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The Beatles

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The Beatles was a musical group of the 1960s that revolutionized, not only English rock but also the way of making music in general. Their compositions are considered among the most notable of this genre, in which there is great melodic wealth, letters of high poetic and symbolic content and excellent instrumental and vocal harmonizations, in addition to having the first place in discs sales since the phonographic industry (more than 1.1 billion records sold around the world), according to the Guinness book of the records. The quartet was formed in the city of Liverpool, England in 1960 and dissolved in April 1970.

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Its extensive legacy of notable compositions and interpretations (211 pieces) within the scope of pop rock music revolutionized the musical panorama of the time and exerted a unique influence, even covering the social and cultural spheres. From the strictly musical point of view, the influence of The Beatles endures to the present day and some melómanos and understandings of criticism, they consider that it will be very difficult for such a deep transformation to be a medium term in the way of making quality music.

The group was composed of:

· James Paul McCartney, ( Paul McCartney ) (Liverpool, June 18, 1942)
· John Winston Lennon Stanley, ( John Lennon ) (Liverpool, October 9, 1940 – † New York, December 8, 1980).
· George Harrison, ( George Harrison ) (Liverpool, February 25, 1943 – † Los Angeles, November 29, 2001)
· Richard Starkey ( Ringo Starr ) (Liverpool, July 7, 1940)

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Although McCartney and Lennon were the main composers, George Harrison and Ringo Starr also made significant contributions over the years. George Martin produced all his albums except for Let It Be, which was produced by Phil Spector, with which everyone agreed except for Paul.

Sometimes he is called the “fifth beatle” to his manager Brian Epstein (Liverpool, September 19, 1932 – London, August 27, 1967), other times to his producer George Martin who had never been a rock producer, hence the distinctive sound. (London, January 3, 1926), or to the keyboardist and singer Billy Preston (Houston, Texas, September 9, 1946 – Scottsdale, Arizona, June 6, 2006), which accompanied the quartet in some recordings of the movie Let It Be and even Eric Clapton, who got to record in one of his albums as a guest.

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The first background of the group can definitely overcome it to 1957 with The Quarry Men, Skiffle group created by John Lennon. Lennon had formed other groups before, but it was this band the first that began to have some success, even playing in small events. It is in one of these events, held in the courtyard of a church where a friend would introduce Paul McCartney. Immediately a friendly friendship and admiration were created, which would lead Lennon to invite McCartney to enter the group.

By 1958 John decides to get away from the skiffle to venture into rock and roll. This causes the departure of one of the band members and gives Paul the opportunity to recommend a friend of his school to take the position as a guitarist. In this way, and after an “audition” made by John, he would enter the George Harrison group. This is from this year where its oldest recording comes from, since the group, at that time formed by Duff Lowe in the piano, Colin Hanton on the battery, in addition to the Lennon/McCartney/Harrison trio, they would record a homemade demo with the songs “That’ll Be the Day” (original Buddy Holly) and “In Spite of All The Danger” McCartney/Harrison.

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The Liverpool group began to forge their skills and accumulate scenic experience in the city of Hamburg, Germany, where they arrived in August 1960 thanks to the owner of the Jacaranda Club. With the promise to play regularly at the Kaiserkeller club, directed by Bruno Koschmider

The Quarry Men went through a progression of names – “Johnny and the Mouondogs”, “Long John and The Beatles”, “The Silver Beetles” (“The silver beetles”, derived from the suggestion of Larry Parnes of “Long John and The Silver Beetles”) – before being “The Beatles.” There are many theories regarding the origin of the name and its unusual spelling. Lennon is generally accredited, who said that the name was a word game of the combination of “beetles” insects (“Beetles” in the English language), as a reference to the Buddy Holly band, The Crickets (“Los Crickets” in Spanish) and the word “beat” which means impact or fold. Cynthia Lennon suggests that Lennon went out with the name “The Beatles” in “an excellent storm session of ideas of reflection at a table full of beers” in the Renshaw hall bar a local bar. Lennon, which was well known that he gave multiple versions of the same story, joked in an article in 1961 of the magazine Mesey Beat and said “came in a vision – a man appeared in a vision – Cold Empanada and told me – from today you will be ‘Beatles with an A’, and then disappeared. “

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The most significant songs that marked this pre-beatle era are “Ain’t She Sweet”, “Cry for a Shadow”, “Hello, Little Girl” or “Like Dreamers Do”. These last two are original from Lennon and McCartney respectively and let the group’s successful style, although lacking the quality they would acquire over time.

But once again the quintet entered a complete disappointment. They were not playing at the Kaiserkeller, but in a dirty and sad place called the Indra Club. The Beatles had to play many hours, Bruno Koschmider changed provided them little more than a place to live. The time passed and the contract was extended, so they finally played at the Kaiserkeller. But his relationship with Koschmider did not last long, since at the end of the contract they went to a new club called Top Ten. When Bruno learned of the “betrayal” he called the police, which forced George to return to Liverpool because he was not 18 years old or the necessary documentation to act. Once again the group found a stone along the way.

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Everyone returned to Liverpool. But once George turned 18, they returned to Hamburg to act at the Top Ten club. During his second stay in Hamburg, after one of his numerous performances, the group was fiercely attacked by a Teddy Boys gang, which caused Sutcliffe a brain injury, which was, some time later, the cause of his death. The Beatles returned to the 60s to Liverpool, and Stu stayed in Hamburg with Astrid Kirchher, a photographer who had met there and designed the costumes and the hairstyle of the Fab Four, so characteristic of the first years. Stuart planned to devote himself to painting, which interested him more than music. The formation of The Beatles was definitely consolidated with John on rhythmic guitar, Paul in bass, George as leader guitar and Pete Best on drums.

When they returned to their hometown they were so popular that a young man who was in charge of the family business section for the sale of furniture and appliances (NMS) went to see them play. The young man was Brian Epstein, who after several comings and turns took them as a manager.

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The Beatles were rejected by some record companies, such as Decca, which, however, would later hire the Rolling Stones to amend their mistake. It was George Martin, a young producer of a subdivision of EMI, the hitherto unpopular Parlophone who admitted to record a first album, although under the condition of using a professional battery, a place that Pete Best occupied. Due to musical differences and the alleged disinterest in Best with the group, the other Beatles decided to say goodbye to replace it with Ringo Starr (Richard Starkey) who was the drummer of The Hurricans . Ringo gave them help when Best did not feel motivated to collaborate with the band. The result was his first single, Love Me Do , which reached a good position in the sales lists to be a first album, but, of course, did not reach number one of the lists. In that first recording the drummer was not Ringo, who merely touched a tambourine, but the study musician Andy White. Love Me Do appeared on October 5, 1962 and reached number 17 on the lists. It was relaunched in 1982, reaching number four on this occasion. In the United States the single was number one in 1964.

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Between 1960 and 1970 the Beatles took 13 albums for sale in just 7 years, showing their ability to compose material in quantity and quality. Already in 1963, please, please me and shortly thereafter from me to you and She Loves You would again access honor positions in the British lists. His first LP, please Ple Then they continued with With The Beatles .

What had to be done next, according to Epstein, was to invade the American market. With great advertising anticipation and with a new single under the arm, the Archipopular I Want To Hold Your Hand , the Beatles acted at the Olympia Theater in Paris, and then made a tour of the United States, which began on February 7, 1964, only a few months after the murder of President John F. Kennedy.

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Elvis Presley , knowing about the threat that the four Beatles represented for their position in the sales lists, did everything possible to prevent their arrival, without achieving it. They reached number 1 in the United States just before the American tour of 1964, a country historically contrary to British groups, beating audience records in their television performances (in the Ed Sullivan show) and selling millions of records.

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They rolled their first film, Hard Day’s Night, directed by Richard Lester, getting very good reviews and were compared to the very Marx brothers. The movie of the soundtrack of the film to Hard Day’s Night and Beatles for Sale were released in 1964. The latter is a tribute to their American rock and roll idols , such as Chuck Berry .

In 1965 they would shoot another film: Help!, Of the same director, giving rise to the album of the same title, which included the song Yesterday , originally titled by McCartney “Scrambled Eggs”, George Martin, knowing that the other three Beatles had not participated in the song, suggested to Paul to edit it as a soloist, and he refused. Also in 65 they would edit another album in which airs of change in music, Rubber Soul . In this album the music of the Beatles is more complex than all of the above produced by the quartet. Large melodies, deeper content, more and better sound effects and beatles that had a maximum inspiration. Perhaps, these factors allowed them to have more freedom in the creation and experimentation of music and this album was the link between beatlemania and the musical disinhibition that we see in their next stage, perhaps the richest.

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Evolution (1966-1967)

In his next album, Revolver , goes on sale in August 1966, you can see a cyclopean production of production wrapping new, fresh, complex and avant -garde melodies and rhythms. George Martin had become perfect complicit in the concerns of the quartet and married the new landscapes offered by the music of Revolver, landscapes that went from the classicist to the iconoclast, from the simple to the intricate, demonstrating his immense talent to compose all types of music.

In spite of so many successes, the group would have to face various scandals, being the most remarkable that produced following an interview by John Lennon in which he affirmed that “the Beatles were at that time more famous than Jesus Christ” (in reality what Lennon had wanted to say was that “Christianity is so in decay that the beatles are more famous than Jesus”). In multitude of religious countries they would organize burning of discs and the band was vetoed on the radio.

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The Beatles left the tours definitely being the San Francisco concert on August 29, 1966 the last of his career, in which due to the shouts of the fans the band was not heard even among themselves.

At the end of 1966, a Parlophone compilation album called Collection of Beatles’ Oldies is published , which includes ancient Beatles successes, including an unpublished song by Rocker Larry Williams , Bad Boy , from the time of Cavern Club.

On June 1, 1967, they launched their most innovative work, and perhaps, of greater value for musical critics: Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band the birth of psychedelic music influencing numerous bands like Pink Floyd , The Beach Boys or even Dream Theater , the first conceptual and multigenic album in the history of rock, which would mark World British group, which reached number one simultaneously in the British and American lists.

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The memorable cover was made by Peter Blake. This lid was in doubt of the EMI because of the problems that could bring them since in this collage there were almost one hundred faces of celebrities, including Marilyn Monroe , Bob Dylan and four figures in wax of the band at the time of Beatlemania. The company sought not to have judicial conflicts; The image of Mahatma Ghandi and the image of Jesus Christ was eliminated so as not to generate conflicts in both India and in the Christian community, already hurt by Lennon’s statements in 1966. The Beatles would be the representatives of Great Britain in the first satellite broadcast on television for everyone, interpreting All you need is love on June 25, 1967.

On August 27, 1967, his manager Brian Epstein dies of an accidental overdose of stimulants and barbiturates (although the suicide hypothesis has also been contemplated); After this death, the Beatles will never raise their heads on the economic level embarking on projects that will fail and will be another reason to take into account in the dissolution of the band. Also in 1967, under an idea by Paul McCartney, they produced the television movie Magical Mystery Tour, with the subsequent edition of the record work of the same name.

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The separation of the band (1968-1970)

In 1968 they publish the album and the movie Yellow Submarine . John Lennon begins to intimidate for this time with the Japanese conceptual artist Yoko Ono , whom he met two years ago, while he exposed his work in the Indica Gallery of London. Many fanatics of the English band attribute the fissures that ended up breaking the unity of the group.

That same year they go to a spiritual retreat in India in charge of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, but after a while, there is a rumor that the alleged Guru took advantage of the devout young girls and even maintained relations with one of them, although this was never verified. They become, at the expense of George who felt a fascination with the culture of India.

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With the large number of songs composed in India and his return to London, they published the double LP The Beatles , better known as the “White Album”, in November 1968, this is the most experimental album of the group and demonstrates the talent no longer as a band but individual of each of its members. This period of the group would close with Hey Jude being one of the best -selling singles in history.

But tensions within the group were increasingly notable. All this would be recorded in the following project, the documentary that started calling Get Back to end up being Let It Be. After giving the famous “roof concert” in the building of its Apple record label in downtown London on January 30, 1969, the Beatles were not happy with the album and would not be edited until almost a year later with production, not very well accepted by the quartet, by Phil Spector.

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The Beatles decided to enter the study for the last time to record what was going to be their last album (although it was put on sale before Let It Be, Abbey Road (1969), which would mark a new rock style that would be emulated, in other scales, by groups like Queen or Pink Floyd

Far from joining the group, the album ended up separating it at all, rarely joining the four at the same time in the same study.

After the publication of Let It Be , in 1970, the disagreements within the formation ended the dissolution of the same when, on April 10 of that year, McCartney announces that the group leaves and each member continues their musical career in solo, without fructify film let it be.

However, the Beatles have continued to sell albums, and in 2004 they exceeded 1,000 million albums sold.

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John Lennon: voice, rhythmic guitar, synthesizer, keyboard, harmonic, etc.
Paul McCartney: voice, bass; solo guitar, keyboard, etc.
George Harrison: Voice, Organ, Sitar and guitars.
Ringo Starr: voice, drums and percussion.

World official discography


Please Please Me (1963-03-22)
With The Beatles (1963-11-22)
Meet The Beatles! (1964-02-01)
A Hard Day’s Night (1964-07-10)
Beatles For Sale (1964-12-04)
Help! (1965-08-06)
Rubber Soul (1965-12-03)
Revolver (1966-08-05)
A Collection of Beatles’ Oldies (But Goldies!) (1966-12-10)
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967-06-01)
Magical Mystery Tour (1967-12-08)
The Beatles (The White Album) (1968-11-22)
Yellow Submarine (1969-01-17)
Abbey Road (1969-09-26)
Let It Be (1970-05-08)
The Beatles 1962-1966 (Red Album) (1973-04-02)
The Beatles 1967-1970 (Blue Album) (1973-04-02)
The Beatles Past Masters, Volume 1 (1988-03-07)
The Beatles Past Masters, Volume 2 (1988-03-07)
Live at the BBC (1994-10-21)
Anthology 1(1995)
Anthology 2(1996)
Anthology 3(1996)
Yellow Submarine Songtrack(1999)
The Beatles One(2000)
Let It Be… Naked(2003)
The Capitol Albums 1(2004)
The Capitol Albums 2(2006)


Love Me Do / P.S. I Love You (1962-10-05)
Please Please Me (canción) / Ask Me Why (1963-01-11)
From Me To You / Thank You Girl (1963-04-11)
Do You Want To Know A Secret? / Thank You Girl (1963-08-11)
She Loves You / I’ll Get You (1963-08-23)
I Want to Hold Your Hand / This Boy (1963-11-29)
Can’t Buy Me Love / You Can’t Do That (1964-03-20)
A Hard Day’s Night / Things We Said Today (1964-07-10)
I Feel Fine / She’s A Woman (1964-11-27)
Ticket To Ride / Yes It Is (1965-04-09)
Help! / I’m Down (1965-07-23)
Day Tripper / We Can Work It Out (1965-12-03)
Paperback Writer / Rain (1966-06-10)
Yellow Submarine / Eleanor Rigby (1966-08-05)
Penny Lane / Strawberry Fields Forever (1967-02-17)
All You Need Is Love / Baby You’re A Rich Man (1967-07-07)
Hello Goodbye / I Am The Walrus (1967-11-24)
Lady Madonna / The Inner Light (1968-03-15)
Hey Jude / Revolution (1968-08-30)
Get Back / Don’t Let Me Down (1969-04-11)
The Ballad Of John And Yoko / Old Brown Shoe (1969-05-30)
Something / Come Together (1969-10-31)
I Call your Name /Matchbox (1969-10-31)
Let it be / You Know My Name (Look Up The Number) (1970-03-07)
The Long and winding road / For you blue (Solo EE.UU.)

Compilations and remastering

A Collection of Beatles’ Oldies (But Goldies!) (1966)
(19/04/1973) The Beatles /
(19/04/1973) The Beatles /
(08/03/1988) Past Masters Vol. 1
(08/03/1988) Past Masters Vol. 2
(30/11/1994) Live At The BBC
(21/11/1995) Anthology 1
(18/03/1996) Anthology 2
(28/10/1996) Anthology 3
(13/09/1999) Yellow Submarine Songtrack
(13/11/2000) One
(17/11/2003) Let It Be… Naked
(15/11/2004) The Capitol Albums Vol. 1
(11/04/2006) The Capitol Albums Vol. 2
(21/11/2006) Love

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Unauthorized discs

In addition to their official discography, from very soon they began to circulate albums with material from The Beatles that was never released in original vinyl, known by many as bootlegs (discs with unofficial material in English); First they began to circulate on vinyl records and, since the end of the 1980s, in digital format. There are literally thousands of discs with unpublished material from the Liverpool group that contain from concerts to study sessions, through homemade demos.

The first one already appeared in 1969 and was titled Kum Back: the album included one of the mixtures made by producer Glyn Johns for the future launch of The Beatles, entitled then still as Get Back and that when reminding and published in 1970 he would receive the definitive title of Let It Be. Throughout two decades, the material that came to light was relatively little, often of bad quality, with errors in the identifications of the songs and, on more than one occasion, with flagrant errors of attribution. The Ultra Rare Trax collection, vols. 1-8, published first in vinyl in 1987 and not long after in digital format, marked a milestone in the history of the Beatles bootlegs by including exceptional quality study material.

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From then on, what has been considered the golden age of the unofficial discs of The Beatles began, with regular launches of enormous quality that brought to light hundreds of hours of unpublished recordings, and that lasted until shortly after the year 2000. It seems that most of the material that circulated in the hands of private collectors has come to light in these alternative discs and the last releases have very little novel material Cases, unimportant. However, it is known that there is still unpublished material that has been acquired by particular auction buyers and that it is possible that I see the light someday.

Among the numerous pirate records that over the years have been taking out discs with unpublished material, two: Yellow Dog and Vigotone (both dismantled partly or totally by the police in recent years). The quality of some of these launches, both in relation to the sound content and the presentation (superior in some cases to the official discs) contributed to the EMI and Apple Records deciding to launch in the decade of the 90 new products with unpublished material after decades of frustrated plans, such as the double album with songs recorded by the Liverpool group in the studies of the BBC or the six discs that make up the Trilogy of Anthology.

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Here are some of these albums:

Kum Back
Day by Day
Rarities Vol. 1, 2, 3
The Complete BBC Sessions
Get Back Sessions
Anthology More
Anthology Plus
Ultra rare trax, flights. 1-8
Unsurpassed Masters
The Alternate Revolver
The Lost Pepperland Reel
Nothing Is Real
Off White
What A Shame, Mary Jane Had A Pain At The Party
The 1968 Demos
Jamming With Heather
Studio 2 at Abbey Road sessions 1
studio 2 at Abbey Road sessions 2
’69 Rehearsals Vol.1-3
Rubber Soul Sessions (Bootleg)
White Sessions

Tribute Bands

Abbey Road: Clonic Group of Spain (Barcelona).
All Together Band: Spanish Tribute Group.
Beatlemania: Chilean Tribute Group.
Danger Four: Uruguayan Tribute Group.
The beetles: Spanish Tribute Group.
The Beats: Argentine Tribute Group.
The Needles: Argentine Tribute Group
Glass Onions: Beatles Covers Argentina.
The Fab Four: tax group of southern California.
The Rubber Band: Venezuelan Tribute Group.
The Rutles: Clonic Group
Help: Mexican Tribute Group with a topic in honor.
The Punkles: Punk versions
Beatalica: North American Group that mixes the music of The Beatles and the lyrics of Metallica (or vice versa)
Blackbird: Argentine Tribute Group.
The Beladies: First full -female tribute group (Argentine)
The beasts: Awarded Argentine Tribute Group
Wind: Argentine Tribute Group
The Durabeat: Argentine Tribute Group
The Shouts Beatle Band: Argentine Tribute Group. Awarded by The Cavern Buenos Aires. Better John Lennon and Ringo Starr.
Mendet: Barcelona group with a theme in honor.
Sexy Sadie: Palmesan Tribute Group (Palma de Mallorca) with a homonymous theme in honor.
The Rockers: Band tribute of the Silver, Argentina.
Yellow Sub Band: Monterrey Tribute Group, Mexico
Rubber soul: Tribute Band of Puebla, Mexico
MORSA: México Tax Band

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The Beatles – Let It Be

Watch the new official music video for The Beatles’ “Let It Be”, filmed on the day after the January 30th rooftop concert and restored now.

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