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Music for Piano and Orchestra: The Recorded Repertory (Nov. 2023) “U and V”
Compiled by Dr. Allan B. Ho
Professor emeritus, musicology
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Table of Contents
“U and V”

Uçarsu, Hasan (1965- ) Turkey
**Double Concerto (“Epic of Love”) for Viola, Piano, and Orchestra (2016)
Uematsu, Nobuo (1959- ) Japan [see also Hamauzu]
**Concerto (Final Fantasy; arr. by Roger Wanamo)
+Final Fantasy X (Concerto) (arr. by Roger Wanamo), I. Zanarkand; II. Inori; III.
**Symphonic Odysseys: A Tribute to Nobuo Uematsu (concert with assorted works):
- Opening Fanfare by Nobuo Uematsu 0:00
- Final Fantasy (Concerto for Piano and Orchestra) 3:12
- King’s Knight (“A Pretty Day Out”) 22:55
- Chrono Trigger (“Silent Light”) 28:51
- The Final Fantasy Legend and Final Fantasy Legend II (“Main Theme” and “Save
the World”) 34:39 - Final Fantasy X (“A Fleeting Dream”) 40:50
- The Last Story (“Spreading Your Wings”) 47:14
- Final Fantasy XIV (“On Windy Meadows”) 53:47
- Blue Dragon (“Waterside”) 1:00:33
- Lost Odyssey (Suite: “Prologue (Main Theme)” | “A Formidable Enemy Appears!”
| “A Sad Tolten” | “Dark Saint” | “Light of Blessing / A Letter” | “Epilogue (Main
Theme Reprise)”) 1:07:04 - Encore I: FFX 1:27:39
- Encore II: FFVII 1:32:25
**Waterside (from the soundtrack to “Blue Dragon,” 2006)
Uffing, Filomena E. A. (1968- ) Netherlands/Italy
**Colorissimi ! A Feast of Colours (2010; orchestrated 2012)
Ugarte, Floro (1884-1975) Argentina
**De mi Tierra for Piano and Symphonic Band (orig. for piano solo, 1923-34; arr. by
Pablo Dell’oca Sala)
Ugoletti, Paolo (1956- ) Italy
+Concerto for Soprano Saxophone, Piano, and String Orchestra (2013)
Uğur, Sabutay ( – ) Turkey
**Concerto No. 1 (2016)
Ugurlu, Tuluyhan (1965- ) Turkey
+Senfoni Türk (Symphony Turk) for Piano, Traditional Instruments, and Orchestra
Uicab, Pedro ( – ) Mexico
**Concerto (by 2013), I-II
Ullén, Johan (1972- ) Sweden
**Concerto (“The Deadly Sins,” 7 Tangos) for Piano and String Orchestra (2015; orig.
for piano trio, 2006-8)
**Tango Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (2006/8), III
Ullmann, Viktor (1898-[Auschwitz] 1944) Austria
§Concerto, Op. 25 (1939-40)
**Concerto, Op. 25 (1939-40; new orchestration by Constantine Caravassilis for piano,
string orchestra, and percussion, rec. 2022)
Ulrich, Boris (1931-83) Yugoslavia [Croatia]
**Concerto No. 1 (“Retrospective”)
+Concerto No. 2 (1964)
Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (1972)
Ulvo, Therese Birkelund (1982- ) Norway
**Woven Fingerprints (Concerto) for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2015)
Ulyanich, Viktor (1956- ) Russia
+Svietosvony 2 (Cosmic Phantasmagory) for Large Orchestra with Piano (1991)
Um, Ki-Hwan [see Eom]
Umar, Sam
**Concerto (2021)
Ün, Ekrem Zeki (1910-87) Turkey
**Concerto No. 1 (1955)
**Concerto No. 2 (1976)
Underhill, Nicholas (1953- ) USA
§Concerto (1993)
Underhill, Owen (1954- ) Canada
**Hinge for Piano and Chamber Orchestra
Ünlü, Altuğ (1965- ) Turkey/Germany
**Concerto (Hommage à Béla Bartók) (1995)
Unsuk Chin [see Chin]
Un-Yung La [see La, Un-Yung]
Urakabe, Shinji (1970- ) Japan
**Concerto in B-flat (performed as part of the Yamaha Music Foundation’s Junior
Original Concerts, 1981, a showcase for composers no older than age 15)
Urbanec, Bartolomej (1918-83) Slovakia
**Concertino for Violin and Orchestra with Piano
**Concerto (“House of Bells”) (1962)
Urbanner, Erich (1936- ) Austria
+Concerto (1958)
**Concerto 76 (1976)
Urbina, Freddy ( – )
**Concerto (“Patética”) (2017)
**Concerto (“Amor”) (2020)
Urspruch, Anton (1850-1907) Germany
+Concerto in E-flat, Op. 9 (1878)
Usandizaga, José María (1887-1915) Basque/Spain
**Fantasia for Cello and Orchestra with Piano (orig. for cello and piano, 1908)
Usher, Charlie (1987- ) England
**Slow Pan for Piano and Chamber Ensemble (2010)
Usher, Paul (1970- ) England
+Nancarrow Concerto for Pianola and Orchestra (based on sketches for a Pianola
Concerto left unfinished by Nancarrow; 2004-5)
Usmanbaş, Ilhan (1921- ) Turkey
**Solo Piano and 12 Instruments (1990-92)
**Symphony No. 3 for Orchestra With Piano
Usovich, Viktor Alekseyevich (1950- ) Russia
**Concerto No. 3 (“Romantic”) (before 2021)
**Fantasia (by 2008)
Uspensky, Vladislav (1937-2004) Russia
**Music for String Orchestra, Percussion, Voice, Harp, and Piano (1965)
Usta, Özge Gülbey ( – ) Turkey
**Noumenon for Chamber Orchestra with Piano
Ustinova [Korobova], Yekaterina ( – ) Ukraine
**Concerto for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra, excerpts
**Concerto for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra, excerpts
Ustvol’skaya, Galina Ivanovna (1919-2006) Russia
**Composition No. 1 (“Dies Irae”) for 8 Double Basses, Piano, and Wooden Cube
+Composition No. 3 for 4 Flutes, 4 Bassoons, and Piano (1975)
§Concerto for Piano, String Orchestra, and Timpani (1946)
**Octet for Piano, 2 Oboes, 4 Violins, and Timpani (1949-50)
+Poem on Peace (“Song of Praise”) for Piano, Orchestra, and Boy’s Choir (1962)
+Symphony No. 2 (“True and Eternal Bliss”) for Voice, Winds, Percussion, and Piano
*Symphony No. 3 (“Jesus Messiah, Save Us”) for Voice and Small Orchestra with Piano
Utochkin, Igor (1981- ) Russia
**Concerto No. 2, I (2004)
Utz, Christian (1968- ) Germany/Austria
+Interference for Piano and 8 Chinese Instruments (2001)
Uy, Paul (1932- ) Belgium
**Choral pour la Paix for Vocal Soloists, Narrator, Mixed Choir, and Orchestra with
Piano (1993)
Uzenbayeva, Gul’zhan Erkinovna ( – ) Kazakhstan
**Ghasir elesi [Ghost of the Century] for Piano and Chamber Orchestra
**Zharys [Race] for Piano and Violin Ensemble
Uzomah, Michael Chiedozie ( – ) Nigeria
**Igba Ote Wrestling – Battle of the Hands (by 2020)
Uzor, Charles (1961- ) USA
+Ricercare for Piano, Strings, and Large Percussion (1989-91)
Vaage, Knut (1961- ) Norway
+Gardens of Hokkaido (2004)
Vabel, Artur (1987- ) Russia
**Antithesis (2016)
**Ottetto concertante No. 2 for 2 Violins, Viola, Cello, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Winds, and
Piano (2016)
Vacchi, Fabio (1949- ) Italy
**Concerto (1983)
Vacek, Miloš (1928-2012) Czech Republic
**Symphony No. 1 (“May”) (1974)
Vačkář, Dalibor Cyril (1906-84) Czechoslovakia
§Jazz Concerto for Trumpet, Piano, and Percussion with Double Bass (1963-66)
**Pianoforte cantante for Piano, 6 Percussion, and Double Bass (1968)
Vačkář, Tomáš (1945-63) Czechoslovakia
+Concerto recitativo for Flute and String Orchestra with Piano (1962)
Vagner, Genrikh Matusovich (1922-2000) Belorussia
**Concertino for Piano and Russian Folk Instrument Orchestra (1952)
**Concerto No. 1 in a (1964)
Vagner, Natalya (1976- ) Kazakhstan/Australia
**Light Keeper for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2022)
Vaiginis, Kęstutis (1978- ) Lithuania
**Waiting for Saxophone, Piano, Double Bass, Percussion, and Chamber Orchestra
Vainiūnas, Stasys Stasis Lithuania
+Concerto No. 1, Op. 15 (1946)
**Concerto No. 2 in e, Op. 22 (1952)
+Concerto No. 3, Op. 33 (1965)
§Concerto No. 4 for Piano and Chamber Orchestra, Op. 40 (1975)
+Rhapsody for 2 Pianos and Orchestra, Op. 16 (1947)
Vainstein [Vainshtein], Leonid [see Vaynşteyn]
Vajda, Gergely Gregory Hungary/USA
**Csárdás obstiné (2011)
Vaka, Veroníque (1986- ) Canada/Iceland
**Umbra from Orchestra and Piano (2016)
Valbuena, William Ricardo ( – ) USA
**Concerto in e, Andante pietoso
Valdambrini, Francesco (1933-2007) Italy
Dialogues for Piano and Sections of the Orchestra
**Sonanza da camera for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (1997)
Válek, Jiří (1923-2005) Czech Republic
**Concerto eroico (1977)
**Symphony No. 1 (“The Year 1948”) for Trumpet, Piano, and Chamber Orchestra
**Symphony No. 4 (“Dialogues with an Inner Voice”) for Contralto, Baritone, Large
Winds Orchestra, Piano, and Percussion (1967)
**Symphony No. 6 (“Ekpyrosis”) for Flute, String Orchestra, Piano, and Percussion
+Symphony No. 7 (“Frescoes of Pompei”) for Chamber Orchestra, Piano, and
Percussion (1969-70)
**Symphony No. 10 (“Baroque”) Concerto for Violin, Piano, Orchestra
+Symphony No. 11 (“Revolutionary”) for Piano Trio, Wind Quintet, and Orchestra
+Symphony No. 14 (“Triumphal”) [Duoconcerto] for 2 Pianos and String Orchestra
Valen, (Olav) Fartein (1887-1952) Norway
§Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra, Op. 44 (1949-50)
Valencia Rincón, Victoriano (1970- ) Colombia
**Concerto for Piano and Band (2011)
Valent, Joan (1964- ) Spain
**Kaisassa-Pangaea for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2011)
**Quatre estacions a Mallorca [4 Seasons in Mallorca] for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra
(by 2006)
Valentine, Stephen ( – ) USA
**Concerto No. 1 (“Salvation”), Op. 20 (2014), I-II
**Romance in D-flat, Op. 31 (2015)
Valentini, Cesare (1967- ) Italy
**Movimento Circolare for Clarinet, Piano, and Orchestra (2010)
Valenza, Fabio ( – ) Italy
**Concerto in E-flat (In the Style of Mozart) (2005)
**Fantasia concertante for Piano, String Quintet, and Orchestra, Op. 43
Valera, Roberto (1938- ) Cuba
+Suite Caribeña (2004)
Valero-Castells, Andrés (1973- ) Spain
**Brass and Roses (2005; version for piano, brass ensemble, and drums, AV57b, 2021)
Valette, Iossif (1968- ) Greece
**Concerto No. 2 (2008-15)
Valfridsson, Jonas (1980- ) Sweden
**A Fragmented Memory – My Overgrown Little Treehouse for Orchestra with Piano
Valieri, Ivan ( – ) Brazil
**Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra No. 12, Op. 25 (2015)
“Valinax” ( – ) United Kingdom
**Concerto No. 1(“Triumph”) in b-flat (2019), I
Valjean Johns USA
**Arrangements of Classic TV Themes for Piano and String Orchestra— - David Raksin: Ben Casey
- Billy May: Naked City
- Livingston & Evans: Bonanza
- Carl Sigman: Perry Como Show (Dream Along With Me)
- Henry Mancini: Peter Gunn
- Hershey Kay: Bell Telephone Hour (Waltz)
- Jerry Goldsmith: Dr. Kildare
- John Williams: Checkmate
- Stanley Wilson: G. E. Theatre
- Rex Koury: Gunsmoke
- John Williams: Alcoa Premiere
- Jerome Moross: Wagon Train (Wagons Ho!)
Valladares Rosillo, Rolando (1962- ) Ecuador
**Shalshungo for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (by 2015)
Valle Sánchez, Luís Ramón (1964- ) Cuba/Netherlands
**Fantasia about Guantanamera (by 2022)
Vallone, Enrico (1963- ) Italy
**Pegasus . . . Wings of the Heart (Ballade) (orig. for solo piano, Op. 33, No. 3; 2012;
arr. for piano and string orchestra premièred in 2016)
Valls Subirats, José Antonio (1958-83) Spain
**Concerto (1982)
Valtonen, Jonne (1976- ) Finland
**Cities: Skylines (music for the video game, 2015; attributed to various fictitious
Neil Arbitter: Hollywood Walkabout
Cyril Beckett: Concerto in E-flat for Piano and Chamber Orchestra
Lawrence Bernstein: Coney Island Stroll
André Dubois: Calming Erawan
André Dubois: Elation Sonata in a
Florence Dupré: Concerto in G for 2 Flutes and Orchestra with Piano
Nikolaj Hendehlson: Concerto for Horn and Orchestra with Piano
Lang Nihonjin: Allegro in B
Gabriel Petré: Menuett in G for Recorder and Orchestra with Piano
Gabriel Petré: Vivace in E-flat
Cloe Schumann: Improvisations Con Moto
Cloe Schumann: Improvisations in c
Haraldur Stefansdóttir: Pandemonium
Youroba Wolof: Hymns of Utopia Parts 1 & 2
**Kingdom Hearts: Symphonic Fantasy on themes of Yoko Shimomura (2009)
Valverde, Jorge (1983- )
**Concerto No. 1 in C
Van Appledorn, Mary Jeanne (1927-2014) USA
§Concerto brevis (1954/58)
§Terrestrial Music for Violin, Piano, and String Orchestra (1992)
Van Camp, Bram (1980- ) Belgium
**Concerto for Piano and Ensemble (2015)
Vancea, Zeno (Octavian) (1900-90) Romania
**Sinfonietta (1948 or 1967)
Van Dalen, Hugo (1888-1967) Netherlands
**Concerto No. 1
Vandall, Robert (1944-2017) USA
**Concertino in C (1992; 2-piano score orchestrated by Eric Benjamin, 2013)
**Concerto in G (1985; 2-piano score orchestrated by Eric Benjamin, 2013)
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Van Damme, Didier (1929- ) Belgium
§Adagio à l’Europe (1970)
§Concerto de la Reine (1960)
§Rhapsodie d’Alicante (1954)
Vande Ginste, Stephane (1971- ) Belgium
**A Prayer for A for Piano and String Orchestra (premièred 2013)
Vandenbogaerde, Fernand (1946- ) France
•Variance for Piano and String Orchestra (1987)
Van den Hurk, Daan (1987- ) Netherlands
**Concerto No. 1 (2012-14)
van den Steeg, Teun (1956- ) Netherlands
**Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (premièred 2022)
VanderLanderham, Robert N.
**Concerto (2020), IV
Van der Merwe, Schalk (c.1993- ) S. Africa
**Concerto No. 3 (by 2019)
Van der Pals, Leopold (1884-1966) Netherlands
+Concerto, Op. 100 (1935-37)
Van Der Velden, Renier (1910-93) Belgium
**Concertino for Clarinet, Bassoon, Piano, and String Orchestra (1949)
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (1971)
Van de Vate, Nancy Hayes USA/Austria
§Concerto (1968/94/2016)
Van De Water, Ben ( – ) USA
**Miss for Orchestra with Piano (2014)
van Dijk, Louis (1941-2020) Netherlands
Jules de Corte: The Finale Question
+Charisma (by 1980)
**“Musica di Gloria” (arr. of hymns and chorales by Louis van Dijk & Dick Bakker)—
- J. Eundel: Wat de toekomst brenge moge
- J. G. Bastiaanse/H. K. Breidenstein: Als ik hem maar kenne / Beveel gerust uw
wegen - Martin Luther: Een vaste burcht is onze God
- J. S. Bach: Komt laat ons deze dag
- C. C. Scholefield: De dag door uwe gunst ontvangen
- W. H. Monk: Blijf bij mij Heer
- E. Miller: Als ik het won’re kruis aanschouw
- J. S. Bach: Hoe glanst bij Gods kinderen het innerlijk leven
- J. B. Dykes: O, eeuwige Vader sterk in macht
- J. S. Bach: Jezus is ons licht en leven
- S. Baring Gould: Voorwaarts Christen strijder
**“Musica di Gloria” 2 (arr. of hymns and chorales by Louis van Dijk & Dick Bakker)— - J. Klus: In dulce jubilo
- Trad./T. Haweis Grosser Gott, wir loben Dich – Praise to the Holiest
- Handel: A Toi la gloire
- P. F. Silcher: Nimm Herr, mein Hande beide
- J. Schrop: Ermuntre dich, mein schwager Geist
- Gemran Protestant Hymnal (Halle, 1704): O Durchbrecher aller Bande
- C. Gregor: Er wird es tun der fromme, treue Gott
- Trad.: Komt nu met zang
- A. Silesius/H. Smart: Ich will Dich lieben, meine Starke – Glory Be to God the
Father - J. S. Bach: Gedenke doch, mein Geist, zurucke
- M. Pierre: Genevean Psalm tune (Psalm 149)
- J. S. Bach: O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden
Vandor, Ivan (1932-2020) Hungary/Italy
**Fantasie (1992)
van Emmerik, Ivo (1961- ) Netherlands
**Moriana for Piano and Ensemble (2016)
Vangelis real name Evángelos Odysséas Papathanassíou Greece
+Hymne for Piano, Chorus, and Orchestra (1979; expanded version, 1991)
Van Gilse, Jan Pieter Hendrik (1881-1944) Netherlands
+3 Dance Sketches (Concerto) for Piano and Small Orchestra (1925-26)
Vanhal [van Hal, Vanhall, Wanhal], Johann Baptist [Jan Křtitel; Jan Ignatius] (1739-
1813) Germany
**Concerto in A, A1 (publ. 1785), I excerpt
**Concerto in C, C9 (1785?)
+Concerto in C, C4 (publ. 1809)
**Concerto in C (different from the above)
**Concerto in D, D1 [Op. 14] publ. 1788)
+Concerto in C for Violin, Piano, String Orchestra, and Continuo, C2 (1776-77)
Vanhanen, Jarno (1984- ) Finland
**Concerto No. 1 (2017)
**Concerto No. 2 (“Joutsenia sumussa”) (2019)
van Hemel, Oscar (1892-1981) Belgium/Netherlands
**Concerto (1941-42)
Divertimento No. 2 for 12 Winds and Piano (1959)
**Divertimento No. 4 (1974)
Van Hoorick, Geert (1968- ) Belgium
**Concertino, Op. 76 (2020)
**Concerto No. 1 in D (“Romantic”) (1995-2006)
Van Horne, Robert (1948- ) USA
**Great Wall Concerto (2000)
Van Hove, Luc (1957- ) Belgium
+Concerto No. 1, Op. 32 (1995)
+Concerto No. 2, Op. 48 (2010)
Vanier, Lutuig
**Concerto (by 2020)
Van Ingelgem, Maarten (1976- ) Belgium
**Concerto (2005)
Van Manen, Willem (1940- ) Netherlands
+Mikroskoop for Brass, Winds, and Piano (1985-88)
Van Otterloo [see Otterloo]
Van Overmeire, Mark (1968- ) Belgium
+Hsipaw for Orchestra with Piano
Van Parys, Annelies (1975- ) Belgium
**Concerto (premièred 2022)
Van Puymbroeck, Stefan (1970- ) Belgium
•Concerto No. 1 (1996/99)
Van Rooyen, Laurens (1935- ) Netherlands
**Concerto in C (1983)
**“Eline Vere” (film score, 1991)
Van Slyck, Nicholas (1922-83) USA
**Aeons: Symphonic Scenes (1979)
Van Tassel, Charles M. ( – ) USA
van Tol, Tijmen ( – ) Netherlands
**Ichthus for 12 Instruments (by 2013)
Van Veen, Jeroen (1969- ) Netherlands
+Concerto No. 1 (“Continuum”) for Piano and Flute Octet (2015)
Van Vlierberghe, Lucas (1995- ) Belgium
**Infinite for Ensemble with Piano (2019)
**Music for Piano and String Orchestra (2020)
van Wijhe, Wouter
**Satori for 3 Pianos and Orchestra (2021)
Van Wyk, Carl (1942- ) S. Africa/USA
**Concerto No. 1 for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1975)
**Concerto No. 2 (1986)
Vardazaryan, Martin (1938- ) Armenia
**Concerto (by 2013)
Vardianu, Oana ( – ) Romania
**Concerto (by 2020)
Varela, Pablo (1973- ) Uruguay
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra
Varela, Víctor (1955- ) Venezuela/Sweden
**Remains for Piano and String Ensemble (2007-8)
Varga, Judit (1979- ) Hungary
**Concerto No. 1 (1996-97)
**Concerto Imaginario for Pre-recorded Piano Solo and Live Orchestra (2010-11; in
memory of Franz Liszt)
**Concerto Rivolutionario (Forradalmi Concerto) (2009)
**Entitas for 18 Musicians and Tape (2012)
**Quasi una cadenza” (2004-5)
Vargas, Carlos Enrique (1919-98) Costa Rica
+Concerto (1944)
Vargas Candia, Teófilo (1866-1961) Bolivia
**Diusllawan (arr. by William Velarde for ensemble with piano)
Variego, Jorge Elias (1975- ) Argentina
**Concerto (premièred 2006)
Varlamov, Aleksandr Yegerovich (1801-48) Russia
Red Sarafan (arr. by Breuer)
Varriale, Michele (1972- ) Italy
**Concerto No. 1, Op. 17 (by 2007)
Vars [see Wars]
Varvello, Miguel Angel (1943- ) Argentina
**Concerto No. 1 for Bandoneon and Strings, Piano, Harp, Timpani, and Percussion,
Op. 27 (2012)
Vasallo, Nicholas (1979- ) USA
**ATUM: Everything and Nothing (Concerto) for Piano 4-Hands and Wind Octet (2016)
Vasco, João ( – ) Portugal
**Concerto (“2020”), Op. 2 (2020), excerpts
Vasconcellos Corrêa, Sérgio (Oliveira) de (1934- ) Brazil
**Concerto (1981)
Vashakidze, Tamar ( – ) Georgia
**Concerto (2016)
Vasilenko, Sergey Nikiforovich (1872-1956) Russia
**Concerto in f-sharp, Op. 128 (1949)
Vasilev, Milcho Milčo Bulgaria
**Concertino for Piano and Bulgarian Folk Instrument Orchestra
Vasiliauskaitė, Kristina (1956- ) Lithuania
**Pavasario Eskizas Spring Sketch
?Vasilyev, Vladislav
**Concerto No. 1 (“Barbaric”)
Vasks, Pēteris (1946- ) Latvia
**Fruit of Silence (2013; vers. for piano and string orchestra, by 2019)
§Message [Vēstījums], Concerto for String Orchestra, Percussion, and 2 Pianos (1982)
Vásquez, Saúl ( – ) Mexico
**Concerto in f-sharp (2015), I
Vásquez Cano, José Francisco (1896-1961) Mexico
+Concerto No. 3 (1935-36/56)
Vassallo, Michael D. ( – )
**Concerto (1960), II-III
Vassar, Robert Miles (1932-2005) USA
§Concerto No. 1 (“The Caduceus”) for Synthesized Piano and Orchestra (1993-95)
§Divertimento in F for Opposing Ensembles (piano, violins, celli, clarinet, English horn
vs. piano, violas, basses, oboe, and bassoon; 1993-95)
Vaubourgoin, Jean Joseph Marc (1907-83) France
**Concerto (perf. 1952)
Vauclain, [André] Constant (1908-2003) USA
Narrative (1958)
**Phoenix for Piano, Strings, and Percussion (1975)
Vaudrawn, Berto
**Concerto No. 1 in c-sharp (2022-23)
Vaughan, Jack Merlin ( – ) England
**Drop and Elevation, Rhapsody (by 2014)
Vaughan Williams, Ralph (1872-1958) England
§Concerto in C (I-II: 1926, III: 1931-32/33)
§Concerto in C (I-II: 1926, III: 1931-32/33; arr. 2 Pianos and Orchestra w. Joseph
Cooper, 1946)
§Epithalamion for Baritone, Chorus, Piano, Flute, and String Orchestra (1957)
+Fantasia in a (1896-1902/1904; ed. by Graham Parlett)
+Fantasia (quasi variazione) on the Old 104th Psalm Tune for Piano, Chorus, and
Orchestra (1949)
+Romance in D-flat for Harmonica, String Orchestra, and Piano (1951)
Vavilov, Gennady Alekseyevich (1932- ) Karelia [Russia]
**Concerto No. 1, II-III
**Concerto No. 2 (premièred 2020)
Vaynberg [see Weinberg]
Vaynşteyn [Vainstein, Vainshtein], Leonid (1945-94) Azerbaijan
**Symphony No. 4 for String Orchestra and Piano (1976)
Vazquez, Edsel ( – ) Mexico
**Episteme (after Bach’s Prelude No. 2, “Well-tempered Clavier,” Book 1?) (by 2020)
**Histoire d’Amour (by 2020)
Vázquez, Jorge Diego (1978- ) Argentina
**El Ajedrez de Vidrio for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (2007)
**Horizonte de sucesos for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2003)
Vázquez, Marta ( – ) Spain
**Faragulleando for 10 Players (2012)
Vázquez Arias, Fernando (1957- ) Spain
+Concerto (2005)
Vázquez del Fresno, Luiz (1948- ) Spain
**Concerto, Op. 48 (1994)
Vázquez Rodríguez, Octavio (1972- ) Spain/USA
**Concerto (2007)
Vdovin, Vitaly (1959- ) Russia
**Scarlet Sails (Fantasy)
Vea, Ketil (1932-2015) Norway
§Concerto No. 1 (1972/2005)
§Concerto No. 2 (1981)
§Concerto No. 3 for Piano, Chorus, and Orchestra (1984)
Vécsey, Jenő (1909-66) Hungary
+Concertino (1953)
Vecumnieks, Andris (1964- ) Latvia
+Concertino Art-i-Shock (“Liepāja Concerto No. 5”) (2013)
**Concerto for Saxophone, Piano, and Orchestra (2002)
**Musical Paraphrase on “Daudz Happy!”
Vedro, Adolf Johannes (1890-1944) Estonia
**Concerto in G (1939)
Veerhoff, Carlos Heinrich (1926-2011) Argentina/Germany
**Concerto No. 1, Op. 44 (1978-79)
**Concerto No. 3, Op. 72 (2005)
Vega, Diego (1968- ) Colombia/USA
**Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2004), II and III (excerpt)
**Movement for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2002)
Vega Grisales, Daniel (1987- ) Colombia
**Fiesta en San Pelayo (2021)
**Océano mágico (Concierto didáctico) for Student Pianists and Orchestra (by 2022)
**Purrete (Argentine Boy), Tango (2020)
Vega Santana, Laura (1978- ) Canary Islands
**Caelum in Terra for Piano and String Ensemble (2022)
**In Paradisum (Concerto) (2009)
**Nubes que navegan hacia lo desconocido… for Piano and String Ensemble (2011; arr.
of the second mvt. of “In Paradisum”)
Vejar, Óscar ( – ) Mexico
**Concerto No. 1 (“Polytonal”) (2015)
Vejvoda, Jaromír (1902-88) Czechoslovakia
+Beer Barrel Polka (1929)
Vejvoda, Josef (1945- ) Czech Republic
**Three Little Loves (2008)
Vejvodová, Hanna (1963-1994) Czech Republic
**Concerto (1992-93)
Velasco, Luis ( – ) Chile
**Concerto in a (2020)
Velázquez, Consuelo (1916-2005) Mexico
**Bésame mucho (1940; arr. by Ioan Dobrinescu for piano and string orchestra
Velázquez Valle, Leonardo (1935-2004) Mexico
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (1983), II
Velden, Renier van der [see Van Der Velden]
Veldhuis, Jacob ter (1951- ) Netherlands
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 63 (1993)
+Concerto No. 2 (“Sky Falling”) (2009-10)
Velehorschi, Alexandru (1918-97) Romania
**Concerto in E-flat (1950/60)
Veljanović-Ranković, Jasna (1980- ) Germany
**Concerto (2003)
Vella, Joseph (1942-2018) Malta
§Concerto, Op. 41 (1984)
**Concerto grosso for Harp, Harpsichord, Piano, and Orchestra, Op. 143 (2014)
Velte, Eugen Werner (1923-84) Germany
**Vision I for Violin, Piano, Strings, and Winds (1975)
Velter, Fabien
**Concerto No. 1 for Piano and String Orchestra (2014), II. Andante
Venezuelan Composers
+Works for Piano and Orchestra—
Manuel Azpurúa: María
Carlos Acevedo: El Guitarrero
Rafael María Borges: El Porteño
Rafael María Borges: La Bartolada
Rogerio Caraballo: El Ruiseñor
Evencio Castellanos: Mañanita Caraqueña
Rafael M. Saumell: El Venezolano
Ventura, Franz (1991- ) Brazil
**Concerto (2023)
Vera, Ginés Martinez ( – ) Spain
**Concerto (2016)
Vera-Rivera, Santiago (1950- ) Chile
§Apocalíptika II for Piano and Strings
Verbesselt, August (1919-2012) Belgium
**Concerto (1986)
Verbey, Theo (1959-2019) Netherlands
+Concerto (2006)
Verbraeken, Carl (1950- ) Belgium
**Concerto (1980s)
Verdeaux, Cyrille (1949- ) France
+Inner Peace Concerto
Verdi, Giuseppe (1813-1901) Italy
**Overture to “La Forza del destino” (1861; arr. for piano and orchestra)
**Overture to “Nabucco” (1841; arr. for piano and orchestra)
+Rigoletto (opera, 1851), La donna e mobile (arr. Richard Abel & Guy St-Onge)
§Variations on a Romance from Morlacchi’s opera “Tebaldo e Isolina” (1837;
orchestral part reconstructed by Fortunato Ortombina)
Verduin, Janco (1972- ) Netherlands
**MASS (2021)
Veress, Sándor (1907-92) Hungary/Switzerland
§Concerto for Piano, String Orchestra, and Percussion (1952)
§Hommage à Paul Klee, Fantasies for 2 Pianos and String Orchestra (1951)
Veretti, Antonio (1900-78) Italy/USA
**Concerto (1948-49)
**Concertino (“Une journée sereine”) for Flute, Piano, and String Orchestra (1957)
Verhaeghen, Marc (1943- ) Belgium
**Concerto (1992)
Vermeiren, Jef (1904-99) Belgium
**Concertino for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1955)
**Concerto (1957)
Vermeirsch, Felix (1999- ) Belgium
**3 Visions for 7 Players (2012)
**Witches Sabbath for 7 Players (2011)
Vermote, Petra (1968- )
+Amanecia for Piano and 9 Instruments
+Drakemie for 2 Pianos and 7 Instruments
Vermue, Cedric Kristian ( – ) Netherlands
**The World is Fading, Epic Orchestral Finale with Piano and Strings (2012)
Vernusky, Michael (1978- ) USA
+Drawn Inward for String Orchestra, Harp, and Piano (by 2006)
Veroes de Mèscoli, Blanca Estrella (1910-86) Venezuela
**Temporalidad for Double Quintet, Piano, and Percussion (1976)
Verotta, Davide (1958- ) Italy/USA
**Divertimento for Piano, Violin, and Orchestra (2016)
Verrall, John (1908-2001) USA
**Concerto (1959)
Verrees, Emiel-Constant (1892-1968) Belgium
**Kempische Ballade
**Rhapsody for Trumpet, String Orchestra, and Piano
Verrigni, Federico
**Concerto No. 1 in C, V. 25 (by 2018)
Vershinin, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich (1984- ) Russia
**Suite of Fairytale for Piano, Voice, Saxophone, Double Bass, Drums, and String
Orchestra (by 2015), IV & V
Verstege, Sietse (2002- ) Netherlands
**Concerto No. 3 (2019)
Verunelli, Francesca (1979- ) Italy
**Narrow Corner for Orchestra with Piano (2013)
Ves, Christoff (born after 1985) Bulgaria
**Christmas/Hanukkah/Holidays Greetings in E flat for Piano, Clarinet and Orchestra
**Continuation on the 18th Variation on a Theme by Paganini (of Rachmaninoff)
**Rhapsody No. 1 : Cadenza
**Rhapsody No. 2 in c
**Rhapsody No 3 in d for Piano, Organ and Orchestra
**Rhapsody No. 4 in c: Cadenza
**Rhapsody No. 6 in g
**Variations on a Theme from the Choral Fantasy (of Beethoven)
**Variation on “Für Elise” (of Beethoven)
Vestö, Roger (1875-1937) Sweden
**Concertino (in 2 movements)
Vetchá, Soňa (1992- ) Czech Republic
**Sen A Dream
Vial, Jean-Pierre (1946- ) France
+Concerto in d (2005/22)
+Concerto in g (2007-11)
Viale, [Caio (1952- ) Argentina
**Concerto (“Paranaseando con Chaplín”) for Flute, Piano, and String Orchestra
**Concerto (“Tres ofrendas argentinas” [3 Argentine Offerings]) (1999), excerpts
Viana, Marcus (1953- ) Brazil
**Divertimento in d for Flute and String Orchestra, with Piano and Percussion
(premièred 2022)
**Montanhas [Mountains] (“Memory of the Future”) for Violin, Piano, Chorus, and
Orchestra (symphonic cantata, premièred 2022; orchestration by João Viana)
**Olga (orchestral suite from the film, 2004)
**Olga (music from the film, 2004; arr. for piano, clarinet, and orchestra by Marco
Antonio Maia Drumond)
**Um Novo Século for Orchestra with Piano (1999)
Viana de Almeida, Carlos (1906-90) Brazil
**Introdução e Dança brasileira (rec. 1945)
Vianna da Motta, José (1868-1948) Portugal
§Concerto in A (1886-87)
§Fantasia dramática (1893)
Victorova, Olga [see Viktorova]
Victory, Gerard (1921-95) Ireland
**Concerto No. 2 (1972)
Vidal, Lluís (1954- ) Spain
**Concerto for Piano and Big Band (premièred 2022)
**Diàlegs [Dialogues] for Jazz Trio, Big Band, and Orchestra (2015)
Viðar, Jórunn (1918-2017) Iceland
§Concerto (“Slátta”) (1977)
Vidov, Jeff ( – ) USA/Canada
**Concertino in Baroque Style for Classical Guitar, Piano, and String Orchestra (by
Vidovska, Maija ( – ) Latvia/England
**Forgive (by 2023; orchestrated by Darko Ilievski)
Vienne, Bernard de (1957- ) Tunisia/France
**L’étoffe des rêves (Chamber Symphony No. 5) (2017-18)
**Le fil de l’horizon (Concerto) (1999-2000)
Vieira [see Amaral Vieira]
Vieira Brandão, José [see Brandão]
Viera, Julio Martín (1943- ) Argentina
**Bienvenido for Chamber Ensemble with Piano (2001)
Vierne, Louis (1870-1937) France
§Poème, Op. 50 (1925)
Vieru, Anatol (1926-98) Romania
**Concerto (“Kaleidoscope”) (1993)
**Concerto for Orchestra with Piano (1955)
+Jocuri [Jeux], Op. 36 (1963)
Vigoriti, Federico
**Concerto in G for Piano and String Orchestra (2017)
Vigulf, Roger (1964- ) Norway
**White Birds Singing for Clarinet and Chamber Ensemble with Piano (premièred 2005)
Vihmand, Mari (1967- ) Estonia
Parallels for Piano and String Orchestra (2012)
Viklický, Emil (1948- ) Czech Republic
**Concerto in E (2011)
Viktorova, Olga (1960- ) Ukraine
**Comparisons (1998)
**Rhapsody (“In Kitai Gorod”) (premièred 2017; based on a folk song from the Ural
Vila Blasco, Mariona ( – ) Spain
Vilarroig, Pedro (1954- ) Spain
+Concerto (1990)
Vilec, Michal (1902-79) Czech Republic
**Schubertiade, Op. 15 (1951)
Vilensky, Konstantin (1949- ) Ukraine
**Concert-Fantasy on Themes by Gershwin for Jazz Trio and Orchestra (1992)
**Fantasy on Themes of Mozart for Jazz Trio and Chamber Orchestra (by 2021)
**3 Ukrainian Songs (1983)
**Variations on the Ragtimes of Scott Joplin (1998)
**Variations on Themes by Bach for Jazz Trio and Orchestra (by 2014)
**Variations on Themes by Beethoven for Jazz Trio and Orchestra (by 2016)
**Variations on Themes by Chopin for Jazz Trio and String Orchestra (2014)
Vilka, Sergey (1987- )
**Dequantization, Concerto for Viola, Tuba, Piano, and Orchestra, Op. 24 (2014)
Villa, Ricardo (1873-1935) Spain
**Gran fantasía española (orig. for piano and orchestra, 1908; arr. for piano and
concert band by Frank De Vuyst)
Villafranca, Elio (1968- ) Cuba/USA
**Cinque, Suite of the Caribbean for Piano and Jazz Ensemble (2018)
Villa-Lobos, Heitor (1887-1959) Brazil
§Bachianas brasileiras No. 3 (1938)
§Chôros No. 8 for Large Orchestra and 2 Pianos (1925)
§Chôros No. 11 (1928)
§Concerto No. 1 (1945)
§Concerto No. 2 (1948)
§Concerto No. 3 (1952-57)
§Concerto No. 4 (1952)
§Concerto No. 5 (1954)
**Danças características africanas (1914/16; version for chamber octet with piano)
§Mômoprecóce, Fantasy for Piano and Orchestra (1929)
+Ouverture de l’homme tel for Orchestra with Piano (1952)
Villalba, Juan Santiago (1982- ) Argentina
**Grafitti for 8 Instruments (2010)
Villalobos Jiménez, Marc Antonio
**Concerto No. 1 in E-flat (2019), I
Villalpando, Alberto (1940- ) Bolivia
+Concertino for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1968)
**Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2015)
**Triple Concerto for Alto Saxophone, Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (2015)
Villani-Côrtes, Edmundo (1930- ) Brazil
+“Ânfora” for Piano, Vibraphone, and String Orchestra (c.2012)
**Balada para as flores (Largo do Arouche) (from the suite “Postais Paulistanos”
[Postcards from São Paulo], 1995; arr. for piano and orchestra)
+Concerto No. 3 (1997-99)
**Concerto No. 3 (1997-99; rev. by Maria José Carrasqueira)
Villanueva, María Cecilia (1964- ) Argentina
**Birlibirloque for Ensemble with Piano (1988)
**Escenario (1989/2006)
**Partida for Ensemble with Piano (1996)
Villavicencio Grossman, Jorge (1973- ) Peru/Brazil/USA
•Concerto elegiaco [Concerto No. 1] for Piano and String Orchestra (2002/6)
Vilmarsson, Hlynur Aðils (1976- ) Iceland
**Héxíé for Piano, String Orchestra, and Sine Waves (2010-11)
Viñao, Alejandro (Raoul) (1951- ) Argentina
**Cuaderno del Ritmo for Flute, Clarinet, Piano, Percussion, and String Quartet
Vincent, John (1902-77) USA
**Benjamin Franklin Suite for String Orchestra and Glass Harmonica (1963, after the
string quartet attributed to Benjamin Franklin; recorded with piano instead of glass
**Symphony No. 2 for Piano and String Orchestra (1976; originally “Consort” for
Piano and String Quartet/String Orchestra, 1960)
Vincent, Michael (1976- ) Canada
**Throwing a Line for Chamber Orchestra with Piano (2008)
Vincke, Antoine
**Concerto No. 1 (by 2017), I
Vincze, Imre (1926-69) Hungary
**Rapsodia concertante (1966-67)
Vine, Carl (1954- ) Australia
§Concerto No. 1 (1997)
**Concerto No. 2 (2012)
Implacable Gifts (Concerto) for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2018)
Vinetz, Max (1996- ) USA
**Concerto (premièred 2019)
Vinnik, Yekaterina ( – ) Russia
**Concerto (“Belt and Road”) (by 2023)
Vinogradov, Anton Davidovich (1994- ) Switzerland
**Concerto, Op. 11 (2016), I-II
Vinogradova, Anastasia (1994- ) Switzerland
**Toccata e passacaglia for Piano and Chamber Orchestra, Op. 11 (2016; in memory
of Boris Tchaikovsky)
Vinogradova, Galina Arkadyevna (1964- ) Kyrgyzstan
**Concerto for Piano 4-Hands and Orchestra (2010)
Vinson, Robert ( – ) USA
**Concerto No. 1 (c.2007)
[Skudra-]Vintule, Ruta (1944- ) Latvia
**Concertino for Piano and String Orchestra (1969)
Violić, Ivan ( – ) Croatia
**Noctis for Piano and Chamber Ensemble (2017)
Viotti, Giovanni Battista (1755-1824) Italy [see also Montgeroult]
§Concerto in g, G. 91 (an arr. by Steibelt [publ. by Naderman, Paris, 1797] of Violin
Concerto No. 19 [1791/1818]; however, according to Florian Grassmayr, an
inscription in the orig. edition [Paris, 1792] states that “This concerto was composed
for the pianoforte and not for the violin….”)
§Concerto in G, G. 98, W1a:7 (an arr. [c.1795-96] by Dussek of Viotti’s Violin Concerto
No. 23 [c.1792-94]; published as No. 7)
§Concerto [No. 3] in A for Piano, Violin obbligato, and Orchestra (in two movements;
arr. c.1788-90 from Viotti’s Violin Concerto No. 9, G. 51 [c.1783-86], I & III)
§Sinfonia concertante No. 1 in F, G. 76 (1787; arr. for violin, piano, and orchestra by
Steibelt, c.1790)
Viozzi, Giulio (1912-84) Italy
**Concerto No. 2 (1968)
Virezoub, Olga (1975- ) Russia/Germany
+Concerto (2000)
Vishnevsky, Ivan (1960- ) Russia
**Forgotten Music for Piano and String Orchestra
Viski, János (1906-61) Hungary
+Concerto (1953)
Visman, Bart (1962- ) Netherlands
**ces concerts, riches de cuivres for Orchestra with Piano (2009)
Visse, Bruno (1992- ) France
**Adagio in g (2010)
Visser, Peter (1939- ) Netherlands
**Concertino da primavera for Piano, Wind Quintet, String Orchestra, and Timpani
(1978), excerpt
Visvikis, Demis (1951- ) Greece/France
**Concerto No. 2 (“Le Jardin étoilé”) (2007/8)
**Concerto for 2 String Orchestras, Piano, Harp, Celeste, and Percussion (2017)
Vitalini, Alberico (1921-2006) Italy
+Fantasia romantica (1949)
Vitier, José María (1954- ) Cuba
**“Fresa y chocolate” [Strawberry & Chocolate] (theme from Tomás Gutiérrez Alea
Juan Carlos Tabío’s film, 1994)
+Habana Concerto (2020-21), Part 3, “Vitral” (Parts 1 [Pórtico] and 2 [Mediopunto]
are for flute & orchestra and violin & orchestra, respectively)
Contradanza Festiva
Danzón Imaginario
Fresa y Chocolate
Fugado y Son Nocturno
Habaneras del Ángel
Oración por Cuba
Preludio de Sofia / Danza de Fin de Siglio
Tema de Carlos I y II
Tema del Mar
Vivaldi, Antonio (1678-1741) Italy [see also Bach, Johann Sebastian, BWV 593, 396, 979,
and 1065; Bogdanov; Rivero; and F. Weigel]
**Concerto in a, Op. 4, No. 4, RV 357 (arr. by Libourel for piano and strings)
**Concerto in g for 2 Cellos and String Orchestra, RV 531 (arr. by Libourel for 2 pianos
and strings)
**Concerto in D for Violin and String Orchestra, RV 217 (arr. by Libourel for piano and
**Concerto in g for Violin and String Orchestra, RV 325 (arr. by Libourel for piano and
**Concerto for Violin and String Orchestra, RV 331 (arr. by Libourel for piano and
**Concerto grosso in a for 2 Violins and String Orchestra, Op. 3, No. 8, RV 522 (arr.
for 2 pianos and strings by Libourel)
**Concertos, Op. 8 (“Four Seasons,” 1723; arr. for piano and orchestra), excerpts (No.
1, I; No. 2, III; No. 3, I; No. 2, II; No. 4, I)
**Concerto in E, Op. 8, No. 1 (“Four Seasons,” Spring, 1723; arr. for piano and string
orchestra), RV 315
**Concerto in g, Op. 8, No. 2 (“Four Seasons,” Summer, 1723; arr. for piano and string
orchestra), RV 315
**Concerto in g, Op. 8, No. 2 (“Four Seasons,” Summer, 1723; arr. by François Weigel
for piano and string orchestra), RV 315, III
**Concerto in g, Op. 8, No. 2 (“Four Seasons,” Summer, 1723; arr. for 3 pianos and
orchestra), RV 315, III
**Concerto in F, Op. 8, No. 3, RV 293 (“Four Seasons,” Autumn, 1723; arr. for piano
and string orchestra)
**Concerto in F, Op. 8, No. 3, RV 293 (“Four Seasons,” Autumn, 1725; arr. for piano
and string orchestra by Victor Simonov, premièred 2014)
**Concerto in f, Op. 8, No. 4 (“Four Seasons,”Winter, 1723; arr. for piano and string
orchestra), RV 297
**Concerto in f, Op. 8, No. 4 (“Four Seasons,”Winter, 1723; arr. for 3 pianos and
orchestra), RV 297, I
**Concerto in F for 3 Violins and Orchestra, RV 551 (arr. by Libourel for 3 pianos and
Vives-Lynch, Daniel ( – )
**Concerto No. 1 (2017)
Vlad, Roman (1919-2013) Romania/Italy
**Concerto Italiano (2009)
**Ricordando le Antiche Melodie di Romeo e Giulietta for Strings and Piano (1955/95)
**Variazioni concertanti su una serie di 12 note dal Don Giovanni di Mozart (1955)
Vlad, Ulpiu (1945- ) Romania
**Resonances on a Red Background
Vladigerov, Pancho (1899-1978) Bulgaria
+Concerto No. 1 in a, Op. 6 (1918-26)
+Concerto No. 2 in c, Op. 22 (1930)
§Concerto No. 3 in b-flat, Op. 31 (1937)
+Concerto No. 4 in G, Op. 48 (1953)
+Concerto No. 5 in D, Op. 58 (1963)
**6 Exotic Preludes for Large Orchestra with Piano, Op. 17 (orig. for piano solo, 1924;
arr. for orchestra, No. 6, 1938, Nos. 1-5, 1955)
Vladimirov, Yury Yakovlevich (1925-78) Russia
**Concerto in g (based on Far Eastern themes) (1970)
Vlahek, Bruno (1986- ) Croatia
**Concerto da camera for Piano and 10 Instruments, Op. 31 (2011)
**Wu Xing [The 5 Elements], Concerto in 5 Minutes for Piano and Ensemble (2016)
Vlahogiannis, Julia (1999- ) Australia
**Ruby’s Ricochet for String Ensemble and Piano (2020)
Vlahopoulos, Sotireos (1926- ) USA
§Dream Wanderer for Piano and String Orchestra (1992)
Vlak, Kees (1938-2014) Netherlands
+West Coast Concerto for Piano and Concert Band (1999)
Vlasov, Aleksandr (1911-86) Russia
**Melody (arr. by G. Saborov)
**To the Fountain of the Bakhchisarai Palace (arr. G. Saborov)
Vleggaar, Giel (1974- ) Netherlands
**Brave Cactus Hits the Road
+Concerto (2008)
Vlig van der Sys, Hans (1917-83) Netherlands
**“Rainbow Concerto” (with Christian Schmitz-Steinberg; publ. 1967)
Vlijmen, Jan van (1935-2004) Netherlands
§Concerto (1991)
**Quaterni II: Sonata a tre for Violin, Horn, Piano, and Orchestra (1982)
§Sonata for Piano and 3 Instrumental Groups (1966)
Vocht, Peter de (1969- ) New Zealand
**Concerto No. 1 (by 2012), Op. 5
**Concerto No. 2 (2017), Op. 21, I-II
Vodák, Josef (1927-2018) Czech Republic
**Concerto No. 3
Vodenitcharov, Yassen (1964- ) Bulgaria
**Concerto (1988-89)
+Kinetic Composition (by 2015)
**Sounds and Whisper from the Crystal Forest (Concerto) for Piano and String
Orchestra with Percussion (2014)
Voegelin, Éric (1962- ) France
**Le feu (Concerto) for 2 Pianos and Orchestra (2003)
Vogel, Bradley ( – ) USA
**Expectations for Orchestra with Piano (2016)
Vogel, Ernst (1926-90) Austria
**Concerto (1962)
Vogel, Wladimir (Rudolfovich) (1896-1984) Russia/Switzerland
§Hörformen for Piano and String Orchestra (1972)
Voglar, Črt Sojar [see Sojar Voglar]
Vogler, Georg Joseph Abbé Vogler Germany
+Concerto in C, Op. 8 (1781)
**Concerto in C for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 8 (1781), I
**Concerto in C for Piano and String Orchestra (the first of 6 concertos written “for
amateurs in an indulgent mood”), I
**Sonata [Concerto] (“Der eheliche Zwist” [Matrimonial Quarrel]) for Piano and
String Orchestra (orig. for piano and string quartet, 1782-84?, publ. 1796) §Variations
and Capriccio on “Marborough, s’en-va-t’en guerre” (publ. 1791)
Vogt, Hans (1911-92) Germany
**[Konzertante] Divertimenti for Piano and Small Orchestra (1968/82)
Vogt, Roger
Vojnović, Ivana (1967- ) Serbia
**Concerto for 2 Pianos and String Orchestra (2015)
Volans, Kevin (1949- ) S. Africa/Ireland
§Concerto No. 1 for Piano and Wind Instruments (1995, orig. version)
+Concerto No. 1 for Piano and Wind Instruments (1995; revised in 2012, “extending the
ending slightly, and making the solo part playable for average-sized hands”)
**Concerto No. 2 (“Atlantic Crossing”) (2006)
**Concerto No. 3 (2011)
**Concerto No. 4 for Piano and Chamber Ensemble (2014)
**Concerto No. 4b for Piano, 5 MIDI Pianos, and Orchestra (2022) (first half only)
+Trio Concerto for Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (2005)
§Untitled (In memoriam G. H. V.) (1996)
Volker, Mark (1974- ) USA
+Sisyphus Rising
Volkmann, (Friedrich) Robert (1815-83) Germany
§Konzertstück in C, Op. 42 (publ. 1862)
Volkonsky, André (1933-2008) Switzerland/France
+Carrefour for Piano, Synthesizer, Violin, Oboe, 2 Bassoons, 2 Horns, and Double Bass
§Immobile (1977)
Vollrath, Carl (1931- ) USA
+Concerto No. 1 (“Pastel I”) (2012-15)
+Concerto No. 2 (“Pastel II”) (2012-15)
+Concerto No. 3 (“Pastel III”) (2012-15)
Voloshin, Vladimir (1972- ) Russia
Voloznez, Roman
**Fantasy No. 1
Vongova [see McCarty]
Vonlette, Grégoire de pseudonym of Grigorios Karanikolas Greece
**Concerto (“The Lady of Shalott”), Op. 32 (2018), I-II
Voogt, Jesse
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (by 2016)
Voormolen, Alexander (Nicholas) (1895-1980) Netherlands
**Concerto for 2 Pianos and String Orchestra (1950)
Voorn, Frederic ( – ) Netherlands
**Concerto (2017), Finale: Presto
Vores, Andy (1956- ) Wales
**Music for Bach to Walk to Hear Buxtehude By (2001)
Voříšek, Jan Václav Hugo (1791-1825) Bohemia
§Grand rondeau concertant in D for Violin, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra, Op. 25 (1820;
publ. 1826)
§Introduction et rondeau brilliant in D, Op. 22 (1817; publ. 1826)
**Rondo espagnol in d, Op. 17 (c.1822; publ. 1824)
§Variations di bravura in B-flat, Op. 14 (c.1820; publ. 1823)
Vorlová, Sláva born Miroslava Johnová; a.k.a. Mira Kord Czechoslovakia
**Concerto (“Correlations”) for Bass Clarinet, Piano, and String Orchestra, Op. 75
Vorobyov, Igor Stanislavovich (1965- ) Russia
**The Archipelago, a Small Symphony for 7 Instruments (2012)
**Concerto (2007)
Vorobyova, Margarita (1992- ) Russia
**Concertino for Piano and String Orchestra
Voronov, Valery (1970- ) Russia
**Architekton for 4 Pianists, Reciter, and Orchestra (2013)
Vöröšová, Jana (1980- ) Czech Republic
**Gulliver’s Travels for Orchestra with Piano (2007)
Vorraber, Franz (1962- ) Austria/Germany
**Concerto, Op. 9 (premièred 2012), I-VII
**Concerto, Op. 13, I-V
+Concerto classico for Piano and String Orchestra, Op. 37 (premièred 2015)
Vossebrecker, Roland (1965- ) Germany
Concerto for Violin, Oboe, Clarinet, Cello, Piano, and Orchestra (1998)
Vouri, Harri ( – )
**Les mouvements interrompus for Piano and Ensemble
Voytenko, Alexey (1981- ) Ukraine
**Ability to Stop for Piano and String Orchestra (2011)
**Lento for Piano and String Orchestra (2012)
**Possibility of the Island for Piano and String Orchestra (2011)
**“Tempus fugit…,” Symphony No. 1 (2006-7)
**“Tempus fugit…,” Symphony No. 1 (2006-7/13)
Vrána, Jan (1940- ) Czech Republic
**Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra (1979)
Vranković, Logan (1997- ) USA
**Concerto No. 1 (2017)
Vrhunc, Larisa (1967- ) Slovenia
Concerto for Violin, Piano, and Orchestra (1997)
Vriend, Jan (1938- ) Netherlands/England
**Concerto (“Echo 13.7”) (2006)
**Concerto (2020)
synthesized performance
**Double Concerto for Piccolo, Piano, and Orchestra (2019)
Vries, Klaas de (1944- ) Netherlands
**Concerto for Piano and Orchestra (1998)
+Concerto for Piano and Small Ensemble (1998; arr. for piano, violin, cello, flute, harp,
clarinet, and percussion, 2003) **Eclipse (fantasy on and sequel to Skryabin’s “Vers
la flamme”) for Piano and Ensemble (1992)
**Vorspiel “Bewegingen”
Vriezen, Samuel (1973- ) Netherlands
**Terug! (1999-2003), parts 3,4,5,7
Vrubel, Rita ( – ) Russia
Vuataz, Roger (1898-1988) Switzerland
§Concerto, Op. 112 (1963)
Vukán, George György Hungary
**Concerto No. 1
Concerto No. 2 in f Conversations for 2 Pianos and Orchestra ( III only)
Vulpiani, Daniele (1989- ) Italy
**Acá for Piano and String Orchestra (2020)
Vustin, Aleksandr Kuzmich (1943-2020) Russia
**Credo (2004)
**Memoria 2 [Concerto] for Celesta, Piano, Percussion, and Strings (1978)
Vyshynsky, Vitaly (1983- ) Ukraine
**Elegy for Piano and String Orchestra (orig. for piano and wind quintet, 2008)