1904-81) Czechoslovakia
**Concerto (1961)
Staats, Richard C. ( – ) USA
**Concerto in G (2009)
Stabler, Gerhard (1949- )
**Dream for Soprano, Saxophone, Cello, Piano, and Ensemble (1992)
**Internet 4 (Adriatico)
Stack, Andy James ( – ) United Kingdom
**Concerto in a for Piano, Violin, and Orchestra, I-II
Stack, Colin ( – ) USA
**Another Roadside Attraction (2003)
**Pinky’s First Day Out (1999)
Staempfli, Edward (1908-2002) Switzerland
**Concertino for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1947)
**Concerto No. 2 (1933)
**Concerto for 2 Pianos and String Orchestra (1932)
Staern, Benjamin (1978- ) Sweden
**Bells and Waves, Chamber Symphony (2010)
Stafford, Patrick ( – ) Canada
**Candid Moment (by 2010)
Stafylakis, Harry (1982- ) Canada/USA
**Arc of Horizon for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (2015)
**Concerto No. 1 (“Mythos”) (2023): Prologue. Creation; Sonata. Legend; Scherzo.
Destruction; Fantasy. Lullaby
**Flows Obsidian for 8 Players (2019)
Stahl, Michal ( – )
**Concerto I for Piano, Chorus, and Orchestra
Stainov [see Staynov]
Stallaert, Alphonse (1920-95) Netherlands/France
**Concerto (1950)
Stamatelatos, Dimitris ( – ) Greece
**Tango for 2 Pianos and Orchestra
Stamitz, Carl (Philipp) (1745-1801) Germany
§Concerto in F (1783)
Stamm, Hans-André (1958- ) Germany
**Celtic Concerto
**Concertino for 2 Violins, Piano, and Strings (2002)
**Per aspera ad astra
**Uber täler und höhen (Over Hills and Valleys)
Stammers, Sophie ( – ) England
**Concerto in c-sharp, I
Stanchev, Pavlin ( – ) Bulgaria
**Concerto (“In memoriam Bonka Kavatcheva”) (2017), I
**Story of My Life (Poem) (2023)
Stańczyk, Marcin (1977- ) Poland
+A due for Rhodes Piano, Orchestra, and Electronics (2017)
**Nibiru for Clarinet, Cello, Double Bass, Piano, Electric Guitar, and Percussion
**Westchnienia [Sighs] for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (2008-10/12)
Standel, Philip R. ( – ) USA
**Chamber Concerto for Flute, Oboe, B-flat Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, Violin, Viola,
Cello, and Piano (2011)
**Concerto (2008/20)
**Variations in C on a Wrong Note Tune for Piano, String Orchestra, and Percussion
(by 2021)
Standford, Patric (1939-2014) England
+Taiyoku (Symphony No. 4) for 2 Pianos and Percussion (1975)
Stănescu, Mihai ( – ) Romania/Malaysia
**Concertino (by 2020)
Stanford, Charles Villiers (1852-1924) Ireland
§Concerto in B-flat (1873)
§Concerto No. 1 in G, Op. 59 (1895)
§Concerto No. 2 in c, Op. 126 (1911)
+Concerto No. 3 in E-flat, Op. 171 (1919; original full score lost; new orchestration by
Geoffrey Bush, 1998)
§Concert Variations in c upon an English Theme “Down Among the Dead Men,” Op. 71
Stanford, Trevor Herbert [see Conway]
Stanič, Žiga (1973- ) Slovenia
**Concerto (2015)
Stankiewicz, Fryderyk ( – ) Poland
**Christmas Oratorio (2005; 4 movements arr. for 2 vocalists and orchestra with 21
pianos, by 2016): Pukanie [Knocking]; Ta Noc [This Night]; Opowiedz mi Mamo [Tell
Me, Mama]; Zwiastowanie [Annunciation]
Stankovych, Yevhen (1942- ) Ukraine
**Chamber Symphony No. 9 (“Quid pro quo”) for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2000)
**Chamber Symphony No. 10 (“Dictum No. 2”) for Piano and String Orchestra (2010)
**Music to the Radio Performance of N. Gogol’s “The Night before Christmas” (2002)
**Symphony No. 6 (“Dictum”) for Small Orchestra with Piano (1987)
Stanley, Bryan ( – ) USA
**“Cardinal” Concerto (2016)
Stanojević, Vera (1965- ) Serbia/USA
**Dedication for Piano and Wind Symphony (2018)
Stanton, Zach (1983- ) USA
**Concerto for Piano and Wind Ensemble (2012)
Staples, James (1934-2023) USA
§Concerto (1995-96)
+Windsprint for Piano, Percussion, and Wind Ensemble (1991)
Starer, Robert (1924-2001) Austria/USA
**Concerto No. 2 (1953)
**Concerto No. 3 (1972)
§Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1996)
Stark, Adam
**Ballade in a for Piano and String Orchestra (2015)
Stark, Brad (1980- ) Canada
**Seraph (Concerto No. 2) for Piano and String Orchestra (2013)
Stark, Bruce (1956- ) USA
**Variations for Piano and String Orchestra (2019)
Starke, Michael J. (1955- )
**Concerto No. 1
Stasiuk, Beau
**Bus Ride Piano Concerto (by 2020), I
Statham, Frank Leslie a.k.a. “Arnold Steck” England
+Riviera Rhapsody (publ. 1955)
Štatkić, Miroslav (1951- ) Serbia
**Dialogues (rec. 1985)
Staub, Victor ( – ) France
**Sous bois
Staud, Johannes Maria (1974- ) Austria
**Im lichte – Music for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2007)
+Polygon (2002)
Stauning, Martin
**Îles en mer d’argent for 8 Players (2016)
Stavans, Darián (1962- ) Mexico
+Chamber Piano Concerto (by 2009)
Stavenhagen, Bernard (1862-1914) Germany
§Concerto in b, Op. 4 (1894)
§Concerto in A, Op. 12 (1912; orchestral part reconstructed by Joachim-Dietrich Link)
Staynov, Petko (1896-1977) Bulgaria
**Thracian Dances Suite, No. 2: Rachenitsa (1925; paraphrase by Viktor Chuchkov)
Steadman-Allen, Ray (1922-2014) England
**Fantasia on “Christ is the Answer” for Piano and Band (1960s)
Stearns, Peter Pindar (1931-2016) USA
**Little Symphony for Piano and Strings
Steck [see Statham]
Stedman, Scott ( – ) USA
**Concerto for Piano, Orchestra, and Choir (2014)
Štědroň, Miloš (1942- ) Czech Republic [see also Piňos]
**Divadlo Tance (Theatrum Chorearum) Concert Scenes [Old and New Renaissance
Dances] for Bass Clarinet, Piano, and Orchestra (1981)
Steegmans, Paul (1957- ) Belgium
**Wals in G
Steen, Ken (1958- ) USA
**Gravity Reconsidered for Piano with Laptop and Orchestra (premièred 2014)
Steen-Andersen, Simon (1976- ) Denmark/Germany
+Concerto for Piano, Sampler, Orchestra, and Video (2014)
Stefanelli, Matthieu (1985- ) France
+Concerto (“Chroma”) for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2013-16)
Stefanou, Konstantinos (1968- ) Greece
**Concerto (c.2009)
Steffan, Joseph Anton [see Štěpán]
Steffen, Wolfgang (1923-93) Germany
**Concertino for Piano and 9 Instruments, Op. 60 (1984)
Stehman, Jacques (1912-75) Belgium
**Concerto in A (1965-72)
**Escapades for Piano and String Orchestra (1968)
Steibelt, Daniel (1765-1823) Germany [see also Viotti]
+Concerto No. 3 in E (“L’Orage”), Op. 33 (1799)
+Concerto No. 5 in E-flat (“À la chasse”), Op. 64 (1802)
+Concerto No. 7 in e (“Grand concerto militaire”) (c.1816)
Steiger, Rand (1957- ) USA
§Double Concerto for Piano, Percussion, and 2 Orchestras (1986)
Steinauer, Mathias (1959- ) Switzerland
**Il rallentamento della sarabanda, Op. 12 (1993-95)
Steinberg, ? ( – ) Germany
**Papillons (by 2021)
Steiner, Isaac (1953- ) Israel
**Associations (Concerto)
Steiner, Max(imilian Raoul Walter) (1888-1971) Austria/USA
**“The Beast with Five Fingers”
“Gone With the Wind” (Tara’s Theme)
+Lucy’s Theme (from “Parrish”)
“Parrish” (three themes from the film)
**Suite from “Casablanca”
*“A Summer Place” (arr. by Robert Docker)
“A Summer Place”(arr. by George Greeley)
§Symphonie moderne (based on a theme by Max Rabinowitsch, from the film “Four
Wives,” 1939; in 1965 expanded by Charles Gerhardt, with the composer’s approval,
and the piano part augmented by Earl Wild)
*Unfinished Sonata (from George Cukor’s film “A Bill of Divorcement,” 1932).
Steiner, Timo (1976- ) Estonia [see also Shostakovich; Tchaikovsky]
**“and then leave all that you have and go. . .” (2017)
+Master of Snow-Horses (Concerto for Children) for Piano and Chamber Orchestra
**Music for Gerda Kordemets-Kulli’s documentary “Estonian Stories. Snow Horse
Whisperer” (2007; later used as the first part of “Master of Snow-Horses,” above)
One Day… In Great Halls… (Concerto for Children) for Piano and Chamber Orchestra
Steinmetz, Werner (1959- ) Austria
**Solo und Kammermusik for Violin, Piano, Timpani, and String Orchestra (1994)
Stelmakh, Andrey (1987- ) Ukraine
**Concerto (2012), I (recording of the complete work only available in a reduction for
piano quintet)
Stemper, Frank (1951- ) USA
**Secrets of War (Concerto) (2003)
Stenhammar, Wilhelm (1871-1927) Sweden
§Concerto No. 1 in b-flat, Op. 1 (1893; original version)
§Concerto No. 1 in b-flat, Op. 1 (1893; reconstructed 1946 by Kurt Atterberg)
§Concerto No. 2 in d, Op. 23 (1904-7)
Stenov, Michael (1962- ) Austria
**Concerto in e, Op. 58 (2015)
Stenz, Michael [see Inden]
Stěpán [Steffan], Josef Antonín (1726-97) Bohemia
§Concerto in B-flat (1780s)
**Concerto in E-flat
Štĕpánek, Jiří (1917-2012) Czech Republic
+Promĕna [Metamorphoses] for Piano, Chamber Orchestra, and Percussion (1966,
music for a fairy-tale ballet)
Stepanian, Haro (1897-1966) Armenia
**Concerto, Op. 73 (1959)
Stepec, Matthieu (1987- ) France
**Concerto No. 1 in C (2001)
**Concerto No. 2 in A (2002; 2 mvts. only)
**Concerto No. 3 in D (2003-4; 2 mvts. only)
**Concerto No. 4, Op. 9 (2004)
Stephan, Rudi (1887-1915) Germany
**Music for 7 Stringed Instruments (1911; arr. by Gotthold Ephraïm Lessing for string
orchestra, harp, and piano)
Stephanescu, George ( – )
**Homage à Haydn
Stephanidis, Demosthenes ( – ) Greece
•Greek Folk Dances (2 sets of 7 dances each)
•Greek Folk Rhapsody No. 1
•Greek Folk Rhapsody No. 2
•Greek Folk Rhapsody No. 3
Stephanidis, Dimos (1957- ) Greece/Germany
**Fantasy No. 2 (2020; based on the fairy tale “The Thief of Watermelon” by Christos
Stephens, Evan
+Concerto No. 1 in e, Op. 45 (by 2020)
+Concerto No. 2 in E-flat, Op. 52 (by 2020)
+Concerto No. 3 in a (by 2021)
Stephens, Joseph Gentry (1972- ) USA
+The Gospel of Thomas for Chorus, Piano, and Strings (2002)
Stephenson, Alex (1990- ) USA
**Chamber Concerto for 9 Players with Electronics (2022)
Stephenson, Allan (1949- ) South Africa
§Concerto (1977)
Stephenson III, James M. (1969- ) USA
**Concerto (2021)
**Concerto (“The Russian”) for Trumpet, Piano, and String Orchestra (2007)
Stephenson, Josephine (1990- ) France/England
**Disquiet for 15 Players (2016)
Stephenson, Richard [Rick]
**Concerto (2021)
Sterkel, Johann Franz Xaver (1750-1817) Germany
§Concerto No. 1 in C, Op. 20 also listed as Op. 18
§Concerto No. 2 in D, Op. 26, No. 1 (1788)
Stern, Marcel (1909-89) France
**Concerto (by 1965)
Stern, Max (1947- ) USA/Israel
+Concerto (“Dominus Illuminatio Mea” [The Lord is My Light], after Psalm 27) (rec. 2018)
+Jacob Struggling with the Angel (1991)
Stern, Moritz
**Concerto No. 1 in C
Stetino, Rolf ( – )
**Music (Variations) for Piano and Brass
Stetsyuk, Alexander (1941-2007) Ukraine
**Elegy in Memory of Viktor Kosenko
Stevens, Bernard (George) (1916-83) England
§Concerto, Op. 26 (1950-55/81)
Stevens, James (1923-2012) England
§Concertetto Concitato (1960)
Stevens, James Michael (1961- ) USA
**Winter Fantasy for Orchestra with Piano (2004)
Stevens, Leith (1909-70) USA
**Concerto in c (“Concerto for Sweeney” from the film “Night Song,” 1947)
§Concerto in c (“Concerto for Sweeney” from the film “Night Song,” 1947; expanded
version realized from Stevens’s sketches by Santiago Rodriguez, including a twominute
solo piano piece from the film score)
Stevenson, Ronald (1928-2015) England
§Concerto No. 1 (“Faust Triptych”) (1959-60)
§Concerto No. 2 (“The Continents”) (1970-72)
Stewart, David Nisbet (1941- ) USA
+Concerto (2008)
Stewart, Henry Breneman (1992- ) USA
**Sun Will Rise in Black (premièred 2017)
Stewart, Louis (1944- ) USA
§Tango from “Shanghai Lil’s” (from his off-Broadway show, 1997)
§Prelude to “Cambodia Agonistes” (from his off-Broadway show, 1992)
Stewart, Seth ( – ) USA/France
**Three Muses for 11 Players
Sthamer, Heinrich (1885-1955) Germany
+Concerto No. 1 in B, Op. 9 (1913)
Stibilj, Milan (1929-2014) Slovenia
+Congruences (1963)
Stikhin, Yevgeny (1932- ) Russia
**Concerto (1956)
**Concerto (1956) [I from dev. section forward; II-III complete]
Stiles, David ( – )
**Springtime Fantasia
Stiles, Frank (1924-2017) England
**Concerto, 6’ excerpt
Still, William Grant (1895-1978) USA
**Africa (1931)
**Caribbean Suite for Piano, Voices, and Orchestra
§Dismal Swamp (1936)
+Ennanga for Harp, Piano, and String Orchestra (1956)
*Get on Board for Piano, Strings, and Winds
§Kaintuck’ (1935)
**Lenox Avenue for Piano, Chorus, and Orchestra
+Miss Sally’s Party for Orchestra with Piano (ballet, 1940)
+Out of the Silence for Flute, Piano, and String Orchestra (arr. from the fourth of his 7
Traceries for piano, 1939)
**Phantom Chapel for String Orchestra and piano (arr. from the piano suite “Bells,” I,
**Serenade (orig. for orchestra, 1957; arr. by the composer for string orchestra and
Stips, Robert Jan (1950- ) Netherlands
**Hjuvi, A Rhapsody in Time for Large Orchestra with Piano and Male Vocalist (1992)
Ştirbu, Liviu (1953- ) Moldova
**Concerto, excerpt (III?)
Stitt, Joshua R. ( – ) USA
**Music for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2013)
Stitt, Michael (1961- ) Australia/United Arab Emirates
**Concerto (2017)
**Peace (symphonic poem, 2017/22)
Stockhausen, Karlheinz (1928-2007) Germany
**Formel for Piano and 28 Instruments (1951)
+Kontra-Punkte for 10 Instruemnts, Op. 1 (1952/53)
Stockton, Marcia ( – ) USA
**Concerto in D, Op. 26 (1996), I-II
Stockwell, Bradleigh S. ( – ) USA
**“Diana” Variations for Piano, Organ, and Orchestra (by 2016), I
Stoddard, Martha ( – ) USA
**Gait Changes (2013)
Stodolnik, Serge ( – ) Russia/USA
**“Rachmaninoff Concerto No. 6”
Stoessel, Albert Frederic (1894-1943) USA
•Concerto grosso for String Orchestra with Piano Obbligato (1934-35; rehearsal,
Stöhr, Richard born Richard Franz Stern Austria/USA
+Concerto in the Old Style for Strings, Piano, and Percussion, Op. 68 (1937)
Stoikov, Todor (1932-93) Bulgaria
**Concerto No. 1 (1972)
Stojadinović-Milić, Milana (1962- ) Serbia
+Aurora Borealis (1990)
+Duo Simbolico (1995)
Stojanović, Andrej (2012- ) Serbia/Norway
**New Year’s March (2020)
**Waltz for Narni (by 2021)
Stojanović, Petar (1877-1957) Serbia
**Concerto in A for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra, Op. 110 (1950)
Stojowski, Sigismond [Zygmunt] (Denis Antoni) (1869-1946) Poland/USA
§Concerto No. 1 in f-sharp, Op. 3 (1890)
§Concerto No. 2 in A-flat (Prologue, Scherzo, and Variations), Op. 32 (1909-10)
§Rhapsodie symphonique, Op. 23 (1898)
Stokes, Eric (1930-99) USA
**Concert Music (1982)
Stokes, Phil (1981- ) USA
**The Emperor’s Daughter (2019)
Stolarczyk, Willy (1945- ) Denmark
**Symphony for 96 Pianos and Percussion
Stolyar, Roman (1967- ) Russia
**In a Free Play
Stolz, Robert ( – )
+Ich Hab Den Weingorn
Stöpler, Emiel F. A. J. ( – ) Netherlands
**Elegy for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2018)
Stoppelenburg, Willem (1943- ) Netherlands
**Variations for Winds, Piano, and Percussion (1986)
Storm, Staffan (1964- ) Sweden
**Shattered Night (Concerto) (2010)
Stormbringer, Righard ( – ) S. Africa
**Concerto (2019), I
Storring, Nick (1981- ) Canada
**Hypnic Jerk (2013)
Störrle, Heinz (1933-99) Germany
**“Silberne Wolken” [Silver Clouds], Intermezzo (c.1965)
Stöver, Gero (1968- ) Germany
**Concertino No. 1 (2022), I-II
**Concertino No. 2 (2022)
**Hymn of the Lost Sea Republic for Piano and String Orchestra (2022)
**Liberace’s Tears for Piano, Harpsichord, Harp, String Orchestra, Fender Bass,
Percussion, and Choir (2001/22)
Stoyanov, Pencho (1931- ) Bulgaria
**Concertino for Piano and String Orchestra (1983)
**Concerto for 2 Pianos and String Orchestra (1990)
Stoyanov, Vesselin (1902-69) Bulgaria
§Concerto No. 1 in a (1941-42)
+Concerto No. 2 in d (1952)
+Concerto No. 3 in B-flat (1966)
Stoyanova, Margarita Nikolaeva ( – ) Bulgaria
**Rondo (c.2000)
Stoykov [see Stoikov]
Stradomski, Rafał (1958- ) Poland
+Concerto for Piano, 4 Saxophones, and Strings (1998)
Straesser, Ewald (1867-1933) Germany
**Concerto in e, Op. 8 (1889, publ. 1896)
Straffelini, Nicola (1965- ) Italy
**In grigio d’acqua for Piano and String Orchestra (1994)
Straight, Willard (1930- ) USA
**Concerto (1956)
Straižys, Vytautus (1988- ) Lithuania
**Ballad for Jazz Piano Trio and String Orchestra (2007)
Strand, Leif (1942- ) Sweden
+Solkatternas vals
Strang, Gerald (1908-83) USA
**Concerto for Cello, Piano, and Winds (1951)
Stranz, Ulrich (1946-2004) Germany
**Aus demn Zusammen Lang for Piano and 8 Instruments
+Janus for Violin, Piano, and 13 Winds (1986)
**Music for Piano and Orchestra No. 1 (1978/82)
+Music for Piano and Orchestra No. 2 (1992)
+Nicht mehr—Noch nicht for Piano and Ensemble (1971/81)
Strasnoy, Oscar (1970- ) Argentina/France
+Concerto (“Kuleshov”) [Création] for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2017)
Strässer, Ewald [see Straesser]
Strauch, Alexander (1971- ) Germany
**“tacktack-tickticktick-tocktocktocktock” (Concertino) for Piano and Symphonic Wind
Orchestra (2018)
Strauman, Edward ( – ) USA
**Compendious Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2017)
Straume, Egils (1950- ) Latvia
**Ch + Ch (Chernobyl + Challenger 86) (1989)
Straus, Jan (1991- ) Belgium
**Concertino in A for Piano and Clarinet Ensemble (2008)
Straus, Oscar (1870-1954) Austria
+Concerto in b (1893)
**From Strauss to Strauss
+Leise, ganz leise klingt’s durch den raum
Strauss, Johann (Baptist) (1804-49) Austria
**Radetzky March, Op. 228 (1848; arr. for piano and string orchestra by Lorenzo
**Wiener Gemuts-Walzer, Op. 116 (1839; arr. by Weinmann)
Strauss, Johann (Baptist), II (1825-99) Austria [see also Michael Charles Clark; Walter
**Eine Nacht in Venedig, Op. 411 (1883)
+Die Fledermaus Overture (arr. for violin, piano, and orchestra)
**Rosen aus dem Suden, Op. 388 (1880; arr. by Arnold Schönberg)
**Schatz-Walzer, Op.418 (1885; arr. by Anton Webern)
**Tritsch-Tratsch Polka, Op. 214 (1858; arr. for piano 4-hands and ensemble)
**Wein, Weib, und Gesang, Op. 333 (1869; arr. by Alban Berg)
Strauss, Josef (1827-70) Austria
+Dorfschwalben aus Österreich [Village Swallows from Austria] (concert-paraphrase
on the themes of the waltz by Eduard Schütt; introduction, orchestration and cadenza
by Boris Mersson, 1946)
+The Dragonfly
Strauss, Richard (Georg) (1864-1949) Germany
+Bürger als Edelmann [Bourgeois Gentilhomme] for Small Orchestra and Piano, Op.
60 (1917)
§Burleske in d, Op. 12 (1885-86)
§Panathenaënzug for Piano Left-Hand and Orchestra, Op. 74 (1927)
§Parergon zur Sinfonia Domestica for Piano Left-Hand and Orchestra, Op. 73 (1924)
Stravinsky, Igor Fyodorovich (1882-1971) Russia/USA
+Capriccio (1928-29; orig. version)
§Capriccio (1928-29; revised ed., 1949)
+Concerto for Piano and Winds (1923-24; orig. version)
§Concerto for Piano and Winds (1923-24; revised ed., 1950)
§Movements (1958-59)
§Les Noces for 4 Pianos, Voices, Chorus, and Percussion Ensemble (1917/23)
§Petrushka (1911; orig. version)
+Petrushka (1911; revised ed., 1947)
**Ragtime for 11 Instruments, including Piano (replacing the Cimbalom) (1918)
+Symphony of Psalms for Mixed Chorus and Orchestra with 2 Pianos (1930)
§Symphony of Psalms for Mixed Chorus and Orchestra with 2 Pianos (1930/48)
**Variations: Aldous Huxley in Memoriam
Strayhorn, Billy William Thomas USA
**A Lovesome Thing: Billy Strayhorn Suite [Strayhorn Concerto] (premièred 2022; arr.
by Chris Walden from the songs “A Flower is a Lovesome Thing,” “Strange Feeling,”
and “Something to Live For”)
Streich, Lisa (1985- ) Sweden
**Laster for Motorized Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2018-19)
**Ofelia for Large Ensemble, Motorized Piano, and 4 Loudspeakers (2022)
Strigotsky-Pak, Vladimir (1947- ) Kazakhstan
**Exercise for Violin, Piano, and String Orchestra (2002)
Strniště, Jiří (1914-91) Czechoslovakia
**Suite (“Evening Meetings”) (1957)
Strock [Strok], Oskar (1893-1975) Russia [Latvia]
**Tango “Tell Me Why?” (by 1932; arr. for piano, violin, cello, accordion, and
orchestra by Melani Mestre)
Stroe, Aurel (1932-2008) Romania
+Muzică de concert for Piano, 4 Percussion, and 12 Brass (1964)
Stroganov, Fedor
**Melody of Love for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2018)
Strømholm, Folke (1941- ) Norway
Concerto, Op. 12 (1966)
Stronge, Barry ( – ) England
**Bagatelle (2008)
Stroppa, Marco (1959- ) Italy
+Concerto (“Upon a Blade of Grass”) (1996)
Strouse, Charles (1928- ) USA
**Concerto America (2002; composed to commemorate 9/11 and the spirit of New York
Strubhar Ross, Judy (1922- ) USA
•Capriccio (by 1944)
Struck, Rainer (1952- ) Germany
**Ambient Rhapsody
**Elvenlight Concert
**“Endless” for Cello, Piano, and Orchestra
**“Go, Elf, Go”
**“Left Behind”
Struk [Struck], Pavel Paul Ukraine/Russia
**Concerto grosso No. 1 for 2 Clarinets, Piano, and String Orchestra (1999)
Strukov, Alexander ( – ) [see Piano Schloss Concerto Series 13-14]
Strzelecki, Marcin Tomasz (1975- ) Poland
+Consciousness—Kilda II for Orchestra with Piano (c.2008)
Strzelecki, Paweł (1975- ) Poland
**Concerto (2012)
**Summer Dreams for 14 Players and Electronics (2008)
Stuart, Chaz ( – ) USA
**Canons and Corpses for Large Chamber Ensemble with Piano (2012)
Stuart-Coolidge, Peggy (1913-81) USA
**Melody Out of the Night (1960)
+Smoky Eyes (1955)
+Twilight City (rec. 1954)
Studtrucker, Volkmar (1960- ) Germany
**Concerto No. 1, Op. 10 (premièred 2007), excerpts
**Concerto No. 2, Op. 21 (premièred 2022), II
Stuessy, Joseph (1943- ) USA
§Concerto No. 1 (1970)
§Concerto No. 2 (1993)
Štuhec, Igor (1932- ) Slovenia
**Minikoncert for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1967)
Stuppner, Hubert (1944- ) Italy
**Concerto No. 1 (1983/84)
**Concerto No. 2 (1986)
Sturms, Arnolds (1912-99) Latvia
**Concerto No. 2 (1982)
Su, Chen-Hsin (1989- ) Taiwan
**Capricious Concerto (2009-10)
**Capricious Theme and Variations (2010)
Su, Harry (2006- ) China/Australia
**Concerto in f (“Dreams”), Op. 6 (2022-23), I-II
Suber, Stephen (1950- ) USA
§Concerto (“Enchantments”) (with chamber orchestra, 1992; with full orchestra, 1994)
Subotnick, Morton (1933- ) USA
**All My Hummingbirds Have Alibis for Piano, Midi Keyboard, Cello, Flute, E.A.R.
Unit, Midi Mallets, Speaker, and Computer (1991)
**And the Butterflies Begin to Sing for Piano, Midi Keyboard, String Quartet, Double
Bass, and Computer (1988)
+Key to Songs for 2 Pianos, Computer, and Chamber Orchestra (1985)
Suchoň, Eugen (1908-93) Czechoslovakia
**Concerto, fragment [Piece concertante] in a, ESD 20 (1926)
**Elegie and Toccata, ESD 103 (orig. for piano solo, 1978 and 1973; arr. for piano,
percussion, and string orchestra, 1983)
+Kaleidoscope for Piano (or Organ), String Orchestra, and Timpani, ESD 89b (1971;
orchestrated version of the solo piano cycle, 1966)
I. Moderato—Sostenuto
II. 3 Romantic Pieces (To the Memory of Josef Suk) [Allegro, Andante, Vivace,
quasi Scherzo (attacca)]
III. Meditation and Dance (To the Memory of Bartók) [Adagio ma non troppo,
Allegro barbaro]
IV. Impromptu with Variations and Finale (To the Young Slovak Generation)
[Impromptu. Semplice, Variation I. Poco lento, Variation II. Largo improvizando
– Finale]
V. 3 Parts from Contemplations (To the Unknown Hero of the Slovak National
VI. 6 Intermezzi (To the Memory of Skryabin)
**Rhapsodic Suite, Op. 20, ESD 87a (1964)
Suckling, Martin (1981- ) Scotland
+Concerto (2014-16)
Suder, Joseph (1892-1980) Germany
**Concerto [Adagio and Rondo] for Piano, Clarinet, and Orchestra (1938, with clarinet
part only in the Adagio)
§Concerto [Adagio and Rondo] for Piano, Clarinet, and Orchestra (1938; rev. 1978,
with clarinet part in the Rondo as well as the Adagio)
Suderburg, Robert Charles (1936-2013) USA
*Concerto (“Within the Mirror of Time”) (1974)
Suderman, Litanael
**Concerto No. 2 (2023)
Sueoka, Takehiko (1957- ) Japan
**Concerto (orig. for piano solo, 1973; versions for piano & brass band and piano &
orchestra, 2013)
Suesse, [Nadine] Dana (1909-87) USA
**American Nocturne (1956; rec. 1941?)
**Blue Moonlight (orig. for piano solo, 1935)
+Concerto in Three Rhythms (1932; orchestrated by Ferde Grofé)
§Concerto romantico in A (1946)
+Concerto in e for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1934-41)
§Jazz Concerto in D for Combo and Orchestra (1955; orig. titled Concerto in Rhythm)
+Jazz Nocturne (orig. for piano solo, 1931; orchestrated by Carroll Huxley)
**Symphonic Waltzes (8) (1933)
Sugár, Reszö (1919-88) Hungary
**Rondo for Piano and String Orchestra (1952)
**Rondo (1952; version for piano and wind orchestra)
Sugiyama, Toru ( – ) Japan
**Concerto No. 1 for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 50
**Concerto No. 2
**Concerto No. 3
Suilamo, Harri (1954- ) Finland
**Naala for Piano and Ensemble
Suits, Brian (1966- ) USA
**Concerto (2003)
Šukajlo [Shukailo], Lyudmila Federovna (1942- ) Ukraine
**Concerto for Piano and Orchestra (1966)
**Concerto (“Youth”) for Piano and String Orchestra (1994)
**Suite for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (1989)
Sukarlan, Ananda (1968- ) Indonesia
**Fantasia on Ismail Marzuki’s “Indonesia Pusaka” (premièred 2014)
Sukegawa, Toshiya (1930-2015) Japan
§The Eternal Morning 1945.8.6 (1983)
Suken [see Shuken, Leo]
Sukhi Kang [see Kang]
Sukman, Harry (1912-84) USA
§Nightfall (from the film “Gog,” 1954)
**Nightfalls into Starlight (from the film “The Naked Runner,” 1967; an expanded
version of the above)
+Pixie Holiday
Suleiman, Ryan (1990- ) USA
**Concerto (2020), excerpts
Šulek, Stjepan (1914-86) Croatia
**Concerto No. 1 in B-flat (1948-49)
**Concerto No. 2 in c-sharp (1951-52)
**Concerto No. 3 in C (1970)
Suleyman, Nigar ( – ) Azerbaijan
**Dance of Darkness (by 2017)
Sullivan, Matthew ( – ) USA
**Concertino (2010-20)
Sullivan, Timothy Richard (1954- ) Canada
+Polychrome for Orchestra with Piano (2008)
**Pro Tempore (Chamber Concerto) (1980)
Sultan, Inan
**Concerto No. 1 (Tempestuous Semester) (by 2018)
Sulzenbacher, Rudolf (1967- ) Austria/France
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2023)
Sumera, Lepo (1950-2000) Estonia
§Concerto (1987; original version)
§Concerto (1987; revised edition, 1997)
**3 Wonders of the World (Concerto for Young People) for Piano and String Orchestra
Šuminov [Shuminov], Yury Dmitryevich (1931- ) Russia
**Concerto No. 2 (by 2014)
Summerhays, Mike (1959- ) USA
**Concerto No. 1
**Concerto No. 2
**Concerto No. 3
**Short Concerto No. 1
**Short Concerto No. 2
Sun, Jenny Ying-chieh Taiwan
**Capriccio for Piano and Ensemble (by 2016)
Sun Keting (1993- ) China/England
**+-polarity for Large Ensemble (2018)
Sun, Richard
**Concerto (“Wonderland”) in A (2019)
Sung, Albert ( – ) Belgium
**Concerto No. 1 (2007-8)
Sup, Derek ( – ) USA
**Concerto No. 1 (“Debra’s Recital”) (2017)
Šupák, Michal (1988- ) Czech Republic
**Encounters (by 2017)
**Fantasy for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (by 2009)
**Night Train (2017)
**Signals (by 2021)
Suppe, Franz von (1819-95) Austria
Suprayitno, Joko
**Beatles Suite (by 2013)
Surace [see Caratelli Surace]
Surdin, Morris (191-79) Canada/USA
**Dances from “The Remarkable Rocket” (ballet, 1961)
Suria, Luis ( – ) Spain
**Jerez, Impresiones sinfónicas (by 2016)
Surillo, Omar (1979- ) Puerto Rico
**Partner in Crime (2010)
Surinach, Carlos (1915-97) Spain
§Concertino for Piano, Strings, and Cymbals (1956)
+Concerto (1973)
§Doppio Concertino [Double Concerto] for Violin, Piano, and 9 Instruments (1954)
Surmendi, Diana ( – ) Venezuela
**Concertino (“Epíclesis del Espíritu”) (2013)
Susi Lopez, José (1945- ) Spain
**Concerto for Tenor Sax, Piano, Percussion, and Strings, Op. 14 (1989)
Susman, William Joseph (1960- ) USA
+Concerto (2011)
Süss, Reinhard (1961- ) Austria
+Concerto (“Fortunata Desperata”) for Piano and Chamber Ensemble (by 2001)
+Double Concerto No. 1 for Violin, Piano, and Chamber Orchestra (by 2017)
Süsse, Ulrich (1944- ) Germany
**No Player for Coloratura Soprano, Flute, Alto Saxophone, Trombone, 2 Pianos, Live
Electronics, Electro-mechanical Pinball Machine, and 2-Channel Tape (1982)
Sussman, Ari (1993- ) USA
**Into the Mind for Vibraphone, Piano, and Orchestra (2011/13)
Sussman, Jasper Wald ( – ) USA
**Thermodynamics for Piano and Unspecified Mixed Ensemble (2010)
Sussman, Richard ( – )
Suter, Robert (1919-2008) Switzerland
+Concertino for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1998; a revision of the Kleines Konzert,
**Kleines Konzert for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1948)
Sutermeister, Heinrich (1910-95) Switzerland
**Concerto No. 1 (1942-43)
+Concerto No. 2 (1953-54)
**Marche fantastique for Large Orchestra with Piano (1950)
Sutherland, Gavin (1972- ) England
+Air für Zwei (1997)
Sutherland, Nicholas
**Poème symphonique in e-flat, Op. 15
Sutter, Jules-Toussaint de [see De Sutter]
Suzuki, Hitoshi ( – )
**Concerto No. 1 in a (2007)
Suzuki, Rika (1960- ) Japan
**Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2021)
Sveinsson, Atli Heimir (1938-2019) Iceland
+Concerto Serpentinada
**Hlymi for Orchestra with Piano (1965)
Sverdlov-Ashkenazy, Vladimir (1976- ) Russia
**Andante for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (in memory of Dmitry Kogan) (by 2018)
**Fantasy (in memory of his grandfather, David Ashkenazy; premiered 2015)
**Schumanniana for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2019)
Svetiev, Boris ( – ) Macedonia
**Concert Etudes
Svetlanov, Yevgeny Fyodorovich (1928-2002) Russia
§Concerto in c (1950/76)
Svetova, Irena ( – ) Israel
**Concerto for Piano, Soprano, and Chamber Orchestra (by 2010)
Sviridov, Georgy [Yury] Vasil’yevich (1915-98) Russia
+Music for Chamber Orchestra (1964; arr. from the Quintet for Piano and Strings,
1945) [+360, +1647]
**Romance for Pan Flute, Piano, and Orchestra
+“Time, Forward” (film score, 1965):
Svoboda, Karel ( – )
**Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel (film score)
**Sen Klaviristy (1977)
Svoboda, Milan (1951- )
+Concerto grosso for Violin, Piano, and String Orchestra (1999)
**Good News from Beyond
**In the Sign of Sagittarius
+Mowgli: Suite from the Ballet
Svoboda, Tomáš (1939- ) France/Czechoslovakia/USA
§Concerto No. 1, Op. 71 (1974)
§Concerto No. 2, Op. 134 (1989)
Swan, Andrew
**Concerto No. 2 (“Grief”) (2021)
Swank, Jasper
**Vermoeden [Suspicion] for Orchestra with Piano (by 2018)
Sweeney, Lucas
**Concerto No. 1 in E-flat, Op. 3 (2023)
**Concerto (“La Tragédie”) (2023)
Swerling, Joshua
**Concerto, No. 1, I-II
Swerts, Piet (1960- ) Belgium
**Concerto No. 1 (1984)
+Concerto No. 2 (“Rotations”) (1986)
**Concerto No. 3 (“Enigma”) (1991)
**Concerto No. 5 (“Wings”) for Piano and Symphonic Band (2002)
**Concerto No. 6 (“Indian Summer”) (2012)
**Double Concerto (“Passions”) for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2017)
**Double Concerto (“Passions”) (2017; version for 2 pianos and wind orchestra),
Badinerie; Cadence; and Final (Feu) only
**Double Concerto for Soprano Saxophone, Piano, and String Orchestra (2016)
+Double Concerto for Trumpet, Piano, and String Orchestra (2016)
Świder, Józef (1930-2014) Poland
**Concertino da camera for Chamber Ensemble with Piano [5 gruppi concertanti]
**Concerto (1953-55)
**Evocations for Piano and String Orchestra (1982)
Swienty, Claus (1955- ) Germany
**Fantasy (2008)
Świerzyński, Michał (1868-1957) Poland
Concerto (1948)
Swisher, Gloria (1935- ) USA
+Niigata No Sumie [Black Ink Impressions of Niigata], Concertino for Piano and
Chamber Orchestra (1984)
+Suite for Wind Sinfonietta and Piano (1958)
Sydeman, William (Jay) (1928-2021) USA
+Concertino (rec. 2010)
**Concerto for Piano 4-Hands and Orchestra (1967)
Sydney Jones, Michael ( – ) Australia
**Concerto (“Calls From the North”) (by 2018)
Sykes, Charles ( – ) USA
**Broken Mirrors for Piano and 4 Orchestras (by 2018)
Sykias, Dimitri (1962- ) Greece
•In a Given Circle to Inscribe for Piano and 2 String Quartets (2002)
Sylvestre, Anthony (1977- ) France
**Clouds for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2018)
**Hachikō (by 2020)
**Lacrimosa for Choir, Piano, and String Orchestra (2017)
Symann, Ralph (1974- ) Germany
+Concerto in G, Op. 6 (by 2017)
+Fantasia in d for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 1 (by 2015)
Symonds, Norman (1920-98) Canada
**A Democratic Concerto for Jazz Quartet and Orchestra (1967)
**Nameless Hour for Jazz Soloist and String Orchestra (1966)
Synnott, Andrew (1970- ) Ireland
**Waiting for Elvira (premièred 2021; written as a prelude to Mozart’s Concerto, K.
Syroyid, Bohdan (1995- ) Ukraine/Spain
**“Capricho Andaluz” (Concerto) for Piano and String Orchestra (2016)
Sys, Hans Vlig van der pseud. of Willem Hans van der Sys Netherlands
**“Rainbow Concerto” (with Christian Schmitz-Steinberg [1920-80]; publ. 1967)
Syvinki, Esko (1943- ) Finland
+Concerto No. 1, Op. 4 (1978)
Szabados, György (1939-2011) Hungary
**Composition for Piano, Reeds, and Percussion with String Orchestra
Szabelski, Bolesław (1896-1979) Poland
+Concertino (1939-55)
**Concerto (1978)
**Wiersze Verses
**Suite for Orchestra with Piano, Op. 10 (1938)
Szalonek, Witold (1927-2001) Poland
**Little BACH Symphony (1979-81)
Szathmáry, Zsigmond (1939- ) Hungary
**Three Pieces for Orchestra with Piano (2001-2)
Szeghy, Iris (1956- ) Slovakia/Switzerland
**Im Park Meines Vater for Orchestra with Piano (2013)
Székely, Endre (1912-88) Hungary
**Concerto for Piano, Percussion and Chamber Orchestra (1957)
**Musica notturna for Piano, 5 Winds, and 5 Strings (1968)
**Rapsodia concertante (1985)
**Sinfonia concertante [Concertino] for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (1960-61)
Szelényi, István (1904-72) Hungary
**Summa vitae (1956; based on a motive that Liszt notated in the last days of his life and
that Szelényi discovered in the Goethe Archive, Weimar)
Szeligowski, Tadeusz (1896-1963) Poland
+Concerto in D (1941)
Szentpáli, Roland (1977- ) Hungary
**Chill Fantasy for Tuba, Piano, Drum Set (ad lib.), and String Quintet/Orchestra
Szepel, Mojmir
Szeto, Jeanette August ( – )
**Rivière des Tempêtes (2017)
Szilagi, Jacob ( – )
**Amalgam: A Theme and Variations in g (2014)
Szmytka, Jagoda (1982- ) Poland
**Jonction (2006)
Szokolay, Sándor (1931-2013) Hungary
§Concerto, Op. 17 (1958)
§Déploration – Concerto da requiem in memoriam Francis Poulenc for Piano, Chorus,
and Chamber Orchestra, Op. 25 (1964; incorporating text from the Latin Mass for the
Szőnyi, Erzsébet (1924-2019) Hungary
**Three Ideas in Four Movements (1980)
**Trio Concertino for Violin, Cello, Piano, and String Orchestra (1958)
Szpilman, Wladyslaw (1911-2000) Poland
+Concertino (1940)
Szüts, Apor (1993- ) Hungary
**Concert cromatique
**“Family Guy” Concerto (Introduction, Theme, and 11 Variations) (by 2018; orig.
theme by Walter Murphy)
**Variations on a Nursery Tune (“Our Rooster’s Dead”) for Piano, Orchestra, and
Theremin (by 2020)
Szymanowski, Karol (Maciej) (1882-1937) Poland
+Mandragora, Op. 43
§Symphony No. 4 [Symphonie concertante], Op. 60 (1932)
Szymanski, Pawel (1954- ) Poland
**A più corde for Piano and 8 Harps (2010)
+Concerto (1994)
§Lux Aeterna for 2 Pianos, Chamber Choir, and Instrumental Ensemble (1984)
Szymański, Sebastian (1982- ) Poland
**“Hope” and “Maria” (from Passio Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, 2010)
Szymonowicz, Zbigniew (1922-99) Poland
Concerto (1956)