Atomic- The Musical By Philip Foxman And Danny Ginges Piano Vocal Score

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Atomic – The Musical By Philip Foxman And Danny Ginges Piano Vocal Score

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A brilliant scientist flees Nazi Germany for America with an idea for a new weapon that might win the war – or lose it if Germany builds it first. All he needs do is convince the US Government to overlook his enemy alien status. And commit $2 billion to build a hypothetical weapon that may, or may not work. The scientist is Leo Szilard. His is the story of the bomb you only thought you knew.


  • 1. The Atom Bomb Is Here 1960 00:27
  • 2. A Little Fire 00:35
  • 3. The Force That Lights The Stars 00:32
  • 4. A Risk You Take 00:36
  • 5. Headlights 00:30
  • 6. Atom Smasher 00:31
  • 7. Stars and Stripes 00:19
  • 8. Where Is Home? 00:33
  • 9. One Day 00:44
  • 10. Holes in the Donuts 00:26
  • 11. Greater Battle 00:37
  • 12. The Atom Bomb is Here 1945 00:32
  • 13. Only Numbers 00:34
  • 14. What I Tell Myself 00:28

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Atomic the Musical

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