Jazz Ear Training 10 Minor Triads Root Position (Answers to Ex. #10)

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Jazz Ear Training 10 Minor Triads Root Position (Answers to Ex. #10)

Jazz Ear Training – Minor Triads Root Position

sheet music jazz ear training 10 Noten

Dictados Musicales, Gehörbildung, Solfège, Solfejos

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Jazz Ear Training 10 — Minor Triads Root Position

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Research in recent decades—including some great work by our
colleague Dr. Susan Rogers with alumnus Dr. Daniel Levitin—has
shown that perfect pitch is not a gift, but it’s something that many
people have. It’s very possible that every child has the potential for
it, but it’s one of the many neurological connections that are pruned
if they aren’t used as the brain is developing.

So some children retain absolute pitch (long-term memory for specific frequencies),
usually due to early music training, while most in our culture don’t.
we would say ear training is 100 percent learned, whether or not a
child retains so-called “perfect pitch.” And anyone can learn relative
pitch very well. It helps to start young, if you have that opportunity,
but adults can and do learn it extremely well. We’ve watched—and
helped—literally tens of thousands of students go from beginner to
advanced. It just takes practice. It’s important to start at the right
level and move at the right pace.

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