Traditional Dona Nobis Pacem (piano solo arr.) Give us peace

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Traditional Dona Nobis Pacem (piano solo arr.) Give us peace sheet music, Noten, partitura, spartiti


Traditional Dona Nobis Pacem (piano solo arr.) Give us peace sheet music, Noten, partitura, spartiti

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Dona nobis Pacem is a song with text in Latin. It is sung as a canon or round. The main feature is that each section begins with a new voice.
The words, translated into Spanish, mean “Grant us peace”, which come from the Agnus Dei, from the Latin Roman Catholic mass. It is the invocation to the Lamb of God, to have mercy and grant peace to the faithful. Tradition says that the Pope Sergius I, 687, incorporated it into the mass, the last phrase being in Latin.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, grant us peace.

The origin of the melody is unknown but it is attributed to Mozart who took it up and made this composition, but the source usually appears as “Traditional” in most musical texts. While it is a beautiful piece, from an academic point of view it is not very well written. This probably means that the anthem has its origins in folk music. It is estimated that it is a Christmas song written between the 6th or 7th century, by an unknown composer of German origin.

Dona Nobis Pacem, traditional canon

ViN-kören, Laholms Manskör, St. Olai Motettkör. Mats Strand med elever från De Geer musikgymnasium och Lunnevads folkhögskola. Henrik Bergion på piano. Leif Ahlberg dirigerar och leder allsången. Inspelad den 7 oktober 2007 i Norrköping. Canon XH A1 och två Röde NT1A.

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