André Gagnon – The Very Best Of André Gagnon (Sheet Music Songbook)

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André Gagnon – The Very Best Of André Gagnon (Sheet Music Songbook)

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Who was André Gagnon?

André Gagnon OC OQ (2 August 1936 – 3 December 2020) was a Canadian pianist, composer, conductor, arranger, and actor, known for his fusion of classical and pop styles, including compositions Neiges, Smash, Chevauchée, Surprise, Donna, and Mouvements in the disco and pop fields.

André Gagnon also composed for television, including La Souris Verte, Vivre en ce Pays, Format 60, Format 30,Techno-Flash, and Les Forges de Saint-Maurice as well as for theatre with such productions as La Poudre aux Yeux, Doña Rosita, Terre d’Aube, La Dame de Chez Maxim’s, and Wouf-Wouf.

Some of his most notable songs are “Pour les Amants”, “Turluteries”, and “Mes Quatre Saisons”.

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