Renée Fleming – Gustav Mahler Rückert lieder

Renée Fleming – Gustav Mahler Rückert lieder.

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Musikverein Großer Saal, Tuesday, 11. December 2012 Wien Renée Fleming, soprano Maciej Pikulski, Klavier Gustav Mahler five songs to texts by Friedrich Rückert Ich atmet´ einen linden Duft Liebst Du um Schönheit Um Mitternacht Blicke mir nicht in die Lieder! Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen

00:19 Ich atmet´ einen linden Duft 02:45 Liebst Du um Schönheit 05:23 Um Mitternacht 11:12 Blicke mir nicht in die Lieder! 12:40 Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen

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How important is Gustav Mahler in the classical music history?

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The history of classical music is really broad, and the influence it has had on current interpretations is undeniable. The truth is that there are many authors who have contributed to a greater or lesser extent, but there are some who really deserve great recognition for their creations. Among them is Gustav Mahler, a composer and director of Austrian orchestra who was not until after his death when he was really recognized, something that he himself predicted.

Today it is considered one of the greatest composers of symphonies of all time, with a work that would cover from classical music to romanticism and modernism . His music is known for its emotional intensity, its harmonic complexity and, also, its innovative use of popular elements.

In addition, Mahler was also a great orchestra director, directing some as important as the Vienna Philharmonic and the Metropolitan Opera orchestra. His great ability to direct and his passion for music make him one of the greatest musicians of the nineteenth and early twentieth century.

gustav mahler

Therefore, today we will tell you about your history, your life and context, and especially, what is the legacy that you left and that we have the privilege of being able to listen today . A chronicle that deserves to be explained to better understand what is behind and what is the meaning of his works.

Gustav Mahler: His peculiarity in classical music

Gustav Mahler was born in Kaliste, formerly under the administration of the Austrian Empire, although he is currently located in the Czech Republic, in 1860. He came from a family of humble origin, and cataloged within a German and Jewish minority, something that really marked him in his composition, since he lived with a great feeling of lack of belonging.

At an early age he began touching the piano, and developed both this ability that was considered as a prodigy child, giving his first public recital with just ten years.

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Thanks to the economic prosperity that happened in his family, he was able to study and graduate in the Vienna Conservatory with only 18 years. Although few of his creations of that time are preserved, he is saved ‘piano quartet’, one of his first serious attempts of composition. . Like other musicians of the time, Mahler was very influenced by Richard Wagner and his sound.

After his studies, he managed to be director of several orchestras with an increasing importance in various opera theaters in Europe, reaching in 1897 the most important of the moment , the opera of the Vienna court. Despite the hostility by the anti -Semitic press, he obtained great recognition as a director , which led him to subsequently direct the Metropolitan Opera House and the New York Philharmonic Orchestra.

As a composer, he really specialized in the symphonic form and in the lied, lyrical songs that have brief poems. Even so, in his works you can see a great heterogeneity, since it included elements of different backgrounds , something that generated rejection at the time due to its complexity and its difficulty of understanding.

This led to its recognition being quite later, something common also because of the historical and social circumstances of the time. Only at the end of World War II, his music really began to be interpreted more regularly.

His most essential works

Gustav Mahler was admired by the highest exponents of the Second School of Vienna, and, for example, Schönberg fixed some of his works. Their creations are admired for their technique and aesthetics, in addition to the transcendental meaning behind them. We leave you with the most prominent, although we encourage you to continue knowing more about him and delight with his genius.

Das lied von der erde (the song of the earth)

It is a cycle of songs in symphony, a large -scale work for two vocal soloists and orchestras . He was composed of one of the toughest moments for the musician after the death of one of his daughters, and due to his situation, he decided not to put a number, only name.

Symphony No. 2 in Do Menor, “Resurrection”

It was composed between 1888 and 1894, although the world premiere of the first three movements of the work was in 1895 in Berlin , with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra directed by the composer.

Lieder Eines Fahrenden Gesellen (songs by a wandering partner)

It is formally the first cycle of Austrian songs for voice and piano or orchestra . This was inspired due to its break with a well -known soprano, and has great connections with its Symphony No. 1.

Kindertotenlieder (songs to dead children)

It is a cycle of songs that has about twenty minutes and has as lyrics the poems of Friedrich Rückert.

Symphony No. 3: A song to nature

Symphony Nº3 in re minor is a coral symphony of more than an hour and a half duration. It premiered in 1902 in Germany by the composer, although it was written in a period of about four years. This based music on a program as a “guide” for the musical content and its main intention was to focus on the nature and stages of creation.

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